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Sporting events

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Sporting events


Sporting events(精选4篇)

Sporting events 篇1

  module 4 unit 2 sporting events 【no.35】



  1. sporting adj. = connected with or interested in sport

  a ~ event体育比赛项目    a ~ man 爱好体育的人

  sport  指各种运动或户外消遣(可以是娱乐性或锻炼性的,一般作[u];也可以是竞赛性的或某种运动项目,一般作[c])。仅限于体力锻炼。如:fishing/ boating/ swimming

  作定语时常用复数,如:sports meeting / shirt / shoes / facilities / stadium

  game  指有一定规则的、双方竞争的游戏或运动,可以是脑力的,也可以是体力的,通常凡参加者都必须遵守,如:basketball /chess等。美国人常用game,英国人常用match。

  match “比赛”,指大型的、公开的,既可是球类、田径也可是其他项目。

  另外,games和sports均可作“运动会”解。前者一般指大型的国际体育运动会。如:the olympic games。后者一般指规模相对较小的运动会。如:sports meet;have sports(进行体育活动)。

  race  专指(速度的)比赛,赛跑.等。

  complete 较正式的用语。有“使……由不完整变得完整起来”的含义,后接名词或代词,不接动名词或不定式。

  2.   finish  常作及物动词,后接名词、代词或动名词,不接不定式或名词性从句。有“干完、吃完”的含义。

  end  指“停止”、“结束”某一进程,使其不再进展或延续下去,不强调该进度是否圆满完成。

  take part in “参加、参与”(指参加某项活动,如群众性活动、会议等,并在其中起积极作用,强调主人翁态度)。可指“参加”(工作、活动、学习等)。

  3.   join   是指以平等地位“加入”到某一组织、团体或人群中,并成为其中一员。

  join in sth. 参加某种活动(多指正在进行的活动)  join in the discussion/ the game

  join sb. in sth /doing sth  和…… 一起做某事

  attend “参加、出席”(会议、聚会、讲座等)  attend a meeting /a lecture / class / school

  compete for the honor of the country 为国家的荣誉而竞赛

  show honor to sb. 对某人表示敬意

  a man of honor   重信义的人

  it is a great honor to do sth.  很荣幸干某事

  4. honor   take … as a great honor 把……作为很荣幸的事

  in honor of sb. = in sb’s honor  出于对……的敬意

  have the honor of doing sth. / to do sth.  荣幸干某事

  honor sb. / sth. (with sth.)

  be honored in…for …  在某方面因某事而获得荣誉

  under one’s name 以……名字        under a false name 以假名

  with the name   名叫……      

  by name        用…名字;名叫…   he was a professor, peter , by name.

  5.     by the name of   名叫……的         he was a professor by the name of peter.

  in the name of    以……的名义; 看在……份上

  name … after / for sb.  以某人的名字命名……

  call sb’s names   辱骂(某人)

  after an absence of seven years 外出7年以后

  one’s absence from school  某人缺席/ 缺课

  6. absence  in the absence of              (某人)不在时;缺少(某物)

  absence of mind (absent-minded)  心不在焉

  be absent from             不在……

  for (quite) a while  (好长)一会儿

  after a while      过了一会儿(与动词的过去时连用)

  7. while    all the while      始终,一直(与延续性动词连用或与终止性动词的否定连用)

  in a (short) while  没一会儿,不久(与动词的过去时或将来时连用)

  once in a while   有时,偶尔 = now and then ; from time to time

  比  较 while /as / when

  ① 如果主句表示的是短暂的动作,而从句表示的是一段时间,三者可通用。

  i met her when / while / as i was walking along the river.

  ② as和when可与终止性动词连用,while只能与延续性动词连用。

  i saw her as / when she was getting off the bus.

  ③ as强调主句与从句表示的动作同时发生,while强调主句表示的动作延续于while所指的整个时间。试比较: she sang while she went along. 她走路时不停地唱。

  she sang as she went along. 她边走边唱。


  into  使……进入……      ~ a sport into the olympics

  8. enter   into  把……计入……      ~ all the events of the day into her diary

  for   报名参加(比赛)  ~ for an exam/ the championship

  into  开始进入……     ~ into an argument/ a state of war / business

  make way for        为……让路

  9.    make one’s way to     向……走去

  give way to sb. / sth.   放弃……;向……让步

  good luck to sb. with/in sth.   祝某人在……好运  good luck in your exams!

  try one’s luck/fortune (at sth.)  碰运气

  10. luck   what bad luck!  (用以表示同情)

  just my luck!    (用以表示运气总是那么坏)

  no such luck.   没有那份儿运气



  1. since we’re not in a hurry, we ____________________ (不妨) wait for the next bus as this one is much too crowded  .

  2.---she looks very happy, she _______________________ (一定通过了) the exam.

  ---i guess so. it’s not difficult after all.

  3. —i didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because i had left my pen at home.

  ---you __________________________________ (本可以借我的). i wasn’t using it.

  4. he has a good way to _____  the students’ brains __________ (使学生头脑动起来) .

  5. ________ women ________________________________ their own competition at a ___________ festival _____________________ the wife of the greek god zeus. (为纪念希腊主神宙斯的妻子,未婚女性被允许在另外一个节日参加她们自己的比赛。)

  6. ______________________ would ______________________ for countries and people to live ________________________. (奥运会使得所有的国家和人民和平相处成为可能。)

  7. we ____________________________________ beijing olympic games will be ______________. (我们有充足的理由相信XX年奥运会会圆满成功。)

  8. he is _______________________ the greatest distance runner _____________ ______. (他被广泛地认可为有史以来最出色的长跑运动员。)

  9. ______________________ the olympic movement a successful future to __________   __ _      ____.(让我们共同祝愿奥林匹克运动有一个成功的未来,以映衬其辉煌的过去。)

  10. i email my parents _____________________(每两天).

  11. the ioc has still not _________ the sport because it wants to ___________________ ___ of sports. (国际奥委会目前还没有批准该项目,因为它希望能够维持比赛项目的平衡。)

  12. liu xiang _______ people _______________________ when he became the first asian ______________________ in the men’s 110-metre hurdles. (当刘翔成为夺取男子110米跨栏的金牌的亚洲第一人时,他使全世界的人都为之激动。)

  13. don’t you ____               to miss such _________________________? (难道你不觉得错过这个好机会太愚蠢了吗?)

  14. feeling too old and tired to run the factory, mr. smith _________________________ _________________. (由于感到年高体迈,史密斯先生不得不让位给他的儿子经营工厂。)

  15. the day will come    __________________________      . (不管黑夜有多长)

  16. seize the chance, __________________________________. (否则你会后悔。)

  17. they   ______________ the captain ________________.(他们背地里说队长的坏话。)

  18. he’s _______________________ his parents. (他的父母以他为荣。)

  19. ________________________, this fellow is now ____________________________ in this company. (令我们惊讶的是那个家伙在这公司大权在握。)

  20. every one present was asked to   __________________________ over this matter. (所有在场的人都被要求就此问题发表观点。)


  i would like to talk to you about space vegetables, and to show you that space vegetables are healthy and good for you.

  space vegetables are grown from seeds that have been taken to and brought back from outer space. the seeds are affected by the radiation (辐射) and low gravity (重力) in outer space. when they are brought back to earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious than normal vegetables. however, some people worry about eating space vegetables. they think that space vegetables might not be good for us and could give us cancer as a result of their exposure (暴露) to radiation in space. people should not be scared, though, as space vegetables are actually perfectly healthy.

  here are some facts that you should know about space vegetables:

  space vegetables are grown from seeds that are carefully selected. when seeds are brought back from space, they are tested to make sure that the vegetables they grow will be safe to eat. there are no traces (痕迹) of radiation after testing.

  space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables. for example, space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes. another popular space vegetable is the peppers. space peppers contain 20 per cent more vitamin c than normal peppers.

  after gm foods came onto the market, people worried that they were eating unknown things. for example, if nut genes are put inside potatoes, people allergic to nuts might get very sick from eating these potatoes because they do not know they are also eating nuts. unlike genetically modified foods (转基因食品), space vegetables have not been genetically changed. this means that no new genes are put into the vegetables. therefore, there are no dangers of eating something unknown.

  title: space vegetables

  space vegetables are (1) __________, healthy and good for you to eat.

  measures taken to ensure the (2) ___________ of space vegetables before brought to the outer space, the (3) ________ are carefully selected.

  when brought back from space, vegetables are (4) ________ to see whether there are traces of radiation which might (5) ___________ to cancer. the testing has (6) ______ that they are perfectly healthy.

  advantages of space vegetables

  as a (7) _________ of the radiation and low gravity in outer space, the seeds produce bigger and healthier vegetables containing more (8) __________.

  space vegetables stay (9) ________ longer than normal vegetables

  you won’t run the (10) ________ of eating something that may damage your health because none of the genes is changed.

Sporting events 篇2


  1. entering a sport into the olympics can be a long process. (p38) 使一个体育项目进入奥运会有时会是一个很长的过程。

  can: here can is used to describe the characteristics of sb./sth. 这里can 用来描述特有的行为或情形,常译为“有时会”

  children can sometimes be very tiring.

  it can be very cold here, even in may.

  2. these sports were usually removed…to make way for…(p38) 这些项目撤出……让位于……

  give way to sth. (also make way for sth.) uk

  1. to be replaced by sth., especially because it is better, cheaper, easier, etc:

  in some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.

  moon bay in el granada is closed to make way for new restaurant.

  2. allow space or a free passage 让路

  as is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine.

  on hearing siren, bell and hooter sound from a rushing fire engine, make way for the vehicle to pass.

  all the way 一路上,一直; 大老远       by the way 顺便说一声;在途中

  by way of  经过,经由                  find one’s way 找到路,设法到达

  in a way   在某种程度上;有点,有几分   in no way     决不

  in the/one’s way挡路                     lead the way  领路,带路  

  lose one’s way 迷路                      make one’s way (辛苦地)前进,行走  

  no way 没门                            on the/one’s way (to)在途中;渐趋于

  under way (船只)航行中,(计划)进行中

Sporting events 篇3

  module 4 unit 2 sporting events 单元测试 


  一、单词拼写 (1’×20)

  1. with april 18’s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to c__________ with better service for passengers.

  2. england is s       _____   from france by the channel.

  3. a man is being questioned in relation to the a______________ murder last night.

  4. marie curie took little notice of the __________ (荣誉) that were given to her in her later years.

  5. businessmen often get sleepless,         (使平衡)the gains and losses of their deals.

  6. potatoes can provide one-third of our daily    _____           (需求) of vitamin.

  7. on may 5, , at the world table tennis championship, kong linghui and wang hao won the gold m_________ in men's doubles with a score of 4: 1.

  8. john received an invitation to dinner, and with his work finished, he g___________ accepted it.

  9. mr. bush is on time for everything. how can it be that he was late for the opening c__________?

  10. there is a speed l            of 30 mph in town.

  11. five people won the “china’s green figure” award, a title given to ordinary people for their c________________ to environmental protection.

  12. the ____________ (委员会) is discussing the problem right now. it will hopefully have been solved by the end of next week.

  13. after he r__________ from office, rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  14. they got two free tickets to canada; o________ they’d never have been able to afford to go.

  15. according to the recent survey, cancer is the l_________ cause of death among young adults in this area, especially women.

  16. the world is made up of seven c_____________ and four oceans.

  17. all the people present at the party were his s______________.

  18. the head office of the bank is in beijing, but it has b__________ all over the country.

  19. there is a new problem i____________ in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.

  20. --- are you still thinking about yesterday’s game? --- oh, that’s what makes me feel e_________.

  二、短语翻译 (1’×20)

  1. 很高兴被邀请                             2. 为…节省时间        ____________           

  3. 每四年        _____                      4. 心不在焉         __________              

  5. 努力做某事      _____________            6. 日常工作   _______________           

  7. 提建议    ____________________           8. 听取建议   ______________           

  9. 征求意见       ___________               10. 满足某人的需要                     

  11. 对…密切关注                 ____       12. 纪念、向…表示敬意__________________

  13. 共同;并肩                              14. 打破纪录       _______               

  15. 创纪录                                  16. 控制住__    __________             

  17. 许多、大量                              18. 旅游景点      _______               

  19.在…中扮演角色                           20. 给…让路,让位于                  

  三、词组填空  (1’×10)

  share… with; compete for; in honor of; side by side; no matter what; break the record; every two days; feel proud of; 3 days’ absence; be recognized as

  1. the ballad (民谣) and the folk songs ___________________ important keys to the thoughts and feelings of a people.

  2. ______________________ you do, you should put your heart into it.

  3. some experts advise those with greasy (油性的) hair to wash the head every day, but some think it is enough to wash the head _________________.

  4. my father and i are very close. i love pleasing him, and he always ___________ ______________ my success.

  5. place a piece of dark metal and a piece of light-colored wood or cloth of about the same size ____________________ in the sunlight on a bright afternoon and then you will find the dark metal is hotter.

  6. washington, a state in the united states, was named _____________________one of the greatest american presidents, george washington.

  7. he did very well in the competition, but he failed to __________________________.

  8. what yang liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was _____________  the joy __________ all the chinese.

  9. after staying at home for six months because of his broken arms, he returned to the olympics and ________________medals.

  10. the student came back to school after__________________________; and he had made up a wonderful story to explain it.

  四、单项选择 (1’×30)

  1. both the boys wanted to compete _____ the race.

  a. in         b. for        c. against       d. with

  2. no matter _____ hard it may be, i will carry it out.

  a. what       b. whatever      c. how       d. however

  3. european football is played in 80 countries, ___ it the most popular sport in the world.

  a. making     b. makes      c. made       d. to make

  4.  ___   tomorrow, our ship will set sail for macao.

  a. however the weather is like            b. however is the weather like

  c. whatever is the weather like            d. whatever the weather is like

  5. the poor young man is ready to accept ______ help he can get.

  a. whichever    b. however   c. whatever   d. whenever

  6. he found _____very difficult to get to sleep.

  a. this        b. that        c. its          d. it

  7. great changes _____ in china in the past few years.

  a. were taken place  b. took place   c. have been taken place  d. have taken place

  8. ---when and where ____ the first modern olympics held? ---1896 in athens, greece.

  a. were       b. was         c. are        d. is

  9. the founding of the people’s republic of china is a great ____ in the history.

  a. affair       b. business     c. matter     d. event

  10. this is a very interesting book. i’ll buy it,__________.

  a. how much may it cost           b. no matter how it may cost

  c. however much it may cost        d. how may it cost

  11. i shall be delighted ______ with you.

  a. go         b. going       c. to go       d. to going

  12. she published her novels _____ a man’s name, which she thought was easier to gain popularity.    a. in  b. by      c. under   d. at

  13. -tom, you are caught late again.   -oh, _________.

  a. not at all  b. just my luck    c. never mind    d. that’s all right

  14. we don’t allow _____ in the reading room. who has allowed you _____ here?

  a. smoking; to smoke    b. to smoke; smoking  c. smoking; smoking  d. to smoke; to smoke

  15. playing tricks on others is _____  we should never do.

  a. anything     b. something     c. everything     d. nothing

  16. --- the last one _______ pays the meal.    --- agreed!

  a. arrived      b. arrives       c. to arrive      d. arriving

  17. he went back to the hall to try his _____ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.

  a. best    b. success    c. result   d. luck

  18. ______ on-going division between english-speaking canadians and french-speaking canadians is ______ major concern of the country.

  a the; / b the; a c an; the d an; /

  19. the international agreement, _____ to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on february 27 this year.

  a. intending   b. to intend    c. intended      d. to be intended

  20. the teacher repeated the explanation several times ____ the child to understand it completely.

  a. in order to     b. so as to    c. in order that    d. in order for

  21. let harry play with your toys as well, clare you must learn to ________.

  a. support  b. care c. spare  d. share

  22. hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hours operation to have ________ one-year-old twins at the head.

  a. moved      b. separated c. divided     d. removed

  23. ---i just heard that the tickets for tonight's show have been sold out. ---oh no! _____.

  a. i was looking forward to that     b. it doesn't matter

  c. i knew it already         d. it's not at all interesting

  24. there have been several new events _____ to the program for the beijing olympic games.

  a. add b. to add c. adding d. added

  25. _____ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.    a. as     b. that      c. this    d. it                          

  26. the old tower must be saved, _________the cost.

  a. however   b. whatever  c. whichever  d. wherever                                         

  27. it was after he got what he had desired _______ he realized it was not so important.   

  a. that       b. when        c. since       d. as      

  28.  it was not until she got home ______ jennifer realized she had lost her keys.          

  a. when     b. that     c. where     d. before

  29.—____that he managed to get the information?  —oh, a friend of his helped him.

  a. where was it    b. what was it    c. how was it    d. why was it

  30. i just wonder _______ that makes him so excited.

  a. why it does     b. what he does      c. how it is            d. what it is                 


  1. ---how’s your tour around the north lake? is it beautiful?

  ---it ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

  a. will         b. would        c. should       d. must   

  2. in crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage.

  a. can     b. may     c. must       d. will    

  3. —what do you think we can do for our aged parents?

  —you ________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

  a. don’t have to  b. oughtn’t to  c. mustn’t     d. can’t   

  4. my mp4 player isn’t in my bag. where          i have put it?

  a. can  b. must  c. should  d. would  

  5. 一what does the sign over there read?

  一“no person ______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.”

  a. will      b. may      c. shall      d. must   

  6. i told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps i       have driven her there.

  a. could  b. must  c. might  d. should   

  7. --- my cat’s really fat.   --- you ______ have given her so much food.

  a. wouldn’t       b. couldn’t    c. shouldn’t     d. mustn’t 

  8. the biggest problem for most plants, which ______ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them.

  a. shan’t        b. can’t       c. needn’t      d. mustn’t   

  9. —where is my dictionary? i remember i put it here yesterday.  —you    it in the wrong place.

  a. must put     b. should have put     c. might put    d. might have put  

  10. the teacher _____ have thought johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time on him, i suppose.    a. should     b. can      c. would     d. must  

  11. --- she looks very happy. she ____ have passed the exam. --- i guess so. it’s not difficult after all.

  a. should b. could c. must  d. might  

  12. ---turn off the tv, jack. ___ doing your homework now? ---mum, just ten more minutes, please.

  a. should you be    b. shouldn't you be    c. couldn't you be   d. will you be           

  13. —guess what! i have got a for my term paper.

  —great! you ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

  a. must      b. should      c. must have     d. should have 

  14. john, look at the time. _____ you play the piano at such a late hour?

  a. must    b. can   c. may  d. need

  15. we     have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.   a. needn’t     b. may not     c. shouldn’t       d. mustn’t

  16. there is no light in the dormitory. they must have gone to the lecture, _______?

  a. didn't they     b. don' t they   c. mustn't they       d. haven' t they

Sporting events 篇4

  高三英语早读检测 (m4u2)


  1. about 100 persons will c__________ for this position in the government office.

  2. do you think a candle can l__________ the small room up for reading?

  3. every one present was asked to s_______ their own views over this matter.

  4. it is common p_________ to shake hands with others here.

  5. the un calls on people all over the world to keep the b__________ of nature.

  6. the pill will e_____________ you a good sleep.

  7. tom, shall they come in together or s_______________?

  8. scientists have made great c________________ to the development of society.

  9. he was born a good a____________; he plays on the national team now.

  10. we should m_____________ friendly relations with neighboring countries.


  mr johnson gave a speech about the history and (1) s_____________of the olympic games. athletes at the (2) a____________ games could only be men, but today, men and women from around the world can (3) c___________. the modern games were (4) d___________ to make it possible for countries and people to live (5) p__________ together. he stated that olympians had brought joy to people across the world with their (6) a___________ to push the (7) l_________ of human achievement. besides jordan, he also (8) m__________ deng yaping, who won many gold (9) m___________ as an olympian before retiring. he wished the olympics a successful future to match its (10) g_________ past.




Sporting events
