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Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案

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Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案


Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案(通用14篇)

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇1




  Step 1 Revision



  Step 2 Listening


  Step 3 Read and say




  Here is another situation for the students to practise. A very famous drawing was stolen in the art gallery last night. You are trying to find out who did that. You can ask the question “What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?” After everyone has answered the question, the class discuss together, “Who do you think stole the painting from the gallery? Why?”

  Step 4 Read and talk

  Read the table about what David was doing at different times yesterday, then ask and answer in pairs.












  Morning exercises











  Play basketball








  Watch TV

  Write a letter

  Play computer games

  Read newspaper

  Go to sleep


  Step 5 Writing


  Step 6 Reading

  (录像演示)情景演示关于邻里关系的幽默故事,回答:How do you think the neighbour wasn’t a good neighbour?


  1. Why were Masha and Sasha tired of Misha?

  2. What did Masha borrow today?

  3. Did Sasha want to lend him?

  4. How did Sasha do?

  5. What do you think happened at last?

  6. What will you do if you were Sasha?

  Step 7 Discussion

  Discuss what a person should or should not do in the neighbourhood.

  Step 8 Checkpoint


  归纳本单元的useful expressions

  Step 9 Exercise



  The driver______ ______ _______ ______Tianjin.


  They______ _______ ______ ______the work.


  He ______ ______ ______ him politely.


  I need ______ _______ ______ ______ _______.


  We'll______ _______all day in the garden.

  答案:1.was driving a truck to  2.were fed up with  3.decided to refuse   4.a pair of garden scissors   5.be working

  Step 10 Homework

  1. Write about what David was doing at different times yesterday. Begin like this “David had a busy day yesterday. He was having an English class at eight o’clock in the morning. . . .”

  2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  3. Write a short passage about what you were doing at different times yesterday.

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇2

  Teaching objectives:

  Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.

  Teaching procedures:

  (录像演示)1.由电影Titanic的片断引出本课的教学,让学生讨论有关对Titanic的了解,展示一些图片,让学生更多地了解有关the ship Titanic的背景知识。并教学新词汇Titanic。

  (录像演示)2.播放Miss Evans的故事情景,让学生熟悉故事内容。



  •1. When was the ship’s first trip?

  •2. Where was it from? Where was it?

  •3. How many people were on the ship?

  •4. What happened the second night of the trip?

  •5. What did people do to escape?

  •6. What did Miss Evans do?

  •7. What happened to the ship at last?

  •8. How many people lost their lives?

  Retell the story


  (学生活动)Discussion 让学生讨论Miss Evans的行为,发表自己的想法,同时假设是你自己时你该如何处理,使学生从中受到爱国主义教育,见义勇为,舍己为人。

  What do you think of Miss Evans?

  What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

  What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

  •If you are the mother on the lifeboat,

  •How did you feel when you found your children were on the lifeboat but you were still on the sinking ship?

  •What did you do then? Was there any more room in the boat?


  Read the story on page 57 again and ask each other questions on it. Then fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  The new ship Titanic set off on its first trip one afternoon in April 1912. It was ______ largest and ______ ship in the world at that time. There ______ 2,200 people on the ship. The weather was cold, ______ the trip was _____ and people on the ship were enjoying ______.

  It was even colder the next day. People could see icebergs ______ and _______ That night, the man on watch suddenly shouted, “______ ______! Iceberg! Iceberg in front!” ______ it was too late. The ship ______ the iceberg and stopped. There was ______ very big hole in the ship and the water ______ to come inside. The ship ______ to sink.

  People left the ship ______ quickly ______ they could. Women and children were the ______ to get into the lifeboats. Suddenly a woman on the ship ______ and asked people to make ______ for her because her children ______ in one of the boats and she wanted to ______ with them. But there was no ______ room there. Her children ______ their mother and began to cry. ______ young woman was ______ near the poor children. She stood up and asked the worried mother to ______ her place. She was not ______ and ______ no children. The mother and her children were ______ but the young woman ______ her life with the other people when the ship ______. Her name was Miss Evans and she was ______ home to Boston. That was all people ______ about her.


  1. Write about the ship Titanic.

  2. Make sentences with following phrases.

  set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

  3. Look up the new words in the article “WE LIVE IN AN ICEBOX!”.

  4. Do exercises on page 128. Finish off the workbook exercise.

  English song

  (录像演示)播放电影Titanic的主题歌曲My heart will go on,让学生欣赏。

  More about the Titanic

  图片展示the ship Titanic的壮观景象。

  1.The Titanic Goes Down

  (录像演示)播放the ship Titanic沉船的经过。

  2. About the film Titanic


  3. The wreck of the ship Titanic

  (图片)展示the ship Titanic的残骸。

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇3


  lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

  teaching aims

  1.get the students to know about bob geldof and his project of the text.

  2.study new words and sentences of this paragraph.

  teaching procedures

  step presentation

  教师活动:教师展示图片,听歌曲做为课文的导入  (见ppt.),然后根据下面的问题提问。

  questions and answers:

  have you known bob geldof ? did you listen his songs?

  step watch the video


  when and where was he born?

  what did bob ask his pop star friends to do?

  step intensive reading


  read lesson 102 carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

  1. for what reason did bob geldof’s life change?

  a. he read a book about the poor africans.

  b. he heard a story of hungry people.

  c. he saw pictures of hungry people in africa on tv.

  d. he heard the news on the radio.

  2. what is so special about bob geldof?

  a. he organized other singers to sing for him—for free.

  b. he is a famous pop star.

  c. he had a special experience when he was young.

  d. he knew the problems which the africans had.

  3. why did bob geldof organize the concerts?

  a. to make people know him.

  b. to call on the african people to fight for freedom.

  c. to earn money for his family.

  d. to collect money for food and other things for africa.

  4. the passage is mainly about ________.

  a. bob’s friends sang in the conceits for money

  b. bob geldof succeeded in organizing concerts to help the african people

  c. other people wanted to share the money collected

  d. many people liked to travel by plane because it was free

  5.how much money did he collect from selling records?

  a.6 million pounds   b.7 million pounds

  c.8 million pounds   d.9 million pounds

  key : 1-5 cadbc

  step listening and practising



  listen to this paragraph twice ,then judge whether of the following is true or false.

  1.after he left school he worked first as a worker building roads and later in a food factory.

  2.in canada he began to write about music for a newspaper and became interested in pop groups. 3.bob geldof’s pop group was the top one from 1979 to 1982.

  4.bob geldof's life changed one october evening because lots of copies of his record were sold and he earned a lot of money.

  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  5.the record “do they know it's christmas” was a great success.

  6.when he reached africa, he realized that hunger was the only problem in the african countries.

  key: 1. false  2. true  3. true  4. false   5.true  6.false

  step talking and speaking



  talk about the pictures with your own words.

  bob geldof -----a famous singer

  watch tv----astonished and sad at what he saw in africa

  decide to help -----make a pop record

  collect money-----help hungry people in africa

  step language study



  fill in the blanks with the box , using the right form of the verbs.

  come from, increase, organize, return, produced, sell out, copy, realize

  1.i heard that the new book will _________next month.

  2.after a few years study he ________ to his home town.

  3.the population of tills town has _________ by fifty thousand since 1990.

  4.rubber is mainly _________ on hainan island.

  5.our teacher__________ a class trip to the beach.

  6. the largest and most delicious pears _______ _______ hejian county.

  7.please send a ________of this letter to mr grey.

  8. she ___________her intention of becoming an actress.

  key: 1.sell out, 2. returned    3. increased     4. produced    5. organized  6. come from   7.copy, 8.realized

  step summary

  学生活动:学生根据对本课的理解,完成bob geldof的生平简介。

  complete the information from the story about bob geldof.

  name: bob geldof

  nationality: ____________

  birthplace: _____________

  date of birth: ___________

  work: __________

  main events:







  key: ireland ,dublin ,1954,

  as a worker at first, later he had his own pop group.

  1.his mother died.

  2.he became interested in pop groups.

  3.he formed his own pop group.

  4.their group stopped playing together.

  5.his record were produced and copied.

  6.he organized two concerts on the same day.

  step discussion



  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  topic: what can we learn from bob geldof ?

  step exercise

  read lesson 102 again, then fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.


  bob geldof was a world famous irish pop star. he was _____ in ireland in 1954. his mother_____ when he was seven. when he was fourteen he _____ interested in pop groups. he ____school and ______ in a food factory. then he _____ to canada where he ______ about music for a newspaper. in 1975 he ______ to dublin, the capital of the irish republic, where he ______his own pop group.

  one day, bob geldof was _____ tv and he _____ some very sad pictures of hungry people in africa. he ______ very sorry for them and he thought that he could do something to ______ them. suddenly he had the idea of _______ a pop record. he ____ up all his friends in the pop world, and they all _____ to sing on his record for free. so a pop record was ______ and 8 million pounds were ______ from the record sales.

  key: born, died, became, left, worked, went wrote, returned, found, watching, saw, felt, help, making, rang, agreed, produced, collected

  step homework

  1.complete the workbook exercises.

  2.retell this paragraph with your own words.

  3.prepare lesson 103.


  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇4

  Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching objectives:

  Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.

  Teaching procedures:

  (录像演示)1.由电影Titanic的片断引出本课的教学,让学生讨论有关对Titanic的了解,展示一些图片,让学生更多地了解有关the ship Titanic的背景知识。并教学新词汇Titanic。

  (录像演示)2.播放Miss Evans的故事情景,让学生熟悉故事内容。



  •1. When was the ship’s first trip?

  •2. Where was it from? Where was it?

  •3. How many people were on the ship?

  •4. What happened the second night of the trip?

  •5. What did people do to escape?

  •6. What did Miss Evans do?

  •7. What happened to the ship at last?

  •8. How many people lost their lives?

  Retell the story


  (学生活动)Discussion 让学生讨论Miss Evans的行为,发表自己的想法,同时假设是你自己时你该如何处理,使学生从中受到爱国主义教育,见义勇为,舍己为人。

  What do you think of Miss Evans?

  What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

  What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

  •If you are the mother on the lifeboat,

  •How did you feel when you found your children were on the lifeboat but you were still on the sinking ship?

  •What did you do then? Was there any more room in the boat?


  Read the story on page 57 again and ask each other questions on it. Then fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  The new ship Titanic set off on its first trip one afternoon in April 1912. It was ______ largest and ______ ship in the world at that time. There ______ 2,200 people on the ship. The weather was cold, ______ the trip was _____ and people on the ship were enjoying ______.

  It was even colder the next day. People could see icebergs ______ and _______ That night, the man on watch suddenly shouted, “______ ______! Iceberg! Iceberg in front!” ______ it was too late. The ship ______ the iceberg and stopped. There was ______ very big hole in the ship and the water ______ to come inside. The ship ______ to sink.

  People left the ship ______ quickly ______ they could. Women and children were the ______ to get into the lifeboats. Suddenly a woman on the ship ______ and asked people to make ______ for her because her children ______ in one of the boats and she wanted to ______ with them. But there was no ______ room there. Her children ______ their mother and began to cry. ______ young woman was ______ near the poor children. She stood up and asked the worried mother to ______ her place. She was not ______ and ______ no children. The mother and her children were ______ but the young woman ______ her life with the other people when the ship ______. Her name was Miss Evans and she was ______ home to Boston. That was all people ______ about her.

  [1] [2] 下一页  


  1. Write about the ship Titanic.

  2. Make sentences with following phrases.

  set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

  3. Look up the new words in the article “WE LIVE IN AN ICEBOX!”.

  4. Do exercises on page 128. Finish off the workbook exercise.

  English song

  (录像演示)播放电影Titanic的主题歌曲My heart will go on,让学生欣赏。

  More about the Titanic

  图片展示the ship Titanic的壮观景象。

  1.The Titanic Goes Down

  (录像演示)播放the ship Titanic沉船的经过。

  2. About the film Titanic


  3. The wreck of the ship Titanic

  (图片)展示the ship Titanic的残骸。

  上一页  [1] [2] 

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇5

  Lesson 90 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Let students know about the passage by fast reading and intensive reading.

  2. Have students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and some key words.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step I Lead in



  Show the map of Egypt and Africa. Get the Ss to respond the teacher’s questions:

  T: Where is Africa ? / Where is Egypt ?/ What is the river? What is the dam ?

  Step II. Watch the video



  Q: Is the High Dam a successful project ? (No)

  Step III. Presentation



  Show the picture and give them two questions ,

  Qs: (1).What is the High Dam like ?

  (2) How big the High Dam?

  Step IV Listening



  Answer the each paragraph meanings after listening.

  Listen Paragraph l

  Key: Aswan Dam is biggest man-made project

  Listen Paragraph 2-5

  Key: The procedures of the building Dam

  Step V Fast Reading


  Ask students to read the text quickly. Get students to say the followings true or false.

  1)The River Nile used to flood the Pyramids. (F)

  2)The Aswan Dam formed by itself. (F)

  3) Now the waters of the Nile can run regularly the whole year. (T)

  4) About 20-50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is made from coal. (F)

  5) Aswan Dam is the one of the three biggest man-made projects in the world. (T)

  6) The base of the Aswan High Dam is wider than its top. (T)

  7) Because of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise to 63 meters. (F)

  8) The old temples are very important, which has a long history. (T)

  Step VI Intensive Reading


  1. Ask students to read the text again and carefully and choose the best answer to each question

  1 ) Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue?

  A. Mr. White would like to visit the town of Aswan.

  B. Pippa prefers to visit Aswan on foot.

  C. The Abu Simbel Temple is on the edge of the lake made by the dam.

  D. Mrs. White suggests taking a hat in order not to get hurt.

  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  2) The High Dam was built to _________.

  A. control the waters of the Nile

  B. make electricity from the water

  C. make a large lake

  D. Both A and B

  3 ) The article mainly tells us _________.

  A. the importance of building the High Dam

  B. the problem caused by the High Dam

  C. the rescue of an old temple

  D. Both A and B

  4) The project of moving the whole temple began in _________ and was finished in 1966.

  A. 1960       B. 1962       C. 1963        D. 1964

  5) Which of the following is true according to the article?

  A. It is impossible to move the whole temple.

  B. It is necessary to spend so much money in rescuing the temple.

  C. It is easy to build the Aswan High Dam,

  D. It is wrong that the temple was rescued.

  Key: BDDBB

  Step VII Summary


  I. Fill in the form. 


  when completed



  Aswan Dam

  Key: A biggest manmade project, 1970 , Egypt, 3830m, 980m, 40m

  II. Answer the following Questions

  1. Why was it built?

  Key:1).The River Nile used to flood.

  2) .Electricity.

  2. Problems:

  Key: 1).the water level of the lake

  2) .move people

  3).old temples, in danger for example, Abu Simple

  Step VIII Discussion



  Situation A:

  What are the dis)advantages of the Aswan Dam? (参考答案见ppt.)

  Situation B:

  Talk about the building of reasons and advantages in the Three Gorges Dam.

  Suggest answer:

  1.Reasons:One is to control the eater of the Changjiang River and the other is to make electricity.

  2.Advantages:It has controlled the water of the Changjiang River and it won’t flood any more. The people will lead a safe and happy life along the Changjiang River.

  Step Ⅸ Practice



  According to answers and questions and write a article.

  1.Where is the Palace Museum ? (in the center of Beijing)

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  2.How big is it ? (an area of 72 hectares)

  3.When was it first built? (in the early 15th century)

  4.How many people did it take to work on it? (1,000,000)

  5.How long did the building of the project last? When was it finished? (14 years,1492)

  6.What happened to some of the houses during the later years? (rebuild)

  7.Who used to live in it ? (twenty-four emperors)

  8.When did it become a museum and open to the public ? (1925)


  The Palace Museum is in the center of Beijing. It covers an area of 72 hectares(公顷). It was first built in the early 15th century. It took 1,000,000 people to work on it. The building of the project lasted 14 years and was finished in 1420. During the later years, some of the houses were rebuilt. Twenty-four emperors used to live in it. It was not until 1925 that the Palace Museum became a museum. Since then the place has been open to the public.

  Step ⅩHomework

  1.Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2.Read the passage again.

  3.Preparation the Lesson 91.



  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇6

  Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  Long ago, the first travellers went to Ireland from ________, and later from the south and west of _________. They found that much of the land was _________, but there was ________ grass for sheep and cows, _________ it rained a lot. The seas around Ireland were full of all sorts of __________. Many of the peasants were very poor and they lived mainly on _________. Around __________, potatoes __________ bad because of a terrible disease and many people died of ___________. Tens of thousands had to travel to other countries to look _________ a better life. Although many families became __________, people still kept in __________ with each other. Now life has improved for the population. Most Irish people go to __________ every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people s lives. The Irish are very fond of __________ and ____________. They often get together in the evening to ___________ and ___________ music.

  Scotland fish for music

  Europe potatoes separated poems

  poor 1850 touch sing

  enough went church play

  because hunger

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇7

  Lesson 78 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. Learn the text by finishing reading it in proper time, getting the general idea and further comprehension .

  2. Let the students know the development of paper-making.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation


  学生活动:Answer the questions

  1.Do you know who first invented paper-making?

  2. When did the Chinese begin to paper- making?

  Key: TS’ai Lun ,two thousand years.

  Step 2 Watch the video


  Step3 Questions


  After watching and answer the following questions.

  1. What's the result of the invention of paper?

  2. What's the problem with using bamboo for writing?

  3. When did Chinese people begin to have silk books?

  4. When did Spain. Russia and America start making paper?


  1.Much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper.

  2.It was difficult to read and was heavy to carry.

  3.2,140 4.1150;1567;1690

  Step 4Listening



  1.Say about the development of paper-making:

  Paper made from silk: 

  The good points:_________________________________

  The problem:_______________________________________

  Paper made form the fibres of plants:

  What did people use to?: _____________________________

  The good points:____________________________________

  Keys:It was easy to write and draw on it, It was too valuable for everyday use.

  fishing nets, trees, old clothes, It was so soft and light but much less expensive.

  2.  Listen the text and find out the main idea of the each paragraph:



  (Paragraph 1) Early invention of paper in China

  (Paragraph 2—3) How records were kept before the invention of paper?

  (Paragraph 4) The development of paper-making

  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed

  Step 5 Reading


  Read the passage in your Students' Book and chose True or False:

  1.)    People all over the world have been making paper for two thousand years.

  2) As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history in other parts of the world.

  3) As there was no paper, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown in many parts of the world.

  4) Before writing was developed, people in China had no way to keep records.

  5) From the text we know that writing was developed in the third century BC.

  6) Books of pieces of bamboo or wood tied together were difficult to read and heavy to carry.

  7) Paper made from silk was easy to write and draw on, but very expensive.

  8) Paper made from the fibres of plants was soft and light and is less expensive than silk.

  9) By the first century the making of paper had reached other countries.

  10) Spain started making paper earlier than the Middle East.

  Key: 1) False ( The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. ) 2) False ( As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history of China, not other parts of the world. ) 3) True 4) False ( Before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. ) 5) False (Much early than that, because examples of the carved metal pots have been found from the 16th to the third centuries BC. ) 6) True 7) True 8) True 9) False ( After the first century the making of paper began to reach other countries. ) 10) False (The Middle East started making paper in the eighth century while Spain started making paper in 1150. )

  Step 6 Exercise


  Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of ______ together. As soon as writing was developed, people carved words on _____ ____. Later, words were carved on ______ ______. Between the second and the fifth centuries people wrote on pieces of _____ or ____ and these were tied together to form a book. At the same time, another kind of paper was made from _____. Because it was expensive, people invented another kind of paper made with the ______ of plants. They used ______ ______, the outside of _____, pieces of _____ _____ and so on. This kind of paper was as ______ and ______ as silk but much _________ expensive for everyday use.

  Key: stones, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood, silk, fibres, fishing nets, trees, old clothes, soft, light, less

  Step7 Discussion



  Discuss the advantage of early invention of paper.

  Suggest words: soft, light, much less expensive, so on

  Step8 Homework

  1. Retell this passage with your own words.

  2.       Preparation the next Lesson.

  Step 9 Introduction

  Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. Archeological evidence, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Either way, the Chinese were significantly ahead of the rest of the world. The craft of papermaking relied upon an abundance of bamboo fiber to produce a fine quality paper. In ancient China, the papermaker uses only the traditional materials and methods lo produce fine art paper.

  [1] [2] 下一页  

  The early paper making workshop

  上一页  [1] [2] 

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇8

  Lesson 90 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Let students know about the passage by fast reading and intensive reading.

  2. Have students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and some key words.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step I Lead in



  Show the map of Egypt and Africa. Get the Ss to respond the teacher’s questions:

  T: Where is Africa ? / Where is Egypt ?/ What is the river? What is the dam ?

  Step II. Watch the video



  Q: Is the High Dam a successful project ? (No)

  Step III. Presentation



  Show the picture and give them two questions ,

  Qs: (1).What is the High Dam like ?

  (2) How big the High Dam?

  Step IV Listening



  Answer the each paragraph meanings after listening.

  Listen Paragraph l

  Key: Aswan Dam is biggest man-made project

  Listen Paragraph 2-5

  Key: The procedures of the building Dam

  Step V Fast Reading


  Ask students to read the text quickly. Get students to say the followings true or false.

  1)The River Nile used to flood the Pyramids. (F)

  2)The Aswan Dam formed by itself. (F)

  3) Now the waters of the Nile can run regularly the whole year. (T)

  4) About 20-50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is made from coal. (F)

  5) Aswan Dam is the one of the three biggest man-made projects in the world. (T)

  6) The base of the Aswan High Dam is wider than its top. (T)

  7) Because of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise to 63 meters. (F)

  8) The old temples are very important, which has a long history. (T)

  Step VI Intensive Reading


  1. Ask students to read the text again and carefully and choose the best answer to each question

  1 ) Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue?

  A. Mr. White would like to visit the town of Aswan.

  B. Pippa prefers to visit Aswan on foot.

  C. The Abu Simbel Temple is on the edge of the lake made by the dam.

  D. Mrs. White suggests taking a hat in order not to get hurt.

  2) The High Dam was built to _________.

  A. control the waters of the Nile

  B. make electricity from the water

  C. make a large lake

  D. Both A and B

  3 ) The article mainly tells us _________.

  A. the importance of building the High Dam

  B. the problem caused by the High Dam

  C. the rescue of an old temple

  D. Both A and B

  4) The project of moving the whole temple began in _________ and was finished in 1966.

  A. 1960       B. 1962       C. 1963        D. 1964

  5) Which of the following is true according to the article?

  A. It is impossible to move the whole temple.

  B. It is necessary to spend so much money in rescuing the temple.

  C. It is easy to build the Aswan High Dam,

  D. It is wrong that the temple was rescued.

  Key: BDDBB

  Step VII Summary


  I. Fill in the form. 


  when completed



  Aswan Dam

  Key: A biggest manmade project, 1970 , Egypt, 3830m, 980m, 40m

  II. Answer the following Questions

  1. Why was it built?

  Key:1).The River Nile used to flood.

  2) .Electricity.

  2. Problems:

  Key: 1).the water level of the lake

  2) .move people

  3).old temples, in danger for example, Abu Simple

  Step VIII Discussion



  Situation A:

  What are the dis)advantages of the Aswan Dam? (参考答案见ppt.)

  Situation B:

  Talk about the building of reasons and advantages in the Three Gorges Dam.

  Suggest answer:

  1.Reasons:One is to control the eater of the Changjiang River and the other is to make electricity.

  2.Advantages:It has controlled the water of the Changjiang River and it won’t flood any more. The people will lead a safe and happy life along the Changjiang River.

  Step Ⅸ Practice



  According to answers and questions and write a article.

  1.Where is the Palace Museum ? (in the center of Beijing)

  2.How big is it ? (an area of 72 hectares)

  3.When was it first built? (in the early 15th century)

  4.How many people did it take to work on it? (1,000,000)

  5.How long did the building of the project last? When was it finished? (14 years,1492)

  6.What happened to some of the houses during the later years? (rebuild)

  7.Who used to live in it ? (twenty-four emperors)

  8.When did it become a museum and open to the public ? (1925)


  The Palace Museum is in the center of Beijing. It covers an area of 72 hectares(公顷). It was first built in the early 15th century. It took 1,000,000 people to work on it. The building of the project lasted 14 years and was finished in 1420. During the later years, some of the houses were rebuilt. Twenty-four emperors used to live in it. It was not until 1925 that the Palace Museum became a museum. Since then the place has been open to the public.

  Step ⅩHomework

  1.Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2.Read the passage again.

  3.Preparation the Lesson 91.



Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇9

  Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching objectives:

  Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.

  Teaching procedures:

  (录像演示)1.由电影Titanic的片断引出本课的教学,让学生讨论有关对Titanic的了解,展示一些图片,让学生更多地了解有关the ship Titanic的背景知识。并教学新词汇Titanic。

  (录像演示)2.播放Miss Evans的故事情景,让学生熟悉故事内容。



  •1. When was the ship’s first trip?

  •2. Where was it from? Where was it?

  •3. How many people were on the ship?

  •4. What happened the second night of the trip?

  •5. What did people do to escape?

  •6. What did Miss Evans do?

  •7. What happened to the ship at last?

  •8. How many people lost their lives?

  Retell the story


  (学生活动)Discussion 让学生讨论Miss Evans的行为,发表自己的想法,同时假设是你自己时你该如何处理,使学生从中受到爱国主义教育,见义勇为,舍己为人。

  What do you think of Miss Evans?

  What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

  What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

  •If you are the mother on the lifeboat,

  •How did you feel when you found your children were on the lifeboat but you were still on the sinking ship?

  •What did you do then? Was there any more room in the boat?


  Read the story on page 57 again and ask each other questions on it. Then fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  The new ship Titanic set off on its first trip one afternoon in April 1912. It was ______ largest and ______ ship in the world at that time. There ______ 2,200 people on the ship. The weather was cold, ______ the trip was _____ and people on the ship were enjoying ______.

  It was even colder the next day. People could see icebergs ______ and _______ That night, the man on watch suddenly shouted, “______ ______! Iceberg! Iceberg in front!” ______ it was too late. The ship ______ the iceberg and stopped. There was ______ very big hole in the ship and the water ______ to come inside. The ship ______ to sink.

  People left the ship ______ quickly ______ they could. Women and children were the ______ to get into the lifeboats. Suddenly a woman on the ship ______ and asked people to make ______ for her because her children ______ in one of the boats and she wanted to ______ with them. But there was no ______ room there. Her children ______ their mother and began to cry. ______ young woman was ______ near the poor children. She stood up and asked the worried mother to ______ her place. She was not ______ and ______ no children. The mother and her children were ______ but the young woman ______ her life with the other people when the ship ______. Her name was Miss Evans and she was ______ home to Boston. That was all people ______ about her.


  1. Write about the ship Titanic.

  2. Make sentences with following phrases.

  set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

  3. Look up the new words in the article “WE LIVE IN AN ICEBOX!”.

  4. Do exercises on page 128. Finish off the workbook exercise.

  English song

  (录像演示)播放电影Titanic的主题歌曲My heart will go on,让学生欣赏。

  More about the Titanic

  图片展示the ship Titanic的壮观景象。

  1.The Titanic Goes Down

  (录像演示)播放the ship Titanic沉船的经过。

  2. About the film Titanic


  3. The wreck of the ship Titanic

  (图片)展示the ship Titanic的残骸。

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇10

  Teaching Aims:

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1Presentation


  学生活动:Can you describe what happened for the patient?

  Step2 Watch the video


  Step 3 Practise


  1.Questions and answers:

  1).What happened to Mr. King one day?

  2) Why was the boss of Mr. King’s department surprised when he got to the hospital?

  Key: 1)Mr. King had an accident one day. A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr. King’s legs.

  2).Because the person at the front desk told him that Mr. King had been put in Women’s Room 31.

  Step 4 Listening



  Listen the text and find out the main idea of each paragraph:

  Key: Paragraph 1: Mr King and his work.

  Paragraph 2; Mr King had an accident which let out his secret later.

  Paragraph 3: Mr King was in hospital.

  Paragraph 4: The secret was discovered by his company.

  Paragraph 5: Mr King’s reason for pretending to be a man.

  Step5 Further Practise


  According to the text, Please fill in the forms.

  Something about the

  Notco Company

  Where is the Notco Company ?

  Are women allowed to work in all the departments there?

  In Australia

  Not yet

  Something about Mr. King

  Was he really Mr. King?


  Why did she pretend to be a man?

  She want to get a good job

  What did she do at the Notco Company?


  What happened to her one day?

  She had a accident

  Something about the doctor

  Was he very kind?

  Very gently

  Something about the boss of Mr. King’s department

  Does he care for his workers much?


  What did he do after work the same evening?

  To ask someone see Mr King

  Step 6 Discussion



  1).Do you think that men and women are equal in your town/place?

  2.)Can women get jobs easily in your town/place?

  Step 7 Exercise


  Complete the dialogues based on the first part of the story about Mr King and act them out.

  1 KING:    I’ve had an accident. A handtruck hit me and my legs ___________.

  DOCTOR: Will you please take off____________? I’ll have to ____________.

  KING:    Oh no, I can’t do that.

  DOCTOR: What’s the matter, young man?

  KING:    Oh doctor, you don’t know ... I really can’t....

  DOCTOR: Please _____________________. Unless ________________________.

  KING:    Doctor, I have a secret. Please don’t ______________. I’m a ___________.

  DOCTOR: A woman? You’re a woman. Then why do you ____________?

  KING:   I had to pretend ____________________. I had to lie__________.

  2   PATTIS:  Excuse me. I’m from the Notco Company. I’d like to see _______ who was brought here this morning. Could you tell me in_________

  NURSE:  Let me see. The person you want to see is in __________.

  PATTIS:  Pardon?

  NURSE:  ________________.

  PATTIS:  But Mr King is a man. How can you ___________________?

  NURSE:  There’s nothing wrong. But you’d better go and find out the truth (真实情况) yourself.

  Step 8Homework

  1.Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2.Revise the contents of the story.

  3.Preparation the Lesson 75.

  Step 9 Introduction


  Margaret Thatcher was Britain's first female prime minister. A graduate of Somerville College, Oxford, with a master of arts degree from the University of Oxford she worked as a research chemist and a barrister, concentrating on tax law, before being elected to the House of Commons in 1953.

  She held several ministerial appointments including education minister (1970-74). Elected leader of her Party (the Opposition) in 1975, she became prime minister in 1979. Known as a strong leader and an "astute Parliamentary tactician, she knew how to handle disagreement, no matter from which bench it issued.

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇11






  1.(录像演示)复习前面学的反身代词的用法,从而导入  本节课继续学习反身代词。

  2.(导入  )教师由介绍贝多芬有才华但贫穷导入  Part 1的教学,让学生先了解Mr. More和Mr. Little的情况。

  3.(录像演示)让学生带着下面的问题观看Read and learn的情景演示,了解教材的大意。

  Does Mr. More enjoy himself? Why?

  Does Mr. Little enjoy himself? Why?


  w1. Could Mr. More buy himself lots of nice things?

  w2. Did he have many friend?

  w3. Did he enjoy himself?

  w4. Why didn’t he enjoy himself?

  w5. Could Mr. Little buy himself lots of nice things.

  w6. Did he have many friends?

  w7. Did he enjoy himself?

  w8. Who was happier, Mr. More or Mr. Little? Why?



  将下列句子用but 或and 连接.

  1.The boy is very clever. He didn’t work hard.

  2. Mary is always kind to us. We all like her.

  3. My brother is very careless. He never forgets his homework.

  4. Jane is a worker. He loves his work very much.


  wA: Can you swim now?

  wB: Yes. I can.

  wA: Could you swim two years ago?

  wB: No, I couldn’t. I learned it last year?


  让学生讨论:If you have lots of money, what will you do?

  1) Who do you want to be, Mr. More or Mr. Little?

  2) Can money bring us everything?

  3) Which do you prefer, money or friendship?

  5.(录像演示)Read and say,让学生观看对话,学习新词汇:come along, return,然后回答问题:

  1)What are Sarah’s friends going to do tomorrow?

  2)Can Sarah go with them? Why or why not?






  1. He taught ________French.

  2. Did Ann and her friends enjoy _______at the party last night?

  3. “Who did you go there with?” “Nobody. We went all by ______.”

  4. Could Mr. More buy _______lots of nice things?

  5. He said to _______, “I don’t know why!”

  6. He said, “Boys and girls, help _______.”

  7. “You must look after _______at home,” Jim’s mother said to him.

  8. I can’t leave her by________.

  Keys: 1.himself  2.themselves  3.ourselves  4.himself  5.himself  6.yourselves  7.yourself  8.herself

  用连词and, but, so, or填空。

  1. He helps her _________she helps him.

  2. I got up late this morning, ________I wasn’t late for school.

  3. You may go to Hangzhou ________go to Guilin.

  4. He is ill, ________he can’t come to school.

  Keys: 1.and  2.but  3.or  4.so


  1. Copy the words and the phrases.

  2. Do the exercises on page 99.

  3. Writing: Can Money Bring us Everything(150 words) .

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇12

  Teaching Aims

  1. Learn the text by finishing reading it in proper time, getting the general idea and further comprehension .

  2. Let the students know the development of paper-making.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation


  学生活动:Answer the questions

  1.Do you know who first invented paper-making?

  2. When did the Chinese begin to paper- making?

  Key: TS’ai Lun ,two thousand years.

  Step 2 Watch the video


  Step3 Questions


  After watching and answer the following questions.

  1. What's the result of the invention of paper?

  2. What's the problem with using bamboo for writing?

  3. When did Chinese people begin to have silk books?

  4. When did Spain. Russia and America start making paper?


  1.Much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper.

  2.It was difficult to read and was heavy to carry.

  3.2,140 4.1150;1567;1690

  Step 4Listening



  1.Say about the development of paper-making:

  Paper made from silk: 

  The good points:_________________________________

  The problem:_______________________________________

  Paper made form the fibres of plants:

  What did people use to?: _____________________________

  The good points:____________________________________

  Keys:It was easy to write and draw on it, It was too valuable for everyday use.

  fishing nets, trees, old clothes, It was so soft and light but much less expensive.

  2.  Listen the text and find out the main idea of the each paragraph:



  (Paragraph 1) Early invention of paper in China

  (Paragraph 2—3) How records were kept before the invention of paper?

  (Paragraph 4) The development of paper-making

  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed

  Step 5 Reading


  Read the passage in your Students' Book and chose True or False:

  1.)    People all over the world have been making paper for two thousand years.

  2) As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history in other parts of the world.

  3) As there was no paper, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown in many parts of the world.

  4) Before writing was developed, people in China had no way to keep records.

  5) From the text we know that writing was developed in the third century BC.

  6) Books of pieces of bamboo or wood tied together were difficult to read and heavy to carry.

  7) Paper made from silk was easy to write and draw on, but very expensive.

  8) Paper made from the fibres of plants was soft and light and is less expensive than silk.

  9) By the first century the making of paper had reached other countries.

  10) Spain started making paper earlier than the Middle East.

  Key: 1) False ( The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. ) 2) False ( As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history of China, not other parts of the world. ) 3) True 4) False ( Before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. ) 5) False (Much early than that, because examples of the carved metal pots have been found from the 16th to the third centuries BC. ) 6) True 7) True 8) True 9) False ( After the first century the making of paper began to reach other countries. ) 10) False (The Middle East started making paper in the eighth century while Spain started making paper in 1150. )

  Step 6 Exercise


  Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of ______ together. As soon as writing was developed, people carved words on _____ ____. Later, words were carved on ______ ______. Between the second and the fifth centuries people wrote on pieces of _____ or ____ and these were tied together to form a book. At the same time, another kind of paper was made from _____. Because it was expensive, people invented another kind of paper made with the ______ of plants. They used ______ ______, the outside of _____, pieces of _____ _____ and so on. This kind of paper was as ______ and ______ as silk but much _________ expensive for everyday use.

  Key: stones, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood, silk, fibres, fishing nets, trees, old clothes, soft, light, less

  Step7 Discussion



  Discuss the advantage of early invention of paper.

  Suggest words: soft, light, much less expensive, so on

  Step8 Homework

  1. Retell this passage with your own words.

  2.       Preparation the next Lesson.

  Step 9 Introduction

  Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. Archeological evidence, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Either way, the Chinese were significantly ahead of the rest of the world. The craft of papermaking relied upon an abundance of bamboo fiber to produce a fine quality paper. In ancient China, the papermaker uses only the traditional materials and methods lo produce fine art paper.

  The early paper making workshop

Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇13

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Let students know about the passage by fast reading and intensive reading.

  2. Have students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and some key words.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step I Lead in



  Show the map of Egypt and Africa. Get the Ss to respond the teacher’s questions:

  T: Where is Africa ? / Where is Egypt ?/ What is the river? What is the dam ?

  Step II. Watch the video



  Q: Is the High Dam a successful project ? (No)

  Step III. Presentation



  Show the picture and give them two questions ,

  Qs: (1).What is the High Dam like ?

  (2) How big the High Dam?

  Step IV Listening



  Answer the each paragraph meanings after listening.

  Listen Paragraph l

  Key: Aswan Dam is biggest man-made project

  Listen Paragraph 2-5

  Key: The procedures of the building Dam

  Step V Fast Reading


  Ask students to read the text quickly. Get students to say the followings true or false.

  1)The River Nile used to flood the Pyramids. (F)

  2)The Aswan Dam formed by itself. (F)

  3) Now the waters of the Nile can run regularly the whole year. (T)

  4) About 20-50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is made from coal. (F)

  5) Aswan Dam is the one of the three biggest man-made projects in the world. (T)

  6) The base of the Aswan High Dam is wider than its top. (T)

  7) Because of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise to 63 meters. (F)

  8) The old temples are very important, which has a long history. (T)

  Step VI Intensive Reading


  1. Ask students to read the text again and carefully and choose the best answer to each question

  1 ) Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue?

  A. Mr. White would like to visit the town of Aswan.

  B. Pippa prefers to visit Aswan on foot.

  C. The Abu Simbel Temple is on the edge of the lake made by the dam.

  D. Mrs. White suggests taking a hat in order not to get hurt.

  2) The High Dam was built to _________.

  A. control the waters of the Nile

  B. make electricity from the water

  C. make a large lake

  D. Both A and B

  3 ) The article mainly tells us _________.

  A. the importance of building the High Dam

  B. the problem caused by the High Dam

  C. the rescue of an old temple

  D. Both A and B

  4) The project of moving the whole temple began in _________ and was finished in 1966.

  A. 1960       B. 1962       C. 1963        D. 1964

  5) Which of the following is true according to the article?

  A. It is impossible to move the whole temple.

  B. It is necessary to spend so much money in rescuing the temple.

  C. It is easy to build the Aswan High Dam,

  D. It is wrong that the temple was rescued.

  Key: BDDBB

  Step VII Summary


  I. Fill in the form. 


  when completed



  Aswan Dam

  Key: A biggest manmade project, 1970 , Egypt, 3830m, 980m, 40m

  II. Answer the following Questions

  1. Why was it built?

  Key:1).The River Nile used to flood.

  2) .Electricity.

  2. Problems:

  Key: 1).the water level of the lake

  2) .move people

  3).old temples, in danger for example, Abu Simple

  Step VIII Discussion



  Situation A:

  What are the dis)advantages of the Aswan Dam? (参考答案见ppt.)

  Situation B:

  Talk about the building of reasons and advantages in the Three Gorges Dam.

  Suggest answer:

  1.Reasons:One is to control the eater of the Changjiang River and the other is to make electricity.

  2.Advantages:It has controlled the water of the Changjiang River and it won’t flood any more. The people will lead a safe and happy life along the Changjiang River.

  Step Ⅸ Practice



  According to answers and questions and write a article.

  1.Where is the Palace Museum ? (in the center of Beijing)

  2.How big is it ? (an area of 72 hectares)

  3.When was it first built? (in the early 15th century)

  4.How many people did it take to work on it? (1,000,000)

  5.How long did the building of the project last? When was it finished? (14 years,1492)

  6.What happened to some of the houses during the later years? (rebuild)

  7.Who used to live in it ? (twenty-four emperors)

  8.When did it become a museum and open to the public ? (1925)


  The Palace Museum is in the center of Beijing. It covers an area of 72 hectares(公顷). It was first built in the early 15th century. It took 1,000,000 people to work on it. The building of the project lasted 14 years and was finished in 1420. During the later years, some of the houses were rebuilt. Twenty-four emperors used to live in it. It was not until 1925 that the Palace Museum became a museum. Since then the place has been open to the public.

  Step ⅩHomework

  1.Finish the Workbook exercises.

  2.Read the passage again.

  3.Preparation the Lesson 91.



Lesson 86多媒体教学设计方案 篇14

  Teaching Aims

  1.Study this lesson to know that one should be careful with his work..

  2.Let the students grasp the main idea by understanding the key words and phrases.

  3.Get the students to know about new words.  

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Presentation


  What happened to them from this picture?

  Step 2 Watch the Video


  Why was Dr Baker surprised when he received the invitation? 

  Step 3 Listening


  After listening ,please answer the main idea of each paragraph.

  Paragraph 1

  Key: Dr Baker was invited to attend Medical Conference in London.

  Paragraph 2

  Key: Dr Baker was surprised to be asked to give a talk on DNA, which he knew nothing.

  Step 4 Intensive Reading


  Ask the students to read the text quickly and choose the best answer to each question.

  1. The main speaker didn’t arrive on time because ________.

  A. she had changed her mind

  B. she returned for her notes

  C. she missed her plane

  D. the weather was bad

  2. It proved that Dr. Baker s appearance at the conference was ________to the organizer.

  A. an unknown mistake                   B. a serious problem

  C. a pleasant surprise                     D. a well-kept secret

  3. Why did the organizer ask Dr. David Baker to give a talk on DNA?

  A. He knew the world-famous expert very well.

  B. He thought he was another expert on DNA whose name was Peter Baker.

  C. He just wanted to make fun of Dr. Baker.

  D. He wanted to please the people there by telling a joke.

  4. Which of the following statements is true?

  A. The organizer made the careless mistake.

  B. David Baker also did research in DNA at college.

  C. Dr. Lively was going to give a talk on ENT.

  D. David was a bit angry at such a careless mistake.

  5. Can you guess what will happen next year?

  A. The organizer will not invite Dr. Baker.

  B. Dr. Baker will not come to their meeting.

  C. They will not invite more experts to the meeting.

  D. Dr. Baker will come to attend their meeting.

  Key: DCBCD

  Step 5 Extensive Reading


  Please read the text quickly then answer the questions.

  1. Why did Dr. Baker look at his diary after he got the invitation?

  2.Why do you think one or two people were surprised to see him?

  3.Do you think the organizer know Dr. Baker? How do you know?

  4. What did the organizer want Dr. Baker to do?

  5.Can you imagine how the organizer would feel after Dr. Baker said, “You must be joking! I know nothing at all about that subject”?


  1.Because he wanted to see whether he would be free that week.

  2.Because they had never thought Dr. Baker would come to such a conference.

  3.No, he didn't. He politely asked Dr. Baker to step out to make himself known to the organizer.

  4.He wanted Dr. Baker to give a talk about DNA.

  5.He must be equally surprised at Dr. Baker because he could not understand a mistake had been made.

  Step 6 Practice


  Please talk about Dr. Baker’s experiences based on each picture with your own words.

  Key:1.Dr. Baker was surprised when he received the invitation one day.

  2.Two of them greeted to the Dr. Baker and was surprised to see him.

  3.The organizer was so glad that Dr. Baker stood up to help the organizer to give a talk.

  4.The organizer was saying sorry to all listeners that  the speaker didn’t not reach because of bad weather.

  Step 7 Language study


  学生活动:学生在学习和掌握词汇用法后, 分别回答教师给出的问题。

  Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  out of breath, hold on, take a message, get through, stand for, make oneself known, ring back, point out, make up, send out

  1. There are some invitations ________ .

  2. I tried to call you up but I couldn’t_____.

  3. I’ll _________ you _________ when I know the answer.

  4. When he climbed up the hill, he was _________.

  5. Will you please ________ a price list?

  6. I asked her_________ while I left the telephone to call you.

  7. She isn't in. Can I_________?

  8. What does CBA ________?

  9. May I _________ to the organizer at the conference?

  10. He ________ her________ to me.

  1. to send out                                2. get through

  3. ring; back                                 4. out of breath

  5. make up                                  6. to hold on

  7. take a message                             8. stand for

  9. make myself known                         10. pointed; out

  Step 8 Writing




  1) the first day, OK; 2) the main speaker would not be able to arrive the second day; 3) everybody was worried; 4) invite Dr. Baker to give a talk; 5) know nothing about DNA

  Suggest answer:

  The medical conference went on smoothly the first day. But on the morning of the second day, we were told that the main speaker. Dr. Lively would not be able to arrive that day because of bad weather at the airport. It was already lecture time and everybody was worried. Then we decided to invite Dr. Baker to give a talk on DNA instead. I knew Dr. Baker was in the hall. But when I told him this, he said he knew nothing about DNA and he was not Peter Baker but David Baker. Strange!

  Step 9 Discussion


  Topic: If you were the organizer of the picture, how would you do when Dr. Baker said he was ENT?

  Step 10 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Read the story in this lesson again.

  3.Prepare Lesson 99.




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