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Unit 2 Body Language

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Unit 2 Body Language


Unit 2 Body Language(通用4篇)

Unit 2 Body Language 篇1

  unit 4  body language

  i. teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:

  1.topics 话题

  talk about body language

  2.function: 交际功能   

  提供和请求帮助(making offers and requests)

  can/shall i help you with that?    could you help me with...?    would you like me to...? 

  do you need some help with that?    could you please...?       no,thank you.thanks for all your help.   would you like some help?    no,thanks.i can manage it myself. could you give me a  hand with this?   that's very nice of you.     is there anything else i can do for you? 3.vocabulary 重点词汇和短语

  unfair; customer; avoid; suitcase; ahead; manage; fold; vary; crazy; part; firm;  handshake; bow; fist; bend; tap; gently; anger; useless; occur; focus; specific ahead of; give sb a hand; get through; tear down ;hold up; make a face; in order 4.grammar:语法





  4.用英语表达'什么事是某事' ---动词-ing形式作表语 ii. difficult points

  iii. main teaching aids教具:a tape-recorder; multimedia, projector, role cards

  ⅳ. main teaching methods 教法:

  1. the interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.

  2. listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

  3. use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class

  v. teaching procedure: period 1第一节


  1. learn body language. warming up to arouse the students love in talking.

  2. do some listening to improve the students listening ability.

  3. making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.

  (二) 整体感知

  step 1 presentation

  ask some students to the front and act out the correct emotions.

  2. ask students to make a dialogue in pairs using body language. (三)教学过程

  step 2 warming up

  go through warming up and make sure the students understand it and can match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence.

  answers (from left to right):

  1 picture 1: confused i don't know what to do.

  2: angry      i can't believe she said that! that is so unfair!

  3: sad        i've lost my wallet!

  4: happy     i got ana in my exam!

  5: tired      it's been a long day. i can't keep my eyes open.

  2 various answers are possible but explanations for choices should refer to details in the pictures.

  3 various answers are possible. step 3 listening comprehension

  now let s have some listening training.

  listening text:

  part 1

  which of the following is a form of communication?

  a speaking to someone.

  b standing in a comer at a party with your arms crossed.

  c avoiding eye contact with the salesman when you are buying something.

  d all of the above.

  speaking, or using language to communicate, is prob¬ably the best known form of communication. however, the body language used in answer b and the lack of eye.contact in answer c can say as much or more as speech. let's take a closer look at answer b. you are at a party and see your friend tom standing alone in a comer with his arms crossed. when you ask him if he is enjoying the party, he says, "yes, i'm having a great time." do you believe him? probably not, because his body lan¬guage is telling you that he doesn't like being there. if someone asks you later whether you think tom liked the party, you might say "he said he enjoyed it, but it didn't look like it." now let's look at c. imagine that you are a salesman at a store. you always greet your customers with a smile and then talk for a while. but what if one of your cus¬tomers avoids making eye contact with you? do you still speak to her? probably not. by not looking at you, she has told you that she doesn't want to talk to you. part 2

  body language can help you decide whether a person is telling the truth or not. if a person covers his or her mouth with his or her hand, or if he or she puts his / her finger over his / her mouth, he or she may be lying. if the per¬son you are talking to touches his or her ears or neck, this is also a sign that he or she may not be telling you the truth. how can you tell if the person you are talking to is interested in what you are saying? watching his or her body language will give you a good idea. someone who is interested will lean forward in their seat and will look at you when you are speaking. they may also nod their head to show that they are listening and agree with what you are saying. 1 answers to part 1 : id  2b   3a answers to part 2:   ib   2b 2 answers will vary but here are a few appropriate ways to communicate each feeling using body language. enjoying sth

  smiling, opening eyes wide, rocking one's head from side to side

  liking someone

  smiling, hugging oneself, leaning one's head to one side, lowering with one's eyes, leaning forward or closer

  interested in sth

  staring a lot, putting a hand 10 your chin as in thought, leaning forward, opening eyes wide, shaping your mouth with a big 0, re¬sponding with the same expressions as the person who you're listening to


  looking away, putting one's head down into one's arms, talking to oneself, whis¬tling, frowning, folding one's arms

  not enjoying sth

  yawning, sighing, com¬plaining, frowning, looking away

  in a hurry

  sighing, biting down with one's teeth, not standing still, tapping one's toes on the floor, looking toward the door

  not interested

  same as not enjoying

  wanting to talk to others

  raising one's hand to be called on, trying to speak up, waving one's arms over one's head to }&et attention, jumping up and down, shap¬ing one's mouth in a big 0 step 4 speaking practice

  situation 1: an old man is carrying a very heavy suitcase. asking for help

  (0 = old man; p = paul)

  0: excuse me, young man. could you give me a hand with this, please? it's very heavy.

  p: oh, of course, i'd be happy to. there we go.

  0: thank you.

  p: you're welcome.

  0: oh my, this is heavy. excuse me, sir, could you help me with this bag?

  p: certainly. where should i put it?

  0: thank you. just put it over there, please.

  p: there you are.

  0: thank you, that's very nice of you.

  p: dh, not at all. offering help

  p: that bag looks very heavy. do you need some help with that?

  0: oh, thank you. could you please put it over there? p: no problem. there you are. is there anything else i can do for you?

  0: no, thank you. thanks for all your help.

  p: woultl you like some help?

  0: oh, yes, please. this bag is simply too heavy for me. could you give me a hand with it?

  p: sure. my, this bag is heavy! ah, there we go. where shall i put it'?

  0: over there, please. thank you so much!

  p: you're welcome. situation.2:..someone is late for a flight and wants to go ahead of the queue. (j = jim; a = passenger a; b = passenger b)

  j: excuse me, but i'm late for my flight. could i please go ahead of you?

  a: why sure. my flight doesn't leave for another hour. are these bags yours? shall i help you with that?

  j: no, thanks. i can manage it myself. (to the passen¬ ger standing at the check-in counter.) hi. may i cut

  in front of you? i don't want to miss my plane.

  b: go right ahead. i'm still looking for my ticket. do you need some help with that bag?

  j: yes. could you please help me put it up here? thank you.

  b: you're welcome.

  j: oh no! i'm late for my flight.

  a: excuse me, but did you say that you were late? would you like to-go ahead of me? my flight doesn't leave for another hour.

  j: thank you, that's very nice of you! could you help

  me with this bag, please?

  a: sure. there you are. would you like me to bring it up to the counter?

  j: oh, no, thank you. i can manage it myself now. situation 3: an old and sick person is on a crowded bus and wants to sit down. (0 = old person; p = passenger)

  0: oh my, this bus is crowded. excuse me, could you please help me with this bag?

  p: certainly. there you are. here, please take my seat, you look a bit tired.

  0: thank you. yes, i'm not feeling well today. i think i have a bit of a cold. could you please tell me when we reach long street? i'm afraid i can't see where we are when the bus is this crowded.

  p: sure. i'll let you know when we get there.

  p: shall i help you with that?

  0: no thanks. i can manage it myself. but could you please let me sit down for a while? i'm not feeling well.

  p: oh, of course. please take my seat.

  0: thank you. that's very nice of you.

  p: not at all. (四)总结扩展

  step 5 necessary language points

  today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday english used between doctors and patients.

  listening and speaking听说要点

  1>what if a customer avoids making eye contact with you?

  what if ...?  [用法]假使...呢?;若是...又怎么样?

  [举例]what if he doesn't come (what shall we do if he doesn't com)? 如果他不来,我们怎么办呢?

  what if it's true (even if it's true, does it mattere)?    即使这是真的,又有什么关系吗?

  avoid  [用法]vt. 避免

  [举例]they all avoided mentioning that name.        他们都避免提及那名字。

  she braked suddenly and avoided an accident.        她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。

  contact  [用法]n.1. 接触,触碰[u](+with) 2. 交往;联系,联络[u](+with)

  [举例]he tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch.       


  2>no,thanks.i can manage it myself.

  manage  [用法]vt.设法做到;勉力完成[+to-v]

  [举例]how did you manage to get their approval?        你怎么得到他们的同意的?

  3>could you give me a hand with this?

  give (sb) a hand  [用法]提供帮助

  [举例]he would always give a hand to anyone in difficulty.  他总是给任何有困难的人提供帮助。

  4>somebody is late for the flight and wants to go ahead of the queque.

  ahead of  [用法](1) 在…之前 (2) 胜过;强于

  [举例]the production plan was fulfilled ahead of time.         生产计划提前完成了。

  he is ahead of his class in english.         他的英语居全班第一。 step 6 summary小结: step 7 homework

Unit 2 Body Language 篇2

  unit21 body language

  the first period

  teaching aims

  1 describe gestures and facial expressions

  2 train the students’listening ability

  3 practise making offers and requests

  teaching important points

  1 train the students’listening ability

  2 learn how to ask for help and offer help

  teaching difficult points

  1 learn to describe gestures and falial expressions

  2 finish the task of speaking

  teaching methods

  1 listening,speaking and writing

  2 individual,pair or group work

  3 watch and say

  teaching aids

  1 a computer for macromedia use

  2 a tape recorder

  3 the blackboard

  teaching procedures

  step1 lead-in

  we can communicate with each other in many ways such as speaking,writing,surfing

  the intenet and body language.today we’ll study one of forms of communication——body language

  what is body language?

  body language is the movements or positions of our body ,we can use them to show other people what we are thinking or feeling.

  now let’s learn about some gestures .

  step2 warming up

  1 match each picture with the emotion and the correct sentence.

  2 just imagine you are the person who is in the picture ,please express the feeling with one or two sentences.

  step3 listening

  1 listen to the tape and choose the best answer to the following questions.

  part 1 (1) d (2) b (3) a

  part2 (1) b (2) b

  2 use your body language to act them out

  step 4 speaking 

  1 study some useful expressions and learn to ask for help and offer help.

  2 act out the situations

  situaton 1 an old man is carrying a very heavy suitcase

  situation2 somebody is late for a flight and wants to go ahead of the queue

  situation 3 an old and sick person is on a crowded bus and wants to sit down.

  step 5 summary

  today we’ve learned how to communicate using body language .we have also learned some phrases to make offers and refuse offers.after class try to review them.

  step6 homework

  1practise speaking

  2 prpare for reading

  step7 the design of the writing on the blackboard .

  教       案

  unit 21 body language

  the first period

Unit 2 Body Language 篇3

  unit 21 body language

  teaching aims and demands

  words and phrases

  four skills: unfair  customer avoid    ahead   manage  fold  vary  crazy  part   handshake       gently  anger  useless  occur  focus 

  ahead of  give sb. a hand  get through   tear down   hold up   make a face  in order

  three skills:  suitcase  firm  bow  fist  tap  specific bend

  spoken english:

  making offers and requests

  can /shall i help you with that?  could you help me with…?

  would you like me to…?  do you need some help with that?

  could you please … ? 

  no thank you. thanks for all your help.

  would you like some help? 

  no, thanks. i can manage it myself?

  could you give me a hand with this?

  that’s very nice of you.

  is there anything else i can do for you?


  v-ing作主语、宾语和表语 (2)

  1. 用英语表达“做某事如何的”——v-ing形式作主语:

  talking while eating is not polite.

  2. 有些及物动词后面需跟v-ing形式作宾语:

  you can’t stop him doing what he wants.

  3. 绝大多数介词后面需跟v-ing形式作宾语:

  she left without saying goodbye.

  4. 用英语表达 “什么事是某事” --- v-ing形式作表语:

  seeing is believing.

  use of language:

  help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. learn the text body language. get the students to feel the culture lying with the body language.

  important points:

  feel the culture difference among different body language.

  difficult points: the use of v-ing.

  teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder

  way of teaching: the communicative teaching approach.


  step 1 warming up

  tell the students to look t at the pictures and match each picture with the correct emotion and sentence.

  the answers are:

  picuure  1   confused   i don’t know what to do.

  2   angry     i can’t believe she said that! that’s so unfair!

  3   sad       i have lost my wallet!

  4   happy     i got an a in my exam!

  5   tired      it’s been a long way. i can’t keep my eyes open.

  then ask the students to give more examples of facial expressions. then ask the students:

  are all the facial expression easy to understand?

  can the same facial expression mean differently in different situations?

  ask the students to give more examples.

  step 2 listening

  tell the students that they are going to hear about ways that people use body language in different situations. then check the answers. the answers to part 1: d b a. the answers to part2: b b.

  step 3 consolidation

  ask one student to act the ideas in part 2 out with gestures and facial expressions. then ask the other students to guess what the actions mean in their own words.

  step 4 speaking

  first ask the students to read the example in the speaking part, then students work in pairs and act their dialogue out.

  step 5 homework

  finish the exercise in the students’ workbook.


  step 1 revision

  ask the students to act their dialogues.

  step 2 presentation

  ask the students to act out the following body language:

  thank you!   no.    yes.  in don’t know.    come here!

  are always mean the same meaning?

  note: there are both cultural, regional, and individual differences in how we communicate what we think and feel with our bodies.

  step 3 reading

  ask the students to read the text carefully and then find the main idea of each passage.

  they are:

  1. both words and body language can express how we think and fell.

  2. gestures, a kind of body language, have different meanings in different cultures.

  3. the way people greet each other varies from culture to culture.

  4. some gestures, however, have the same meaning in most cultures.

  5. smiles may be the most commonly understood facial expression in the world.

  step 4 language points

  1. names of different fingers: thumb(大拇指), index finger/forefinger(食指), middle finger(中指), ring finger(无名指), little finger(小拇指).

  2. a smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.

  get through sth. (设法)做完某事

  i have got through a lot of work to get through.

  let’s start; there’s a lot of work to get through.

  3. shaking your fist at someone is a way of saying that you are very angry.

  at  “向;朝;以---为目标”

  she opened the door and stood there, frowning at me.

  he threw a stone at the dog.

  step 5 listening

  get the students to listen to the text.

  step 6 post-reading

  ask the students to work in groups and finish the chart in this part.

  step 7 homework

  go over the following text and finish the exercise on p121.

  lesson 3

  step 1.revision

  check the homework.

  step 2 word study

  finish the exercise 1 2 on p120 as a test on the vocabulary.

  and then complete the box on p61 and the exercise 2 , make sure the students know what they are expected the do.

  step 3 grammar

  1. first ask the students to find the v-ing form in the text.

  2. list the sentences on the blackboard and then divide them into three groups according to the part the v-ing plays.

  subject     in many countries, shaking one’s head means “no” and nodding means “yes”.

  object      we can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or here body language.

  predicative    a way of saying “i am hungry” is patting the stomach before a meal.

  step 4 practice

  finish the following exercises.

  step 5homework

  finish the exercises in the workbook.

  lesson 4

  step 1 revision

  check the homework.

  step 2 presentation

  show the students some pictures of shuanghuang to get the students to have a general idea about this kind of art form. make sure they really understand what it means. then ask the students to work in pairs to act their plays out.

  step 3 reading

  ask the students to read the text on p122 in the students’ workbooks. then finish the exercise---to fill in the chart.


  prepare a short passage about your opinion about the body language.

Unit 2 Body Language 篇4

  unit 2 body language


  1. go forward                                                 向前走

  2. point at                                                    指着……

  3. look just like                                               看起来就象……

  4. need to do sth                                               需要做某事

  5. can’t help using body language                                 禁不住使用肢体语言

  6. something very common                                      非常普通的某事

  7. keep doing sth                                              一直做某事

  8. like this / that                                               像这样/那样

  9. have to + v原型                                            不得不做某事

  10. make mistakes                                             犯错误

  11. learn to do sth                                              学习做某事

  12. stop doing sth                                              不做某事

  13. in different countries                                         在不同的国家里

  14. dance to music                                             随音乐跳舞

  15. point to the window                                         指着窗户

  16. read the book                                              读书

  17. in fact                                                    事实上,实际上

  18. different kinds of body language                               不同种类的肢体语言

  19. write down                                                写下,记下



Unit 2 Body Language
