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Lesson 106教学设计示例

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Lesson 106教学设计示例


Lesson 106教学设计示例(精选17篇)

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇1



  (1)掌握句型: It's quite a nice elephant.





  录音机;一组图片,画有人物和动作,如:打篮球、跑步、唱歌、写作业 等,并标有具体的过去时间。如: 8:30 yesterday morning等。



  T:What are you doing?

  S1:I'm sweeping the floor.

  S2:I'm reading a book.

  S3:I'm writing.


  T:What is he/she doing?


  Ss:He is sweeping the floor. She is reading a book. He is writing.


  2.复习 值日生报告。


  3.就刚才三位同学的动作,向全班提问: What was ×doing when I came in?


  He was sweeping the floor. She was reading a book. He was writing.




  6.合上书。准备放课文第 2部分录音。教师给出听前提问(Pre-reading questions):

  What is Li Lei doing?



  T:What was Li Lei doing when the teacher came in?

  S:He was drawing a picture.

  T:What was he drawing?

  S:He was drawing a horse.

  T: What was he using?

  S:He was using chalk.

  T:Where was he drawing?

  S: He was drawing on the blackboard.

  全班两人一组,就Meimei及the twins进行内容相似的问答练习,请几组同学表演。






  But please don't play with my chalk. 但是请不要玩粉笔。

  句中的 play是不及物动词,意思是:玩,玩耍。例如: Let's play together. 让我们一起玩吧。


  1)The children are playing basketball over there. 孩子们正在那边打篮球呢。

  2)Let's play doctors and nurses. 让我们扮演医生和护士。

  3)She plays the piano wonderfully. 她钢琴弹得非常好。

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇2



  (1)掌握新词汇:usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school.





  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 105.

  2 Call out some students to do questions and answers as required in SB Lesson 105, Part 2.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Teach weekend (=Saturday and Sunday) and usually. Draw two columns on the Bb. Label one On weekdays and the other On weekends. Answer questions from the class: e.g. On weekdays, what time / when do you usually get up? Make a note of the answers on the Bb:

  On Weekdays On Weekends

  get up? 7:00 7:30

  have breakfast? 7:15 7:45

  have lunch? 12:15 12:00

  have ,supper? 6:30 6:00

  watch TV? 7:00 6:30

  go to bed ? 9:30 10: 00

  Ask randomly On weekends, what time / when do you usually have lunch? etc.

  Step 3 Practice

  Get the students to ask and answer in pairs, in order to make a table like the one on the Bb.

  Step 4 Ask and answer

  SB Page 52, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 106. Books closed! Listen and repeat. Then open the books and ask and answer the questions. Do the first two as examples. Then get the students to work in pairs.

  Step 5 Answer

  SB Page 52, Part 2. In pairs, have students ask and answer the questions concerning the times given. Also encourage the students to ask more questions. Then have several students tell about their partner's schedule. Again, make sure the students are talking to each other, and not just writing down the information.

  Step 6 Workbook

  SB Page 132, Wb Lesson 106. E. 1 and 3 must be done in class. Ex. 2 should also be done orally in class. After students form the correct sentences, they should translate them into Chinese so that they may find out the different word order in Chinese and English.


  Act out the dialogue in Ex. 3 of Wb Lesson 106. Write down the sentences in Ex. 2.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇3

  Period: The Second Period

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Knowledge aim:

  Students can understand the story.

  2. Ability aims:

  (1) Students can point out the adverbial clauses of condition.

  (2) Students can retell the story in their own words.

  3. Emotion aim:

  Wait in line for the bus/tickets etc.

  Language Focus: Some new words and phrases: sick, patient, wait in line, laugh at, at the head of

  Teaching Procedures:

  a) Organizing the class

  1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

  2. Select some good sentences from the students’ homework and share them together.

  3. A duty report.

  b) Revision

  T: dictate Exercise Three in Lesson 65.

  c) Leading-in

  T: Ask the students to do Exercise One.

  Let them talk about the following three questions.

  1. When you are at a bus stop, do you wait in line for the bus?

  2. How do you feel if someone doesn’t wait for his/her turn to do things?

  3. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?

  d) Presentation

  T: Look at the picture in the students’ book.

  This is a doctor’s waiting for the doctor to hospital.

  The people are waiting for the doctor to come.

  Some people are sitting on the long chair, one person is standing on the left, on the right there are two persons, they are a doctor and a patient, they are talking, the doctor is showing the way to the door.

  T: Look at the title “The Queue Jumper”, try to discuss the title in class.

  e) Teaching reading

  1. Listening: Ask the students to listen to the tape three times with their books closed.

  2. Reading: Let the students read the text with the help of the tape, then read it by themselves.

  3. Language points:

  (1) sick 仅用于表语be sick/feel sick

  I felt very sick after running at the sports meeting yesterday.

  (2) patient =person who has received, is receiving, or is on a doctor’s list for medical treatment.

  There are a lot of patients outside the doctor’s.

  (3) wait in line =wait for one’s turn and stand in line

  When you are at a station, you should wait in line.

  (4) laugh at =make fun of

  It’s unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.

  (5) at the head of/at the end of

  There is a beautiful lady at the head of the row.

  4. Reading again: Try to understand the whole story.

  5. Retelling: Ask the students to retell it in their own words.

  f) Practise

  1. Select one student to read the text fluently.

  2. Choose two or three students to tell their understanding about the text.

  3. Ask the students to work in groups of three and act out the passage.

  g) Homework

  1. Read the passage and listen to the tape.

  2. Make sentences with the useful words and phrases.

  3. Rewrite the passage.

  4. Do exercises on page 74.

  h) Summary

  1. He ___ lunch at school last year.

  A. didn’t have B. doesn’t have C. hasn’t D. hadn’t

  2. The bus is coming! Let’s ___ the bus.

  A. get down B. get on C. get off D. get to

  3. You are ___ again. Please, come ___ next time.

  A. later earlier B. late early C. late earlier D. later early

  4. Alice enjoys playing ___ piano.

  A. a B. the C. / D. one

  Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇4









  1.复习 值日生报告。检查学生复述课文。


  S1:What were you doing last night?

  S2:I was watching TV.

  S1:(面向全班) What was he/she doing last night?

  Ss: He/She was watching TV.


  Chain practice(连锁式练习)由学生甲向学生乙提问,乙回答后,再向学生丙提问。后面的学生在回答问题时,不能重复已答过的内容。例如:

  S1:What were you doing at five yesterday afternoon?

  S2:I was playing basketball. what were you doing at five yesterday afternoon?

  S3:I was cleaning the classroom. What about you?

  Pair work(结对活动)教师设定一个题目:What were your family members doing at 7:30 yesterday evening?


  At 7:30 yesterday evening Li Ming's father was reading a newspaper; his mother was washing clothes; his grandma was watching TV and Li Ming was doing his homework.




  1)书面完成课文第 2部分要求; 2)书面完成练习册习题; 3)继续准备复述14课课文。


  at noon 在中午

  一般说来,表示“在某一时刻”,用at。例如:He got up at 7:30. 他七点半起床。

  这种用法也包括“在拂晓”at daybreak; “在中午”at noon; “在傍晚”at sunset; “在吃饭时间” at dinner-time等。表示“在夜晚”,用 at night。


  1)He often takes a walk in the park on Sundays. 星期天他经常到公园去散步。

  2) She was born on December 23, 1981. 她出生于1981年12月23日。


  in the morning在上午 in the afternoon在下午in the evening在晚上

  in the week/month/ season/ year, etc. 在本周、本月、本季度、本年等。


  They held the sports meeting on the afternoon of June 15. 他们在6月15日下午举行了运动会。

  We'll have a party on Saturday night. 我们将在周六晚上举行一次晚会。

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇5











  1.复习 教师检查课文复述。





  角色1 (Li Lei) left school and saw a bag fall off a truck; shouted to the driver, but the driver did not hear; a man on a motorbike hit the bag and fell off; came up to help; asked the girl students to stop the traffic; helped to carry the man to the gate keeper's room, went to find Miss Zhao

  角色2 (the gate keeper) heard the children shouting outside the school gate; went out to see what happened; saw two boy students carry a man; asked the people not to crowd around the man; asked Li Lei to find a teacher; moved the bag of rice away with Lin Tao

  角色3 (the man on the motorbike) rode too fast that day; saw the bag, but too late; had an accident and fell off; hurt, could not move; two boys came to help; a teacher came with a medicine box; took me to a hospital

  角色4 (Miss Zhao) reading a book at the library; Li Lei ran in and looked worried; told me about the accident; asked Li Lei to telephone the police; went to find a medicine box; quickly ran to the gate keeper's room










  I was writing a letter last night. 昨晚我在写一封信。(信可能没有写完)。

  I wrote a letter last night. 昨晚我写了一封信。(信已经写完)。

  I was doing my homework when he phoned me. 他给我打电话时,我在写作业 。(表示当时没做其他事情)。

  I did my homework and went to bed. 我写了作业 然后睡觉了。(表示说话人所做的两件过去的事情)。

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇6









  Step 1 Revision

  Note: During this lesson, starting with Step 2 of Revision, the students should be in small groups for the entire lesson. Before you start the lesson, give the students some type of signal so they know when to stop talking in their group and listen to you. This signal could be a clap of the hands or something silly like you saying “hi”and the students replying “ho”.In this way you will get the focused attention of the students when you need to talk to the class as a whole.

  1 Repeat Step 5 in Lesson 78. Instead of an action chain, get the students to work in groups of four so that they have more chances of talking.

  2 Play “Polly Says”but add like this to each command: Polly says stand up like this (stand up with arms folded). Make a tree like this (hold your arms out like a tree), etc. Explain that like this is used to show a person how to do something.

  3 Revise the new verbs in Lesson 78 and add run.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Teach high. In small groups of four, have students work together to produce instructions on how to fly a kite. Say Now is a good time to fly a kite. Can you fly a kite? Ask several students, Do you like to fly a kite? Each group will work together to tell me how to fly a kite. You may need to give the instructions in Chinese. There should be at least 5 steps in flying a kite. Make sure the students write their steps in the imperative. For example: 1 Have a friend hold the kite. 2 Run fast. 3 Let go of the kite. 4 Pull on the string. 5 Catch the wind. 6 Have fun! Remember, the instructions may change from group to group. Be sure to walk around the class and give help where needed. You may need to help with some new vocabulary, but that's OK. Don't make the students responsible for knowing special vocabulary other than what is on the list for this lesson.

  2 Ask one person from several groups to read their instructions for the whole class.

  Step 3 Read and act

  1 SB Page 18, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Books closed. Ask Can Ann fly the kite? (No.) Play the tape. Check the answer. Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat.

  2 Explain that Great! means the same as Good! except it is a little stronger feeling of excitement. It is used when something exciting happens (e.g. No homework today.—Great!)

  3 Have the students read the dialogue as a class. The girls read Ann's part and the boys read Ling's part.

  4 Close pair work and open pair work.

  Step 4 Practice

  Replace a kite with a model airplane or a frisby. Get the students to make a new dialogue. They should include in their dialogue the phrase, throw it like this instead of run with it like this. The students may also change other parts of the dialogue as they desire.

  Step 5 Make a survey

  1 SB Page 18, Part 2. Read the instructions to the students. However, have the students fill out only the first four spaces, by asking the other students from their own group. Make sure they understand what to do by asking several students What are we doing? (translate into Chinese if necessary). They should answer We ask everyone in our group: what is your favourite sport? (in Chinese) Once you are sure the students understand, let them work in groups to fill out the survey. Walk around and make sure they are speaking English. Make sure that they are filling out the form themselves, and not just switching papers and everyone is writing their own answers. Remember, this is a speaking activity.

  2 Now have two small groups working together—groups of eight, to make a team. The students from Group A survey the students from Group B, and fill out the last four spaces of the survey.

  3 Have the students in their team of eight answer the last two questions. Then ask one person from each team to give the results of the survey.

  Step 6 Workbook

  SB Page 91, Lesson 79, E. 1 and 3.

  Listening Text

  1 LI LEI: Hi, Jim. Are you good at swimming?

  JIM: No, I'm not. I don't like swimming very much.

  LI LEI: What's your favourite sport?

  JIM: Basketball.

  2 LIU YING: Tom, are you good at skating?

  TOM: Yes, I am.

  LIU YING: I think it's your favourite sport.

  TOM: You are right!

  3 LIN TAO: Hi, Lily. Is volleyball your favourite sport?

  LILY: No, it isn't. Skiing is my favourite sport.

  The answers are: Jim: basketball; Tom: skating; Lily: skiing

  For Ex. 3, have the students practise the dialogue in pairs. Then have them tell each other their story as if they are Han Mei.

  Culture note: In many Western countries football is the favorite sport. However, in Canada, especially in the winter, ice hockey is very popular. In America, the favorite sport changes with the season. In the fall, American football is popular, in the winter, basketball, and in the spring, baseball. Football, or soccer, as it is called in America, though it isn't as popular as American football, basketball and baseball, is gaining in popularity with well over 600,000 children, both boys and girls, playing organized soccer every year.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Learn the dialogue in Wb Ex. 3 by heart.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇7



  (1)掌握词汇:get to, exercise, shopping, garden, over, do some reading







  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise What time do you usually have breakfast / lunch / supper? What do you often / sometimes do on Sunday? and other questions from the previous lesson. Add questions using the new words get ready for bed, wash, etc.

  2 Revise Ex. 1 in the Wb Lesson 106.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Say Stand up, please. Let's do morning exercises. Do a few jumping jacks (跳跃). Have the students also do jumping jacks and count in English for everyone they do, 1, 2, 3, etc. Say OK, what are we doing? Morning exercises! Have students repeat, Morning exercises. Ask again, What are we doing? Students answer, Morning exercises! Have the students sit down. Write morning exercises on the Bb and have the students write this phrase in their notebooks.

  2 Repeat Lesson 106, Step 5, but have the students work with a different partner. Ask several different students from the last lesson to share with the class their partner's schedule. Make sure they are using she/he properly.

  Step 3 Look, ask and answer

  SB Page 53, Part 1. Teach go swimming / shopping / boating/skating, do the cleaning/cooking/washing, etc. In pairs have the students ask and answer the questions about Mrs Morison.

  Step 4 Read

  1 SB Page 53, Part 2. Before reading, have the students cover the text and just talk about the title. Ask What do you think this reading is about? Write down the answers on the Bb.

  2 Students read through the passage silently. They may not use their dictionaries! See if the students understand the meaning of garden and over. If they did not, explain these words to them, but first let the students guess. Teach get to school and get home.

  3 Speech Cassette Lesson 107. Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  4 Choose three students to read the passage aloud. Each student should read one paragraph.

  Step 5 Look and answer

  SB Page 53, Part 3. Assign this as Homework. Students should write down their answers in their exercise books.

  Do Ex. 2 of Wb Lesson 107.

  Step 6 Write a short passage about your day

  SB Page 53, Part 4*. Have the students write a short paragraph about their day, using “Jim's Day” as a model. Then have the students switch their papers with their partner. Have each student read and correct their partner's paper. Tell the students that it often takes a writer 3 or more times to rewrite something to make it perfect. Good writers usually have other people read their writing to help them make it good. This will lower the students' anxiety about having their partner read what they wrote. Have the students hand in their work. Choose some of the best to put on the wall of the classroom.

  Step 7 Workbook

  SB Page 133, Wb Lesson 107. E. 1 and 3 should be done orally in class. Then write down the answers. If possible, get the students to think up more pairs of opposites for Ex. 1 and more sentences for Ex. 3.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the reading passage in SB Lesson 107.

  Prepare a talk on “My Day”.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇8

  Period: The Third Period

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Knowledge aims:

  (1) Learn adverbial clauses of time and condition

  (2) Grasp some useful phrases.

  2. Ability aims:

  (1) Students can understand the dialogue.

  (2) Students can point out which are adverbial clauses of time and condition.

  Language Focus:

  1. clauses: if, when, after, before

  2. phrases: get up, be (get) ready for, feel very well, what’s wrong? after, throw about, reach home

  Teaching Procedures:

  a) Organizing the class

  T: Good morning, class. Nice to see you again.

  Ss: Good morning, teacher.

  T: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?

  Ss: Yes, it is.

  T: Let’s listen to a duty report.

  b) Revision

  T: Let the students do translation exercise:


  Their school is at the end of the street.


  At the head of the street is a restaurant.


  You must wait in line when you wait for a bus.

  c) Leading-in

  T: Show the students the sentences from Exercise Two, write them down on the blackboard, and underline some important words.

  1. You should be quiet when you are in the reading room.

  2. When I grow up, I’ll be a nurse and look after patients.

  3. If you don’t want to go alone, I’ll go with you.

  4. After you use plastic bags, you mustn’t throw them about.

  5. People in the US can’t drink beer or wine before they reach 21.

  T: Ask the students to read the sentences and let them discover the language point.

  d) Practise

  T: Tell the students to make familiar sentences according to Exercise Two.

  For example:

  1. You should be quiet when you are in the hospital.

  2. When I grow up, I’ll be a teacher and teach students.

  3. If you don’t want to do the cooking, I’ll do it.

  4. After you use the toilet paper, you mustn’t throw them about.

  5. People in China can’t drive before they reach 18.

  e) Teaching grammar

  T: 时间状语从句由when, before, after等连词引导,时间状语从句中不使用一般将来时,而用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

  For example:

  1. She began to feed her dog when she got home.

  2. Don’t tell them the keys before they take the exam.

  3. I went out for a walk after I had supper.

  T: 条件状语从句由if(如果)来引导,在条件状语从句中不用一般将来时,而用一般现在时来代替。

  For example:

  1. He’ll fall behind the other students if misses too many lessons.

  2. If you feel sick, you must see the doctor at once.

  3. They will go to the park if the rain stops.

  f) Teaching Language Points

  1. get up起床/wake up醒来

  (1) I usually get up at six, but today I got up at eight.

  (2) Don’t wake him up, he is too tired.

  2. be/get ready for为…准备好

  be ready for表“状态”;get ready for表“动作”

  (1) We get ready for the next exam.

  (2) They are ready for the school sports meeting.

  3. feel very well: 感觉很好

  feel: link verb

  (1) I’m feeling tired, let’s have a rest.

  (2) Are you feeling better now?

  4. What’s wrong? =What’s the matter?

  (1) I don’t feel well. What’s wrong?

  (2) He looks pale today. What’s the matter?

  5. throw about乱仍

  (1) Don’t throw about the waste paper.

  (2) Throwing the plastic bags about is a bad habit.

  g) Read and act

  T: 1. Listening: Ask the students to listen to Exercise One, dialogue. Let them try to understand it.

  2. Reading: Tell the students to read the dialogue.

  3. Speaking: Read the dialogue together, then individually.

  4. Practising: Practise the dialogue in pairs, close pair first, then open pair.

  5. Acting: Ask the students to act out the dialogue.

  h) Homework

  1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

  2. Do Exercise Three. Make ten sentences.

  3. Do exercises on page 75.

  i) Summary


  1. She is afraid the horse may ___ herself.

  A. be hit B. be hurt C. hitted D. hurt

  2. Don’t laugh ___ her, she started to cry.

  A. of B. to C. at D. on

  3. ___ the head of the queue was an old lady.

  A. At B. Of C. In D. On

  4. We’ll go to visit our teacher if it ___ tomorrow.

  A. no rain B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. not to rain

  Keys: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇9



  (1)掌握句型: 1) You'd better go to bed earlier tonight. 2) A woman saw it happen when she was walking past. 3)I was walking in the park when I dropped my pen on the ground. 4)You look tired today.




  (2)能够用You'd better do sth. 造句。




  1.复习 值日生报告。


  T:(对某位同学) Were you watching TV last night?

  S1:Yes, I was. /No, I wasn't.

  T:(面向全班) Was he/she watching TV last night?

  Ss:Yes, he/she was. No, he/ she wasn't.




  T:(面向学生甲) You look tired today. You'd better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.


  (面向学生乙) You are not feeling well today. You'd better go to see the doctor.

  板书 You'd better do sth. 给学生几分钟时间,让大家设计一些情景,然后提出建议。


  5.教师由前面走到后面,途中掉下书或钢笔。用英语解释这一情景:I was walking in the classroom when I dropped my book(pen).






  1.You'd better go to bed earlier tonight. 今晚你最好早点睡。

  had better加动词原形表示:最好做某事,用来向别人提出建议。可缩写为:'d better。例如:

  You'd better watch carefully before you cross the road. 过马路之前你最好要看仔细。

  We'd better hurry up, or we'll be late. 我们最好快一点,要不然就晚了。

  如果建议别人最好不做某事,使用“had better not加动词原形”这一句型。例如:

  You'd better not read in bed. It's bad for your eyes. 你最好不要躺着看书,对你眼睛不好。

  You'd better not play basketball after lunch. It's bad for your health. 你最好不要在午饭后就玩篮球,它对健康有害。

  2.A woman saw it happen when she was walking past. 一位妇女走过的时候,看到了事情的经过。

  上述句子包含以下句型: see sth. happen.

  表示感觉的动词如:see, hear, watch等,以及其他动词如:make, let等,后面构成复合宾语时,动词不定式的to要省去。例如:

  The children saw the motorbike hit the bag of rice. 孩子们看见摩托车撞在了米口袋上。

  Whose photo is that? Let me have a look at it. 那是谁的照片?让我看看。

  Did you hear him play the piano just now? 刚才你听见他弹钢琴了吗?

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇10




  (2)掌握句型:When do you get up? What time do you get up?






  Note: Pay attention to the use of different prepositions in time expressions.

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise time expressions: on weekdays / Monday / Wednesday morning, in the evening / afternoon, at six o'clock, etc.

  2 Revise two ways of telling the time. ( Please see Unit 15.)

  Step 2 Presentation

  Draw a clock on the Bb (or use a real one). Teach this dialogue.

  A: What's the time?

  B: It's seven o'clock. It's time to get up.

  Repeat with wash your face, leave home, begin school, go to bed, etc. changing the time on the clock each time.

  Step 3 Practice

  Students practise the dialogue above, changing the information if desired, in pairs, using watches or pictures of a clock. They should just speak, and need not write anything down.

  Step 4 Read and act

  SB Page 51, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 105. Books closed. Ask two or three question, such as, What's the time? What's .Jim doing? Then play the tape. Check the answers (7:30; Jim is putting on his school clothes.) Books open! Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Let the students guess the meaning of the word early. Then get the students to practise reading the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out.

  Step 5 Presentation

  Review the days of the week. Teach weekdays (=Monday—Friday). Ask On weekdays, what time does Jim get up? Help the students to answer. Then ask On weekdays, what time do you get up? Introduce the word when. Help the students to talk about their daily routine in pairs.

  Step 6 Ask and answer

  SB Page 51, Part 2. Students work in small groups. Have them make a survey of their group using the questions in the boxes on the right such as get up, have breakfast, leave home, etc. Get them to make up more questions: e.g. What time / When do you play games / clean your classroom / do your Homework / go to bed? etc. Have one person give the results of the survey, e.g.: Two people in our group get up at…, All of us begin school at …, etc.

  Step 7 Workbook

  SB Page 131, Wb Lesson LOS, E 1-3. Do Ex. 1 paying special attention to the inflection of the verbs. Do E. 2 and 3 in class. Ex. 2 can he extended.


  Ask and answer questions in SB Lesson 105, Part 2. Write down the verb forms in Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 105.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇11



  (1)掌握句型: It's quite a nice elephant.





  录音机;一组图片,画有人物和动作,如:打篮球、跑步、唱歌、写作业 等,并标有具体的过去时间。如: 8:30 yesterday morning等。



  T:What are you doing?

  S1:I'm sweeping the floor.

  S2:I'm reading a book.

  S3:I'm writing.


  T:What is he/she doing?


  Ss:He is sweeping the floor. She is reading a book. He is writing.


  2.复习 值日生报告。


  3.就刚才三位同学的动作,向全班提问: What was ×doing when I came in?


  He was sweeping the floor. She was reading a book. He was writing.




  6.合上书。准备放课文第 2部分录音。教师给出听前提问(Pre-reading questions):

  What is Li Lei doing?



  T:What was Li Lei doing when the teacher came in?

  S:He was drawing a picture.

  T:What was he drawing?

  S:He was drawing a horse.

  T: What was he using?

  S:He was using chalk.

  T:Where was he drawing?

  S: He was drawing on the blackboard.

  全班两人一组,就Meimei及the twins进行内容相似的问答练习,请几组同学表演。






  But please don't play with my chalk. 但是请不要玩粉笔。

  句中的 play是不及物动词,意思是:玩,玩耍。例如: Let's play together. 让我们一起玩吧。


  1)The children are playing basketball over there. 孩子们正在那边打篮球呢。

  2)Let's play doctors and nurses. 让我们扮演医生和护士。

  3)She plays the piano wonderfully. 她钢琴弹得非常好。

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇12



  (1)掌握句型: 1) It's nice of you. 2) You'd better not talk. 3) As quickly as she could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box.
















  1)在熟读课文的基础上准备复述课文; 2)书面完成练习册其他习题。


  1.He didn't see the bag until it was too late. 他看到这口袋米时,已经太晚了。not…until…是“直到……才”的意思。例如:

  I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.直到我亲眼所见,我才相信这件事。

  Li Lei didn't go to bed until he finished his homework.李磊直到做完作业 才去睡觉。

  2.The children shouted to the driver, but he did not hear them.孩子们对着司机大声喊叫,但是他没有听到。

  shout to sb.与shout at sb.有点区别。前者侧重喊某人做某事,后者则表示冲某人大喊大叫。例如:

  He shouted to us to help him.他向我们大喊,叫我们去帮他。

  “Don't shout at him, ” Lenin said to the young man.“He is right. We must be strict in our work.”列宁对年轻人说:“不要冲他大叫大嚷。他做得对。我们在工作中必须严格。”

  3.hurry up和 hurry off

  hurry up是“赶快”的意思。例如:

  Hurry up! You'll be late!快点!你要迟到了!

  I tried to hurry him up, but he wouldn't walk any faster.我尽量催促他,但他就是不愿意快走。

  hurry off是“匆匆离去”的意思。例如:She truned off the light and hurried off.她关上了灯,急匆匆地走了。


  look,see,watch,read 这四个词的汉译都有“看”的意思。如果表示主动地、有意识地去“看”或强调“看”这一动作时,要用look。look是不及物动词,后边有宾语时,要用lookat这一短语。如果表示“看到”,表示眼睛的无意识动作或侧重于看的结果时,要用及物动词see。watch一词也是及物动词。它的含义是“注视”、“观看”等。read一词虽在汉语上也有“看”意思,但它侧重于“读”一些有文字的东西。请看下面例句:

  1) He looked at his watch, but it had stopped.他看了看手表,但表停了。

  2) Look! There is a rabbit there.瞧!那边有只兔子。

  3) Did you see my dog just now?你刚才看见我的狗了吗?

  4) The thief was seen to steal into the house.有人看到那个贼溜进了房子。

  5) Do you often watch TV?你常看电视吗?

  6) The students are watching a football match.学生们在观看一场足球赛。

  7) Can you read?你识字吗?

  8) I was reading a newspaper when I heard my name called.我在看报纸时听到有人叫我的名字。

  5.The man lay on the road.这个人躺在马路上。


  1) The boy lay on his back under a big tree.那男孩躺在一棵大树下。

  2) When I came in, he was lying in bed, fast asleep. 当我进去时,他躺在床上睡得正香。

  3) Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国以东。

  4) It's no good lying to others. 对别人撒谎没好处。

  5) She lied to me about you just now. 她刚才对我编造了你的谎话。

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇13




  (2)学唱:Let Your Kite Fly High。







  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise My favourite sport is…. and personal information by doing SB Page 19, Part 4. In pairs, have the students fill out the Identification Card. Have several students share their answers.

  2 Revise instructions for flying a kite.

  3 Check homework.

  Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

  1 SB Page 19, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 80 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 2, of the TB. Use flashcards rather than going straight to the book.

  2 Do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 80. Instruct the students to associate the words in this exercise with the words listed in Part 1, SB Lesson 80. In this way they can learn how to pronounce English words without the phonetic symbols.

  3 Do Ex. 2 in Wb Lesson 80. Have students read aloud the words and ask other students to spell them. This shows the function of spelling rules.

  Step 3 Stress and intonation

  1 SB Page 19, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 80. Books closed. Ask students to listen for the stresses in each sentence. Play the tape. Play it again and get the students to repeat, showing the stress with a gesture.

  2 Tell the students that intonation shows when the speaker is making a statement (usually a falling tone), asking a yes/no question (rising tone) or shows the speaker's feelings. Demonstrate by saying Yes in different ways:

  A Yes. (falling) affirmative

  B Yes? (rising) a question

  C Yes! (falling with extra stress) an exclamation

  Show the intonation with a gesture. Play the tape. Play it again and get students to repeat, showing the intonation with gestures.

  Step 4 Read and chant

  Note: Each language has its own rhythm, and the rhythm of English is different from the rhythm of Chinese. Stress, intonation and rhythm all work together. The purpose of a chant is to work on the rhythm of English. Along with rhythm, reduced speech is often used. Even though we want to emphasize correct pronunciation, reduced speech is also part of language. (An example of reduced speech from Chinese is when you ask someone多少钱, the少is often reduced and becomes /aou/with the/M/being pronounced lightly at all.) Also, it is reduced speech that tends to make listening very difficult for your students. By becoming familiar with reduced speech along with the rhythm of English, your students will not only increase their speaking fluency and naturalness, but also their listening capability.

  1 SB Page 19, Part 3. Play the tape. Have the students listen for the rhythm and the reduced speech. For example: What's his favourite sport? becomes what's is, What's her becomes What's er, etc.

  2 Play the tape again and have the students repeat, paying attention to the rhythm and intonation (Notice that the intonation for the questions is not rising but rising/falling because they are not yes/no questions.)

  3 Divide the class into two groups. Group A reads the question lines e.g. What's…favourite sport? and Group B reads the sports' lines, e.g. football, football, football! Switch groups and repeat.

  Step 5 Ask and answer

  SB Page 19, Part 4. In pairs, have the students ask each other questions concerning themselves. Each person should fill in the “ID card” in their book. Have several students volunteer to tell the class about their partner. Make sure they use the correct pronouns (his/her).

  Step 6 Listen and answer

  SB Page 19, Part 5, Listening Cassette Lesson 80. Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. Let the students read the questions before listening to the tape.

  Listening Text

  LUCY: Hi, Han Mei!

  HAN MEI: Hi, Lucy!

  LUCY: That's a nice bike.

  HAN MEI: Yes, it's new. Do you want a go?

  LUCY: No, I don't think I can ride it. I think it's too high.

  HAN MEI: No, it isn't! It's easy! Here, have a go. Let me help you.

  LUCY: Like this?

  HAN MEI: Yes, that's right, good! Now, go!

  LUCY: I'm going! It's great. Oh, look out!(CRASH)

  HAN MEI: Lucy, are you OK?

  LUCY: Don't worry—I'm OK! But what about the bike? Is it broken?

  HAN MEI: No, don't worry, it's fine. It's not broken.

  Explain the meaning of want a go, I'm going, look out by gesture or in Chinese.

  The answers are: 1B; 2C; 3C.

  Step 7 Read

  1 SB Page 20, Part 6*. This part is optional. Say My favourite basketball player is…. Ask Who is your favourite basketball player? Have several students answer.

  2 Ask Who is Mike's favorite player? Write this question on the Bb. With books closed, play the tape. Check the answer. (Ronaldo.)

  3 Read the passage together as a class, pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.

  4 In pairs have each student read to their partner and the partner corrects any pronunciation errors. Switch. Be sure to walk around the class during this activity and give help where needed.

  5 Do Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 6*.

  Step 8 Song

  SB Page 20, Part 7*. Get the students to listen to the tape and then sing the song. If no tape is available, perhaps some of the students can make up a tune. Arrange a singing competition between different groups.

  Step 9 Checkpoint 20

  Go through Checkpoint 20 with the students. Encourage them to ask questions if there is anything they are not sure about.

  Step 10 Workbook

  SB Pages 92-94, Wb Lesson 80, E. 3 and 4. The two exercises can be done after class as homework. E. 6-10 are optional.

  Step 11 Test

  Dictate a few new words taught in this unit and the following dialogue.

  A: Can you fly a kite?

  B: No, I can't. It's too hard.

  A: No, it's easy. Let me help you. Run with it like this.

  B: Yes, it's high! Thanks very much.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Some extra practice and enrichment

  1 Writing practice. The students know enough English at this point that they are able to write simple paragraphs. Help them write a short paragraph about their favourite athlete. Have them tell why they like the athlete. If some of the students don't want to write about a favourite athlete, have them write about a famous person they admire. Have them tell why that person is their favourite famous person.

  2 Teach the following tongue twister to practice some of the vowel sounds found in Lesson 80, Page 19, Part 1.

  How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  3 Many students love to watch and play sports. They often watch their favourite athletes. In western countries, students often collect “baseball cards” with the information about various athletes. However, these cards are for all sports such as basketball, football and even ice-skating. Have each student make their own“baseball card”with their favourite athlete. They should include the person's birthdate, age, and accomplishments. Then you can allow time for the students to “swap”their cards. Have them ask each other Can I see your card? Do you want to swap?

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇14



  (1)掌握句型:What does your brother/sister/aunt/father/mother/grandma/grandpa do? Where dose she/he work/study?







  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise verb forms.

  2 Revise What does Hu Yulan do? Where does Chen Fang work? etc.

  3 Check Homework: Say something about Betty Hill.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Tell the students they are going to invent some families:

  1 Draw a family tree on the Bb:

  Liang Hong's Family





  Liang Hong






  a driver

  a farmer

  a teacher

  a worker

  a student

  in a

  on a

  in a

  in a food

  in No. 3





  Middle School

  2 Ask, e.g. What does Liang Hong's father do? Where does he work? Get the students to answer the questions. Write the answers on the Bb.

  3 Practise the questions What does she / he do? Where does she / he work? Get the students to work in pairs and talk about Liang Hong's family.

  Step 3 Practice

  1 Get the students to make up a family tree for Liang Hong's friend, Zhang Meng.

  2 Work in pairs. Each student asks about the other's family tree: e.g. What does Zhang Meng's uncle do? etc.

  Step 4 Ask and answer

  SB Page 48, Part 1. Read through the table. Practise I don't have a (sister). Ask some students about their families. Then get the students to work in pairs.

  Step 5 Read and say

  SB Page 48, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 103. Books closed! Ask two or three questions such as, Does Mr Baker speak Chinese? Does he like working in China? Play the tape as many times as necessary. Then get the students to listen and repeat. Teach Good evening! and friendly.

  Do E. 1 and 2 of the Wb Lesson 103.

  Step 6 Workbook

  SB Page 127, Wb Lesson 103. Ex. 4 is a game. To help your students, you may suggest verb phrases like play basketball, watch TV, etc. When they finish a story, they may start another story. See which team gives more correct sentences.


  Revise the new language in this unit.

  Go over the content in Checkpoint 26.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇15

  Lesson 84 教学设计示例

  Teaching Objectives:

  Develop the students’ four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;

  Revise the whole unit.

  Language Focus: leave. . . behind, It’s getting late. , It’s time for sb. to do sth., thank you for doing sth.

  Properties: Tape- recorder

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  1. Ask 2 ~3 students to give a speech ‘Can Money Bring us Everything?

  2. Dictate the language points of the whole unit.

  II. Reading practice

  1. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat the dialogue.

  2. Listen to the tape and read after it.

  3. Explain the language points.

  1) leave sb./sth. behind: neglect or forget to bring or take.

  Don’t leave me behind! It is very dark. I feel afraid.

  The luggage has been left behind.

  2) thank sb. for doing sth.

  Thank you very much for help us. It’s very kind of you.

  Thank you very much for sending us such a beautiful gift. We all enjoy it.

  4. Ask the students to make a similar dialogue.

  III. Listening practice

  1. Pre-listening;

  1) Ask the students to get ready for listening and tell them what they’ll hear.

  2) Ask the students some situational questions related to the listening material.

  2. While-listening:

  Ask the students to bear the listening comprehension questions in mind.

  3. After-listening;

  Check listening comprehension questions.

  IV. Grammar practice

  1. Reflexive pronouns practice.

  1)Ask the students to finish Exercise Two on Page 34.

  2) Check the answers with the students.

  3) Ask the students to read the dialogues.

  2. The compound sentence practice.

  1) Ask the students to finish the exercises on Page 35, making as many sentences as possible.

  2) Ask the students to summarize the features of the compound sentences by themselves.

  3) The teacher tells the students what the compound sentences are.

  V. Writing

  1. Ask the students to rewrite the scrambled thank-you note.

  2. Check with the students.

  VI. Revise the whole unit

  1. Go over the checkpoint with the students.

  2. Go over the words and expressions with the students.

  VII. Exercises in class


  1. Don’t do faces while the teacher is teaching.

  2. They often speak their son stories.

  3. Will you please open the radio?

  4. I want to thank you for invite us.

  5. It’s time for go, hurry up!

  Keys: 1. do→make 2. speak→tell 3. open→turn on 4. invite→inviting 5. for→to

  VIII Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 100.

  2. Revise the whole unit.

  IX. Summary


  1. A. I’d love to. Where shall we meet?

  B. All right. See you later.

  C. At the station.

  D. Will you go to the cinema with me tonight?

  E. See you later.     







  2. A.Would you like something to drink?

  B. I’d like some tea.

  C. Well, a cup of tea and some cakes, OK?

  D. All right.

  E. No, I’d like something to eat? What about you?

  Writing on blackboard

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇16



  (1)掌握字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur的发音。







  Step 1 Revision

  1 Write a hotel timetable on the Bb


  Lunch — 12:00

  Supper — 6: 00

  Ask What time can 1 have breakfast? etc.

  2 Revise It's too late! It's too early! Say (e.g.) It's eight o'clock. Can I have breakfast? Help the students to answer Sorry. It's too late. Practise in pairs.

  Step 2 Word families

  SB Page 54, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 108

  (Phonic Reading Work). Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 2 of the TB.

  Do Wb Lesson 108, Ex. 1.

  Step 3 Listening activity

  Write the following lists of words in two columns on the Bb as follows:

  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  car core

  far for

  par pour

  tar tore

  mar moor

  star store

  Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 3.

  Step 4 Stress and intonation

  SB Page 54, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 108. Books closed. Get the students to listen and repeat, showing the stress and intonation with gestures in the usual way. Explain how stress usually falls on the “key” words of a sentence: the words which carry the message. Books open! Listen and repeat.

  Step 5 Listen and answer

  SB Page 54, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 108. Let the students look at the sentences to be completed in Wb Lesson 108 Ex. 2 before playing the tape. Play the tape several times if necessary and discuss the answers with the students.

  Listening Text

  JIM: Uncle Wang, is the work in your factory very hard?

  WANG: Oh, yes, we work very hard in our factory.

  JIM: So you get up early on weekdays?

  WANG: Well, I live near the factory, so I usually get up at about 6:30.

  JIM: Do you have breakfast?

  WANG: Yes. I have some bread, and a cup of tea. Sometimes I have an egg or two.

  JIM: And what time do you get to work?

  WANG: I begin work at 7:30, and have lunch at about 11:30.

  JIM: What time do you go home?

  WANG: I leave work at 5:30, and I'm home at 6:00.

  The answers are:

  6:30; 7:30; about 11:30; 5:30; 6:00.

  Step 6 Read and learn

  SB Page 54, Part 4, Speech Cassette Lesson 108. Make sure the students understand the difference between the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous Tenses.

  Step 7 Read and answer

  SB Pages 54 - 55, Part 5*, Speech Cassette Lesson 108. Before reading the passage, have the students read the questions. Give the students 3 minutes to scan for the answers to the questions. Now play the tape and have the students read it silently while they listen. Students practise reading the text aloud as a class.

  Step 8 Checkpoint 27

  Go through Checkpoint 27 and explain any problems. Revise the forms of do and does in questions. Drill:

  T: Get up … you …

  S: What time do you get up?

  T: He …

  S: What time does he get up?

  T: Go to bed …, etc.

  Practise questions beginning with What, Where, … if possible.

  Step 9 Workbook

  SB Pages 134-136, Wb Lesson 108. E. 3 and 6. Ex. 3 is a good review for the Present Tense and Ex. 6 is a good review for the Present Continuous Tense. Do both of these exercises in pairs, and then select several pairs to share their answers with the class. E. 8 and 9 are optional.

  Step 10 Test

  Use Ex. 5 of Wb Lesson 108 as the test paper.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the language items in this unit.

  Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

  1 Have the students work in pairs. Each student is to pretend that they are either their mother or their father. Then have the pairs ask and answer questions concerning their parent's schedule. Make sure they answer in the first person, just as if they are their parent.

  2 Have the students interview a neighbor. They should ask about the neighbor's typical day. Then have the students write up a paragraph describing the neighbor's day. They should try to choose someone they think is interesting. If the students can, they should choose a neighbor who speaks English. However, if this is not possible, they may do the interview in Chinese, but write the paragraph in English.

Lesson 106教学设计示例 篇17



  复习 can的用法。



  Do you want a go? Don't throw it like that! Throw it like this!




  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise What's your favourite sport? and My favourite sport is….

  2 Revise sports words, using pictures: basketball, ping-pong, etc.

  3 Check homework.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Teach yo-yo, ride a bike, fly a kite, run, swim, jump, sing, skate, play cards and play volleyball by using pictures and gestures.

  2 Play “Polly says” using verbs the students know.

  3 Play the Don't Game: tell the students Pick up your pen. Don't use your hands! See who can do it!

  Step 3 Read and say

  SB Page 17, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask What is it? Play the tape. Students listen and repeat. Explain Do you want a go? in Chinese. Teach throw. When teaching like that and like this, remind the students of Hello, Mimi! You look like Lucy's hat. from Lesson 35.

  Step 4 Presentation

  1 Ask for a student to volunteer to help you model this part of the lesson. Say (student's name), can you throw a yo-yo like this? If you can actually play with a yo-yo, give a demonstration now. If you can't, just pretend. Help the student to answer Yes, I can. It's easy! Say Thank you for your help. Please sit down. Get the class to repeat the dialogue.

  2 Ask for another student to volunteer to help. Say (student's name), can you throw a yo-yo like this? Do the same as in step 1 of this presentation. Now help the students to answer No, I can't. It's too hard! Say Thank you for your help. Please sit down. Remind students of the meaning of too. Drill as above.

  Step 5 Practice

  1 SB Page 17, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask students Can you do this/that? Can you play with a yo-yo? Then substitute play football/fly a kite/jump, etc. using the pictures in this part. Teach any new words. Start an action chain:

  A: Can you play football?

  B: Yes, I can. It's easy! Can you ride a bike?

  C: No, I can't. It's too hard! etc.

  When students give correct answers, say Yes, that's right or Good/good job.

  2 Play the tape. Students listen and repeat. Correct the students' pronunciation and intonation as necessary.

  3 Have students ask and answer questions in pairs. Then ask and answer questions with the whole class. Encourage students to ask you questions.

  Step 6 Workbook

  1 SB Page 90, Wb Lesson 78, E. 1-2. While doing Ex. 1, help students think of as many verbal phrases as possible.

  2 Listening Cassette Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 2. Tell the students that for each thing a person can do, put a smiley face .For each thing a person can't do, put a sad face .

  Listening Text

  1 John can make a cake.

  2 Mike can't make a plane.

  3 A: Can Li Lei skate?

  B: No, he can't.

  4 A: Can Lucy and Lily play chess?

  B: Yes, they can.

  5 A: Can Han Mei jump?

  B: No, she can't.

  6 A: Can Jim ride a bike?

  B: Yes, he can.

  The answers are: 1 Can; 2 Can't; 3 Can't; 4 Can; 5 Can't; 6 Can.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.



Lesson 106教学设计示例
