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Unit10Review and check

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Unit10Review and check


Unit10Review and check(精选15篇)

Unit10Review and check 篇1

  unit 6    review and check


  本单元是前五个单元的复习单元,着重归纳了这五个单元的词汇及日常交际用语。由于学生已有一些英语基础,教师可以在复习一至五单元的单词及语言点的同时,复现book 3a中出现的有关词汇及习惯用语。教师应激发学生的学习兴趣帮助学生更好地掌握所学知识。

  在前五个单元中,要求学生掌握字母aa-kk。 教学中,教师应采用灵活多样的教学方法,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,避免分化现象在该阶段出现。

  本册教材look and learn板块中的单词部分是复现book  3a的同类单词。复习前,教师可根据学生掌握情况加以区分归类,复习时力求做到要求明确,重点突出,以便学生牢固掌握单词。














  the first period :review  unit 1—unit 3

  teaching contents :

  unit 1, unit 2,unit 3.

  teaching aims :

  enable the ss to understand and say 21 words .

  enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

  raise the ss interest to learn english .

  teaching steps :

  step1  warm up

  sing songs: a b c song ,family song .

  say a rhyme : it’s his key .

  step 2 revision .

  1.things for school:

  复习文具类单词时,教师应充分利用学生桌面上的实物,以自由谈话的形式进行问答:what’s this /that in /on …?

  what’s this /that in english?

  it’s a /an …

  2.things in a room .

  play a game :think and guess .



  e.g s1: what’s this? guess ,please .

  s2:is this a copybook ?

  s1: no, it isn’t .

  s2: is this a storybook ?(this is a storybook ,i think )

  s1: yes ,it is .


  3.family members .

  让学生自由组合成“家庭”,向同学们介绍各位成员:this is my grandfather/grandmother …


  e.g sa : is this your grandfather?

  sb: yes ,he is .this is your uncle ,i think .

  sa: no ,he isn’t .he’s my father .who’s she ?

  sb: she’s my aunt .

  step 3 have a rest .

  play a game :抛“魔盒”

  第一位学生边问is this /that a …抛出手中的“魔盒”,接到盒子的学生根据盒面呈现的物品图象作出肯定或否定地回答,继续边问边抛,以此类推。

  step 4 practice .

  listen to the tape and repeat .(from unit 1 to unit 3)

  read the dialogue aloud .

  look at the picture and try to act .(c look and say)

  practice the dialogue in groups .

  step 5 home work .

  listen to the tape four times ,from unit 1 to unit 3.

  the second period : review unit 4—unit 5

  teaching contents:

  unit 4,unit 5.

  teaching aims :

  enable the ss to understand and say 20 numbers .

  enable the ss to understand and use the communicative sentences .

  raise the ss interest to learn english .

  teaching steps:

  step1 free talk and motivation.

  sing a song: twenty green bottles .

  free talk .

  教师以“excuse me ”展开对话,充分运用unit 1,unit 2,unit 3 ,unit 4, unit 5中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。

  step2 ,revision .


  a. 教师出示手语,学生根据手势快速说出相应的数字。(可以采用开火车的形式进行)

  b. 用扑克牌或数字卡片复习数字类单词。


  e.g  s1:what’s one plus two ?

  s2: it’s three /it’s four.

  s1: that’s right /sorry ,you’re wrong .it’s three .

  2.have a rest .

  play a game :速记电话号码。


  step 3 practice .

  1.look at the picture and try to act .(unit 4 c look and say )



  e.g t: how many keys can you see ?

  ss: i can see five keys .


  3.listen to the tape and repeat .(unit 4,unit 5)

  step 4 ending .

  the third period :unit 6     a  b

  teaching contents:

  unit 6   a  listen and number ,b  listen and answer .

  teaching aims :

  the ss can understand what they have listened .

  the ss can use the words correctly .

  teaching steps:

  step1. warm up

  greetings .

  t: may i come in ?   ss : come in ,please .

  t: good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls .

  ss: …

  say a rhyme :jack has a clock .

  step 2 revision .

  tape knife stapler

  copybook storybook

  crayon  pencil  storybook

  computer  key  radio

  bookcase fridge

  tv clock


  tv  clockk

  教师板书school bag和room ,让学生围绕这两个中心词充分发挥各自的想象力,说出自己知道的与此有关的单词,并分类写下来,鼓励学生主动到黑板上填写。,

  e.g  school       bag               room

  step 3 presentation

  ask and answer



  what’s the time ? 另一个回答:it’s …

  在ask and answer的基础上完成练习a listen and number .

  指导学生练习b listen and answer .

  check .

  step 4 ending .


  computer  key  radio

  bookcase fridge

  tv clock

  school         bag                         room

  tape knife stapler   

  copybook storybook

  crayon  pencil

  the fourth period : unit 6 c look and say

  teaching contents :

  c look and say

  teaching aims:

  enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

  encourage the ss to have gook cooperation  with one another .

  teaching steps:

  step 1 warm up

  sing the songs : family song .

  twenty  green bottles .

  step 2 revision .

  touch your body .


  what’s ten plus four ?    it’s           a  fourteen .

  b  six

  what’s nine minus two ?  it's           a  eight .

  b  twenty

  what’s thirteen minus five ?  it’s        a  eighteen

  b  eight.

  read and match .

  该吃午饭了。                that’s your uncle ,i think .

  现在几点了。                 you can go home , now .

  你可以回家了。               what’s the time now ?

  我猜 ,那一定是你的叔叔。    time to have lunch .

  step 3 presentation

  the t shows the wall picture .(c look and say )

  do you know who they are ?

  group work .

  ss discuss : what are they saying ?

  check .

  picture 1

  su hai : may i come in ,mike ?

  mike :  come in ,please .

  picture 2

  su yang : is she your grandmother ?

  mike : yes ,she is /no ,she isn’t .she’s my …

  picture 3

  mike : this is my grandfather .

  su hai, su yang : nice to meet you …

  try to act .(学生自由选择任意一幅图练习表演,不必拘泥于已学过的对话)。

  step 5  do the workbook .

  listen and respond (鼓励学生用多种不同的应答语)

  listen and check .

  listen and judge .(注意指导学生听准时间)

  listen and draw .

  listen and draw (练习前要充分复习所学的字母)

  step 6 good bye .

Unit10Review and check 篇2

  (the first and second period)

  一 教学内容:


  二 教学目标:




  三 教学重点和难点:




  四 课前准备:




  五 教学过程

  step a:  warm up

  1.师生齐唱歌曲my shirt’s black?

  2.free talk。

  1).say the rhyme:last week

  2).make a free talk.

  step b: revision


  2.教师出示词汇卡片,师生问答复习第五单元词汇和句型:t:what(else) did you do on sunday?

  3.教师出示词汇卡片,师生问答复习第六单元所学词汇和句型:t:when’s …? t: what do people usually do at/on…?t: did you … last … ?



  1).act the dialogue.


  3).practice in pairs.

  step c: look,read and answer







  1).read the sentences.

  2).finish the exercises and read the sentences.

  3).answer the questions.

  4).practice in pairs.

  5).act in front of the blackboard.

  step d:  consolidation

  1.开火车游戏:教师出示图片,提问what holiday is it? a学生快速回答it’s… 如回答正确,则由a学生提问b学生,看哪个组的同学提问得多并正确率高。

  2.猜谜游戏(magic eyes)教师快速闪动一组图片或动画片””

  3.play the games.




  unit 8 review and check (the third and fourth period)

  一 教学内容:


  二 教学目标:




  三 教学重点和难点:



  四 课前准备:




  五 教学过程

  step a: warm up

  1.师生齐唱英文歌曲my shirt’s black?

  2.free talk。

  1).sing the song.

  2).make a free talk.

  step b:  revision



  3.教师出示卡片,师生问答复习所学词汇和句型。t:whose … is it?(复习所有格)

  1).ask and answer the questions.

  2).ask one by one.

  3). answer the questions.


  step c:  look,read and complete





  1).fill in the blanks.

  2).make a free talk and act.

  step d:  look and talk





  1).look at the models how to ask and answer.

  2).ask and answer by themselves.

  step e:  consolidation



  3.play the games and have a competition.

  六 作业设计:

  1.同桌之间做“listen and act”游戏。



  the fifth and sixth period










  2.  录音机和磁带。


  step 1  warm up

  1.齐唱所学的英文歌曲my shirt’s black?

  2.free talk

  step 2: revision



  step 3 practice


  2. 看图说句子接龙比赛。

  3.  听听写节日。 

  step 4 assign homework



  六、板书设计: unit 8  review  andcheck (单词图片)

  the seventh and eighth  period










  1. 所学词汇的图片或投影片。



  step 1  warm up

  1.today is my birthday(rhyme) and sing songs.

  2.free talk

  step 2  revision


  2. 听写五——七单元四会单词


  step 3  presentation and practice (完成补充习题上的练习)


  一、听,判断。 先让学生看图,再听录音,按照听的顺序标号。



  一、看图,填空。 学生逐一看图,将合适的词写在横线上。



  step 4  consolidation


  step 5 assign homework



Unit10Review and check 篇3


  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》6a第四单元第三教时(look, read and write)。









  多媒体, 一本台历,自制的公共图标,图片

  (2)板书准备:预先写好课题unit 4 review and check


  a free talk  (5’)

  what’s the weather like today? 

  what day is it today?

  what’s the date today?

  what season is it now?

  which festival is in this season?

  when is it(the festival)?

  look at the picture. can you guess what festival it is?


  look, what’s on the table?

  yes, it is a book. let’s take a look at the book.

  what is this book about?

  b practice


  如: crossing, exit, no left turn, no swimming, no littering ,speed limit

  no swimming  it means you can’t swim in the pool.

  you shouldn’t swim here. it is dangerous.



  s1: what does this sign mean?

  s2: it means you couldn’t smoke, eat or drink.

  s1: where can you see it?

  s2: i can see it in the library.

  3、老师请学生独立完成第四单元part c 部分的练习。请学生小组对话。(6’)


  c、production (8’)

  t: when’s your birthday?

  s2: it’s on …

  t: what do you like as a birthday present?

  s2: i’d like…

  t: when are your parents’ birthday?

  s2: my father’s birthday is on…and my mother’s is on…

  t: what would your father/mother like as a birthday present?

  s2: he/she would like …    


  d、homework (2’)

  make up a short dialogue by using the structures we’ve leant.

  unit 4 review and check(第三教时) 来自第一范文网。

Unit10Review and check 篇4


  1、  通过复习,要求学生能比较熟练地听、说、读、写已经学过的单词和句型。

  2、  能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。


  1、  通过复习,要求学生能比较熟练地听、说、读、写已经学过的单词和句型。

  2、  能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。





  step 1  review  unit 1 、 unit 2  and  unit 3

  1、  read  the  words

  2、  ask  and  answer

  3、  read  the  sentences

  step 2  part  a  look , read  and  write

  1、  picture  1

  (1) look  at  the  picture  and  understand  the  meaning



  (4)read  the  dialogues

  2、  picture 2 - picture 8

  1、  do  by  oneself

  2、  check  the  answer

  3、  read  together


  step 1  revision

  1、  read  the  words  of  unit 3  and  unit 4

  2、  ask  and  answer

  step 2  part b  look  and  answer

  t: please  look  at  the  pictures

  where  is  the  fish ?

  s: it’s  on \ in \ under \ behind  the  …  

  step 2  part c  look , read  and  complete

  (1) look  at  the  picture  and  understand  the  meaning



  (4)read  the  dialogues

  step 3  part d  look  and  talk

  (1) read  the  sentences

  (2)work  in  pairs

  (3) check

  step 4  assignment

  (1)    recite  the  words

  (2)    recite  the  sentences


  step 1  review  the  words  and  sentences

  step 2  do  the  exercise  book


  do  the  dicatation  (words)


  do  the  dicatation  (sentences)

Unit10Review and check 篇5

  unit  10   review and check      常州市丽华二小  丁勤芝教学内容:牛津小学英语4a第10单元part d look and talk教学目标:1.通过d部分看图说话的练习让学生复习本册所学的词语。2.能熟练地在情景中运用6~9单元的句型和日常交际用语。3.初步了解元音字母i在开音节的单词中发本音,从而有规律地学习单词。4.能看图编对话。教学重点:1.能综合运用所学过的词汇、句型,并能正确地听、说、读、写。2.能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。课前准备:2只书包,一些实物,课件教学过程:一.     free talk1.     t::hi./hello.how are you?s1:fine,thank you .and you?t: i’m fine, too. is this your scarf?s1:yes.t:i like your scarf. it’s pretty.s1:thank you.t: i like red.s1:  me too.(同法再与其他几位学生进行日常交谈.)2.让学生自由交谈1分钟。3.t: look, what’s the time ?(多媒体出示时钟)s: it’s six thirty.t: is it time to get up?(出示起床图片)s: yes.t: what’s the time ?(多媒体出示时钟)s: it’s seven twenty.t: it’s time to…(多媒体出示上学图片)s: go to school.…t: what time do you get up?s: i get up at six.t: what time do you…?s: …t: ask me ,please.s: 用what time do you …?询问老师。s:同桌问答后请一位学生上讲台,让其他学生询问他。二.     let’s chant.1.t: look at the picture, can you do like this?(多媒体出示hungry, cold等图片) s: 模仿图片做动作。t: what’s the matter?s: i am hungry.t: here’s a cake for you.s: thank you.2.s:ask and answer in pairs.(学生自己表演同桌问答)3t:now let’s chant!hello. hello. what’s the matter?s: bored. bored. i am bored.t: doll. doll. it’s for you.s: make the chant. work in pairs.三.     play a game “magic eyes’1.t:what’s in my red bag? a bike, a ruler or a book?s: a bike.(猜对奖星星)t: can you spell “bike”?s: b-i-k-e2.t: what’s in my white bag? a kite, a notebook or a key?s: a kite.t: can you spell “kite”?s: k-i-t-e3.t:do you find the same letter in these two words?s:yes. “i”t: what is “i” pronounced?s:   …t:do you know any other words contain the sound “   ”?s: like, nine,five,nice  …(说对奖励)t: look at these two new words. can you read them?s: wine, pipe.4.t: what’s in my brown handbag? a rubber, a scarf or a pencil case?s: a pencil case.t: whose pencil case is this?s: it’s wangxi’s.t: whose yellow gloves are they?s: they are xiefei’s.s: ask and answer in pairs.四.     look and talk1.     t: let’s review some words.(多媒体归类出示图片,学生说出单词,让学生举出其他一些同类的单词) 2.look at the picture1)给学生10秒钟时间记忆图片. 2)t: what can you see in the picture?  s: i can see a  … t ; what colour is it?s: it’s  …3) make the dialogues.t: yangling, come here. can you see an umbrella in the picture?s: yes . i can.t: what colour is it?s: it’s blue.t: i like blue.s: me too.t: whose umbrella is this?s: it’s liutao’s.t: what’s the time?s: i t’s five.t: oh ,it’s late. let’s go home!s: let’s go.同桌看图编对话并表演。3.look at the picture and make the dialogues.出示一幅综合的图片,让学生编说对话。五.     dictation.a: what’s the        ?are you       ?b: no, i’m            .a: what           do you go to bed?b: i go to bed at             .a: oh, it’s too              ! go to bed at            .六.     homework.1.     听写6~9单元部分单词。2.     完成练习册。   板书设计:unit 10 review and checkpart d   look and talkget up         what can you see in the picture?          bikego to school    i can see  …                        kitego home                                          winewatch tv   .                                      pipe

  unit 10 review and check 来自第一范文网。

Unit10Review and check 篇6

  unit10 review and check  

  教材类型:牛津版    所属学科:英语>>5b(五下)   


  一 教学内容

  《牛津小学英语》5b第十单元 review and check

  二 教学目标

  1.复习从unit 1到unit 9的重要句型以及相关的单词和词组。


  三 教学重点

  1.复习unit 7 的重要句型:

  (1)what time is it ? it’s … it’s time for …

  (2)what time do you get up ? i get up at …

  2. 复习unit 8 的重要句型:

  (1)how do you spend your weekends? i often …

  (2)how does …spend his/her weekends? he/she often …sometimes he/she …

  四 教学难点



  五 课前准备


  2.板书准备:预先写好课题 unit 10 review and check

  六 教学过程

  a  free talk

  t:what day is it today ?

  s:it is wednesday .

  t:what’s the weather like today ?

  s:it’s sunny today .

  t:who has a watch ? please tell us:what’s the time now ?

  s:i have . and it’s half past eight .

  t:yes, and this is the first lesson in the morning. tell me :how many lessons do you have in the morning ? and what are they ?

  s:we have three lessons in the morning .they are english,chinese and maths .

  t:what lesson are we having now ?

  s:we are having an english lesson .

  b  presentation and practice .


  t:do you like english ?

  s:yes, i do.

  t:please make a introduction of yourself :who are you ?

  s:my name is linda. i’m from china. i speak chinese and english .my hobbies are watching tv and listening to music . my favourite subject is english . there are three people in my family :my father, my mother and me .i like my family . at the weekends, we often go shopping. sometimes we watch tv.

  s:i’m maisie…….

  c  read and say


  my name is david . i’m twelve years old . i am a student in a primary school . i often do my homework on friday evening . on saturday morning , i go to see my grandparents . i help them do some housework . in the evening i go home . sometimes i watch tv or surf the internet . i can learn a lot from the internet .

  on sunday morning , i often go to the park with my friends—liu tao , yang ling and helen . liu tao likes playing on the swings . yang ling and helen like playing on the slides . helen and i like taking photos . then we catch insects and put them in bottles . we always have a good time .


  1. how old is david ?

  2. how does david spend his friday evening ?

  3. what does david do on saturday morning ?

  4. how does david spend his sunday morning ?

  5. what does liu tao like ?

  6. what do yang ling and helen like ?

  7. what does david like ?


  t:how old is david ?

  s:he is twelve years old .

  t:how does david spend his friday evening ?

  s:he often does his homework..

  d  read and write


  i’m wang bing . i get up at a quarter to seven in the morning . i have breakfast at seven . i go to school at a quarter past seven . i have lunch at half past eleven . i go home at a quarter to five . in the evening , i have dinner at twenty past six . i do my homework at half past seven . i watch tv at eight o’clock . i go to bed at ten to nine .


  now write about yourself .

  in  the  morning , i  ________________________at ____________________.

  i _____________________________    at ______________________________.

  i ________________________________    at ___________________________.

  in  the  evening , i __________________________ at ___________________.

  i ________________________________    at ___________________________.

  i _________________________________   at __________________________.

  i _________________________________    at __________________________.

  e  assign homework

  1.背诵unit 1和unit 2的词组。


  七 板书设计                           

  unit 10 review and check

  what time is it now ?                       it’s …  it’s time for…

  what time do you get up ?                   i get up at …

  how do you spend your weekends?            i often …

  how does …spend his/her weekends?          he/she often …sometimes he/she

Unit10Review and check 篇7


  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·牛津小学英语》6b第四单元,第三教时(look,read and respond)




  3、复习巩固句型…taller than…,…as…as…及比较级的一般疑问句型。



  2、复习巩固句型…taller than…,…as…as…及比较级的一般疑问句型。



  2、…taller than…. is… taller than…?的熟练运用。



  2、板书准备:unit 4 review and check



  1.say a rhyme< run, rabbit,run!>

  2.play a game:快速接龙。(学生一个接一个快速说出老师给出的形容词和副词的比较级)


  4.free talk


  nameheight(cm)weight(kg)50 metre racehigh jump(m)long jump(m)nancy1504715”1.203.20helen1525016”1.303.20

  who’s taller/older/heavier?

  is helen younger/thinner/shorter than nancy?

  is  helen as strong/fat/light as nancy?(提示:as…as…中间用原级)

  does nancy jump higher/jump farther/run faster/than helen

  b: look,read and respond

  1. 出示第一幅图

  (1) t:who can you see in the picture?

  can you say something about it?

  (2) 教师指导看图。

  (3) work in pairs 完成第一副图。

  (4) 学生朗读对话。

  2. 同法学生完成2、3、4、幅图。

  3. t:work in pairs with your partner then choose a picture to act .

  c、play a game. guess:who is my friend?

  1、 老师给出示范:my friend is a girl.she is as tall as me. her eyes are bigger than mine,but her hair is shorter than me. she is good at pe ,she runs very fast,and she runs faster than the other girls in our class.guess:who is my friend?

  2、 请学生描述自己的朋友,其他学生进行猜测。




Unit10Review and check 篇8

  unit 8 review and check


  1. review unit 1---unit 2.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation

  workbook.   recorder

  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 1

  1.football match  2.at jinling primary school   3.t next to me      4.in the corner

  5.at the goal    6.go over the goal           7.go out of the football field  

  8.in the same team    9.in the football field

  unit 2

  1.public sign   2.a lot of questions     3.different things       4.stay away from

  5.keep off     6.the sign on the bird’s cage  7.make noise        8.keep quiet    

  9.take a walk    10.a ten-yuan note     11.look around        12.a park keeper

  13.come up

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.      look, read and write.p59

  ____you go and watch dragon boat races at the ____ _____ _______?

  no, _____ _____. i ______ill.

  i’m sorry.

  2.  listen and choose.

  3.      listen and tick.

  step 5. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60

  unit 10  revision(复习2)


  1.  review unit 1---unit 4.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 3

  1.take about             2.come soon               3.on the 18th of october

  4.have a birthday party  5.as a birthday present     6.a vcd of japanese cartoons   7.take off              8.blow out

  unit 4

  1.sports day    2.running race      3.take some photos         4.look for

  5.a moment ago       6.just now               7.on the ground            

  8.a video recorder     9.a mobile phone         10.a pair of glasses          

  11.a cd walkman        12.a roll of film

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.      read ,think and write

  2.      look, read and circle.

  3.      read and answer.

  step 5. exercises in book.

  1.      look, match and say.

  2.      look, read and respond.

  last weekend,  at lunchtime,  this morning   a present from mum

  3.      look, read and complete.

  buy—bought     take---took

  step 6. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60

  unit 10  revision(复习3)


  1.  review unit 5---unit 6.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.


  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 6

  1.last week           2.the first day of school    3.after the holiday          

  4.in the school playground                      5.before classes           

  6.with my parents      7.a funny cartoon         8.visit a farm             

  9.with my family      10.on the farm          11.pull up carrots      12.milk cows

  13.collect eggs       14.fruit trees       15go to the farm       16.at the camp

  17a lot of food        18.a lot of games         19.go camping

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

  一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

  现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


  1.      今天早上,我打扫了我的卧室.    i _____my bedroom _____ _____.

  2.      上星期六我们拜访了我们的语文老师张老师.  _____saturday, we _____ our chinese teacher mr zhang.

  3.      高山的舅舅住在南京附近的一个小镇上.  gao shan’s uncle _____ in a small town near nanjing.

  4.      在周末,林涛经常去看望他的外公外婆.  lin tao _____ _____ his grandfather and grandmother _____ _____ _____.

  5.      你们在美食节做什么的?我和同学做了许多食品,我吃了很多东西.  what _____ _____ _____ at the food festival? i _____ many foods _____ my classmates and i ate _____ _____.

  6.      他们制作了许多漂亮的风筝,然后在操场上放飞.  they made many _____ kites and flew _____ on the playground.


  1.i often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

  2.my father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

  3.they often _______________(举办体育节) in september.

  4.liu tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

  5.yang ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near  nanjing.

  6.we _______________(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival.

  7.      billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

  8.      su hai , where is my diary? it was on my bed _______________(刚才)

  step 6. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises


  a:do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

  b:yes,we do . we had o_____ last month.

  a:w_____ was that?

  b:it was a f_____ f_____.

  a:w_____ was it?

  b:it was on the twenty-sixth of october.

  a:what did you do?

  b:i c_____five hamburgers and some c_____food.and i a_____ a lot.

  a:that was i_____.

Unit10Review and check 篇9

  牛津英语6a教案 unit 8 review and check

  石梅小学   袁隆诏



  1. review unit 1---unit 2.

  2. do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation

  workbook.   recorder

  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 1

  1.public sign   2.a lot of questions   3.different things     4.stay away from

  5.keep off   6.the sign on the bird’s cage 7.make noise     8.keep quiet  

  9.take a walk   10.a ten-yuan note   11.look around     12.a park keeper

  13.come up

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.     look, read and write.p59

  ____you go and watch dragon boat races at the ____ _____ _______?

  no, _____ _____. i ______ill.

  i’m sorry.

  2. listen and choose.

  3.     listen and tick.

  step 5. homework

  1.     recite the phrases.

  2.     do exercises in workbook.

  unit 8 revision(第二课时)


  1. review unit 1---unit 3.

  2. do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation(workbook.)

  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 2

  1.take about         2.come soon           3.on the 18th of october

  4.have a birthday party 5.as a birthday present   6.a vcd of japanese cartoons   7.take off         8.blow out

  unit 3

  1.sports day   2.running race     3.take some photos       4.look for

  5.a moment ago     6.just now           7.on the ground        

  8.a video recorder   9.a mobile phone       10.a pair of glasses      

  11.a cd walkman     12.a roll of film

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.     read ,think and write

  2.     look, read and circle.

  3.     read and answer.

  step 5. exercises in book.

  1.     look, match and say.

  2.     look, read and respond.

  last weekend, at lunchtime, this morning   a present from mum

  3.     look, read and complete.

  buy—bought   take---took

  step 6. homework

  1.     recite the phrases.

  2.     do exercises in workbook.

  unit 8 revision(第三课时)


  1. review unit 4---unit 5.

  2. do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.


  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 5

  1.last week       2.the first day of school   3.after the holiday      

  4.in the school playground               5.before classes        

  6.with my parents     7.a funny cartoon       8.visit a farm        

  9.with my family     10.on the farm       11.pull up carrots     12.milk cows

  13.collect eggs     14.fruit trees     15go to the farm     16.at the camp

  17a lot of food     18.a lot of games       19.go camping

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

  一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

  现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


  1.     今天早上,我打扫了我的卧室.   i _____my bedroom _____ _____.

  2.     上星期六我们拜访了我们的语文老师张老师. _____saturday, we _____ our chinese teacher mr zhang.

  3.     高山的舅舅住在南京附近的一个小镇上. gao shan’s uncle _____ in a small town near nanjing.

  4.     在周末,林涛经常去看望他的外公外婆. lin tao _____ _____ his grandfather and grandmother _____ _____ _____.

  5.     你们在美食节做什么的?我和同学做了许多食品,我吃了很多东西. what _____ _____ _____ at the food festival? i _____ many foods _____ my classmates and i ate _____ _____.

  6.     他们制作了许多漂亮的风筝,然后在操场上放飞. they made many _____ kites and flew _____ on the playground.


  1 .i often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

  2 my father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

  3.they often _______________(举办体育节) in september.

  4 .liu tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

  5.yang ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near nanjing.

  6 .we _______________(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival.

  7.   billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

  8.   su hai , where is my diary? it was on my bed _______________(刚才)

  step 6. homework

  1.     recite the phrases.

  2.     do exercises


  a:do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

  b:yes,we do . we had o_____ last month.

  a:w_____ was that?

  b:it was a f_____ f_____.

  a:w_____ was it?

  b:it was on the twenty-sixth of october.

  a:what did you do?

  b:i c_____five hamburgers and some c_____food.and i a_____ a lot.

  a:that was i_____.

  unit 8 revision(第四课时)


  1. review unit 6

  2.   do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.


  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 6

  1. get excited   2.come after     3. at new year   4. have a big lunch

  5. go to parties 6. visit relatives and friends 7. last spring festival 8. dress up in costumes 9. moon cakes 10. watch the moon 11 play with lanterns 12. favourite holiday 13. make easter eggs 14 give presents to each other   15. wear masks 16 make pumpkin lanterns

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  重复:规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

  一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

  现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


  a:do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

  b:yes,we do . we had o_____ last month.

  a:w_____ was that?

  b:it was a f_____ f_____.

  a:w_____ was it?

  b:it was on the twenty-sixth of october.

  a:what did you do?

  b:i c_____five hamburgers and some c_____food.and i a_____ a lot.

  a: that was f_____.


  we_____(have) a football match every friday. last friday, the match _____(be) between class 1 and class 4.the score _____(be) one all. today _____friday again. the match _____(be) between class 2 and class 3. the score _____(be) one to two now. look, jim _____(throw) the ball to billy. and billy _____(pass) the ball to tom. oh, tom ______(shoot). he’s got a goal. time _____(be) up. the score _____(be) two all

  step 6. homework

  1.     recite the phrases.

  2.     review the exercises .

  unit 8 revision(第五课时)


  1. review unit 7--unit 8.

  2. have a test.


  unit 7

  1. at christmas   2. on christmas day   3. under the christmas tree 4. open the presentsn 4.some tea 5. a beautiful wallet 6.go to the supermarket by bus 7. get off   8 point to the woman beside him 9.ask him to take it to the police station 10. at lunchtime 11.last weekend 12. a present from mum




  1. recite the phrases.

  2. review the exercises .

  unit 8 revision(第六课时)


  1. 复习句型变换

  2. do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.


  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the phrases..

  step 2.练习


  1.     wang bing is stopping david.

  2.     there are some boys in the room.

  3.     tom can speak chinese.

  4.     we have four lessons.

  5.     stand in a line.

  6.     david has got a goal.

  7.     it means “no cycling”.

  8.     i watch tv every day.

  9.     we planted trees yesterday.


  10.   wang bing is stopping david.

  11.   there are some boys in the room.

  12.   tom can speak chinese.

  13.   we have four lessons.

  14.   stand in a line.

  15.   david has got a goal.

  16.   it means “no cycling”.

  17.   i watch tv every day.

  18.   we planted trees yesterday.


  19.   wang bing is planting trees on the farm.    

  20.   wang bing is planting trees on the farm.

  21.   wang bing is planting trees on the farm.

  22.   wang bing is planting trees on the farm.

  23.   there are twelve boys in the room.

  24.   there are twelve boys in the room.

  25.   miss green teaches english in china.

  26.   miss green teaches english in china.

  27.   miss green teaches english in china.

  28.   miss green teaches english in china.

  29.   it means “no cycling”.

  30.   i watch cartoons at home every day.

  31.   i watch cartoons at home every day.

  32.   i watch cartoons at home every day.

  33.   i watch cartoons at home every day.

  34.   these are my books.

  35.   these books are mine.


  1. what is the date today?

  2. what’s the time?

  3. ben is ron’s brother.

  4. i want to have a cd walkman as my birthday present.


  1. i’m milking the cow now.(用yesterday改写)

  2. that is a knife. (改复数句)

  3. these are apples.(改单数句)

  4. i watch tv every day.(用now改写)

  step 6. homework

  1.   recite the phrases.

  2.   review the exercises


Unit10Review and check 篇10

  unit 12    review and check


  本单元是book 3b的总复习单元,侧重归纳了第七单元至第十一单元所涉及的语言项目。通过复习,巩固已学过的英语字母、单词及日常交际用语。教师可根据学生学习的实际情况,在字母、词汇和会话三个方面有针对性地复习,把所学的知识有机地联系起来,提高操练密度,加快操练节奏,增大操练容量,以提高复习课的效率,提高学生综合运用英语的能力。




  能按字母的顺序背诵aa –zz ,并能熟练地听、说、读写字母aa—zz.











  the first period : review unit 7-unit 9

  teaching contents:

  unit7,unit 8,unit 9.

  teaching aims:

  1.enable the ss to understand and say  22 words

  2.enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

  3.raise the ss interest t learn english .

  teaching step:

  1.sing the songs: abc song ,hot cross buns!

  2.say a rhyme :it’s his key .

  step 2 revision .


  游戏规则: 三人围着一条凳子转,音乐停,抢凳子的两头坐,未抢到凳子坐的学生从纸盒中出一张图片(unit 7 8 9 中的单词)说出单词,并说一句话。

  2.have a rest .

  play a game: 我是abc。

  教师将学生分成a——z组,各组以自己的名称组合成unit 10与unit 11的单词。并组进行对话练习。

  step3  practice .

  1.look at the picture and try to act (unit 10 and unit 11)


  2.listen to the tape and repeat (unit 10 unit 11)

  step 4 homework ,

  listen to the tape four times from unit 9 to unit 11


  如:s1: i’m hungry .

  s2:  what would you like?

  s1:  i like…


  3.clothing items

  让学生把自备的物品拿出,分成几个小组 ,扮演在商店购物的情景。

  如:can i help you?

  i’d like a cap,please .

  what colour ?

  white .

  here you are .

  how much is it ?

  five yuan,please .

  step 3 practice .

  listen to the tape and repeat .,

  read the dialogue aloud .

  look at the picture and try to act

  the second period :review unit 10-unit 11

  teaching contents:

  unit10 ,unit 11

  teaching aims:

  enable the ss to understand and say 16 words .

  enable the ss to understand and use the communicative sentences .

  raise the ss interest to learn english .

  teaching steps

  sing a song: we study and play .

  free talk .

  教师以“i’m hungry”展开对话,充分运用unit 7 ,unit8, unit 9, unit 10中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。

  step2  revision .

  musical instruments and sports .



  do you play the piano ?

  no ,i  don’t .

  do you like football?

  yes ,i  do .

  the third period : unit 12a  b

  teaching contents:

  unit 2 a listen and circle ,b listen and answer .

  teaching aims .

  the ss can understand what they have listened .

  the ss can use the words correctly .

  teaching steps:

  step1  warm up .


  t:may i come in ?  ss : come in ,please .

  t: good morning afternoon ,boys and girls .


  say a rhyme: enjoy the day .

  step2 presentation .

  listen and circle .

  教师准备一些事物图片,用句what this /that提问,学生用it’s a /an …回答。

  play a game .

  游戏规则: 教师把一件物品藏身后,请学生用句型is this a/an …猜测物体,师用yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t .it’s a /an …活动中,教师与学生互换角色。

  3) listen and circle .

  listen and number

  先以free talk的形式与学生进行交谈,重点放在第七单元至第十一单元所学的日常交际用语上。

  listen and number .


  step 3板书设计:

  is this a hot dog ?  do you like…

  yes ,it is .          yes ,i do .

  the fourth period :unit12  c  look and say

  teaching contents:

  c look and say

  teaching aims :

  enable the ss to have good cooperation  with one another

  teaching steps :

  step1  warm up .

  sing the songs: we study play .

  hot cross buns .

  step2  revision .

  read and do .

  i like swimming /running /skiing /skating /in  summer /spring /winter  don’t and you ?

  step3 presentation .


  step 4  作练习册。

  listen and respond  .(教师先复习第七至第十一单元的对话,然后根据练习中的情况做出回答)

  listen and  check .


  listen ,find and circle .

  教师采用listen and point形式复习图中物品的英文名称,然后再做出。

  listen and judge .


  e listen and draw .

  f  listen and number


Unit10Review and check 篇11

  unit 10 review and check教材简析:本单元是4a的总复习单元,侧重归纳了第六至第九单元所涉及的语言项目。通过不同形式的复习,帮助学生归纳整理所学的词汇,日常交际用语和句型等,教师应根据学生的年龄特征及班级的具体情况,采用多种有效的教学手段活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生复习巩固本学期所学的词汇句型和日常交际用语。通过复习,让学生扎扎实实地掌握所学的知识,使每位学生在原有的基础上都有所提高。教学目的:1.综合复习所学过的词汇、句型、并能正确地听、说、读、写。2.能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。教学重点:1.综合复习所学过的词汇、句型、并能正确地听、说、读、写。2.能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。教学难点:能综合运用所学的词汇、句型、并能正确地听、说、读、写。教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片、相关实物。教学理念:1.面向全体学生,注重素质教育。在教学中,要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。2. 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。课时安排:本单元共计五课时part a      1课时part b      1课时part c      1课时part d      1课时做练习册    1课时

  第一课时教学内容:part a  look ,read and write .教学目标:1.学生尽可能地把unit 6-unit 9中所学过的日常交际用语用到实践中。2.学生能根据图片选择相应的日常交际用语,并填上序号。教学过程:step1 warm up1.greetings。(师生间围绕unit 6~unit 9 交际用语进行交际)1. sing two songs .《this is the way》《what’s the matter 》2. on duty .值日生根据所学的交际用语随便表达。step 2 play games.game1. 连锁回答(主要复习询问物主,时间表达等项目)师规定游戏进行的路线,首先向第一位同学发问,该生回答后,由他继续向下一个发问,凡在规定时间内接不上的被淘汰,同时在游戏过程中师注意正音。如:t:what’s the time?s:it’s seven .what’s the time?s:it’s three .it’s time to play football.whosepen is it ?s:……game2 polly says :主要复习叫某人某事或不干某事。polly says “ open your book .” (执行)close your book.            (不执行)game3  listen and do .主要复习表情step3 look ,read and write .1. 指导学生先看图理解图意,然后朗读句子。2. 生填空。3. 校对。4. 生看图朗读。采用男女生、小组之间、各排之间、同桌之间等不同的形式,直至熟练。5.角色表演,根据图片进行对话,要注意不必拘于书上图片,可以用学生自己所准备图片加以补充练习。step 4 do exercises :1. whose gloves are they ?they’re yangling’s.2. what’s the time?it’s nine ten .step 5 homework .listen to the tape of unit 5-9 two times .step6 goodbye .

  第二课时教学内容:unit 10   partb教学目标:1.通过复习,使学生熟练地掌握本册教材所学的单词。2.能根据图片填上合适的单词。教学进程:step1 :warm up1.  greetings .(让学生自由运用本册所学交际用语进行交际)2.  sing a song 《this is the way 》3.  free talk .(可分小组进行连锁问答操练。)step 2 : play games .game1 “招兵买马。”把学生分成几个组,“水果组”  “动物组”“服装组”“文具组”“表情组”……各小组的成员齐心协力,把相关单词填进去。game2 “滚雪球”把学生分成几个组,每组派一名学生在黑板上写出一个以某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾字母作为下一个单词的词首字母,在规定时间内写的又多又正确的小组获胜,小组内成员可互相合作提示。如:car-read –draw –write –eat –ten –no…3.read these words.step3 : look ,read and complete .1、          生看图,根据图意填入所缺单词。2、          以小组比赛的形式练读句子,直至熟练。3、          将这五段话扩充成对话进行表演。师先示范:t:hello!s:  hello!t:  look at my skirt .s:  oh ,it’s pretty ./it’s nice /it’s smart .t:  do you like it ?s:  yes ,i like the colour ,but it’s too short .t:  it’s not my skirt ,it’s my sister’s .s:  oh ,i see.4、practice in pairs .5、act .教师要注意运用实物或图片帮助学生创设一下语言环境。step4  short break.step5  do exercise1.copy the sentences.1)                don’t write on desks and don’teat in class .2)                the monkey can drink tea andeat hot dogs .3)                i like blue .my school bag isblue ,and my rubbers are blue ,too .step6  homework抄写四会单词2遍step7  goodbye .第三课时教学内容:unit10    partc教学目标:1.  学生能熟练掌握数词。2.  学生能围绕时间展开对话。教学进程:step1 warm up1.       greetings.(师生之间综合运用所学交际进行交际)2.       sing a song 《ten little indians 》3.       free talk  主要围绕what’s the time?进行。step2 play games1.       read the telephone numbers .6231579      5410689     79125436793186      5671824     62219982.       count from one to one hundred .don’tsay the multiples of “7”.say “hello”step 3  look and say1.       师出示钟面,问:t:what’s the time?s:  it’s …t:  let’s …/shall we ……/it’s time to……s:  ok .2.       practice in groups3.       act .(让学生利用钟面进行交际表演)师先与学生进行示范t: good afternoon .s:  good afternoon .t:  what’s the time?s:  it’s 4:00t:  it’s time to play football .s:  ok ,let’s go .学生之间围绕时间展开对话,对话内容适当扩展。step4  have a rest . (sing a song 《we are happybees》)step5  do exercises.1.       copy the sentences.1)what’s the time?it’s three fifteen .it’s time to play football.2)what’s the time:it’s twelve .it’s time to have lunch .step6  homework .读unit 6-unit 9

  第四课时教学内容:partd look and talk .教学目标:1.  能通过复习,使学生对以前所学过的单词能熟练掌握。2.  能运用学过的语言合理组织对话内容。教学进程:step1 warm up1.       greetings  .2.       sing a song 《perhaps 》3.       free talk .主要围绕what’s the time ?进行。step2 play games1.       look and say采用“快速闪动”的形式复习文具、动物类、玩具类的单词。2.       listen and do复习动作类、感觉类单词。i’ill /tired /thirsty /hungry /hot /coldstep3 look and talk .1.用实物投影仪展开图片,让学生仔细看图数分钟,随后隐去,师针对图片进行提问。如:t:what can you see in the picture ?s:  i can see a bag .t:  what colour is the bag ?s:  it’s blue .t:  whose bag is it ?s:  it’s liu tao’s .2.生仔细看图,用下列句式讨论图片内容,师先示范。t:what can you see in the picture ?s:  i can see …t:  where is /are the…s:  it’s /they’re …t:  whose … is it /are they?s:  it’s /they’re …3.生自编对话表演。师先示范,然后生在小组内练习。step 4 do exercises .1.       look and write .1) look at the dog .it’s nice .whose dog is it?it’s helen’s .2) where are the gloves ?they’re on the bed .step5 goodbye .

  第五课时教学内容:做练习册教学目标:通过复习操练,让学生熟练掌握运用本学期所学的内容。教学进程:step1   warm up1.       greetings .师生间运用所学交际用语进行交际。2.       sing songs 《perhaps 》《what’s thematter》3.       on duty .(值日生进行值日汇报)4.       free talk . 四人一组进行连锁问答操练。主要复习本册教材所学的交际用语。step2做练习册。1.    a  listen ,find and circle .a.       看图,听录音,初步感知。b.       listen and do .c.       校对。2.    b  listen and number .a.       生先看图,明确图意。b.       listen and number .c.       校对。3.    c  listen and responda.       看图,听录音,整体感知。b.       再听,个别回答。c.       听录音,齐声回答。4.d  look ,match and write .a.      生先看图,再用英语说。b.     动手写。5.  e  put the words in the correctorder .6.  f  read and fill in the form.a.       read the text .b.       fill in the formc.       check .step3 goodbye.课后笔记:1、在引导学生复习单词、句型时,主要让学生利用图片、物品在丰富多彩的游戏中进行,如“pollysays”、“招兵买马”、“滚雪球”等并注意对以前所学内容加以综合,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,提高学生语言交际能力。2、为了更好地激发学生参与的积极性,在教学中充分利用竞赛形式,让学生在欢快紧张气氛中集中注意力,既培养他们合作精神、集体荣誉感,又激发他们学习英语的兴趣,为他们的终身学习作了良好铺垫。3、在教学中教师要注意调控操练要面广、频率高,所练词句不必拘于书所呈现,而应放手让学生结合所学习尽量多说多练,全面促进学生运用语言能力的提高。

Unit10Review and check 篇12

  一. 教学目标:

  1. words: (1)a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra,

  a bird, an elephant, red, green, white, black, orange, blue, yellow.

  (2)apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes

  (3)desk, chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone,

  a bookcase, a fridge

  (4)pens, books, pencils, ball pens, pencil-boxes,

  pencil sharpener, rulers , rubbers

  2. sentences:

  hello, i’m… what’s your name?

  this is…

  nice to meet you.

  good morning / afternoon.

  get up. / go to school now. / go home now. / go to bed, please.

  ok. / all right.

  how are you?

  fine, thank you. / not bad, thank you. / not so good.

  i’m sorry.


  people, animals, colours, fruits, things for school.

  三. 教具

  1. tape and tape recorder

  2. cards

  教学过程 (第一课时)

  step 1 free talk

  step 2 分类复习 animals: a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra, a bird,

  an elephant.(让学生反复读)


  bird, bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳。

  dog, dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪。

  cat, cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵喵。

  monkey, monkey小猴子,猴子monkey爱吃桃。

  zebra, zebra是斑马,斑马zebra花衣裳。

  tiger, tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王。

  panda, panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝。

  elephant, elephant是大象,大象elephant鼻子长。

  fruits. (快速反应,注意单复数的区别)

  banana watermelon apple pear orange peach pineapple

  things in rooms.

  fridge sofa telephone bookcase desk chair table bed

  ( what’s missing?)

  1. what’s missing?

  2. what color?


  pens pencils rulers rubbers pencils sharpeners books

  pencil boxes ball pens

  look and guess.


  step 3 consolidation


  step 4 homework

  read these kind of words

  教学过程 (第二课时)

  step 1 free talk

  t: hello! how are you? s: fine, thank you.

  t: good morning. s: good morning.

  t: good afternoon. s: good afternoon.

  t: hello! how are you? s: not bad.

  step 2 review


  animals, fruits, furniture, school things, colours

  2. 将unit 6出现的单词卡片贴至黑板上,

  read these words one bye one.

  ( listen and circle )

  3. listen and number.

  1). 让学生拿出自己的东西练习。比如, 一张桌子 a desk ,一支铅笔 a pencil...,让学生自己练习。

  2). 让学生将图中的物品加以描述,如:a blue fridge, a green sofa, a red telephone

  , a brown chair,a green sofa , a yellow ruler.

  3). listen to the tape.



  (3). check

  step 3 workbook ( c d e )

  1. listen , find and circle.

  2. listen , find and color.

  3. listen and draw.


  教学过程 (第三课时)

  step 1 free talk

  t: good morning. s: good morning.

  t: hello, what’s your name? s: my name is .

  t: how are you? s: fine, thank you. and you ?

  t: i’m fine, too.

  t: good afternoon. s: good afternoon.

  t: hello! how are you? s: not so good.

  t: i’m sorry.

  step 2

  1. look at the pictures.

  2. 学生讨论,让学生自主的进行讨论,让学生发表意见。

  3. 教师将学生的意见加以总结并作出评价。

  4. 教师加以举例。(用第一幅图)

  5. make dialogues.

  go to school now ,liu tao. ok , goodbye dad!

  good morning. good morning.

  how are you? not so good.

  i’m sorry.

  hello . hello .

  6. act it out.

  step 3 workbook

  1. listen ( once ) 会回答先回答(部分)

  2. 第二遍(twice)学生继续(全体)

  3. 认识人物(尤其是区别比较大的:mr green, mr black)

  4. listen to the tape.

  5. check it.

  教学过程 (第四课时)

  step1 free talk


  step 2 review


  场景1 david 早晨起床,mrs black 与他的一段对话

  mrs black: get up,david

  david all right. good morning,mum.

  mrs black good morning.

  场景2 wang bing 去上学,在路上遇见helen

  wang :hello, helen.

  helen: hello, wang bing.

  wang: how are you ?

  helen: fine, thank you. and you ?

  wang : i am fine ,too.

  场景3:helen 将mike介绍给高山认识

  helen 先与高山打招呼,在介绍

  helen: good morning.

  gao: good morning.

  helen: this is my brother, mike

  gao nice to meet you., mike

  mike: nice to meet you ,too.


  step 3 c: look and say

  (第五幅图)go home now, liu tao. all right, see you miss li.

  (第六幅图)how are you ? i’m fine.

  (第七幅图)good afternoon, mum. good afternoon.

  (第八幅图)go to bed now liu tao . ok , good night mum.


  step 4 act it out


  step 5 homework

  read the dialogues for 2 times.

  unit 6 review and check 来自第一范文网。

Unit10Review and check 篇13

  unit 5 review and check教材简析:本单元是复习单元,侧重归纳了本册书第一至第四单元中的主要语言项目。通过看图编号,涂色,完成句子,说话等练习,帮助学生归纳整理所学的词汇,日常交际用语和句型等。教师应针对学生的掌握情况,采用多种有效的教学手段,有重点地复习,把所学的知识有机地结合起来,力图使学生的听、说、读、写水平在原有基础上有所提高,使学生学得扎实,用得灵活,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。本单元的look and talk呈现了第一至第四单元的主要单词。教师在组织复习时,要加以归纳,使学生能牢固掌握所学的单词。第一至第四单元的日常交际用语及句型主要涉及“识别事物”、“寻找物主”、“询问物品的位置”、“表达自己的喜好”、“了解别人的爱好”等项目。教师应把对语言材料的复习放入一定的情景中,利用模拟情景进行操练,引导学生大胆地运用语言材料,使所学的语言知识转化为语言能力。教学目的:1.  通过复习,要求学生能比较熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的单词和句型。2.  通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生综合运用所学的日常交际用语。教学理念:1.采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。2.充分利用实物、图片、注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。教学重点、难点:能熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的单词和句型。教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片和相关实物、挂图。课时安排:本单元共计五课时a部分             1课时b部分             1课时c部分             1课时d部分             1课时练习册             1课时

  第一课时教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a第三单元,第一教时(look ,read and write )教学目标:1.  能根据图片上所提供的情景,选择相应的日常交际用语,并在气泡中写上序号。2.  提高学生的观察能力,阅读能力以及情景中口头交际能力。教学过程:一、warm up1.       greetings.2.       sing a song 《perhaps》.3.       free talk (师生之间交谈复习巩固1~4单元所学句型。)4.       on duty .值日生可以走下去,与学生进行交谈,这样可以在交谈中复习旧知。二、review .投影出示句型: may i have …? this …is for …what’s this/that? it’s a ……where’s my ……perhaps it’s in /on……    what’s this /that in english ? it’s a …do you like……? yes ,i do /no ,i don’t .(让学生根据教师所提供的物品进行练习,可以让学生尽可能多地用到这些句型,进行比赛,看谁在一段话中用的句型最多。)三、presentation  and practice .1. read the sentences .指导学生读a部分左边的句子。并想想它们的答语。2.出示挂图让学生看图,根据具体语境选择对话。3.师生共同核对。4.学生分角色朗读,先个别朗读,再小组之间分角色对话,比一比哪一组最好。孩子不喜欢呆板的朗读,他们的好胜心强,竞赛更能激活他们。四、do exercises .1.is that a pen ?           2.  what’s that overthere?no ,it isn’t . it’s a ball pen ?         it’s apurse .oh ,i see .五、homework .读1-4单元句型2遍。板书设计:u nit  5a  look ,read and write图一 b  k    图二   c  g   图三 a  i图四 e  l     图五  d   h   图六  f  j

  第二课时教学内容:b read ,write and colour .教学目标:通过复习使学生熟练地掌握1-4单元的单词,提高学生的学习兴趣。教学过程:一、warm up1.       greetings .2.       sing songs 《perhaps 》. 《happy bees 》《colour songs 》(为下文的颜色作伏笔)3.       free talk .4.       on duty .二、review .1.       复习颜色类单词。brown,blue ,red ,orange ,yellow.(教师说出某一物体,学生立即说出该物体的颜色,完成一个英语句子,说对的同学为本组赢得一分。如:thisbook ___ this book is blue.这样,既训练了学生的反应能力,又复习了颜色类的单词。)2.       复习1-4单元的单词。a.       出示1—4单词的单词,学生认读。b.       游戏hangman.学生分两组,教师心里想一单词,在黑板上用“————”画下表示字母数,学生猜字母,猜对的,师在黑板写下该字母,不对的先记下“o”,直到错到第七个便被吊起。该组便先输。三、presentation .1.卡片出示句型  a   here’s a brown fan . b. here’s ared umbrella . c.  here’s a yellow water bottle.d. here’s a blue purse .e.here’s an orangeballoon .f. here’s a green kite .2.学生阅读卡片内容,找准相应的图片。3.给图片编号,再根据句子所要求的颜色给图片着色。4.校对后学生结合画面练说句子(practice in pairs )5.补充listen ,number and colour 的练习(卡片出示)。a .here’s an orange key .b.here’s a brown bike .c. here’s a yellow car .d.here’s a black cat .四、do exercises .1.may i have a pencil case ?no .may i have a brush ?ok .2.i’d like a purse ,please.here you are .thank you .五、homework .抄写4会单词 2遍。

  第三课时教学内容:c部分look ,read and complete .教学目标:能熟练地掌握本单元的四会句型is that a …? what’s that ?  may ihave a …?  this is…?教学过程:一、warm up .1.       greetings.2.       sing a song 《we are happy bees 》.3.       free talk .主要交谈部分将要出现的句型。t: is this a pencil box?s: yes ,it is .t: may i have…?s:sure ,here you are .t:look at my …s:it’s nice /lovely …4.on duty .二、review .复习1-4单元所学的单词,及物主代词my ,your ,his ,her .三、presentation .1.       请一位学生结合图片进行示范操练。2.       指定两位基础较好的学生根据图片模仿示范练习。3.       学生独立完成书中的填空,教师巡视指导。4.       教师板书填空,纠正错误,重点讲清第二组,my ,your ,his ,her.5.       生分角色对话,可以师生,生生之间,小组之间等多种对话形式。参考答案:图一                         图二a   pen ,ball pen                 a   bearb   umbrella                    b   lion ,rabbitc   pencil case  brush            c   koalad   purse                       d   doll ,panda四、do exercises.(结合图片,学生写对话)this is my toy .can i have a look ?sure ,here you are .五、homework.1.       读a, c 部分两遍。2.       抄写c部分两遍。板书设计:unit 5c  look ,read and complete .1.is that a _____?       2. what’s that_____?yes ,it is .                it’s a ______

  第四课时教学内容:d部分look and talk .教学目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型where’s …?  it’s on /in …并能此句型进行说话。教学过程:一、warm up1.       greetings.2.       sing two songs :《perhaps 》《we are happybees 》3.       free talk .  在交谈中巩固1-4单元所学的句型。4.       on duty .(学生自由问答)二、review .归类复习以前所学单词。(把学生分成三组,分别完成动物类、玩具类、学习用品类单词的归纳,看哪一组又快又准且知道得多。)三、presentation .1.       指导学生观察图片。a. 指导学生由近及远,由上及下地观察画面。 以“what can you see in thepicture ?”学生说“i can see …” 来看读说单词。b.结合单词复习where’s …?  it’s on/in  与what’s this/that in english ? it’s a … do you like …?2.       play a game .‘a.先复习介词in /on的用法。b.让学生把自己的玩具或卡片,放在不同的位置,以where’s …? it's on/in…以及what’s this/that in english? it’s a … do youlike …?进行自己操练。3.       look and talk .a.小组比赛。每组的同桌流利地表达出几种物品。where’s …? it’s on /in ?且不许重复。为本组赢得一分,既激发了学生的兴趣,又要仔细听别人,且又培养了学生的集体主义荣誉感。四、do exercises .look ,this is his toy ______.it's lovely .do you like her ______?no ,i don’t .i like her ___________.五、homework .抄写1-4单元的四会单词4遍。

  第五课时教学内容:复习1-4单元所学内容,做练习册。教学目标:通过复习操练,让学生较熟练掌握运用1—4单元的句型进行对话。教学过程:一、warm up1.       sing two songs 《perhaps》《we are happybees》.2.       say two rhymes 《a little book 》《fly,fly my kite 》3.       on duty .(多找几个学生自由问答,汇报)4.       free talk .师生间利用学过的句型进行对话。(主要是1—4单元的句型)二、review .1.       利用“眼力冲浪” 进行单词复习。2.       利用图片进行对话操练。三、workbooka  listen and responda.       生先观察图片内容。b.       听录音作出应答。b listen and judge .a.       生看图。b.       听录音做题。c listen ,draw and colour .教学生边听录音,边画,再着色。d  look ,find and write .a.       让学生先看图,说单词,并把单词拼一拼。b.       完成练习。e  ask and answer .(开火车,小组问答等形式)f  make and play .课后笔记:1、  a部分的look ,read nadwrite的题目具体要求,教师要予以解释说明,否则有的同学由于不理解题意,而直接把句子写在旁边,也有个别同学不注意气泡的指向,把两人的语言弄颠倒了。2、  “blue”与 “green” 有部分同学受汉语的影响,把“blue”理解成“蓝色”了。3、  umbrella 的发音较难点,有部分同学掌握得不好。4、对于能够从认知角度积极参与学习过程的孩子,他们需要的是挑战和冒险,如果给予的任务或活动没有一定的挑战性和冒险性,孩子们将永远无法独立,有时甚至停滞不前,丧失学习的动力,当然,这些挑战也必须有教师或同学的适当支持,或在接近孩子发展水平的区域即“最近发展区”内。在教学中,那些富有挑战性与冒险性的活动使孩子们跃跃欲试,收到了较好的学习效果。有个别平时不太热心参与活动的同学也动起来了。

Unit10Review and check 篇14

  unit 12 review and check

  一、 教学内容。

  1、 词汇: clothing items:  a dress,  a skirt,  a t-shirt,  a jacket,  a sweater,  a coat,  a shirt,  a blouse.

  vehicles: a car,  a bus,  a bike,  a plane.

  places: a zoo, a park,  a cinema,  the great wall,  a supermarket.

  things in a room:  a door,  a windows,  a box,  a basket,  a light,  a tv,  a tap,  a walkman

  food and drinks: a cake,  a hamburger,  an egg,  juice,  an ice-cream,  tea,  coffee,  milk

  people: a man,  a woman,  a boy,  a girl,  tall,  short,  long,  fat,  thin,  big,  small

  2、 日常交际用语:

  look at        look,this is          look,that’s        

  look at his/her      

  it’s nice.       how nice!          great!

  let’s go to     by           

  all right.         ok.          let’s go            great, but how?


  turn on          turn off         

  i’m sorry.  all right./ok/good.

  a/an   ?  some          ?

  yes,please.        oh,no/no,thanks.

  he’s/she’s       his/her       


  教学内容: p70  a listen and colour

  p73  c look and say (1、what are they saying? talk to your partner(s).)

  workbook: p36-38 a、b、c






  step1:   free talk:

  (1) hi/ hello, i’m x x.

  nice to meet you.

  (2) 复习 unit11中的自我介绍。

  step2:  presentation.

  1、 review colour words:

  (1) t: what’s this in english?

  s: it’s an apple.

  t: yes, it’s a red apple. (呈现a red apple)

  学生跟教师读          an apple       a red apple

  顺带复习:an orange                  an elephant

  再复习颜色: a green orange           a grey elephat

  (2) 教师用颜色卡片呈现表示颜色的词,引导学生复习颜色。

  (3) 用表示颜色的词和其它名词搭配成词组或句子操练。

  t: (出示词卡) a bike       a black bike

  s: yes, this is a black bike.

  t(呈现词卡)what’s that in english?

  s: it’s a basket.

  t: it’s a black basket.

  s: no, it’s a brown basket.

  t: (呈现词卡) what’s this in english?

  s: it’s a door.

  t: what colour is it?

  s: it’s blue.(注意,学生若回答成:it’s blue.,教师要给指正。)

  (4) 完成listen and colour.





  参考答案:1 a blue coat     2 a green apple    3  a black  car      4 a red blouse

  5 a brown basket   6 an orange plane   7 a yellow pear     8 a white box


  2、 review some sentences

  (1) look at……

  t: what’s that in english?

  s: it’s a t-shirt.

  t: yes. what colour is it?

  s: it’s white.

  t:yes. it’s a white t-shirt. look at my new t-shirt.

  s: it’s nice./smart.

  引导出look at……

  s-s pair work.          s: look at my……/look at this……/look at that……

  s: it’s nice/ how nice./……

  (2)、let’s go to ……

  ok  /great/ but how?

  by ……

  t: look at this picture(呈现表示动物园的图)  where is it ?

  s: zoo.

  t: good. it’s a zoo. let’s go to the zoo, now.

  s: ok. /great

  t: by bike ?(呈现bike)

  s: ok /no. by bus.

  引导出:let’ go to ……      by …… ?

  s—s pair work:

  例如:s1:let’s go to dan yang ,now ?

  s2:good ,but now ?

  s3:by bike

  s4:oh, no ,by bus


  1、 picture a .b教师提示用“look at” 说,同时复习long/short

  2、 picture c. d教师提示用“let’s go to ……”说


  完成练习册p36---38  abc




  教学内容:p71   b listen and circle

  p73   c look and say (2. what are they saying  talk to your partner(s))

  work book:p39---40





  step:1. free talk

  1. j: hello. what’s your name?

  s: i’m ….

  j: nice to meet you.

  s: nice to meet you too.

  2. s: introduce your self

  step: 2. prerentation:

  1. rezien the word (文具、动物、服装、家电等)

  j:let’s play a game.

  a. 快速出示图片或实物

  s:抢答单词 (a ruler /a dog ……)

  b. j: what’s missing? 出示数张图片,快速抽去一张。


  c. j:类比,出示两张比较相似的物品图片

  (dog /cat ;door /window ;pen /ball pen ;telephone /walkman;….)


  2.revien the words: (tall /short fat /thin)

  a. j: 出示一把长尺 s: a ruler tall /short

  出示一把短尺   a ruler big /small


  j—s:a long ruler (长尺)     a short ruler 短尺


  s: a long /short pencil

  b. j:出示胖、瘦两只猫的图片

  s:用形容词表达  a fat cat  a thin cat

  c.同上用图片比较练习  tall/short  big /small

  3. listen and circle

  a. s: look and say (看图说一说各图表示物品)

  b. s—s: (相互说一说)

  c. 放录音,学生听内容并圈出

  d. 全面重听一遍并核对

  录音: 1. a short ruler   2. a tall zebra  3. a thin cat  4. a green window  5. an orange telephone  6. a white chial

  4.rvien some sentences:

  (1).   turn on /off ……

  j: …… come here ,please.

  s: ok.    j: turn on the light ,please.

  s: all right .(打开车灯)。

  j: turn off the light please.    s: ok .  

  s—t. s—s : pair work (turn on /off ……)

  (2):open /close

  j: ok. class. let’s play a game .open your pencil—box /book.

  s:ok. j: close your……

  s: all right .

  s—t .s—s : pair work


  j: what’s this?(图片)

  s: coffee. a cup of coffee.

  j: a cup of coffee.

  s: yes, please. / no, thanks.

  s—s :a cup of tae? /a glass of milk / juice?

  yes, please. / no, thanks.


  j: some cake?   s: yes, please.

  s: an ice—cream?  j: no, thanks.

  s—s : pair work

  (5). 完成 p73  what are they saying ?

  a. picture a .b

  b. picture c. d

  step3. consolidation

  完成练习册  unit12 d. e





  step.4 homework

  1、 读单词  p77—p78

  2、 听磁带,读课文。uint7—uint12

  blackboard design:

  turn on /off the ……

  open /close the ……               ok /all right

  a cup of ……

  some …… ? /an …… ?            yes, please. /no, thank you.

Unit10Review and check 篇15


  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·牛津小学英语》6a第四单元,第二教时partb(look, read and respond)











  2、板书准备:unit 4 review and check


  step 1:review(3’-4’)

  1.sing songs:  《five big dump trucks》《jingle bell》边放flash边唱,渲染英语课的氛围。

  2.free talk

  t: what day is it today?

  s: it’s …

  t: what date is it today?

  s: it’s …

  t: what does this /that sign mean?

  s: ….

  t: when’s your birthday?

  s: it’s…(让学生开小火车问,)

  students ask students

  t: what does this /that sign mean?

  s: ….

  t: what would you like as a birthday present?

  s: i’d like ….

  t:where’s the clock/picture…?(根据教室里的物品提问)


  t:where are the…?(根据教室里的物品提问)


  step 2 play a game:快速接龙。5’


  教师举例子 如:take----taking----takes   swim----swimming----swims

  like     run     jump     dance     …玩到后面可让学生给学生出题


  教师举例  diary----diaries    walkman----walkmans

  man     policeman   box   earphone    … 同样可以在游戏中让学生给学生出题。

  step 3  复习所学过的三种时态10’


  2. consolidation (do exercise)

  1 my earphones are under the table now.(改为一般过去时)

  my earphones                under the table                       .

  2 she is looking for her camera. (改为一般现在时)

  she                       her camera.

  3 i sing an english song in the classroom. (改为正在进行时)

  i                    an english song in the classroom

  step 4 look, read and respond 10’


  (1)t: what can you see in the picture

  can you say something about it?


  (3)work in pairs 完成第一副图。



  3.教学5至8副图(教师大胆放手让学生自己编对话)t:work in pairs with your partner then choose a picture to act .

  step5 consolidation 10’

  1 给出四个topic ,(谈论生日,找东西,谈论标志,买东西)让学生小组自由选择其中的一个进行编小短剧)

  2 有选择的让学生表演所编的小短剧。

  如:a: hello, how are you?

  b: fine, thank you .

  a: today is my birthday .would you like to come to my birthday party after school .

  b: sure. but what day is it today.

  a: today is wednesday.

  b: oh, my god. i have an art lesson after school. i am very sorry.

  a: that’s ok.

  b: my birthday is on 15th november. i hope you come to my birthday party.

  a:ok, bye bye .

  b: bye.


  1、以my study为题写一篇小短文。

  2、预习part c。

  关于课件:在播放此课件时,由于涉及flash动画,因此要求计算机装有flash 播放器。不当之处敬请批评指正。

  unit4 review and check(第二课时) 来自第一范文网。




Unit10Review and check
