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Unit 3 This is my father

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Unit 3 This is my father


Unit 3 This is my father(精选4篇)

Unit 3 This is my father 篇1

  unit 3   this is my father   四课时

  第一课时: a learn to say


  1、能用 this is my…句型介绍家庭成员;

  2、能听说几种家庭成员的称呼语:father, mother , brother,sister

  3、认识三个人物:mr black, mrs black ,gao shan. 并能正确理解运用mrs.


  1、能用this is my…句型介绍家庭成员

  2、能听说几种家庭成员的称呼语:father, mother , brother,sister




  cassette ,recorder ,masks (david ,nancy , mrs black , mr black ,miss li )


  step 1   warm-up :

  1.free talk

  good morning ./ this is …/ nice to meet you.

  step 2 .presentation and practice .

  1. 复习颜色单词引出black

  a.: 出示头饰 this is mr black. 跟读mr black

  b. 让学生当mr black介绍 运用nice to meet you.

  drill: this is mr black. nice to neet you

  2. 学习father

  a. t戴上nancy 头饰: this is my father , mr black .学说father

  b. 生拿自己的全家福介绍自己的父亲。

  3. 学习mrs black.和mother

  a. t(出示mrs black的头饰): she is mrs black.(戴头饰) i’m mrs black.

  请一生戴头饰介绍: hi , , this is mrs black.

  _ nice to meet you , mrs black

  b. in pairs.

  c. 师戴david 的头饰介绍:this is my mother. 学说mother

  d. 戴头饰表演:miss x, this is my mother.

  nice to meet you, mrs black.

  nice to meet you, miss x.

  4. play a game :guess mother or father mr or mrs

  分别请四位学生扮演nancy, david, mr black 和mrs black,让nancy 介绍父母,引入brother.然后让david介绍父母,引出sister.


  step3.learn to say

  1. listen to the tape and repeat .(first only listen ,the second time repeat ).

  2. act the part a.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)

  step 4. consolidation.

  1、read the new words.and the dialogue

  step 5 assign homework

  1、listen and read

  2、introduce the family members to your classmates.

  sing“goodbye !”




  2、熟练运用this is…介绍家庭成员。

  3、能听说bananas, pears,oranges,apples四个水果类单词


  1.bananas, pears,oranges,apples四个水果类单词的听说掌握。



  2、熟练运用this is…介绍家庭成员。


  录音机, 磁带, 单词卡片,全家福,头饰


  step 1.   warm-up :

  1.free talk: (戴头饰)this is my mother/father/ brother/sister.

  nice to meet you,x.

  nice to meet you ,too.


  show the cards then chant: father/father/my father/ this is my father.

  mother/mother/my mother/ this is my mother.

  brother/brother/my brother/ this is my brother.

  sister/sister/my sister/ this is my sister

  3.show the family photo and introduce it as an example


  step2 look and learn

  1.   learn the new words:

  a.   t: 板画苹果 what's this in english?

  学说apple 边摸边说,边闻边说

  涂成红色 a red apple 涂成绿色 a green apple

  继续板画苹果 学习apples

  快速认读 an apple / apples

  b. 同法学习a pear/ pears

  a banana/ bananas

  an orange/ oranges

  c.t: there’re many fruits. i like apples. what do you like?

  启发学生用i like 回答。

  d. 用what do you like ?询问同学的喜好。

  2. play games

  a.listen and show

  b.touch and guess

  c.magic ears

  step 3 consolidation.

  1.     read the words together

  2.     read the words by themselves

  step4 homework.

  listen to the tape and repeat about part a and part b (several times .)

  第三课时 abd


  1. 能熟练运用this is my… 句型介绍家庭成员。

  2. 巩固已学的四个水果类单词。

  3. 能听说watermelons, peaches, mangoes, pineapples 四种水果单词。


  能听说watermelons, peaches, mangoes, pineapples 四种水果单词。






  step 1 .warm up :

  1. greetings.

  2.free talk :出示家庭照片介绍。

  this is my father. this is my mother.

  step 2 .presentation .


  出示水果图片的一角 what’s this?

  2. 看口型猜单词板书单数和复数

  3. read together

  step 3 look and learn

  1、learn the new words

  a. play a game: touch and guess

  引入单词学习 mango 让学生上黑板画出mango 跟读 再添画芒果,说出复数mangoes


  a peach/peaches

  a watermelon/ watermelons

  a pineapple/ pineapples

  b. 听音跟读单词的单数和复数

  2.快速认读单词 师出示词汇卡片 让学生读出



  5.survey: what do you like? i like…

  step 4 consolidation

  1、listen and point.

  2、listen to the rhyme then repeat

  step 5 assign homework

  1 read the words

  2 teach the words to your parents.

  第四课时 cd


  1. 进一步熟练掌握家庭成员的称呼语,熟练运用this is my …介绍家庭成员。

  2. 熟练掌握八个水果类单词,了解名词复数的读音。 .

  3. 能听懂、会说以下对话,并能运用所学句型进行询问调查

  what do you like? i like…






  图片, 头饰 ,录音机

  step1.   warm-up

  1.free talk

  make up new dialogue in three.

  eg: hello, this is my mother/mother/brother/sister

  nice to meet you,x.

  nice to meet you,too.

  2.read part a together, choose someone to read

  step2. look and say.

  talk in pairs,then check one by one

  step 3 listen and judge .

  1、look at the picture

  2、listen to the tape then judge

  3、check the answer

  step 4 review


  2、game: 出示实物 what can you see on the desk?

  i can see a …/some …

  3、what do you like? i like ….

  step 5 consolidation

  1、say the rhyme

  2、read unit 3 together

  3、finish the listening exercises in the workbook.

  step 6 assign homework:

  1 、read the dialogue and words

  2、 preview unit 4

Unit 3 This is my father 篇2


  1, 3a第三单元a部分内容.



  1, 掌握单词:father/ mother /sister/ brother

  2, 能用句型:this is my …介绍家庭成员.


  1, 正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother 的发音.                                                                                                                                                                         


  1, 磁带(课文配套磁带)

  2, 师生各自准备一张全家福

  3, 书中人物头饰.(制作)

  【教学过程】step1:sing english songs “hello!” and  “hi, nancy!”


  step 2: free talk and revision

  1. 用 “hi/ hello/ good morning . nice to meet you.” 与部分生交流.

  2. 用 “what’s your name?”与部分生交流,并复习句型 “this is …”.

  t: hi/ hello/ good morning .

  nice to meet you.i‘m leon。

  what’s your name?

  s: i’m …

  t: ( 指着该生询问其余学生) this is …, yes or no?

  s: yes/ no. this is …

  ( 在学生否定回答时,让生练习句型 this is …)(3组左右)

  3. 进一步复习 “ this is …” 句型.

  教师出示一些图片,让生用 “this is ..” 句型一一介绍图片上的内容,鼓励生用修饰词,如在介绍一只白猫时,鼓励生说     “this is a white cat.”(动物图片,涂成各种颜色)

  t: what‘s this?

  s: 。。。

  t: what color is it?

  s: 。。。

  t: yes。this is 。。。

  step3: presentation


  t: what‘s this?

  this is david‘s family photo。(出示卡片,贴黑板上)

  (一)   出示一张david ,nancy, mr black, mrs black 的全家福.(课件)

  t: who are they?

  s: this is …( 逐一介绍)

  (二)   学习father, mother, brother, sister

  t: 教师戴上nancy 的头饰,一一介绍:

  this is my father/mother/brother.

  师出示father/mother/brother三个单词,领读数遍并造相关短语如: my father/my mother/my brother

  ( 学完三个单词后,让生进入角色,分别扮演nancy和david, 向大家介绍家庭成员.)

  (三)chant“family chant”




  father,father,my father

  this is my father


  mother,mother, my mother

  this is my mother


  brother,brother, my brother

  this is my brother


  sister,sister, my sister

  this is my sister

  (三)   学习课文.

  (1) 师一一介绍背景,然后请生试想图中小朋友会如何介绍自己的家人。.

  (2) 听读课文

  (3) 跟读课文。

  (4) 逐一介绍后,自由朗读全文。

  (5) 分角色,朗读课文.

  (6) 分角色表演课文,同时出示相应情景图片。( 生自选一图,师准备好头饰.)

  step4. consolidation

  (1) 师拿出准备好的照片,逐一介绍上面的人物.

  (2) 生也可拿出照片逐一介绍家庭成员.

  step4. assignment.



  unit3 this is my father

  family photo





Unit 3 This is my father 篇3


  1.听懂、会说四种单词: apple、banana、orange、pear。

  2.能用句型this is my…介绍自己的父母亲。

  3.认识两个人物 mr black与mrs black。


  二、教学重点: 目标1、2

  三、教学难点: 目标4

  四、教学准备: 实物、录音、投影、图片、头饰等。


  step1 sing a song:


  step2 review and introduce mr black、mrs black

  1.free talk.

  2.introduce mr black、mrs black

  3.review some words and make two dialogues.

  step3 presentation and drill:the four words

  1. t show an apple and say : apple. ss look and listen.

  teach: apple

  then let ss show their apples and say .

  2. t: is it an apple?

  teach: pear

  then let ss point、touch and say.

  3. play a game: touch and guess.

  teach: orange

  smell and say in pairs.

  4.ask two students play the game in front : smell and guess.

  teach: banana

  listen ,read and do the action.


  (1) show and say in groups

  (2) taste and guess.

  6.teach: apples、pears、oranges、bananas

  the way:

  a. let s1 show and say: an apple +an apple +an apple   apples   b. t say ss show.

  c. t show ss say

  step4 presentation and drill:this is my mother/father.

  1.t show a photo and ask: who is she?

  t: yes, she is miss han. and this is my mother.

  teach: this is my mother.

  2.ss introduce in pairs, then act.

  3. guess: who is the man?

  teach: this is my father.

  4. let some students introduce their father and mother in front. (show their photos.)

  5.listen and read.

  (1)“nancy” introduce her father and mother.

  (2)listen to the tape.

  (3)listen and repeat.

  6.act the dialogue.

  step5 homework

  1.say the four fruit to your mother and father.

  2.introduce your father and mother to your friends.


  本课主要是教学四种水果单词与介绍父母“this is my father/mother.”


  在学“this is my father/mother.”时则运用实物投影,同时让学生也拿出自己父母的照片进行介绍,真实且有趣。

  unit 3 this is my father.(第一课时) 来自第一范文网。

Unit 3 This is my father 篇4

  一、 the objects of teaching

  1、 能用this is ……句型介绍家庭成员。

  2、 能听懂、会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语:father,mother,  brother, sister.

  3、  认识三个人物mr black, mrs black, gao shan, 并能正确理解和运用mrs.这个词汇。

  4、 能听懂、会说以下八个水果类单词an apple, an orange, a pear, a banana, a peach, a mango, a pineapple, a watermelon.

  5、 能听懂并有韵律地诵读歌谣they are all very good.

  6、 能初步了解名词复数的读音。

  7、 能听懂、会说以下对话,并能运用所学句型进行询问调查。

  what do you like?

  i like……

  二、 the difficults of  teaching

  重点:1、能用this is ……句型介绍家庭成员。



  难点: 1、能听懂、会说八个水果类单词。


  三、 teaching aids:

  tape   picture    radio     fruits

  四、 教学过程

  lesson  one

  step one  free talk

  1   sing a song < hi, nancy!>

  2   greeting

  boys and girls, i don’t know all your names, so please introduce your deskmates to me. ok?

  teacher shows how to introduce first ,then ask students to do after that .

  s1: this is x x.

  s2: this is x x.

  t: nice to meet you.

  s1,s2: nice to meet you, too.

  (four or five pairs)

  3.   you all said very good. now, look here, do you remember them?

  if you remember them, let’s introduce them together, ok?

  this is … 

  mr black, mrs black (是指夫人), mr green, miss li.

  step two  presentation

  1.   t: now, boys and girls, please take out your photos,

  and introduce your family members to us.

  ss say in chinese.

  s: 我叫x x. 这是我的妈妈,这是我的爸爸。

  2.   t: boys and girls, now, i’m miss bai.

  listen to me carefully.

  this is my father. this is my mother.(say it again)  

  s  say it like this.

  3.   t: now, read after me.   

  ss: father—my father 

  mother— my motherbrother— my brother

  sister—  my   ister  

  ss read the words in line.

  4. read the new words like this : 

  爸爸,爸爸 father , 妈妈,妈妈 mohter

  哥哥,弟弟 brother , 姐姐,妹妹    sister   

  5.    t: say the sentence: this is my …….

  please introduce your family members to me. 

  ss introduce their family members

  step three  practise

  1.   t: boys and girls, this is a photo of nancy’s family.

  now, you are nancy.  or: you are david.

  2.   ss: this is my father. this is my mother. this is my brother/this is my sister.

  step four  consolidation

  1 listen to the tape, and read after it ( three times)

  2 act the dialogue out.

  lesson two

  step one  free talk

  1.    t: boys and girls, let’s listen to the tape.

  a rhyme :

  they are all very good!

  pears, bananas and pineapples,

  oranges, peaches and apples,

  big fruit and small fruit,

  they are all very good!

  2.    can you understand the rhyme ?  let’s study .

  step two  presentation

  1.    t: boys and girls, let’s play a game.  “touch and guess”.

  show the big bag. ask students to touch it then guess. what is it?

  s: pear—pears  apple—apples

  s: banana—bananas orange—oranges  

  s: peach—peaches mango—mangoes

  s: pineapple—pineapples

  2.   students read after the teacher one by one—group—boys—girls

  step three   practise

  1listen to the tape

  2listen to the tape again and read after it.

  3read the words by theirselves

  4show the things

  if the teacher says: show me your pears , the students must show the pears

  5teacher show the fruits and the students say it in english.

  step four   consolidation

  1read the fruits in english each twice

  2play a game.

  who can get the most fruits, teacher show one fruit, students must  say the fruit in

  english quickly. if he say the first, he’s the winner, and he’ll get this fruit.

  at last, find out who get the most fruit.

  lesson three

  step one  review

  1.     t: good morning, x x.s: good morning, miss zhang.

  2.     t: good afternoon, x x.      s: good afternoon, miss zhang.

  3.     t: hi.  s: hi.

  t: what’s your name?s: i’m x x.

  t: nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you, too.

  4.   please introduce your partner to me.

  s: hi, this is x x

  t: nice to meet you, x x.      s1: nice to meet you, too.

  step two  presentation


  1  t: look at picture . who are they?  

  s: mr green,   mr black.

  2  t: please think about what are they talking?

  ss say something about it, say in english.

  3  practise in pairs.     (mr green—mr black)

  4  g: good morning. / hi/ hello, mr black.

  b: good morning, / hi, / hello, mrgreen.

  part 2

  1  look at the picture 2

  2  it’s 2:40 in the afternoon, mr li and mrs black are talking in a clock shop .

  3  practise in pairs  (pay attention to the difference between mrs and miss)

  4  ask someone to act it out.

  part 3

  1  what are they talking about.

  2  example: s1: david  s2: helen  s3: mike.

  3  practise ( three pupil a group)

  4  act the dialogue out.

  d: hello, helen.

  h: hello, david. david, this is my brother, mike.

  d: nice to meet you, mike.

  m: nice to meet you, too.

  part 4:

  m: hi, gao shan.

  g: hi, mike.

  m: this is my sister, helen.

  h: hello, gao shan.

  g: hello, helen.

  step three  practise

  chose any picture to make the dialogue.

  and try to practise it after the class.

  lesson four

  step one  free talk

  1  greeting

  t: good morning/afternoon.     s: good morning/afternoon.

  t: what’s your name?   s: i’m x x.

  t: nice to meet you.    s: nice to meet you, too.

  2  say a rhyme

  they are all very good!

  pears, bananas and pineapples,

  oranges, peaches and apples,

  big fruit and small fruit,

  they are all very good!

  3   play a game : let’s go shopping

  4   what’s this?

  ss: bananas    watermelons   peaches  pears  apples  oranges 

  mangoes   pineapples

  read these fruits each three times

  step two  presentation

  1   listen to the tape

  a: listen and respond

  (1)hi, i’m miss xu..    s: hi, i’m x x.

  (2) good afternoon.      s: good afternoon.

  (3) nice to meet you.    s: nice to meet you, too.

  (4) nice to meet you, mrs black.  s: nice to meet you, mrs black.

  b: listen and number

  (1) this is my brother mike.

  (2) this is my sister nancy.

  (3) this is mrs black.

  (4) this is mr black.

  c: listen and draw.

  1 a pear 2 oranges     3 a watermelons

  step three  practise

  1  t: what can you see?

  s: i can see a pear/……

  2   play a game

  magic eyes   what is it?

  ss: a mango?    yes/ no.

  mangoes?    yes/ no.

  3   say the fruits

  a cat—catsorange--oranges

  a banana—bananas   a bird-- birds

  step four homework

  1   listen to the tape and read after it

  2   make similar dialogue by yourselves.

  3   finish the workbook of unit3

  本单元的新知点较多.a部分的对话句型: this is my father/ mother/brother/sister . 其中就包含了家庭成员类的单词.需要在授课过程中首先进行讲授和操练.对话部分还有nice to meet you .这个句型也是很重要.虽然是复现第二单元的内容,但是同样需要在课堂提醒和注意.还有需要学生注意的就是对话中出现的人物,特别是先生mr.夫人mrs.小姐miss这三个词在词义上和读音上的区别.




  unit 3 this is my father 来自第一范文网。



Unit 3 This is my father
