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A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计

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A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计


A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计(精选6篇)

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇1

  Lesson 75教学设计示例

  Period: The Third Period

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Knowledge aim

  Enable the students to grasp the usage of indefinite pronouns.

  2. Ability aim

  Retell the whole story in your own words.

  3. Emotion aim

  Love our Country, love Chinese Taiwan Island and Hainan Island.

  Language Focus: Indefinite pronouns=anything / something / nothing / everything, nobody / anybody / somebody / everybody, anyone / someone / everyone, anywhere / somewhere / everywhere

  Teaching Procedures:

  a) Organizing the class

  1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

  2. Greetings between the students and the teacher.

  3. A duty report.

  b) Revision

  Call two or three students to talk about the text learned in the last period, using their own words.

  c) Leading-in

  1. Help the students to use their imagination to think: What happened to the children’s picnic basket? Are they alone on the island?

  2. Ask the students to talk about the picture at the top of page 23.

  d) Dialogue practise

  1. Play the tape for the dialogue and ask the students to repeat each sentence they hear.

  2. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.

  3. Pair work: Ask the students to work in pairs and make dialogues with the given words in the box.

  4. Point out “anything” “something” “nobody” and “somebody” and ask the students to find out how to use them.

  5. Help the students to make sentences with the indefinite pronouns.

  6. Ask the students to recite the dialogue in pairs.

  e) Puzzle dialogue

  1. Ask the students to finish the puzzle dialogues exercises by themselves.

  2. Check the answers with the students.

  f) Teaching language points

  1. too…to

  The ice is too thin for us to skate on.

  It’s never too old to learn.

  2. solve problems: answer questions

  Can you solve these problems?

  3. sooner or later

  Sooner or later, you’ll realize the importance of English.

  Sooner or later, you’ll be glad of it.

  g) Read and say

  1. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat each sentence they hear.

  2. Ask the students to suppose they were the people in the picture at the bottom of Page 23 and make a dialogue.

  3. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.

  h) Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 87.

  2. Make a dialogue, using the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms of indefinite pronouns.

  3. Recite the first dialogue of Lesson 75.

  i) Summary


  ( ) 1. The children are not alone.

  A. by themselves B. lonely C. happy

  ( ) 2. There’s nobody else on the island.

  A. not anybody B. somebody C. everybody

  ( ) 3. Who can solve this problem?

  A. difficulty B. question C. answer

  ( ) 4. No one is sick.

  A. fine B. ill C. sad

  ( ) 5. Sooner or later, you’ll find it somewhere.

  A. Soon B. Later C. Someday in the future

  Keys: 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇2

  Lesson 73教学设计示例














  T: Now, please look at the picture. Can you see a boat?

  Ss :Yes, we can.

  T: Right. And can you see some people in the boat?

  Ss :Yes.

  T: They're students. Now, look. Where are they going? (不等学生回答,接着讲)They're going to visit Monkey Island.(领读这个词,学生反复练几遍) Now, answer my question: How many islands can you see in the picture?

  Ss :We can see three.


  T: Yes, there are three islands. (手指着最小的岛) This one is near, but it's too small. (手指着中间的岛) This one is farther, but not big enough.(手指最远的岛) This island is large, it's the farthest.


  3.打开书,给学生两分半钟时间阅读课文第1、3部分。教师板书读前提问(Pre-reading question):

  Which island do the children want to go?



  4.指导学生两人一组做练习册习题1。数分钟后,请几组同学口头回答,教师应予以必要的纠正,要求学生再写在作业 本上(可布置为家庭作业 )。





  1.Uncle Li said we could borrow his boat.李叔叔说我们可以借用他的船。

  这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句, we could borrow his boat在复合句中作主句的宾语。由于主句谓语部分采用的是过去时态,从句的谓语部分也要与其保持一致。关于宾语从句的处理方法,可参阅本书第七十三课难点讲解1。

  2.Why not? 为什么不想去?


  Why don't you want to go to the farthest island?

  关于Why not表示提出建议的用法,请参阅本书第十四课难点讲解3。

  3.No problem.没问题。

  这是口语中一种常见的表达方法。完整的句子是: That's no problem.但在日常交际中,通常用简略形式。例如:

  A: I left my money at home.我把钱忘在家里了。

  B: No problem. I can lend you some.没问题。我可以借给你一些。

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇3

  Lesson 74教学设计示例



  (1)学习句型:1) We must keep it cool. 2) There's something wrong with your ears!

  (2)语法:学习 take和 bring的不同用法。



  1)I think there is something near us.

  2)Maybe it's a tiger!






  1.复习 值日生报告。


  T: 1) How many islands can you see in the picture? 2) Which island do the children want to go? 3)How are they going there? 4) Do they bring some food? Why?

  2.教师解释land一词的含义。准备放课文第1部分录音。先口头提出听前提问(Pre-listening questions):

  Where are the children going to put their picnic basket?

  放录音两遍,学生回答问题。再放录音,学生打开书跟读两遗。扼要讲解bring, take的区别(见复习要点)。


  4.通过做练习册习题1检查学生的练习情况。教师提问,依次请同学单独回答。最后要求学生写在作业 本上(可布置为家庭作业 )。





  1.We must keep it cool.我们必须把饭篮放在阴凉处。

  keep it cool直译为:让它保持凉爽。意即不让饭篮曝晒,以免变质。

  2.There's something wrong with your ears.你的耳朵有点儿毛病。

  There's something wrong with…表示某人(或物)出了什么毛病。例如:

  There's something wrong with my watch.我的手表有点儿毛病了。也可以说成:

  Something is wrong with my watch.


  There's nothing wrong with my watch.

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇4

  Lesson 74教学设计示例



  (1)学习句型:1) We must keep it cool. 2) There's something wrong with your ears!

  (2)语法:学习 take和 bring的不同用法。



  1)I think there is something near us.

  2)Maybe it's a tiger!






  1.复习 值日生报告。


  T: 1) How many islands can you see in the picture? 2) Which island do the children want to go? 3)How are they going there? 4) Do they bring some food? Why?

  2.教师解释land一词的含义。准备放课文第1部分录音。先口头提出听前提问(Pre-listening questions):

  Where are the children going to put their picnic basket?

  放录音两遍,学生回答问题。再放录音,学生打开书跟读两遗。扼要讲解bring, take的区别(见复习要点)。


  4.通过做练习册习题1检查学生的练习情况。教师提问,依次请同学单独回答。最后要求学生写在作业 本上(可布置为家庭作业 )。





  1.We must keep it cool.我们必须把饭篮放在阴凉处。

  keep it cool直译为:让它保持凉爽。意即不让饭篮曝晒,以免变质。

  2.There's something wrong with your ears.你的耳朵有点儿毛病。

  There's something wrong with…表示某人(或物)出了什么毛病。例如:

  There's something wrong with my watch.我的手表有点儿毛病了。也可以说成:

  Something is wrong with my watch.


  There's nothing wrong with my watch.

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇5

  Lesson 73教学设计示例














  T: Now, please look at the picture. Can you see a boat?

  Ss :Yes, we can.

  T: Right. And can you see some people in the boat?

  Ss :Yes.

  T: They're students. Now, look. Where are they going? (不等学生回答,接着讲)They're going to visit Monkey Island.(领读这个词,学生反复练几遍) Now, answer my question: How many islands can you see in the picture?

  Ss :We can see three.


  T: Yes, there are three islands. (手指着最小的岛) This one is near, but it's too small. (手指着中间的岛) This one is farther, but not big enough.(手指最远的岛) This island is large, it's the farthest.


  3.打开书,给学生两分半钟时间阅读课文第1、3部分。教师板书读前提问(Pre-reading question):

  Which island do the children want to go?



  4.指导学生两人一组做练习册习题1。数分钟后,请几组同学口头回答,教师应予以必要的纠正,要求学生再写在作业 本上(可布置为家庭作业 )。





  1.Uncle Li said we could borrow his boat.李叔叔说我们可以借用他的船。

  这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句, we could borrow his boat在复合句中作主句的宾语。由于主句谓语部分采用的是过去时态,从句的谓语部分也要与其保持一致。关于宾语从句的处理方法,可参阅本书第七十三课难点讲解1。

  2.Why not? 为什么不想去?


  Why don't you want to go to the farthest island?

  关于Why not表示提出建议的用法,请参阅本书第十四课难点讲解3。

  3.No problem.没问题。

  这是口语中一种常见的表达方法。完整的句子是: That's no problem.但在日常交际中,通常用简略形式。例如:

  A: I left my money at home.我把钱忘在家里了。

  B: No problem. I can lend you some.没问题。我可以借给你一些。

A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计 篇6

  Lesson 75教学设计示例

  Period: The Third Period

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Knowledge aim

  Enable the students to grasp the usage of indefinite pronouns.

  2. Ability aim

  Retell the whole story in your own words.

  3. Emotion aim

  Love our Country, love Chinese Taiwan Island and Hainan Island.

  Language Focus: Indefinite pronouns=anything / something / nothing / everything, nobody / anybody / somebody / everybody, anyone / someone / everyone, anywhere / somewhere / everywhere

  Teaching Procedures:

  a) Organizing the class

  1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

  2. Greetings between the students and the teacher.

  3. A duty report.

  b) Revision

  Call two or three students to talk about the text learned in the last period, using their own words.

  c) Leading-in

  1. Help the students to use their imagination to think: What happened to the children’s picnic basket? Are they alone on the island?

  2. Ask the students to talk about the picture at the top of page 23.

  d) Dialogue practise

  1. Play the tape for the dialogue and ask the students to repeat each sentence they hear.

  2. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.

  3. Pair work: Ask the students to work in pairs and make dialogues with the given words in the box.

  4. Point out “anything” “something” “nobody” and “somebody” and ask the students to find out how to use them.

  5. Help the students to make sentences with the indefinite pronouns.

  6. Ask the students to recite the dialogue in pairs.

  e) Puzzle dialogue

  1. Ask the students to finish the puzzle dialogues exercises by themselves.

  2. Check the answers with the students.

  f) Teaching language points

  1. too…to

  The ice is too thin for us to skate on.

  It’s never too old to learn.

  2. solve problems: answer questions

  Can you solve these problems?

  3. sooner or later

  Sooner or later, you’ll realize the importance of English.

  Sooner or later, you’ll be glad of it.

  g) Read and say

  1. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat each sentence they hear.

  2. Ask the students to suppose they were the people in the picture at the bottom of Page 23 and make a dialogue.

  3. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.

  h) Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 87.

  2. Make a dialogue, using the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms of indefinite pronouns.

  3. Recite the first dialogue of Lesson 75.

  i) Summary


  ( ) 1. The children are not alone.

  A. by themselves B. lonely C. happy

  ( ) 2. There’s nobody else on the island.

  A. not anybody B. somebody C. everybody

  ( ) 3. Who can solve this problem?

  A. difficulty B. question C. answer

  ( ) 4. No one is sick.

  A. fine B. ill C. sad

  ( ) 5. Sooner or later, you’ll find it somewhere.

  A. Soon B. Later C. Someday in the future

  Keys: 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C



A visit to an island Lesson 73教学设计
