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最新广告词 篇1





  3、不走寻常路——美特斯 · 邦威广告词


  4、看成败,人生豪迈,不过是从头再来。—— CCTV 公益












  10、 M&M 巧克力:不溶在手,只溶在口


最新广告词 篇2
























最新广告词 篇3

  Meiluo Home Textiles - the best quilt of Chinese textile industry. Professional (rational)

  Family home textiles - cotton texture, silk feeling. Comfort (inductive)

  1000 Rong Home Textiles - Technology to create a healthy life. Scientific Health (Rational)

  Ordos Home Textiles - Dream home, love the Harbor, Erdos Home Textiles, warm the world. Warm (emotional) Dream Anne Home Textiles - beautiful dream, at your fingertips. Innocence

  Oriental embroidery - oriental, world.

  Welsh Home Textiles - feel not ordinary, Welsh Home Textiles. Features are not prominent

  Red bean Home Textiles - Let 's call the shots. Romantic (sensual)

  Yi Lai by the Home Textiles - Nordic leisure style, Yi Lai by home textiles.(Emotional sentiment)

  Love is still life, grace!

  Different home, a common choice.

  Moved a new dream, taste a new life.

  Feel the beauty of life, Xin Le and home textiles.

  Feel the softness of Mercury, taste Mercury's art, and revel in Mercury's life.Return to nature, quiet enjoy life.

  Fine home textiles, diffuse advocates.

  Centrifuge the nearest place.

  Fall in love and happy, diffuse dance Xin life.

  Buy home appliances, to En can!

  Man life, Xin realm.

  Dream from Jiangnan, silk from the Taihu Lake.

最新广告词 篇4


  2、过一个属于我们自己的节日! xx牌儿童套装

  3、欢笑伴童年! 梦牌童装




  7、梦蕾娜儿童服装,新一代儿童的追求! x牌童装


  9、让小宝贝在““中幸福成长吧! 童装

  10、人生之路,童装起步! xx牌儿童套装

  11、舒儿纸尿布——宝宝穿的开心,妈妈选满意! 舒儿纸尿布

  12、童装要穿“童的梦”! xx牌童装

  13、向阳童装,天使风采,儿童用品,向阳独佳! xx牌童装





最新广告词 篇5

  Life down, the world is more exciting.

  Poetic home textiles, but happy.

  Comfortable health, wisdom, love home.

  Silk Tai Lake snow, Jiangnan love.

  Free dance, free life.

  Grand textile, magnificent.

  Enjoy life, the natural Xin and music.

  Small home of the warm, everyone's happy.

  Spiritual magician, Xin Le and home textiles.

  Heart belongs to, from "diffuse life."

  Xin Erle, let the world slow down for you.

  Xin life, heart moved.

  Xin with the romantic, fun to enjoy nature.

  Xin has enjoyed, in which music.

  A dream, a life.

  Original life art, rich Anna Art Home Textiles.

  Silk really enjoy, I love my life.

最新广告词 篇6

  1. 无线畅联,无线礼包。

  2. 宏”包纳喜,“碁”情无限。

  3. 买超值电脑,送数码特惠。

  4. 你过新年,我送健康。

  5. 你过新年,我送绿茶。

  6. 好礼迎新年,佳节喜上喜

  7. 鸿运新春,时尚好礼

  8. 猪年新婚喜,好礼送给您

  9. 甜甜美美喜庆多,新春添喜好礼多

  10. 千僖迎新,半价返还。

  11. 缤纷时代 冬日情怀。

  12. 红运礼 红包袋袋两重送。

  13. 贴心礼 迎新如意级数送。

  14. 三星相机中国情,吉祥如意本命年。

  15. LG新年好礼,献给天下有情人。

  16. 千万赢家 畅行天下。

  17. 精致生活、源自金帝。

  18. 福到吉到团圆到。

  19. 情系宝岛、欢庆新春。

  20. 春节健康吃糖,雅客V9帮你忙。

最新广告词 篇7

  1. 香港一家化妆品公司的广告是趁早下‘斑’,请勿‘痘’留。

  2. 一家美国报纸登了这样一则广告招聘女秘书长相像妙龄少女,思考像成年男子,处事像成熟的女士,工作起来像一头驴子!

  3. 眼药水广告滴此眼药水后,将眼睛转动几下,可使眼药水遍布全球。

  4. 墓碑上的广告苏格兰有一块墓碑的碑文是“这里长眠的是亥米西。麦克泰维西。其悲痛的妻子继承了他的兴旺的事业——蔬菜商店,商店在第号高速公路,每日营业到晚点。”

  5. 某家理发店的墙上,贴著这样一则广告“别以为你丢了头发,应看作你赢得了面子。”

  6. 英国乡村理发店在桥头立起一块木牌,上边写著“先生们,我要你们的脑袋。”

  7. 交通安全系好安全带,阁下无法复印。

  8. 旅游请飞往北极度蜜月吧,当地夜长小时。

  9. 西门子公司本公司在世界各地的维修人员都闲得无聊。

  10. 黏合剂它能黏合一切,除了一颗破碎的心。

  11. 轮胎任劳任怨,只要还有一口气。

最新广告词 篇8


最新广告词 篇9














  我们始终坚持质量第一薄利多销的真诚服务宗旨,让消费者买的放心 用的舒心,以最低的价格买到最好的手机。


最新广告词 篇10

  1. 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。

  2. 节省一分零钱,献出一份爱心,温暖世间真情。

  3. 涓滴之水成海洋,颗颗爱心变希望。

  4. 你帮,我帮,大家帮;同一首歌,大家唱。

  5. 尚善若水,厚德载物。

  6. 时代在变,时间在变,不变的是我们的关怀。

  7. 送出一份爱心,收获明媚阳光。

  8. 送人玫瑰,手有余香。

  9. 献出一份爱,世界将更美好。

  10. 用心点燃希望,用爱撒播人间。

  11. 种下一棵树,收获一片绿阴;献出一份爱心,托起一份希望。

  12. 比献出的血更宝贵的是你的真情。

  13. 节省一分零钱,献出一份爱心,温暖世间真情。

  14. 涓滴之水成海洋,颗颗爱心变希望。

  15. 你帮,我帮,大家帮;同一首歌,大家唱。

  16. 你的香烟,我的石油,注定我们不能相爱——吸烟者禁入

  17. 如果你想吸烟,定时在身边!(加油站禁烟)

  18. 献血的你,灵魂如虹;你献的血,生命涌动。

  19. 一时的快乐,永恒的伤痛——请勿吸烟

  20. 用爱心为生命加油!

  21. 用心点燃希望,用爱撒播人间。

  22. 增强卫生意识?养成卫生习惯?提高健康水平

  23. 争创国家卫生城市?倡导健康?科学?文明的生活方式

  24. 争创国家卫生城市?营造健康美好家园

  25. 整洁家园?人人有责

  26. 种下一棵树,收获一片绿阴;献出一份爱心,托起一份希望。

  27. 假如人间没有爱心,世界将是一片荒原

  28. 教育是文明传承的圣火,知识是人类进步的阶梯

  29. 节省一分零钱,献出一份爱心,温暖世间真情。

  30. 精卫填海,共筑明天


  1. 捐助希望工程,为祖国的明天加油

  2. 涓滴之水成海洋,颗颗爱心变希望。

  3. 漫漫人生路,依依"希望"情

  4. 你帮,我帮,大家帮;同一首歌,大家唱。

  5. 您今天的支持,孩子明天的希望

  6. 倾囊相助,只为贫困学童不再哭泣 .

  7. 爱,点亮了一代人的眼睛

  8. 爱心托起明天的太阳

  9. 播种爱心,收获希望

  10. 不要让希望的眼睛流泪

  11. 弟弟妹妹你别哭,我们为你敲响希望的钟声

  12. 请不要在渴望的孩子面前闭上眼睛

  13. 让同一蓝天下的孩子都拥有幸福的童年和美好的明天

  14. 如果您体验过幸福,请捐助特困学童;如果您体验过苦难,请捐助特困学童。

  15. 伸出您的手,改变穷孩子的命运

  16. 伸出友爱手,希望满人间

  17. 世界因有您的爱心而变得更美好

  18. 希望工程是个家,住着所有的爱心

  19. 希望工程--我的生命因你而精彩

  20. 希望工程--用爱心筑就的长城

  21. 希望网校--网络天下知识,广播人间爱心.

  22. 奉献一份爱心,振兴一个民族

  23. 给孩子一双知识的翅膀,给民族一副钢铁的脊梁

  24. 关爱今天的希望,成就明天的栋梁

  25. 关爱他人,幸福自己,美好世界

  26. 孩子的希望在哪里?在您高尚的灵魂里.

最新广告词 篇11



  3、美特斯邦威:不吃寻常的月饼 !

  4、APPLE:科技引导月饼 !

  5、蓝天六必制:牙好,胃口就好,身体畚棒,吃月饼辈快 !


  7、百事:月饼无极限 !

  8、李宁:吃月饼,一切皆有可能 !



  11、拉芳:爱生活爱月饼 !

  12、海尔广告:海尔,吃月饼到永远 !

  13、白加黑:白天吃一个月饼,不瞌睡;晚上再吃一个月饼,睡得香 !




  17、第五季:今年流行吃月饼 !

  18、钙中钙:现在的月饼啊,它含金量高,吃一个顶过去五个,方便!你瞧我,一口气上五楼,不费劲!自从吃了月饼呀,腰不疼,腿不软,包月饼也有劲了 !


  20、汇仁肾宝:你吃我也吃 !

  21、娃哈哈:妈妈,我也要月饼 !

  22、O !V !E:月饼比蛋糕好吃 !

  23、南极人:地球人都吃月饼 !

  24、大宝:月饼?明天咱也吃一回试试去啊 !


  26、汇源肾宝:你吃,我也吃 !


最新广告词 篇12

  1. 国家富强人民安居乐业。

  2. 人民民主增进主人翁意识。

  3. 政治文明党群似鱼水。

  4. 国家文明世界永称雄。

  5. 和谐社会百战百胜。

  6. 和谐国家筑起钢铁长城。

  7. 人民当家作主尽享欢乐。

  8. 平等博爱上善若水。

  9. 公正铸就公仆形象。

  10. 公正赢得万人仰慕。

  11. 依法行事上下和睦。

  12. 有法可依事事如意。

  13. 坚持社会主义法治从严治党。

  14. 爱国要从小事做起。

  15. 爱自己才称得上爱国家。

  16. 敬业是业精的前提。

  17. 认真学习就是敬业。

  18. 诚信铸就人格。

  19. 诚信广交诤友。

  20. 友善一生,愉悦一辈子。

最新广告词 篇13

  First, the company profile

  After many years of development, has established a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, a mature sales network and efficient after-sales service. System, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with a dynamic, a type of sports life equipment. The face of a high degree of homogeneity of the industry competitive situation, Dell's sports industry in line with the trend of life, extreme sports as the carrier, the interpretation of freedom and vitality, challenge beyond the spirit of the brand; to show the trend of the streets, highlighting the young, cool brand personality , Qingli build the trend of China's sports life industry brand.

  Second, comprehensive analysis

  Third, the development of internal:

  (1), the spirit of enterprise

  Del Hui-Footwear Co., Ltd. uphold the "quality of survival, the credibility of development" business ideas, the implementation of brand strategy. Del Hui people soberly aware that only build first-class brand, first-class corporate culture, is the magic weapon of the modern enterprise. The company has always been adhering to the people-oriented, and create a family atmosphere, to build a warm home management philosophy, in the company to create a relaxed, friendly and honest human environment, creating a humanistic concern, mutual trust between employees, between upper and lower barrier-free communication, leading cadres Mutual exchange of views of the harmonious atmosphere, in order to promote the harmonious development of modern enterprise family culture to build a platform. The company has nearly 10,000 square meters of cultural venues, including medical rooms, libraries, table tennis room, basketball courts and other places, to facilitate staff to carry out amateur sports activities, and the purchase of table tennis, color TV sound, VCD and other equipment,Activities of the normal development to provide a guarantee; investment of several hundred thousand yuan on the staff canteen conducted a comprehensive renovation and transformation. Each year with "51", "11"

  And other holidays, organized by the staff basketball, table tennis, poker games, chess games And other activities, greatly enriched the amateur cultural life of workers.The company also pay attention to labor protection, caring for the health of employees and so on. Company employees also reflected in the care of the conscious attention to meet the psychological and spiritual needs of employees. The company regularly selected a number of outstanding awards in recognition of employees, loyal employees, advanced technical staff and other activities, greatly stimulated the staff love the enterprise, love the work of enthusiasm and promote the harmonious development of enterprises, and have been higher authorities as advanced grass-roots level Trade unions, workers advanced enterprises, advanced grass-roots party organizations such as a number of honorary titles.

  After more than 20 years of Del Hui people's efforts, the company in 1999 was "well-known trademarks in Quanzhou City," the title in 20xx was named Fujian famous brand and brand-name products in Fujian in early 20xx, and in 20xx and 20xx for two consecutive years Was awarded as "Double Excellence Enterprise Award" by China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. In 20xx, it was appraised as the "National Exemption Product Quality" by China Quality Inspection and Quarantine Administration. In 20xx, it was awarded "China Famous Trademark" and "China Famous Brand Product "of the honorary title.

  (2), e-commerce In 20xx, the company identified the development of e-commerce channel development strategy. After a period of careful preparation, the company decided to officially landed e-commerce in 20xx.1.8 to Del Hui Taobao official flagship store as a breakthrough, started Dell e-commerce first battle. The market speaks on the Internet.Network is a brand to the rapid development of the guarantee. Del Hui's market correction is from 20xx, gradually from the wholesale market to the retail market, is the brand building needs, but also the brand to mature an important step in the overall layout of the head office, the number of retail outlets is our 20xx Year in the network construction of the rigid targets in various provinces and cities nationwide, in line with the principle of point to point in a very short period of time, 3500 retail outlets to build up, in this process, we almost did not take any detours.

  (3), sales channels

  Integrated sporting goods enterprises, is committed to sports shoes and accessories and research and development, production and marketing, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with fashion sports life equipment, and establish a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, mature sales network and efficient After - sales service system. Sales network, is an important factor in the development of the brand. Del Hui in the next year or two, while ensuring the basic security of the network, it will strive to establish an orderly operation, point and surface layout of the appropriate network system.

  (4) the attitude of stability and progress

  Into 20xx, Del-Hui companies stressed the importance of ensuring the number of retail networks at the same time, vigorously strengthen the quality of the retail network, store image as an important symbol of high-quality retail network. Del Hui in a very short period of time, introduced the image of Del-mei store standards, with this specification, so that dealers have a basis around, Sichuan, Nanchang, Quanzhou, Changchun flagship stores have been established, Del Hui's image has been obvious . With the growing maturity of the brand, Del benefits on the brand image of a more in-depth understanding of the surface of the vigorous, it is better to do some practical things down. In fact, to win the maximum profit, is the most convincing image, unrealistic to establish the image of the store over the standard, and finally make ends meet, difficult to support, hastily withdraw troops, this is a blow to the confidence of dealers, The impact of the brand will be very profound. Therefore, Del Hui company stressed that where to build shops, build a large number of stores, input-output ratio is much ... These problems should have a scientific and objective demonstration process, not hastily launched.

  (5), enterprise competitiveness

  As the special development of Jinjiang, most of the lack of corporate management personnel, the original management tools, management concepts backward, management has become the "bottleneck" of enterprise development. Into the brand competition is an important stage, many companies recognize that the management level will be involved in the competition and win the competition is a crucial factor. Mature enterprises need to have a reasonable core of the spirit. Management is an important condition for the formation of the spirit of enterprise. As a sporting goods company, with the spirit of sporting spirit of the corporate philosophy, corporate culture even more indispensable. For Del Hui, we can learn from the example of their ten years, or even decades of exploratory business practice for us to explore a successful management experience. Quality management, talent management, production management, customer management, financial management, logistics management, information management, etc. must be coordinated development, not neglected. Comprehensive strength is our guarantee for sustainable development.

  Fourth, external factors

  (1) celebrity endorsement

  Delve Chinese famous brand ------ by the superstar "Jay Chou" image endorsement; full three-dimensional advertising investment, advertising including CCTV, local television, entertainment, sports and so on. Del Hui and Jay Chou and other stars through a number of entertainment programs and closely linked to social hot events in the movement elements on the basis of adding fashion, entertainment, leisure and other trend elements, the formation of the most differentiated product positioning, segment competitors, from the same Quality competition come to the fore.

  (2) China National Mountaineering Team official strategic partner (3) reshape the brand and the Olympic business opportunities

  After the Spring Festival in 20xx, the Chinese veteran class sports brand Del Hui LOGO, advertising language, brand English name and so quietly changed. These are just a prelude to Dell's brand promotion strategy. This year, Del Hui will set off a continuous three-year brand to enhance the storm, and all this goal, will point to the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games to bring sports opportunities.

  In the process of brand strategy promotion for Del Hui, we found that shaping a strong brand to promote the development of enterprises to avoid price war and improve the premium, is the inevitable choice of sports shoes enterprises.

  Heavy advertising packaging, light brand overall strategy has been a major weakness of Chinese enterprises. As a veteran of the Chinese sports brand, Del Hui did not indulge in recent years to achieve results, recognizing the current crisis situation. From 20xx onwards, according to the new brand strategy planning, Del Hui from the brand, marketing, human resources, terminal market, graphic design, space design, production management and other seven aspects of integration, and around the brand awareness, image and other eight aspects Promotion.

  One of the most intuitive performance is, Del Hui's advertising content has changed: the original English name for the branding of the alphabet "DEERHUI" into "DEER-WAY", advertising language "my personality" also replaced the "ON THE

  WAY. LOGO English culture, will be the development trend of local brands and trends, the new English name is also more international, fashion sense, trust and sense of quality, is conducive to improving the brand's premium capabilities. Further reflect the brand positioning and core values, is conducive to the continuous improvement of brand image.

  This year, Del Hui plans to add more than 700 stores, will use all the new decoration style. According to industry practice, a brand every two to three years, will store the store to upgrade the style, or even a face-lift. From the beginning of this year, Del Hui plans to use 3 years, the 2,000 stores across the country to gradually replace the new look.

  (4), according to the flavor of the times, in the development of change

  Speaking of why such a huge investment in human and material resources, the implementation of such a huge brand promotion strategy, Del Hui brand spokesman explained that the international sports brand, always according to different times breath, and constantly on the original meaning of the brand new upgrade and interpretation . In fact, with the arrival of the 20xx Beijing Olympics, the entire industry in the past two years in the rapid development of adjustment, the international brand from the raging, the domestic brands are constantly progress and enhance. If you do not grasp this opportunity, with the Olympic sports craze fade, this golden opportunity will be difficult to have. From the wholesale market fade out, is a painful choice, which means that part of the vested interest to give up, wholesale is a double-edged sword, simple process, you can put profits into the bag, and brand value in the process Serious damage, because the laissez-faire of the terminal, wholesale sales of a serious shackles of brand consolidation and expansion. Del Hui company to take the principle of walking on two legs, the use of geographical advantage in wholesale, while efforts to develop stores, shopping malls into the counter, to June 20xx statistics, Dell retail network has covered 85% of the local area. The formation of the retail network for Dell's brand promotion to create the basic conditions.

  V. Summary

  A hard work, a harvest. Del Hui to a placid calm and steady, quietly tapping the potential in the sneakers market, and has made gratifying achievements. Del Hui has access to the best image of Chinese enterprises AAA level, China International Leisure Products and Technology Exhibition Gold Award. 95 years was named hundreds of millions of people's favorite products - footwear Gold Award. 99 years, "China Quality Miles," the quality of fixed-line activities of the unit, in 20xx was named the famous brand in Fujian Province, access to Changsha Sports Expo business, showing two gold medals. In the future development of the new milestone, Del Hui Group will work together to continuously improve the internal management and brand management mechanism. As always, adhere to the brand development of the Road, in order to continuously accelerate and expand the implementation of Dell brand strategy, and strive to open up and innovation.

最新广告词 篇14

  1、 xx月饼,家的味道!

  2、 香甜月饼,丝丝入情!

  3、 xx月饼,好吃的月饼。

  4、 月饼年年有,味道好。

  5、 中秋佳节月儿圆,xx月饼表心愿!

  6、 举头探月思故里,xx月饼共真情!

  7、 年年岁岁中秋月,岁岁年年月饼情。

  8、 月是故乡明,饼表思亲情

  9、 月圆,饼圆,同融入秋,正是团圆心

  10、 月儿圆,月饼圆,家家户户都团圆!

  11、 家好共尝饼中极品,月圆见证品质承诺

  12、 十五团圆合家欢,中秋月饼话神仙! x月饼

  13、 月是故乡明,饼表思亲情! 中秋月饼

  14、 传统风采,回味无穷!中秋月饼

  15、 每逢佳节倍思亲,中秋之月大团圆! x月饼

  16、 月色柔和的凉爽中秋. 中秋月饼

  17、 月是故乡明,x月饼表浓情! x月饼

  18、 月圆中秋,人圆月下.x月饼,送给你最真情的相逢

  19、 月圆天下,品尝美味.x月饼,你中秋的最好选择。

  20、 佳节共赏天上月,中秋一品人间情. x月饼,送给你最真情的中秋 .

  21、 月圆天下,品尝美味.x月饼,你中秋的最好选择.

  22、 一份好心情, 尽在品味中 .x月饼,送给你最真情的人生品味!

  23、 每逢佳节倍思亲,x月饼为您送温情

  24、 送情意,中秋礼上礼。

  25、 天涯共此时 千里共婵娟

  26、 海上生明月 天涯共此时

  27、 中秋合家欢 佳节大献礼

  28、 伴着一轮明月,就可以浪漫一生,x月饼——月亮代表你的心。

  29、 月是故乡明,情是亲人浓,一份好礼传达永远的祝福!

  30、 双节连壁、喜庆回馈——共和国生日烛光里的中秋浓情

最新广告词 篇15

  ★ 靓出你的世界。

  ★ 不为低调,只为高雅。

  ★ 要漂亮衣服,不要漂亮男人。

  ★ 衬托美丽,膨胀魅力!

  ★ 让美女难以自拔!

  ★ 款式千变,内涵不变!

  ★ 醉心于自己的时尚!

  ★ 你能不受诱惑么?

  ★ 我心期待,只因ZAMO

  ★ 因懂我心,方才着魔。

  ★ ZAMO,让女人忘记巴黎。

  ★ ZAMO,我为谁而精彩。

  ★ 因为爱——ZAMO

  ★ 自我的找寻——ZAMO。

  ★ ZAMO让你着魔。

  ★ 爱与梦想的实现——ZAMO。

  ★ 男人爱生活,女人爱ZAMO。

最新广告词 篇16

  1. 均衡营养,健美时尚。——得宝脱脂奶粉

  2. 饮华顺,一帆风顺。——华顺牌金奖马蹄爽

  3. 品质高贵,情真意浓。——青松林果茶

  4. 让您营养更均衡。——华旗果茶

  5. 酸甜苦辣,只有自己知道。——华旗果茶

  6. 好孩子应该有好礼物,麦可达应该属于好孩子。——麦可达乳酸菌饮料

  7. 百果之香,皇家之欢。——西番莲系列果汁饮料

  8. 出自最佳生态环境,带来最强生命活力。——西番莲系列果汁饮料

  9. 品位自然高雅。——国强维邦奶茶

  10. 万口一心。——耐曲尔果茶

  11. 真酒?假酒?不如以茶代酒!——柠檬茶广告

  12. 百家争茗(鸣)。——(茗茶)茶叶公司广告

  13. 饮南宝,全新享受;饮南宝,眼光独到。——南宝饮料广告

  14. “活妖起来,你是在百事时代。”——百事可乐公司

  15. “百事味道胜过其它的清爽。”——百事可乐公司

  16. 百事可乐无可挑剔。满了盎司,可真多。——百事可乐公司

  17. 分钱买两倍的东西,百事可乐是你的饮料。——百事可乐公司

  18. “大家知道,某些东西是好的就不用改变它。”——百事可乐公司

  19. “为了那些思想年轻的人们”。——百事可乐公司

  20. “美好的百事时光”。——百事可乐

最新广告词 篇17

  1. 自成超凡气派,体现脱俗境界。——香港殷宫阁售房广告

  2. 家居生活如度假,海怡半岛是我家。——香港美晖阁售房广告

  3. 宜家宜室,安居乐业。——香港宜安中心售房广告

  4. 诗情画意,无尽南极风情。——澳门海兰花苑售房广告

  5. 你在美国的黑伍德公园定能找到幸福。——新房的广告

  6. 学府林立的书香大道,值得您再搬一次家。——中国台湾良美系列房屋广告

  7. 暗恋桃花园。——昆山宝岛别墅

  8. “玉垒山庄”,祝您福永继。——四川“玉垒山庄”

  9. 梦里寻它千百度,湖光山色见吾家。——杭州梦湖山庄

  10. 清幽如画的人间仙境,显赫富豪的梦想宅第。——湖景山庄

  11. 万年的丰盛,居住的梦土。——北京西郊花园

  12. 豁然开朗,卓尔不凡。——上海万科广场

  13. 碧影天然,桂香满园。——碧桂园高级花园别墅区

  14. 万众瞩目,京华瑰宝。——北京飞达玫瑰园高级别墅

  15. 拥有怡兴楼,一生已足够。——广州怡兴花园

  16. 世外桃源在此求,投资置业在您手。——上海东林花园住宅

  17. 千年梦幻成真。——上海世外桃源花园别墅区

  18. 外销规格,内销价格。——上海明泉苑

  19. 物业升值潜质高,投资自住两相宜。——天津紫金花园

  20. 安居乐业,兴隆花园。——上海兴隆花园别墅

  21. 拥有一座家园,感受一生幸福。——上海万科城市花园

  22. 千金易得,靓地难求。——梦湖山庄

  23. 傲视同群,唯我独尊。——上海怡景花园

最新广告词 篇18

  1. 大唐GX20N----让真实更精彩

  2. MOTOV303----为色%u5F6

  3. 夏新A6-----梦幻魅力,舍我其谁!

  4. 海尔V6000------锐闪一现四倍精彩

  5. 西门子S2588----马上给你颜色看!

  6. 爱立信GH-398------一切尽在掌握

  7. 爱立信T-18-------回头便知我心只有你

  8. 西门子2128------灵感点亮生活

  9. 阿尔卡特OT835------谁在颠覆沟通规矩?感应此刻,品味此刻

  10. 大显D7199--精点世界,极致精彩

  11. 索爱T618---如此醒目,谁不相形失色?

  12. 索爱T628----反正自有风格

  13. 康佳A08----奥斯卡,影像天下

  14. 诺基亚6230---多角色,多出色

  15. 诺基亚7200----[醉]时尚:迷恋是一种时尚态度

  16. 迪比特6588C---捕捉时尚,领导潮流

最新广告词 篇19

  1. 青叶“中国台湾菜系之先锋,餐厅之鼻祖中国台湾青叶(Green Leaf)饭店广告语

  2. 借问珍馐何处有?老饕手指“福满楼“福满楼饭店广告语

  3. 福兴“蒸“照,别有洞天! 福兴饭店广告语

  4. 如果您住在北京商业中心,就不必担心如何消遣休闲.北京长城饭店广告语

  5. 多样的菜色,有母亲亲切的叮咛夜色火锅料理店广告语

  6. 寒风凛冽的夜晚,热腾腾的火锅,是您的最佳拍档! 夜色火锅料理店广告语

  7. 一夕尽欢,明日活力无限! 北京韩国料理店广告语

  8. 美满婚姻“水边“始水边饭店

  9. 意境悠闲,意味不凡北京意大利餐厅

  10. 佳味满堂乐满楼乐满楼(LokMoon)饭店

  11. (seasons)饭店

  12. 昔日帝王宫殿,如今豪华宾馆北京贵宾楼饭店

  13. 昔日帝王宫;今朝贵宾楼北京贵宾楼饭店

  14. 港式火锅,惟我独有! 港式火锅城

  15. 食在仙岛众口可调,乐在仙岛服务周到! 仙岛旋转歌舞餐厅

  16. 大世界快餐,快餐大世界! 大世界快餐店

  17. 您想尝一尝无糖菜汁饼干吗?欢迎您来品一品! 品一品食品总汇

  18. 您没想到的,我们都为您想到了! 品一品食品总汇

  19. 喜来登以丰富的经验展示中国风情面貌中国喜来登饭店集团

  20. 你的第二个家友谊饭店

  21. 绵绵德信意,滴滴见温情! 德庆婚庆服务

  22. 友谊之火永不熄灭友谊饭店

  23. 不要让今天的疲劳留到明天,请注入一剂辛辣良方! 延吉咖哩饭店

  24. 纯正口味,异域情调,美式服务,全新感受,所付甚少,回味悠长! 加州牛肉面店

  25. 在凉快的冷气室吃一碗热腾腾的兰州拉面,是人生一大享受! 兰州拉面店

  26. 元芳火锅,四季享用! 元芳火锅店

最新广告词 篇20

  1. 金猴献礼,家家顺利 玉燕嬉春,九州铺锦 喜鹊闹春,事事吉祥 金猴贺岁,一国呈祥

  2. 金猴献瑞财源广 银树呈祥花果硕

  3. 羊舞丰收岁 金猴方启岁 猴吟锦绣春 绿柳又催春

  4. 上班就像子在爬满猴子的大树上,向上看全是屁股,向下看全是笑脸,左右看全是耳目。猪年到了,祝你使劲向上多爬两根枝丫,看到更多的笑脸和更少的屁股!

  5. 祝你在新的一年里,快乐多如猴毛,聪敏胜过猴脑,进步犹如猴跑,烦恼好比猴子扔玉苞!

  6. 祝你猪年长得猴美猴美的,挣得猴多猴多的,心情猴好猴好的,运气猴顺猴顺的,睡觉猴香猴香的,爱情猴甜猴甜的,总之,一切都猴蜜猴蜜的!

  7. 不许动!举起手来,认识的站左边,不认识的站右边 想笑的站中间。说你呢!快放下手机,双手抱头靠墙站好,仔细给我听着:祝你新年快乐!




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