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学校招聘会自我介绍 篇1

  大家好, 我叫张一凡, 首先我想衷心感谢各位领导冒着大雨从深圳赶到华工, 给我们一次宝贵的面试机会。面试机会对于我们应届毕业生来说, 绝对就像今天的天气, 春雨贵如油; 或者说, 贵如石油!(点评: 在自我介绍之前, 利用当天的天气表示对招聘单位的感激之情, 是非常高明的一个互动环节。)

  我来自辽宁省锦州市, 我的母亲也是一位石油工作者, 她在锦州炼油六厂工作。由于我的父亲多年以前就下岗了, 我家的生活和我的教育全部依赖母亲每个月两千多块钱的收入。所以, 我对石油行业充满了感恩之情, 没有她, 我的大学教育很可能会缺失。(点评: 通过“母亲的工作”把自己和用人单位巧妙地结合起来, 又是一个高明的互动。由此可以看出, 成功的自我介绍绝对不仅仅是介绍“自我”, 而是时时刻刻把“自我”和“对方”结合起来。)

  在华工, 我所学的专业是工商管理, 和刚才做自我介绍的张优和李秀同学相比, 我非常遗憾地说, 自己的学习成绩只是中等水平, 原因主要有两方面, 一是华工的确人才济济, 二是我本人把相当一部分精力投入到了兼职工作中, 因为我确实需要兼职的收入。我累计担任了八名中小学生的数学与英语家教, 参加了二十多次校园促销, 比如雅芳化妆品促销、 卡西欧电子字典促销等等。销售工作锻炼了我的勇气和耐力, 我相信这两种素质将会对我未来的工作很有帮助!(点评: 第二部分, 和其他同学相比, 她的成绩中等甚至是下等是块硬伤, 如果不自己把这块硬伤揭开, 面试官会觉得如鲠在喉。主动暴露自己的弱点, 则表现出一凡的勇敢与诚实, 也巧妙地使面试官把注意力转移到她的兼职经验上, 化弱势为优势!)

  今天我来申请中海石油的“商务代表”一职, 说实话, 除了张经理刚刚介绍过的工作内容之外, 我并不十分清楚具体的工作要求是什么。在此, 我谨浅显地谈谈我个人的理解, 我想, 这个职位需要这样一个人: 第一, 她要了解并热爱石油行业; 第二, 她要形象端正, 表达能力强, 思维严谨; 第三, 作为应届毕业生, 她必须具备良好的学习心态和踏踏实实的工作态度。对于这三点, 我自信自己能够满足, 我希望自己能够有机会进入下一轮面试, 届时再详细地向您阐述。最后, 再次表示我的感谢!(鞠躬)(点评: 大学生对于就业岗位往往一知半解, 如果不懂装懂反而引人反感。实话实说, 为自己又赢一分! 不过大家绝对不要盲目抄袭此答案, 说自己不了解所申请的职位是相当危险的招数, 用不好等于引火烧身。一凡并非真正不了解这个职位, 一来她说自

学校招聘会自我介绍 篇2

  My name is * * *, 27 year old.1997 year in July from my professional plan * * Normal School of Arts Division art expense in graduation. Starting from the 97 year since the state is no longer on the self funded students are assigned, and I missed the "most glorious sun occupation". Fortunately, when the horse mill elementary school teacher shortage, the introduction, I for a year as a temporary substitute teachers in the primary school.

  Recall that time really is both sweet and beautiful, although the substitute for a very low wage, but the students listened to around the side of "teacher" and "teacher" is called a non-stop, at which both trusting eyes, that a childish face, living in all the unhappy have vanished. I thought, if not positive, as long as the school needs, is life as a substitute teacher I have most willing to. Unexpectedly, in 1998 the country began to return the temporary and substitute teacher, received a verbal notice after school, I am unable to part of the mood, quietly left the school.

  Today, I want to pass the exam to the rostrum desire is so urgent! My family has three sisters, two sisters to work, in order to take care of the elderly parents already, I always stay with them. I had opened a shop, the first business handicraft, and business clothing. But regardless of business how well you do, be a glorious people's teacher is always my heart and wish to give life efforts to pursue a career. I have participated in the exam, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I decided, as long as the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.

  Today, I, after the test of life, compared to my competitors, I no longer have the advantage in age, but I have more than them a love for children, patience and responsibility, more mature and confident

  The teacher this occupation is sacred and great, he asked the teachers not only have a wealth of knowledge, but also a noble sentiment. Therefore, in normal reading, I will pay great attention to the comprehensive development of its own, widely develop their own interests and hobbies, and Xueyouzhuanzhang, do good at painting and calligraphy in addition, but also will sing, say, speak. "High school only the teacher, who can Affirmative fan", I also pay attention to cultivating their own moral sentiments while focusing on learning knowledge, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality, no bad habits and behavior. I think this is an education worker should have the most basic literacy.

  If I passed the interview, become a member of many teachers, I will continue to study hard, work hard, for the hometown education to contribute their strength, never live up to the "human soul engineer" the glorious title.

学校招聘会自我介绍 篇3

  My name is * * *, professional accounting computerization. I cheerful self-confidence, is a not easily defeat the girl. The amiable and easy of approach and my classmates, I, and actively participate in school activities held. As a member of the art, I work hard for students to service, actively assist the work of Teachers, to carry out various forms of activities and coordinate the relationship between the students and the collective, so that our class has become a vibrant and dynamic class.

  During the University, I have to improve their overall quality as the goal, to the full development of self - direction, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. In order to meet the needs of social development, I seriously study and professional knowledge, master the basic theory and basic knowledge of computer hardware and software, skilled to master the basic operation. And passed the office automation, computer level, CET three examination. In order to tap their own potential, to participate in the annual summer social practice, so as to gradually improve the learning ability and analytical problem solving skills and coordination of their organization and management skills.

  "Science is insufficient" is dynamic during my college study and work. I systematically study this specialized theoretical knowledge, while the theoretical knowledge into practice, put the knowledge into practical ability, application ability and creative ability. The union of theory and practice. In learning and mastering the professional knowledge and application of skills, but also to broaden their knowledge, cultivate their ability in other areas. The study, I also did not forget to participate in various sports and social activities. In thinking and behavior, I am fine style of work, treat people with sincerity, can better handle interpersonal relations calm, steadyHealth can reasonably arrange the affairs of life in a reasonable way

  As a new era of optimism of youth, I will not lose confidence because of their diploma, but I will be more urgent to enrich my knowledge and enrich. Self perfect future goals. And I believe that we can win!














