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reading教案 篇1

  task:1,to practise the technique of scanning ofr details

  2,to know the relationship between diet and overall health

  3,to master the usages of the following expressions and words

  want to do, for two days,it's important for ...,be good for,eat ...for,not...any more,a

  top student,like doing,on the internet,exercise,twice a week,dancer,fast food

  4,to finish a class test

  topic:what we eat and how we live

  contents:reading part in unit 4

  important points:1,the usages of the expressions and words

  2,the technique of scanning for detail

  difficult points:the relationship between diet and overall health

  the teachique to scanning for detail

  what we eat and how we live

  every day,i dance for two hours. it's important for a dancer to be healthy.i know that sweet snacks are not good for me. i always eat an apple for breakfast. i don't eat sweet snacks any more. i am...a top student i like studying on the inernet. after class. i exercise every day for about 30 minutes. i swim twice a week. i always have a healthy meal for dinner.i don't eat fast food any more.

  teaching procedures:

  task one:show the task for this class (let the students know they study task):omission

  task twpractise the skill for scanning for the details

  1,give the students papers

  2,(the students)try to read the passage fill the missing words

  the girl's name is ______.she is ______ years old.she wants to be a _____.she often dances for _____ _____every day.before she _____ate fruit and ______.she liked sweet______.now she often eats_____for breakfast.she doesn't eat ______ _____between meals.

  the boy's name is ______.he is a _____student at school.he like ______computer games.he often _____with his friends on the _____.before he often ate ______for lunch.he wanted to ______basketball but he couldn't run______.so he _____for about half an hour a day.

  task three:a discussion about food and life styles

  1,show a piece of videos (一段关于胖孩子录像)

  2,a discussion

  task four:ability test

  1,give the papers

  2,use the expressions to fill in the blank for three hours,want to do,it's important for...,not...any more,eat.for,be good for,like doing...

  jack is an english boy.he ______a football player(足球运动员)he ______football very much.he plays football _______every day.he says playing football ______his health.before he seldom played football because he couldn't run fast.he often ______meat _____his three meals.he got very fat...

  task five:practice

  help the students to master the usages of the expressions

  first :t:english s:chinese then t:chinese s:english

  t:i want to be a dancer.


  t:she/he/miss li/they/the boy want/wants to be a /an/teacher /singer/dancer/engineer/farmer/....


  t: 我/你/他/我们/你们/她们/王先生 ......想成为一名医生/教师/工人......

  s:i/you/he/we/you/mr wang want/wants to be a/an ......

  2,t:i dance for two hours very day.


  t:theboy/girl/man/teachers/women....run(s)/swim(s)/walk(s)/fish(es)/work(s)...for two/three/two and half/hours/thirty/twenty/ten/minutes...every day.

  s:那个男孩/女孩/男人/教师们/妇女们......每天跑步 ......两/三/两个半时......


  s: i/my friends/his father.....read for one hour/watch tv for 30 minutes......

  3,t:it's important for a dancer to be healthy.


  t:it's important for you/them/the boy/the old man/...to walk/ swim/to do exercise/get up early .....every day.


  t:对我们/你们/他们/平平/杰克......来说,每天读英语/ 每天听录音/散步/打篮球/喝点水/吃点蔬菜......很重要。

  s: it's important for us/you/them/pingping/jack to read english /listen to the tape/walk/play basketball/eat some vegetables....

  4,t:i know that sweet snacks are not good for me.


  t:too much/many meat/sugar/ exercise/sleep/candies...is /are not good for the boy/girl/me/him....


  task six:class practice

  一、fill in the blanks according to the passage

  the girl's name is ______.she is ______ years old.she wants to be a _____.she often dances for _____ _____every day.before she _____ate fruit and ______.she liked sweet______.now she often eats_____for breakfast.she doesn't eat ______ _____between meals.

  the boy's name is ______.he is a _____student at school.he like ______computer games.he often _____with his friends on the _____.before he often ate ______for lunch.he wanted to ______basketball but he couldn't run______.so he _____for about half an hour a day.

  二、fill in the blanks with the expressions given .

  simon is my friend. he wants ____ ____a basketball player.he knows ____ _____for him to run fast. so he runs ____ ____ ____in the morning every day.before he didn't like running ____ ____.he often _____much chicken and meat ______his supper and he was very fat.his mother told him that too fat ______not _____ _____him. but now,simon seldom eats chicken and meat.and he gets up early and do exercise every day.

  三、put the following into english


  2,明明想成为一个歌唱家。(want to be)

  3,对你来说,每天吃一些水果很重要。(it's important...)


  5,读书(reading) 你每个人都有好处。(be good for)

  task seven:homework and exercise

  1,recite the passage

  2,finish the exercise in the book.

reading教案 篇2

  一、   章节分析(reading section )(一)综述本章节通过介绍了四个旅游景点,向学生展示了祖国的大好河山和悠久的文化历史,向学生提供了介绍某一个地点可展开的角度(如地理、历史、文化、景致的描述等),为培养学生的文物保护和环境保护意识提供了一个教育平台。本课的任务有两个:1         对课文进行整体阅读,培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,概括中心)等阅读能力,掌握描述用语。2  通过阅读培养民族自尊心和自豪感,激发对祖国的热爱,及保护文物和环境的意识。(二)阅读目标(reading target)教学目标1          知识目标了解文中介绍的景点的人文、地理;学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2          能力目标提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。阅读准备(收集相关资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,概括中心)等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能。3          情感目标激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱和对悠久文化历史的自豪感。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,达到教学效果。(四)阅读重点和难点(language focus and difficult points)1   词汇学习1)       核心词汇l         arrangel         chainl         structurel         constructionl         preservel         historicl         monumentl         magnificentl         peakl         viewl         sceneryl         landscape2)       拓展词汇l         urgentl         collectionl         reflection3)       词组和短语l         a group of 20 tourists l         rise and fall l         twist and turn l         take shape l         be fascinated by 2.     句型学习祈使句+ and will二、教学设计(teaching designs)




  1         pre-reading 这是课文的导入部分,建议教师在组织教学时应努力调动学生学习积极性,激发学生参与、学习的兴趣。根据课文主题,组织学生之间的交流。[具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接1 ]。

  2         while-reading 通过扫读和针对每个部分的提问(事实性问题、推想性问题、延伸性问题等)使学生理解课文内容[具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2]。

  3         post-reading 通过读后活动,让学生熟练应用语言知识和结构,变输入为输出;通过列举出旅游时不文明的行为(划刻、乱扔垃圾等),引发学生的深层思考和保护文物及环境的意识。[具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接3]。 [链接1]说明:课前热身活动,组织学生之间的交流、采访,对旅游给人的益处有一个全面的认识; 通过reading a 的选择题,对中国目前的旅游现状有粗略的了解; reading b (scanning)的阅读练习能很快进入本单元的学习。step one an interviewthe students can move around the classroom and interview several classmates and see who has been to the most places, and the person who has been to the most places will list all the places he has been to.step two a discussion. the advantages and disadvantages of travel (broaden one’s experience, expand one’s horizons, create jobs, stimulate economic; cause pollution, do manage to the relics, etc)step three  reading a p38 [链接2]说明:通过扫读获取有关信息;以问答的形式,帮助学生理解语句语段,提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。step one. scanning reading b.step two.  reading comprehension仔细阅读每个部分,提问与回答great wallquestions:why do people describe the great wall as a dragon? (because it rises and falls, twists and turns along the hill-tops of mountain chains.how long did it take to build the great wall? ( about 200 years)if you visit beijing, will you pay a special visit to the great wall? (yes, a famous section called badaling is 85 kilometres north of beijing.)is it necessary to preserve the great wall? (yes, it is a historic monument.)are you proud of the great wall? what do you think of it? (it is said that it is the only man-made structure which can be seen from space. although yang liwei, the first chinese astronaut circling the earth said that he didn’t see it, it should be considered as the sign of china, a proof of chinese people’s hard work and wisdom.shanghai museumdoes the structure of shanghai museum have any special meaning? (yes, it has a square base and a circular top. and according to chinese legend, that is the structure of the universe chinese.)what is the shanghai museum famous for? (it’s famous for its collections of ancient chinese bronze, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy.)look at picture a, a picture of the shanghai museum taken at night, what do you think of the building? (it’s magnificent.)the peak in hong konghow can tourists get to the peak? (by taking a peak tram.)when was the peak tram open to the public? (in 1888.)how long does it take to get to the peak if you take peak tram? (about 7 minutes).where can you find the terminus if you want to visit the peak? (walk for about five minutes from the bank of china building, and you will find the lower terminus.)standing on the peak, what will you see? (enjoy a superb view of hongkong).the lijiang river in guilinwhat is the usual means of transportation when visiting lijiang river? (by boat)what’s the feature of lijiang river? (oddly-shaped hills and peaks along the river and their reflections in the clear water.)what can be scenery along the lijiang river compared to? (it can be compared to a beautiful landscape painting.)[链接3]说明:    通过读后讨论活动,让学生熟练应用语言知识和结构,变输入为输出;通过列举出旅游时不文明的行为(划刻、乱扔垃圾等),引发学生的深层思考和保护文物及环境的意识。step one if you are given a chance to have a look at one of the four places of interest, which one would you like to see? why?step two have you ever been to the four places? can you give an account of your experience or your feeling while seeing the wonderful structure and beautiful scenery?step three while visiting those four places of interest, have you noticed some people’s behaviour which are not quite good? so can you list some do’s and don’ts while you go on a trip?

reading教案 篇3

  unit 2 healthy eating  reading---教案

  teaching aims:

  1.students will be able to develop their reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, skimming and so on;

  2. students will be able to realize the importance of having a healthy diet

  3.to grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage, such as be tired of , curiosity , get away with etc.

  teaching important and difficult points:

  1.understand the text well.

  2.try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1  revision

  t:good health is very important for all of us .if you want to lead a happy  life ,you must keep good health. with good health ,we can enjoy a colorful、cheerful and fruitful life. boys and girls , who would like to tell us the most important things to stay healthy ?

  s 1:drink enough water every day .

  s 2:eat fresh fruit and many vegetables a day.

  s 3:early to bed and early to rise .

  s 4:take a lot of exercise every day .

  s 5:don’t eat too much fat but eat more fish .

  t: good! please interview your partner on his healthy habits.

  ss: ok


  step 2  learn the new words and expressions

  t:  i think most of you have a good lifestyle. but i do not have a healthy habit.

  ss:  really?is that true?

  t:  i like eating sweets, sweet things , and i become very fat ,but i try to do some running to lose some weight . unluckily, i fell off on a stone while i was running yesterday. i broke my arm.  i injured my arm, and i had a pain on my arm..

  ss:  we are sorry to hear that .

  t:  it is painful now.

  ss:  bat what happened later?  how was it?

  t:  my husband was very anxious when he saw me .he took me to the hospital .the doctor examined me very carefully and had my temperature taken .my temperature was not high ,it was normal and i didn’t have a fever .

  在该情景中,我从保持健康的生活习惯引出我喜爱吃零食甜食的不良饮食习惯导致了发胖,于是我试图通过跑步来减肥的过程当中不慎摔倒,扭伤了胳膊。在对话中让学生学习了新的单词,同时我有意锻炼了学生的everyday english ,我还特意把新单词抄写在黑板上,让学生更加清晰、深刻地把新单词融入在对话情景中学习,这样参与体验的教学活动,学生很容易就把单词记牢固了。在这环节中我比较测重锻炼学生的听力,同时也培养学生的英语日常用语的运用,引导学生能够进行恰当的交流。

  step 3  use the new words and expressions

  t:just now you did very well. now who would like to tell us what happened to me yesterday?


  step 4  skimming

  t:i like eating sweets, so i became fat . what will happen if you play football in the rain?

  ss:we will catch a bad cold or have a fever.

  t:and what will happen if zhoukai plays football in the rain?

  do you want to know?



  step 5  careful reading

  divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part.

  step 6  discussion

  t:zhoukai looks very healthy .but if he plays football in the

  rain. what will happen? now please read the text and then discuss the questions on the blackboard.



  read the story aloud and find out some beautiful sentences.

reading教案 篇4

  一、   章节分析(reading section )(一)综述本章节通过debbie和simon 接人待物时的成功与失败,来说明肢体语言的重要性。在引导学生对文章进行整体理解同时,培养学生良好的礼仪。本课的任务有两个:1           对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨括中心)等阅读能力。2           与时俱进。结合课文以及上海迎世博倡导学礼仪的活动,引导学生畅谈作为东道主该用何种body language来迎接四方宾客。(二)阅读目标1           知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2           能力目标提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。阅读准备(收集相关资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨括中心)等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能,教师对高一新生可以以本课为例作仔细介绍。3           情感目标帮助学生对 “body language” 有更深入的思考,学会礼貌接人待物。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过比较,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1         词汇学习1)       核心词汇l         seniorl         appearancel         express/expressionl         impress/impressionl         middle-aged, well-dressed, part-timel         communicate/communicationl         oppositel         greetl         cheerfull         employ (employer, employee)l         colleaguel         customerl         gesture2)       拓展词汇l         sighl         faxl         headline (练习d中)l         heading3)       词组和短语l         glance at, l         get down to, l         give sb. a good impression, make a good impression on…, l         without hesitation, l         hold up, l         prefer…to, would rather do…2   句型学习l         look ( sound, smell, taste, feel) + adj.l         make sb. +v.原形一、         教学设计(teaching designs)




  pre-reading 为了更好地处理初高中衔接,建议老师用一个课时完成两个任务:l         介绍高中课本的结构特点;课文所涉及的内容;以及阅读时skimming 和scanning 技巧.l         根据课文主题,向学生展示一些生动形象并表示不同含义的肢体语言图片并与学生讨论它们所起的作用,从而调动学生学习积极性,激发学习兴趣,为顺利进入课文学习打下基础。[具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接1] 对初高中衔接的处理 ] [链接2课件:body language 1 ]。中学英语合作网《牛津英语教学参考》page 1

  while-reading 这是本课的主体部分,也是老师要处理的重点,既要引导学生学习重点词汇和句型,又要提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。l         skimming 要求学生快速略读,获得课文的大概轮廓,能在有限的时间内运用skimming技巧,找到最基本的信息。l         scanning 由于课本上scanning全词填空太难,不符合由易到难的教学规律,故把课本第4 页e read and think部分稍作修改变成scanning的内容。要求学生运用scanning 技巧,搜索需要的信息。l         further understanding 经过以上两个基础环节后,进入课文深层次的理解,要求学生能找出文中描写debbie 和simon 身体语言的词语,通过比较总结出两人接人待物的成功与失败的原因。l         consolidation and conclusion 把课本第2页c scanning 部分进行适当修改,巩固刚学过的内容。[具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接3课件:body language 2 ]。

  post-reading discussion这是课文的拓展部分,也是进行情感教育部分。结合课文以及上海迎世博倡导学礼仪的活动,引导学生畅谈作为东道主该用何种body language来迎接四方宾客。[链接1]说明:对初高中衔接的处理。 1         师生的自我介绍。2         介绍高中教材的特点,介绍阅读中skimming 和scanning的含义与技巧.1)       what is skimming?skimming is a reading strategy. when we skim a piece of reading, we read it very quickly in order to get the general idea of the reading. when we skim, we skip the unimportant parts. therefore, when we skim, we usually only look at titles and headings, pictures and diagrams, and important sentences (usually the first and last sentences of a paragraph) in the reading. skimming takes only a minute or two, and it helps us get the general outline of the reading and follow the writer’s idea more easily. it is a way to prepare us for a better and detailed understanding of the writer’s ideas.略读是一种阅读方式。当我们进行阅读时,我们是在非常快速地阅读,目的是获地阅读材料的大概轮廓或意义。在略读时,我们跳过不重要的部分。因此,我们通常只看题目和段落标题、附图和图表以及重要的句子(一般是每个段落的第一句和最后一句)。略读只需一二分钟,它帮助我们获得阅读材料的大概轮廓并使我们更好地跟上作者的思路,它为我们更准确、更仔细的理解作者的思想做好了准备。2)       what is scanning?scanning is a reading strategy. when we scan a piece of reading, we read it very quickly in order to get specific or single pieces of information. so we scan to get information about time, names, places and numbers, etc. when we scan, we always skip the irrelevant parts and we only focus on what we need to find out.跳读是一种阅读方法。当我们在扫读一篇阅读材料时,我们是在非常快速地阅读,目的是获得有关时间、姓名、地点和数据等的信息。在跳读时,我们总是跳过不相关的部分,而只是集中注意我们需要发现的信息。3)    practice ( 老师们可以用以下材料说明介绍skimming和scanning的阅读技巧。)

  english mannersa    when we meet someone we know, the simplest thing to say in english is “good morning”, “good afternoon”, or “good evening”. “hello” and “hi” are forms of informal greeting. we avoid using them with seniors or in a very formal situation. “how are you?” and “how are you doing?” are often used to greet friends. they are used either during the day or in the evening. “how do you do?” seems to be used less often than before.b   some forms of greeting which are good manners in china are not considered so in britain or some other english-speaking countries. for example, usually we should avoid greeting a foreign friend by saying “ where are you going?” or “where have you been?”, which are quite common among friends in china. if we did ask either of these questions, the foreign friend would think that we were asking about his private affairs. neither should we greet a foreigner by saying “have you had your dinner?”. he might think you were inviting him to dinner!these forms of greeting are only acceptable when they are used with close friends.c in most english-speaking countries shaking hands is also a form of greeting, and the best kind of handshake is gentle and firm. close friends or relatives, on the other hand, usually do not shake hands with each other; they often exchange a quick kiss on the cheek when they meet or part. men, however, don’t often kiss or embrace when greeting each other.d    men still tend to open doors for women in public. however, some young girls cannot stand that. nowadays more and more women are opening doors for men!e    good manners are made up of many small things. foreign friends or colleagues can get very upset if we forget to say or do something properly. this can be clearly shown through the following example.f    one day, on the desk of a department office in a college, lay a letter for a visiting american professor. her chinese colleague happened to pass by. she saw it, picked it up, and later gave it to the american professor, saying, “ mrs willis, a letter for you from your hometown.” to her surprise, the visiting professor immediately put on a stiff face. she didn’t know the reason why the chinese colleague was interested in her private affairs. at the same time, the chinese teacher didn’t know the reason why mrs willis took offence.g   thus, we have a lot to learn about english manners. the native speakers around us offer very good examples when talking and acting. english books, tv programmes and the internet provide lessons as well. some dictionaries also present lists of common polite expressions. so, we must try our best to learn more about english manners and people’s ways of life so that we can communicate with foreigners more properly.exercises:a)       skimming: read the first and last sentences of each paragraph and match the summaries in column ⅰwith the paragraphs in columnⅱ. the first one has been done for you as an example.                         column ⅰa)         things that make up good manners b)         a good example to show cultural differences in manners c)         shaking hands, kissing and embracing d)         opening doors and good manners e)         different forms of greeting f)          manners in china and english-speaking countries g)         getting to know more about english manners columnⅱparagraph aparagraph bparagraph cparagraph dparagraph eparagraph f paragraph g

  ( answer: a)---e,  b)---f,   c)---c,  d)---d,  e)---a,  f)---b )(虽然这篇文章很长,但经过skimming 环节,同学们基本能在较短的时间内,通过看每一段落的第一句和最后一句,找到每段的段落大意,理清作者的写作思路,为下一步寻找细节奠定基础。)b. scanning: scan the text and answer the following questions.in what situation(s) is each of the following used?l         “good morning.”, “good afternoon.”, “good evening.”l         “hello.”, “hi.”l         “how are you?” , “how are you doing?”l         “how do you do?”l         “where are you going?”, “where have you been?”, “have you had your dinner?”(经过skimming环节后,同学们知道以上问题的答案应在第a段和b段去找。)        when and with whom do people exchange a quick kiss on the cheek?(在第c段找。答案:relatives or close friends when meeting)        how many ways has the writer suggested to help us learn more about english manners?( 在g段找。答案:3 )(同学们往往畏惧阅读长文章,从头到尾读下来,却不知文章到底讲什么。通过学习理解文章的大意,知道在什么段落去寻找需要的信息,并为下一步深层理解奠定基础。)[链接2]说明:用ppt. (body language 1)展示一些生动的body language 图片,鼓励学生动口动脑,说出它们的含义。the many meanings of body language(见课件:body language 2 ) [链接3]说明:本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学方法。通过略读、扫读、细读等不同手段来提高学生的阅读理解能力,从而培养学生的阅读技巧。step one  warming-uplook at the pictures on ppt. different body language (facial language) shows some different feelings. ( students use different words esp. adj. to describe them).(具体处理见课件“body language2 ppt.)step two  task cycle---reading1           skimming skim the story and look at the photo on the next page, and then try to answer the following questions.where does the story take place?   ( in the sunbeam travel company)who are the people sitting down?  (debbie and simon)when did the story take place?    (on a saturday morning) which person looks the most friendly?  (debbie)2         scanningscan the passage and find the answer to the following questions.who sat down opposite debbie? ( a middle-aged, well-dressed woman)how did debbie greet her? (cheerfully)who was mr.yang? (a senior employee in the company)can you find two examples of mr yang’s body language ? why did he do the things?(put his hand on simon’s shoulders; gave an encouraging smile; to tell him why the customer didn’t prefer to deal with him in a friendly way.)why did the customer prefer to deal with debbie?( 进入下一环节的细读。)3   further understanding(通过比较两人不同的身体语言,得出文章的主题)1)       find the different body language of debbie and simon.debbiesimongreet cheerfullysighhold her head up rest his head on his handhook at the customer’s eyes look downwardssmile not smileturn her head or body towards the customernot turn his head or body towards the customer2)       questionwhy did customers prefer to deal with debbie instead of simon?(because her body language makes customers feel welcome, while simon’s tells customers to go away. ) ( 书上原句)3)       conclusion:(main idea of the passage)communicating is more than speaking and listening. your body language is important, too.( 书上原句)step three   consolidationsimon is phoning a friend about his experience. fill in the blanks. the first letters have been given. (deal with some words and expressions that students have just learned in the previous steps.)i spoke to mr yang today. he’s one of sunbeam travel’s s_____ employees. i told him that our customers always p______ to deal with debbie. he told me the problem might be the way i c_________. he explained to me about b____ language. he said  that i was not giving customers a good i________.my body language was telling customers to go a_____, instead of making them feel w________. so now i’m trying to i_________ my body language.(reference : senior, prefer, communicate, body, impression, away, welcome, improve)step four   reflection --- post-readingdiscussion the world expo will be held in shanghai in . our government is advocating excellent etiquette(礼仪). as a native, what do you think you will do to greet friends both at home and abroad?step five   homework1           read the text after the tape recorder.2           do ex.d1&d2 on p4.(见课件 body language 2)

reading教案 篇5

  一、   章节分析(reading section)(一)阅读地位(reading position)   1)more language input同样围绕着头发这个主题,但给学生提供了一些额外的相关信息。比如导致发质问题的几大要素。   2)在这个章节的学习中,学生可以通过课文上的一些信息得出要保持头发健康应该注意什么。所以,老师应在这部分多训练学生的表达能力。   3)虽然文章中只是就头发问题展开讨论,但我们要让学生明白保养要比出现问题后再去修复要更好的道理,不仅仅是头发,身体其他部分也一样。老师应在这部分多训练学生的发散思维能力。(二)阅读目标( reading targets)1) 知识目标通过课后练习和老师的讲解,使学生能理解和运用所学的单词词组和句型。2) 能力目标提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。略读(获取文章大意)、扫读(根据图片获取部分简单单词的意思)、细读(找到一些具体信息并能通过理解上下文和词性得出单词意思)。3) 情感目标明白保养要比出现问题后再去修复要更好的道理。通过引导,让学生明白不仅仅是头发,身体其他部位的健康,甚至是美好的生活都是这样。(三)教学方法   采用任务型教学法组织教学。在完成练习时应视情况而定采取单独完成或者两人合作完成的形式。在导入部分有个小小的调查报告,可让学生离开位置,扩大活动范围且能活跃气氛。最后的小组讨论要有小组长控制讨论的中心话题和节奏。(四)阅读重点和难点(important and difficult points)1.       关键词汇1)      与美发有关的名称:perm, colour, hair-dryer2)      影响发质的因素:diet, lack of protein and iron, way of life, stress, pressure, way of treating hair, overuse of appliances, sensible mind3)      其他:maintenance, worry, rob, deal, the key to2.       重要句型1)      the most important thing to do is to do…2)      the way sb do sth3)      … as well 4)      a sensible mind is the key to…    二、   教学设计(teaching designs)




  1         pre-reading 先让同学欣赏一则洗发水的广告,一来可以吸引同学们的注意力,二来也可以直接切入主题,为后面的课堂进行铺垫。围绕广告提出问题, 借助一些图片,帮助学生复习所学过的与头发有关的单词,同时也拓展他们的词汇量。(具体处理这部分的内容请见链接1)网上下载

  2         while-reading 对课文的讲解不应该直接从文章和单词入手,应该让同学先对整篇文章有个把握。通过听课文录音,完成课后的练习a2和a3。在讲解练习和回答问题的同时对一些重要单词和词组的用法进行讲解并通过翻译来操练。请注意,牛津课文的知识点较杂和细,我们只需对较重要和常见的单词进行讲解,不要拓展过多,最主要是能够灵活运用。(具体处理建议请见链接2)参见课文35页

  3         post-reading 获得知识之后应该及时的操练和运用,在这部分中不仅仅是指单词和句型的用法,而更应该是学生运用知识来表达自己观点和交流的能力。通过设计的讨论问题how can you keep your hair healthy?让学生不仅运用课文中的单词和句型,还能做出一些补充。最后让学生悟出maintenance is better than repair这个道理。这时应该及时地上升到further thinking部分的c1.(具体处理建议请见链接3)参见课文36页[链接1]说明:    本部分的处理是用了一则有一定剧情的洗发水的广告来导入,一来可以切入本课的主题,二来可以在视觉上对学生有一定的冲击,吸引他们的注意力。然后要求学生在班级里做一个简单的关于发质问题的调查。建议这部分不要时间过长,达到了导入的目的和控制班中学生的情绪即可。1. 让学生欣赏一段广告(链接2中的chapter2-4 ppt)。广告后让学生思考并回答两个问题。① what is advertised in the advertisement?② use an adj. to describe the hair of the actress. (这个问题可让多点学生回答, 老师可以把学生说出的答案写在黑板上)2老师说人人都想拥有这么美丽的头发,但生活中很多人都会有这样或那样的hair problems.接着让学生在班级中对发质问题进行一项调查. 可以围绕两个问题: ①do you have any hair problems? ② if you do, what are they?这部分时间不要过长,可以让一两个同学来阐述他们的调查结果.在一些较活跃的班级里还可以让一些不同发质的学生来个真人比较.(视情况而定)3.       通过刚才的调查我们发现了很多同学都有困扰的发质问题,老师这时就可以提出 “what factors affect the quality of hair”,从而进入课文的学习.[链接2]说明:本部分的处理建议采用任务型阅读教学的方法,提高学生阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧和归纳信息和知识的能力。单词和词组的讲解应该及时有翻译或者其他形式的操练练习,让学生有时间消化.teaching procedure: (详细见chapter2-4 ppt)  a. skim and scan the passage and finish the exercises.1.  skim the passage and answer the question “ what’s the main idea of the text?”.2.  show some pictures and match the words with the pictures.3.  listen to the tape-recording and finish the ex--- match the words and expressions. (smooth away some new words)建议:①     课文p35页a2的练习如果让学生在课堂上做有一定的难度,而且会耗去很多时间。建议把这部分match的形式,还可以增加一些单词。或者如果用书上的练习,最好告诉学生要找出的单词的所在段落。②     在这部分练习中可以讲解和拓展单词的用法。建议单词的讲解和操练应该形式多样化。比如有的单词一次多意,可以多挪列一些句子让学生猜意思;有的单词着中讲不同的词性变化,就可以通过一些填空题来操练;最常见且比较有效的办法当然还有翻译,等。4.  read the passage again with desk-mates and finish a3. ( smooth away some sentence structures)

  b. answer the question “ how can we maintain our hair before it has some problems?”


  比如:lack of protein and iron导致发质问题,那么having enough iron and protein就能解决这些问题或者就能维持头发健康。再比如压力,reducing the work stress and living a happy life 就是解决的办法……

  c. 老师总结 a sensible mind is the key to healthy hair.[链接3]说明:这是知识和能力的拓展部分,要求学生在对课文的理解和掌握的基础上,进行拓展活动,不仅能增强学生运用语言的能力,而且培养学生的发散思维能力,让学生懂得怎样去维持身体各方面的健康.小组讨论 how should we take care of some other body parts, eg. eyes, teeth, hands, skin, stomach?   建议:引导学生像课文中一样,先找出导致问题的因素,再想办法解决.每个小组可以选择不同的对象讨论,比如眼睛或者胃.在学生讨论的过程中,老师应要求他们列出自己的想法(写在纸上).teaching plan topic:       chapter 2  (oxford english sa1)            more language inputmaintenance is better than repair teacher:     huang lin (cao yang no.2 high school)students:     senior onei.  teaching aims1. to instruct students to make sense of the supplementary reading material concerning the topic of hair care.2. to develop students’ proper and productive study skills and help the students to grasp the usages of the new words and phrases.3. to help the students to understand maintenance is better than repair for one’s hair as well as one’s health, and realize the true value of one’s life.ii. teaching aids: multi-media and a tape recorderiii. teaching content read and understand the passage "maintenance is better than repair”.a.      key pointsa)         words related to hair:perm, colour, hair-dryerb)        factors that cause hair problems:diet, lack of protein and iron, way of life, stress, pressure, way of treating hair, overuse of appliances, sensible mindc)        other words:maintenance, worry, rob, deal, the key tob.      patternsa)         the most important thing to do is to do…b)        the way sb do sthc)        … as well d)        a sensible mind is the key to… activities design: 1.       a survey 2.       finishing the a2,a3 in pairs3.       group discussionⅳ. teaching procedure: 1. pre-teaching

  ①.watch an advertisement of shampoo  q: please describe the advertisement briefly in your own words.    ②. “ do you have any hair problems? if you do, what are they?”   2.   while-teaching  a. skim and scan the passage and finish the exercises.5.  skim the passage and answer the question “ what’s the main idea of the text?”.6.  show some pictures and match the words with the pictures.7.  listen to the tape-recording and finish the ex--- match the words and expressions. (smooth away some new words)8.  read the passage again with desk-mates and finish a3. ( smooth away some sentence structures)

  b. answer the question “ how can we maintain our hair before it has some problems?”

  3. post-teaching : group discussion:  how should we take care of some other body parts, eg. eyes, teeth, hands, skin?                                                                                                                                                         ⅴ. home assignments a. do listening exercise on f36. b. further thinking c2 on p36 and get ready to give a talk in the next period. c. read the passage and learn it by heart.

reading教案 篇6

  book 5 unit 2 warming and reading教案

  1. consist of 【课文原句】                                                        

  consist of 表示“(整体)由(不同成分或部件)组成或构成;包括。”不用于进行时态和被动语态。

  联合国包括大不列颠和北爱尔兰。the united kingdom consists of great britain.

  知识链接:1)make up 也可以表示“组成=(form)”,强调分散的个体组成整体,既可用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态;不用于进行时态。


  the study group is made up of ten students.=the study group consists of ten students.=ten students make up the study group.=ten students form the study group.

  2)consist in  存在于,在于         consist with  和……一致

  活学活用:it is reported that the group of eight        the eight richest counties in the world.

  a. is consisted of      b. consists of      c. is made up         d. consists in

  2. divide …into 【课文原句】                                                        

  divide …into把……分成      被动式为 be divided into

  这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。the white lines divide the playing area into sections.

  /the playing area is divided into sections by the white lines.

  知识链接:divide sth. between (among )sb.在……中分配某物  divide a from b将a和b分开

  1) 他们分了那笔钱。they divided the money between(among) themselves.

  2) 英吉利海峡把英法两国分割开来。the english channel divides england from france.

  易混变析:divide…into / separate…from


  divide …into把整体分成若干部分,即破坏原有的整体性。

  separate…from 把原来连在一起或靠近的人或事物分割开,个体没有遭到破坏。

  1) 你如何把这段线分成二十段?how do you divide the line into 20 pieces?

  2) 一道篱笆把我家和他家分搁开了。a fence separates my house from his.

  3.clarify 【课文原句】                                                      

  clarify vt. 澄清;阐明

  1) 我希望我说的话能阐明这一情况。i hope that what i say will clarify the situation.

  2) 他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。he clarified his stand on the issue.

  知识链接:clarification n. 澄清,净化  clarify one’s stand/ position阐明某人的立场

  活学活用:you should    the facts related to this problem, which can make others know you are innocent.   a. clarify     b judge      c. explain      d. express


  accomplish vt.完成;实现;达到

  1) 你们必须在规定的时间完成这项任务。you should accomplish the task within the time allowed.

  2) 他是一个不会有任何成就的人。he is a man who will accomplish anything.

  知识链接:accomplishment n.完成;成就;成绩   accomplished adj. 熟练的

  accomplish one’s purpose/aim 达到目的    accomplish a task完成任务

  5.break away 【课文原句】                                                      

  break away (from) 摆脱(束缚),脱离;革除(习惯、思想方式、信仰等)

  1) 有一个省脱离了旧政府而另组新政府。a province has broken away to form a new state.

  2) 囚犯挣脱看守者逃跑了。the prisoner broke away from his guards.

  3) 你必须革除这样的坏习惯。you must break away from such bad habits.

  知识链接:break out of 逃离;摆脱  break off中断谈话;停顿  break in闯入;插话;打断 break through突破;打破    break up 粉碎;破碎;结束    break up with sb.  与某人断交

  break out (战争、火灾等)突然爆发   break into破门而入;突然开始(笑、唱等)

  活学活用:at last the mad woman seemed to be controlled. suddenly she     her husband and ran to the well.

  a. broke away from   b. broke into     c. broke up     d. broke through

  6.to sb.’s credit 【课文原句】                                                      

  to sb.’s credit 为某人争光;值得赞扬

  1) 杰克对所发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬。to his credit, jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.

  2) 你们克服了这样大的困难值得大大赞扬。it is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.

  credit n.信任;学分;赞扬;信贷

  1) 你相信政府的说法吗?do you place any credit in the government’s story?

  2) 银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。the bank refused credit to the company.

  知识链接:credible  adj. 可信的  creditor  n. 债权人

  7.convenience 【课文原句】                                                      

  convenience n.方便;便利

  常见结构:for convenience 为了方便起见       at one’s convenience  在某人方便的时候

  1.) 为了方便起见我们买了这座房子,它靠近火车站。we bought this house for convenience; it’s near the shops and the railway station.

  2.) 欢迎您在方便的时候给予面谈的机会。i should welcome a personal interview at your convenience,

  知识链接:convenient adj. 方便的(主语不能是人)

  be convenient for sb.   对某人来说很方便

  it is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便做某事

  活学活用:1)i’m trying to break the      of getting up too late.

  a. tradition     b. convenience      c. habit     d. leisure

  2) would it be     for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

  a.free         b. vacant         c. handy        d. convenient

  8. attract 【课文原句】                                                      

  attract vt. 吸引,引起……的注意;具有吸引力

  常见结构:attract sb’s attention/attract the attention of sb.吸引某人的注意

  attract sb. to sth吸引某人关注某事

  1) 那只熊猫吸引了不少孩子。the panda attracted many children.

  2) 她试图引起服务员的注意。she tried to attract the attention of the waiter.

  知识链接:attraction n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 a tourist attraction 旅游景点;旅游胜地

  活学活用:the company is starting a new advertising campaign to   new customers to its stores.

  a.join        b. attract        c.stick           d.transfer

  9.leave out 【课文原句】                                                      

  leave out 省略;遗漏;不考虑,忽视

  1) 他们决定把这一章节从那本书中删掉。they decided to leave the chapter out of the book altogether.

  2) 她感到受到了冷落,因为其他孩子都不和她玩。she felt left out because the other children didn’t play with her.

  知识链接:leave behind 遗留;超过    leave for 动身(去某处)  leave off停止(做某事)

  leave aside   搁置一边;忽视   leave alone不管;撇下……一人

  活学活用:the teacher stressed again that the students should not     any important details while retelling the story.a. bring out    b. let out     c. leave out      d. make out 

  unit 2 grammar



  she found the door broken in when she came back.她回来时发现有人破门而入。


  my grandfather had his old house rebuilt.我爷爷找人重修了一下他的旧房子。



  they kept the door locked for a long time.他们把门锁了好长一段时间。

  don't leave the windows broken like this all the time.不要让窗户一直像这样破着。




  i have had my bike repaired.我让人修了修我的自行车。

  the villagers had many trees planted just then.就在那时,村民们叫人种了许多树。


  my elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month.上个月,我姐姐的钱包在汽车上被偷了。

  the old man had his wrist broken in theacccident.这位老人在事故中腕部摔坏了。


  i raised my voice to make myself heard.我提高了嗓门以便于被人家听到。

  they managed to make themselves under- stood using very simple english.他们用了很浅易的英语来设法使自己被理解。

  三、过去分词用在感观动词watch,notice,see,hear,listen to,feel,find等的后面。如:

  when we got to school,we saw the door locked.当我们到学校时,我们看见门锁着。

  we can hear the windows beaten by the heavy rain drops.我们可以听到大雨点敲打窗户的声音。


  the teacher wouldn't like the problem dis- cussed at the moment.老师不想此刻讨论这个问题。

  i want the suit made to his own measure.我想要这套衣服照他自己的尺寸做。

  my parents expected me to be well-prepared for the entrance examination.我父母希望我好好准备入学考试。


  the thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.小偷被带进来了,双手被绑在后面。

  with many brightly-coloured flowers planted around the building,his house looks like a beautiful garden.周围种了许多色彩鲜艳的花,他的房子看上去就像一座漂亮的花园。


  1.the manager discusssed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

  a.carry out b.carrying out c.carried out d.to carry out

  2.mr.brown was very disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ______ went wrong again. a.it b.it repaired c.repaired d.to be repaired

  3.in the past few years,we have had thousands of trees ______ around our school.

  a.plant b.planted c.planting d.being planted

  4.is this the recorder you want ______?

  a.to have repaired b.to repair it c.to have it repaired d.it repaired

  5.she was glad to see her child well ______ care of.

  a.take b.to be taken c.taken d.taking

  6.the result of the entrance exams was not made ______ to the public until last thursday.

  a.knowing b.known c.to know d.to be known

  7.he found them ______ at a table ______ .

  a.sat;to play chess b.sitting;to play chess c.seated;playing chess d.seat;play the chess

  8.i can make you ______ what i say,but you can't make yourself ______ in english.

  a.understand;understand b.understand;understood c.to understand;understand  d.understand;to be understood

  9.the girl asked him not to leave the door ______ .

  a.to close b.closed c.to be closed d.closing

  10.i have often heard the"abc song" ______,but i have never heard alice ______ it.

  a.to be sung;to sing  b.being sung;sang  c.sung;sing  d.sang;singing

  11.john rushed out in a hurry,______ the door ______ .

  a.leaving;unlocked  b.leaving;unlocking  c.left;unlocked  d.to leave;unlocking

  12.before she came to england,she had never heard a single english word ______ .

  a.speaking b.spoken c.to speak d.speak

  13. ______ poor at english,i'm afraid i can't make myself ______ .

  a.to be;understand  b.i'm;to understand c.being;understandingd.being;understood

  14.i have had my bike ______,and i'm going to have somebody ______ my radio tomorrow.  

  a.repair;to repair  b.repairing;to be repaired  c.repaired;repair d.to repair;repairing

  15.you must get the work ______ before friday.

  a.do b.to do c.doing d.done

  16. ______ the room,the nurse found the tape-recorder ______ .

  a.entering;stealing b.entering;gone c.to have entered;being stolen

  d.having entered;to be stolen

  17.when his wife returned,the husband noticed her hair ______ short.

  a.cutting b.to be cut c.being cut d.cut

  18.the student are told to have their homework ______ in before tomorrow afternoon.

  a.hand b.to hand c.handed d.handing

  19.we are pleased to see the problem ______ so quickly.

  a.settled b.having been settled c.be settled d.settling

  20.the ______ professor found the matter ______ .

  a.surprising;surprised b.surprised;surprised c.surprised;surprising d.surprising;surprising

  key:1-5 ccbac 6-10 bcbbc 11-15 abdcd 16-20 bdcac

reading教案 篇7

  part a  teaching aims   1 talking about a pasage about travelling on a train in australia.  2 let the ss know the general idea and the structure of the passage by scanning and skimming.  3knowing to describe the travelling experience on a train part b teaching procedure   step one : pre- reading   in the last period , we talked ablut the different vehicles and something about australia . you must guess what we will learn in the passage. now please look at the pictures and the title on page 23 .and try to pick out the answer. a train ride to sydney        taking the train to australia       travelling to the central part of ausralia       a child visiting her grandmotherstep2 while – reading   activity 1 fast reading 1)  match: find out what main idea each paragraph is about.para 1.       my first ride on a long distance train para 2.       the food and the scenery para 3        my activity on the train para 4        the ghanpara 5para 6.2) the structure of the passage ( 1/2-3/4-6)   activity 2 careful-reading  now please read the passage more carefully and try to complete the following exercrises.part one  who whenwhere whatwhyhowpart two (2-3)


  sceneryfirst hundred kms  after that         suddenly part three (4-6)put the following sentences in the right order(4) camels were trained to carry supplies back from the central part .(5) camels were shot because of the new railway line built by the government (3) they brought camels from afghanistan(1) australia needed a way to the central country.(2) they tried riding  horses , but failed.step 3 post- reading now that we have grasped the general idea of the passage . at the same time we know some detailed information. please retell the passage with help of the forms above.part 3 homework .writing a reading notetitle :moudle:date:general idea:words and phrases

reading教案 篇8

  unit4 astronomy: the science of star-warming up & reading教案 

  how life began on the earthstep one:  warming uptask 1: commom sense(常识) of science. physics, chemistry, biology(study of life),geology(地质学) and mathematics are science subjects. some science subjects will study two or more of these subjects, for example,the study of physics and mathematics is astronomy(天文学).                                                 can you understand the following combined science subjects.1.         physics +mathematics= astronomy2.         geology+physics = geophysics(地球物理学)3.         biology+chemistry=biochemistry(          ) /medicine(            )4.         geopolitics (地缘政治学)=_________+_________5.         bioengineering(_____________)=_____________+_______________task 2: common sense of biology------ study of the groups of life (生命的种类/物种)look at the pictures on the screen and judge the groups as quickly as you can.what is the most important condition for life to develop(grow)?(water, air---oxygen)step tw pre-readingthe world is like a big family. it’s wonderful and colorful because of different kinds of life living together.but how did life begin on the earth? the first question for scientists to answer is how water appeared on the earth?step three: readingtask1: fast-reading(para1) 1.         what is the important event(事件) to the earth before the appearance of water?2.         why is water important for the beginning of life?task2: sacnning (para1,2,3)    the beginning of water& the beginning of lifescan para1: the beginning of water1.the big bang       2.a cloud of dust  (combine into)   3.a ball/a solid shape  (explode)  4.water vapour, oxygen,…and other gas  (cool down)      5.waterscan para2,3: the beginning of life  (put them into right order)a. insects and amphibians appear            b.reptiles appearc.shellfish and other fish appear             d.dinosaurs appeare.small plants grow on the water             f.plants begin to grow on dry landg.mammals(including humans) appear 5.water 6.______ 7._______ 8._______ 9.______ 10.______ 11.______12.______ task3:careful-reading1.         why the earth was different after the water appeared?2.         why did plants grow before animals?3.         why did animals first appear in the sea not on the land?4.         what is the main difference between reptiles and mammals? can you give some examples of mammals?step four: cooperative learningdisscuss the following questions, and use para4 to help you.1.         why do people become the most important animals on the planet?2.         do people take care of the earth? what are they doing to the planet?3.         what is the result?step four: discuss for moral education•          why did dinosaurs die out?•          do you think there will be a sudden change of weather on the earth?•          what should people do to protect our earth?e for evaluation:after the “big ban”, the earth was just a cloud of __________dust. it ________ loudly with fire and rocks, which were________ to produce the water vapour, ________ and other gases. then small lants grew. they ________ and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. many millions of years later, the first gren plants began to ________ on land. when the plants grew into forests, ________ appeared for the first time.they produced young generally by ________ eggs.    when dinosaurs disappeared, ________became more important. now small clever animals with ________ appeared and __________ all over the world. as time went by they covered the earth and they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the ________, which________ heat ________ escaping from the earth into space. whether life will continue on earth for millions of years to come will ________ whether this problem can be solved.

reading教案 篇9

  一、   章节分析(reading section )(一)综述本章节通过介绍一些有代表性的旅游景点,拓宽学生的知识面,增加描述性语言的输入,激发学生的人文意识和民族自豪感。本课的任务有两个:1  对课文进行整体阅读,提供文章结构的框架,培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息、分析篇章结构)等阅读能力,提高阅读效率和阅读理解能力。。2  通过了解在文化、历史、宗教等方面有代表性的旅游名胜,提高培养学生的文化素养,培养民族自尊和自豪感。(二)阅读目标教学目标1          知识目标对景点的大致了解,学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2          能力目标培养学生的阅读技巧和提高学生的阅读理解能力:略读(获取大意)、跳读(整理有关信息分析篇章结构)、猜测词义等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能。 3          情感目标激发学生对祖国悠久文化历史和和大好河山的自豪感, (三)教学方法通过任务型教学法组织教学。(四) 阅读重点和难点1.       词汇学习1)        核心词汇l         guardl         figurel         style l         seat l         audience l         single l         vegetarianl         overnightl         mercy2)        拓展词汇l         warriorl         pottery l         statue l         goddess3)        词组和短语l         be locatedl         in memory ofl         be famous for 2.       句型学习l         it’s believed that…l         in front of the hall stands …3.       语法学习完全倒装二、   教学设计(teaching designs)




  1         pre-task 通过形式多样的交际活动,激活相关背景知识,突出主题。具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接1]。见网页

  2         task cycle 这是本课的主体部分,也是老师要处理的重点,通过培养学生的阅读技巧、获取信息的能力达到提高学生的阅读理解能力的目的。²        skimming要求学生带着问题快速通读全文,了解文章的大意。²        scanning要求学生分段阅读,针对各段内容,寻找相关信息完成表格,达到理解课文的目的。²        planning 准备将相关信息以正确的结构和清晰的语言向全班展示。²        report 请若干同学向全班简要汇报,对相关信息进行比较,接触更多的口头和书面语。具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接2]。

  3         language focus l         猜测词义 完成练习a1l         掌握重点搭配、词汇和句形型。     ( sth. be available to sb, in memory of, in front of the hall stands, it is believed that)理这部分内容的建议见[链接3]。课本p55课件[链接1]说明:本部分内容的处理是为学生提供有益的输入,帮助他们熟悉话题,应用学过的语言结构,达到复习的目的。分享旅游经历,加强学生沟通能力,拓宽学生沟通渠道 。step one  结合学生的写作,请1-2位同学介绍他们的一次旅游经历或一个旅游景点。 step two  展示更多景点图片引出任务主题。 (见网页) [链接2]说明:本部分建议采用skills-based 和 text-based 结合的教学策略,以任务驱动贯穿阅读的全过程,提高学生阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。如果将这部分教材处理成单纯的讲授课,那么就很难达到提高学生阅读能力的目标。step one  skimming ---to get the general idea of the material skim the passage to get the general idea of the passage.question:  how many places of interest are included in the text?and what are they? step two  scanning --- to get certain facts scan the passage to find facts to fill in the table. more places to visitlocationhistoryfunction or significanceunique characteristics or features1terracotta warriors5 kilometres east of xi’an, lintong county2,000 yearsguarded the qin shihuang tombthousands of, on-site museum2sun yat-sen memorial hallguangzhouabout 80 years  built in memory ofin the style of,not a single pillar3po lin monasteryhong kong/34-metre-high giant buddhavegetarian meals and overnight stay, watch sun rise4kuan im templemacau600 years most popular temple,italian explorer marco polo among the 18 luohan statuesstep three  planning---to have a deep understanding of the material. ask students to piece up the information and get prepared to give report about a particular place of interest in oral english. the students are encouraged to use sentence structures different from those in the text.step four  report ---to deepen their understanding of material by listening and speaking.ask some students to present their report about one particular place of interest to the whole class, the rest are encourage to complete some missing information [链接3]说明:这是词汇知识和阅读能力的拓展部分,要求学生在对课文的理解和掌握的基础上,学会从上下文中猜测词义;分析重点句型、词组搭配和词汇,给学生创设情景,帮助学生操练并掌握词。step one exercise a1: find the meanings of words according to contextstep two analysis and practicebrief explanation and analysis on some key structures, give some specific situations, and the students shall put these structures into practical use by paraphrasing.1  in memory of     do sth in memory of sb        do sth to be in memory of sb1)   abraham lincoln is a great president in american history because he prevented the southern states from breaking away from the untied states. so the americans built a memorial after he died.→ the americans built a memorial in memory of abraham lincoln.2)  lei feng was a pla man. he served people heart and soul and did a lot of good deeds. so we set aside a special day, march 5 to do good deeds. →we set aside march 5 in memory of lei feng.2  sth be available to sb: sth can be got or used1)   we can get all kinds of information on the internet.        → all kinds of information are available on the internet.   2)   students can borrow any of the books on the shelves in our school library.        → all the books on the shelves are available in our school library.   3)  you call on mr. smith, the general manager of a large company only to be told that he is attending an important meeting. what will his secretary say to you?→sorry, but mr smith is not available now.4) when i needed help that day, there was nobody around to whom i can turn.→ when i needed help that day, nobody was available.3   people believe that   it’s believed that 1) people in the 17th century believed that the earth was flat, but now they know it is          round.       →it was believed that the earth was flat in the 17th century but now it’s believed that it is round.    2) people all over the world believe that music is a common language for all.        → it’s believed that music is a common language for all.4   in front of the hall stands a statue. 用简笔画的方法呈现画面,请同学造句1).in the center of ti’anmen square stands a monument to heroes in war.    2) on the top of the hill stands a tall tree    3) at the bottom of the hill lies a small village.    4) in the middle of the lake exists an island.

reading教案 篇10

  高三英语选修10 unit4 reading教案    主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级 

  总课题 m10u4 总课时 10 分课时  4 课型 新授

  课题 m10u4 the fight against cybercrime

  教学目标 1.to improve the ss' ability of reading.

  2.to go through the whole text and make the students gain some knowledge of cybercrime and realize the importance of fighting against it.

  to help students learn more knowledge about cybercrime.

  教学重点 how to help students improve the ss' ability of reading.

  教学难点 ppt ,a  recorder

  教具 m10u4 the fight against cybercrime

  教学内容 教法学法

  step i pre-reading

  discuss the types of crimes:

  types of crimes such as theft, murder,robbery, cybercrime…

  discuss the types of cybercrime

  step ii fast reading

  ●read the text fast and then grasp the main idea of the passage

  ●read the text fast again and then answer the following three questions:

  1. according to the council of europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?

  there are four types of cybercrime.

  2. how many companies and government departments were surveyed by the computer security institute?

  503 companies and government departments were surveyed.

  3. what is the solution to cybercrime?

  the only solution is international cooperation.

  step iii careful reading

  ●read the text and then speak out how many parts it is made up of:

  o part i   (1):introduction to cybercrime

  o part ii  (2):the definition and different types of cybercrime

  o part iii (3-6):the extent of the problem.

  o part iv (7-8):the solution to the problem.


  ●read the second part and then do c2.

  answers: 1.b   2.d   3 a   4 c

  ●read the third part and then answer the following questions:

  1. according to the council of europe, who is affected by cybercrime?

  all internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.

  2.why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?

  because most companies want to avoid the loss of customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their money.

  3.why are cybercriminals almost impossible to catch?

  laws against cybercrime have not been passed in many countries, and there are many holes in their legal systems. most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with citizens of other countries who commit cybercrimes. also, these criminals can be anywhere and can move quickly, so it is often almost impossible to catch them.

  ●read the fourth part and then answer the following question

  what do governments need to do to fight criminals with computer skills?

  governments need to combine their technological resources to keep up with the criminals who have the best technical skills. it is also important to upgrade laws and create international standards for these laws. this will allow states to follow criminals across borders.

  step iv discussion

  1.what do you think of internet shopping ?

  2.what can we do to solve the problem of cybercrime?

  3.what is more important the convenience of using the internet to buy things or financial safety? why?

  step v consolidation

  step vi homework


reading教案 篇11

  1. a sample lesson plan for reading

  (working the land)


  to help students develop their reading ability.

  to help students learn about working the land.

  proceduresi. warming up

  warming up by questioning

  hello, everyone. we shall read about man who works the land today. have you ever grown any plants? if not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? how will you grow it?

  (for reference: mr. li, i worked with my father in the rice field last year. we grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.)

  has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? what did you do there?

  (for reference: i went to chuankou the day before yesterday. it is a small mountain village 75 li north of beijing. i went there to visit my uncle’s family. i like that small beautiful village very much. )

  who are from a farmer’s family? what do you know about farming?

  (for reference: mr. li, dou jun and i are from a farmer’s family in our class. we grow wheat and raise pigs on our farms. and both of our family are going to expand the area of fields this year. )

  warming up seeing and listening

  boys and girls, i shall show you some photos of farming first. look at this one. what are these ppeople doing in the fields? yes, it is spring and they are planting rice. lots of people in the world live on rice. i think you like eating rice, too.

  planting rice

  here is another photo about farming. the man driving the tractor in the photo is plowing the land to prepare for the planting. he does not grow rice there. what kind of crop is he going to plant here? 

  plowing the land

  this photo is interesting. the woman farmer from tibet is harvesting her crops not in the open field but in a plastic house. for generations, the people in tibet autonomous region, have farmed the land using traditional methods. but in recent years, things have begun to change. all the farmers admitt the new ways are better.

  indoor harvestingii. pre-reading

  1. questioning and answering

  rice is main food in south china. what do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?

  (for reference: then the south people would have to change their eating habit. they could turn to potatoes, wheat flour, cow and sheep cheese, cabbage, onions and garlic for food. they are the bases of the traditional food in north china. )

  if you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do?

  (for reference: i would try to end hunger by popularizing the advanced farming techniques. modern techniques could be introduced to increase the rice output, and  expand the area of fields.)

  2. giving background information about professor yuan longping

  have you ever heard of a man called professor yuan longping? would anyone of you tell the class something about him?

  (for reference: professor yuan longping is a chinese agricultural scientist. professor yuan's breakthrough scientific achievement led to the world's first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation in china and tripling production over a generation. his approach to rice breeding then spread internationally throughout asia and to africa and the americas, providing food for tens of millions and leading to his becoming known as the "father of hybrid rice."iii. reading

  1. reading aloud to the recording

  comprehension—understanding what you are reading—is important. to read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective, way of improving reading comprehension. now turn to page 9 and read aloud to the recording of the text a pioneer for all people. pay attention to the thought groups in the sentences while listening and reading aloud.

  2. reading and underlining

  read the text again and underline all the collocations in the passage. you are asked to copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

  collocations from a pioneer fro all people

  call sb. …, regard sb. …, work the land, do one’s research, for the past five decades, grow hybrid rice, become an agricultural pioneer, have a high output, produce one-third more of the crop, be born into a poor family, graduate from a college, devote one’s life to…, find ways to do sth., see the great need for doing sth., increase the rice output, search for a way to do sth., increase rice harvests, expand the area of fields, produce tons of rice, feed sb. from a piece of farmland, circulate one’s knowledge, thanks to…, rid the world of hunger, be satisfied with…, care little about…, spend money on…, lead a comfortable life, have troubles, equip sb. for sth., care about…, keep one’s time for…, play one’s violin, play mah-jong, ride one’s motorcycle, wish for…, in a dream, an ear of rice, a grain of rice, awake from one’s dream3. reading, identifying and summarizing

  attention, please! it is time to skim the text one more time and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph.

  (minutes later) xue hongmei, would you read to the class the four topic sentences you identified?

  what about the main idea of the passage? who will volunteer to give the class his summary of the main idea? bai jianfang, you’d like to say something? go ahead!

  4. understanding difficult sentences

  in groups of four, analyze the structure of the difficult sentences. if you have any problems which are too difficult for you to solve do not hesitate to put them to me.

  5. reading and transferring

  in pairs, read the text, find information to complete the following form. 

  facts about yuan longping facts about yuan’s super hybrid rice

  age  capacity 

  education  application 

  major  contribution 

  hobby  overseas 

  ideal  future iv. closing down

  closing down by doing exercises

  in the last five minutes let’s do the comprehension exercises on page 10. check your answers against your neighbour’s when you have finished.

  closing down by having a dictation

  to end the period you will take a dictation. it is about yuan longping, “father of super hybrid rice”. yuan longping, china's most famous "farmer"

  yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s.

  since then, 50 percent of china's total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice,

  which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country's grain output. furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous

  scientist in china, who would rather be  called "a farmer."indeed, like many chinese

  farmers, yuan in his 70s and has  devoted most of his life growing rice in paddyfields,

  but unlike  those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only

  for hybridizing rice.

reading教案 篇12

  a trip on “the true north”learning aims:•          learn the useful new words and expressions in this part:chat; surround; measure; aboard; within; border; rather than; settle down; manage to do; catch sight of; have a gift for•          learn the knowledge of canada.•          develop reading ability and learn different reading skills.•          learn how to read a travelling report and how to use a map•          stimulate interests in learning about foreign countries.important points:•          read the passage and learn about the geography, main cities, natural beauty and natural      resources of canada.•          learn different reading skills. (skimming;  scanning; detailed reading, referring; etc.)difficult points:•          . develop our reading ability.•          learn about some basic information and talk about canada.procedures:step1 leading in    a quiz. ( how much do you know about canada?)reading tips step 2   reading i.                    skimming(略读) 2ms 通览全文,获得大意,不要在意细节和生词,找到问题答案即可。一定要快哟! skim the passage and then answer the following questions:1)                              what is the passage mainly about?it is about ______ of two girls; and it  tells us some information about ______.2) what is “the true north”?the true north is a name of  ___________.ii.                 scanning(跳读)  4msreading tips:   it is a travelling journal (游记) so we should find out the essential items (基本项目) in it.scan the passage and find out characters(人物), places and their travelling route(路线). characters:places : route: draw a travelling route on the map on p33iii.  detailed reading( 细读) 10msread the passage more carefully and find more information about canada. then finish the following tasks .task 1  a trip on “the true north”place     informationvancouverit is ___________ by mountains and the pacific ocean.people can _____  in rocky mountains and sail in the______.wet climate makes the trees extremely tall, some ___________ over 90 meters.the rocky mountainsthey managed to __________some mountain goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle.calgaryit is famous for  ____________.many cowboys ______________ riding horses and can win thousands of dollars in prize.a wheat-growing provincefarms cover thousands of square____.thunder bayit is a busy port city at the top of the great lakes in an ______ area.ocean ships can ________the great lakes. task 2  do you know what they refer to(指代)?    they could cross the whole continent…(para. 1)•                             its population is increasing rapidly.(para. 2)and much of it is in the great lakes.( para. 4)task 3 translation bar (译译吧, 译林高手出招吧!)•          that afternoon, the cousins got on the train and then sat in their comfortable seats•          some people have the idea that you can cross   canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast.•          她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。step 3 talking bar(谈谈吧)let’s share your ideas.if someday you go to canada, where will you go? why? step 4 homework•          learn the useful words and expressions by heart.•          write a short passage to report what li daiyu and liu qian saw in canada.  

reading教案 篇13

  reading for the enviromentthere are three readings in this section that are expected to expand on the theme of the unit the first one is about the importance of keeping the balance of nature. the second is about a pioneer ---a historical figure in environmental protection, rachel carson. the third one is an encouraging example of environmental protection in china---the beautiful jiuzhaigou valley, sichuan.our  natural  enviromentdivide the class into groups. identify a leader for each group .make sure that each group contains a strong english speaker and reader. inform the students that they will be working together as a group to create a summary of each paragraph. read through our natural environment  on page 99. demonstrate the first para. with the class .have each group read the para ,discuss the para with each other ,create a summary sentence of the para, and ask each group to share their summary sentence.explain that this is a co—operative activity. the students can discuss the summary in their first language. the main purpose is to facilitate the understanding of the text, the discussion of the meaning and the negotiation of the best summary sentence, thus the discussion can be done in chinese and summary sentence can later be translated into english .use the focus question and post—reading activities for further discussion of the reading.rachel carsonassign the reading as homework .each student is to write his or her own answers to the post—reading activities .students must provide an example or comments about their answers.enviromental  protection  in  the  jiuzhaigou  valley, sichuanthe story provides an example of environmental protection in a significant tourist spot in china. the post—reading activities ask students to do two things : 1.to understand and discuss the information in the text,and 2. to think about what they can do in their own lives to protect the environment from being destroyed.the second activity can be used as a way of connecting students with the text. it is ,after all, important for them to relate what they have read to their own daily lives.wrap it upthis word search is designed to help students review some of the words they have learned regarding environmental protection, and to reinforce the idea of ecological balance.



