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八年级英语下册Unit2教案 篇1

  unit  8  topic 1

  1. 1)so …that …如此…以至于….,that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是so +形容词或副词+that 从句。

  2)so…that …可以换成such +(a/an)+形容词+名词。

  2. would like 作为一个固定结构后接名词,代词,不定式作宾语,也可以用不定式作宾补,表示想要的意思。

  1)would like sth. 想要某物;i would like some rice and pork 。我想要一些米饭和猪肉。

  2)would like to do sth. 想要做某事。

  3)would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事。

  would like = want  想要

  1. be 为助动词,made 是及物动词make 的过去分词,of 后接宾语,be made of 的主语通常为成品。be made from 后的原材料则看不出,be made in 主语是成品,介词in 后为产地,be made into 主语为原材料,介词into 后接成品。

  the table is made of wood 。这桌子是由木头制成的。(可以看出原材料)

  paper is made from wood 。纸是由木材制成的。(看不出原材料)

  the comb is made in hong kong 。这把梳子是香港制造的。

  iron is made into knives 。铁可以制成小刀。

  2. afford 常接在can ,could ,be able to 之后,意为担负的起(…的费用,损失,后果等);抽的出(时间)。afford 还有提供,给予,出产的意思。

  3. on sale 上市;折价出售,减价出售。

  for sale 待售,供出售。

  7. (1)though 是从属连词,引导让步状语从句,和连词but 不能连用,但翻译时需译为但是。如:though australia is very larger ,the population is quite small。虽然澳大利亚面积很大,但是人口却很少。

  (2)such as 像,诸如,例如(用于举例)。

  opportunities such as this did not come every day 。这样的机会不是天天都有的。

  8. (1).like 是名词,意为喜好,爱好,反义词为dislike

  we all have different like and dislike ,我们各有不同的好恶。

  (2)depend on 意为依靠,依赖,随…而定,取决于。

  the country depend on its tourist trade 。这个国家主要依靠旅游业。

  it/that depends (口语)那得看情况。

  depend on sb./sth. 。依靠某人,信赖某人某事

  depend on sb.to do sth./doing sth.。指望某人做某事。

  depend on = depend upon

  9. generally 通常,一般的,一般放在句首。

  while 用于对比两件事物,意为然而…

  the same …as … 与…一样

  10. catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意。

  11. it is said that… 据说

  12. star doing sth.  开始做某事         star to do sth.  开始去做(另外)某事

  begin doing sth.  开始做某事       begin to do sth.  开始去做某事

  remember doing sth. 记得做过某事  remember to do sth. 记得要做某事

  forget doing sth.  忘记做过某事     forget to do sth.  忘记要做某事

  try doing sth. 试着做某事          try to do sth. 努力去做某事

  stop doing sth. 停止做某事         stop to do sth. 停下来去做(另外的)某事

  13. protect sb. /sth. from sth.  保护…使免于…

  14. (1)keep sb. /sth. +adj. 保持某人或某事怎么样

  please keep the windows open 。请让窗户开着

  keep sb. /sth. doing sth. 让某人持续做某事;让某事持续进行。

  i’ll try not to keep you waiting 。我会尽量不让你就等。

  (2)keep (on)doing sth. 继续或重复做某事。

  i keep forgetting to mail this letter 。我老是忘记寄出这封信。

  keep at 继续做;keep away from 不接近;keep in 抑制,隐瞒;keep from 阻止,克制;

  keep company with 与…在一起;keep in mind 记住;keep in tough with 与...保持联系

  keep up 保持;keep on 继续;keep off 使不接近;keep an eye on 照看,注意;

  keep one’s promise 信守诺言;keep one’s temper 不发火;keep peace with 齐头并进。

  15.more than +adj. ,不只是;比….更多。

  topic 2

  1. make sth.制作某物。

  did you make that dress yourself ?那件衣服是你自己做的吗?

  make 与do 的区别:两者都有“做”的意思。make 表示做出以前并不存在的事物如:paper is made from wood 。纸是由木材做成的。而do 是强调动作。如:

  what are you doing ?你在做什么?

  2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。

  allow doing sth. 允许做某事。

  3. it is +adj. +that 从句。

  4. show sth. 展示某物。

  show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 把…指给….看,出示。

  5. agree with …  同意…;agree to do sth. 同意去做某事;agree that …  同意…

  6. stop …from doing sth. 阻止…做某事,相当于keep/prevent…from doing sth.

  7. take off 脱下,脱掉,起飞

  your socks are very dirty ,please take them off 。你的袜子很脏,请脱下来。

  the plane will take off in an hour。飞机将在一个小时后起飞。

  8. it is +adj. +that 从句,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是由that 引导的从句。

  9. on every occasion 在每一个场合,occasion 为可数名词。

  10. dress 给…穿上衣服。put on 表示穿(戴)上的动作,wear 后接衣、袜、鞋、帽或手表、眼镜、饰物等;have …on…不能用进行时;be in …接服装、材料、颜色等;in …还可作定语;dress sb /oneself 给别人/自己穿衣服;dressed sb in …给某人穿上…衣服;dress up (sb.)(in…)着装,打扮,可分开用。

  11. but 除…之外,常用于all ,no,nobody,nothing ,anywhere ,what ,who,where 之后,意为除…外什么也没有。

  12. but 和except 的区别:两者用法大体相同,可互换使用,但当介词短语放在句首或句尾时,通常用except 。 在anybody ,anything ,anywhere 之后,but 的语气比except 强。

  13. protect 是及物动词,后可直接跟名词或代词,意为保护,防护。

  i will protect your child when he is in danger 。当你的孩子遇到危险时,我会保护他。

  14. 比较see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事.

  see sb. do sth.   看见某人做某事了.

  如: i saw the boy climbing the wall. 我看见小孩在爬墙.(强调爬墙的情景)

  i saw the boy climb the wall. 我看见小孩爬墙了.(强调爬墙这件事)

  15. write (a litter)to sb. 给某人写信 ;

  16. give sb. some advice 给某人一些建议.

  17. follow / take sb. ’s advice 听从/采纳某人的意见.

  18.tell sb. about /of sth. 告诉某人关于某事.

  19.had better do sth. 最好做某事,后面接动词原形.

  had better 后跟省to 的不定式,否定形式had better not do…

  20.advice sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事.

  21.in 穿着,戴着. in a dark color 穿着暗色;in warm color 穿着暖色.

  22.go well 正常运转,顺利.  i hope you will go well. 我希望你一切顺利.

  23.it is +adj.+ for sb. +to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是…

  it is important for us to learn english well = it is important that we must learn english well . 对我们来说学好英语是重要的.

  24. well – known 众所周知,著名的,出名的.相当于famous

  for  某人以某种知识,技能或特征出名

  25. 人+be famous

  as 某人以某种身份出名

  for  以某种特产而出名

  26. 地方+famous 

  as 以什么样的产地或地方而出名

  be famous for 后的介词宾语是主语的所属内容; be famous as 后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分.

  topic 3

  1. fashion show 时装表演; on show 展出,陈列; for show 供展览的,装门面的,中看不中用的; good show 好,真棒; a show of hands 举手表决.

  2. there is / are going to be +… 是一个固定句型,其中be 不能用其他动词代替.

  3. here ,there 引导的倒装句只是主谓语序倒装,而there be 表示存在有

  there goes the man .那人走了.

  there is a man standing over there .有一个人站在那儿.

  4. 形容词作定语与介词短语作定语的区别:

  an interesting book  一本有趣的书(形容词修饰名词)

  a book on the desk 桌子上的一本书(介词短语修饰名词)

  5. a traditional dress 传统服装; traditional chinese medicine 中医; traditional music 传统音乐.

  6. another 作形容词时,意为 又一个,再一个,其结构为:

  another +单数名词

  another +数词+复数名词= 数词+more +复数名词

  7. be full of 充满….的,相当于be filled with .;fill …with 把…装满。

  8. stand for 代表,象征。

  9.get its name 得名。

  10.not only …but also …  不但… 而且…,通常连接两个对等成分,可以连接名词、动词、介词短语等。

  11.design …as… 把…设计成….

  12.in the past 在过去,相当于in the old days

  13.around the world  全世界,相当于all over the world 。

  14.at one time 曾经,一度,相当于at a time 。

  15.hardly 几乎不,表示否定概念,相当于almost not

  16.except 指从整体中除去一个或一部分,除去的人或物不在整体内。

  besides 指在具体的整体外加上一个或一部分,意为:除…之外,还有….

  but 和except 都可以表示除…之外,都表示从整体中除去部分,常可以换用,但except 所含除外语气较强。but 着重在整体,常用在no,all,nobody,where,who等词后。

八年级英语下册Unit2教案 篇2

  unit 6 topic 1

  一、 重点词汇

  1、field 田地,        2、trip 旅游,        3、vehicle  车辆,    

  4、airline  航班,      5、raise  筹集,      6、discuss  讨论,

  7、book  预定,       8、railway 铁路,     9、cinema   电影院,

  10、condition 条件 ,   11、comfortable  舒适的,   12、standard   标准的,

  13、draw 抽奖,画,     14、land 着陆,土地


  1 go on  继续    go on a spring field trip 继续去春游

  go on a visit / trip to …=have a visit /trip to …

  2 decide on   致力于   decide to do sth 决定做某事

  make a decision  决定

  3 my pleasure. = it’s a / my pleasure.   我很乐意

  4 have a good trip. 玩得愉快    have a good / wonderful time.

  5 see the sunrise  看日出

  6 raise money  筹集钱  make / earn money  赚钱

  save money节省钱

  7 book / order sth for sb  为某人预定、

  8 pay for  付、的钱

  9 make a reservation          make a hotel reservation

  10 plan to do sth 计划做某事

  11 work out  解决    work it / them out

  12 the cost of  、    、的花费    the price of  、的价格

  13 come up with 

  14 look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

  15 hear from …= get / receive a letter from  收到、来信 …

  16 in the day / daytime  在白天   

  at night 在晚上     in the evening  在晚上

  17 the sea of clouds  云海

  18 place of interest  有趣的地方



  help sb (to)do sth  帮助某人做某事

  (1) tell / ask / order / want / teach sb to do sth;

  例如:mother told me not to play in the street. 妈妈告诉我,不要在马路上玩。

  (2) see / hear / watch / notice / feel / make / let / have sb do sth;

  例如:i often heard him sing in the next room. 我常听见他在隔壁唱歌。

  unit 6 topic 2


  1、 receive 收到,        2、perfect 完美地,     3、camp  野营,

  4、face 面对,脸;        5、north   北方,  6、space 空间,

  7、push  推,            8、direction  方向,    9、step 步,阶段;

  10、 rush  冲,   11、notice 注意,   12、huge  巨大的,  13、guard 警戒


  1 speak to  对某人说话

  2 be busy doing sth   忙着做某事

  3 ride one’s bicycle to = cycle to   骑自行车去、

  4 would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth  想要做某事

  5 come along with sb  跟着某人

  6 at the foot of  、底部       at the top of  、顶部

  7 spread over   延伸             

  8 the beginning / start  of  、的开始

  9 on both sides of = on each side of = on either side of 两边

  10 make sure =be sure 确定

  11 at the back  在背后

  12 two and a half hours = two hours and a half  两个半小时

  13 tell good from bad  

  14 in the …of  在、里  on the …of 在、边上   to the …of相隔

  15 be surprised at sth 对某事吃惊    be surprised to do sth   

  to one’s surprise

  16 in different directions在不同的方向  in all directions 在所有方向

  17 step on one’s toes

  18 rush out of  冲出

  19 out of sight 看不到      out of one’s sight     

  20 each other = one another  每一个

  21 ride to 骑自行车去

  22 be famous for     因、而出名   be famous as 作为、出名

  23 can’t / couldn’t help doing  禁不住做某事

  24 here and there = every where   到处

  25 thank goodness  谢天谢地

  26 have fun doing sth  做某事很有趣;

  unit 6 topic 3

  1 be popular with

  2 get / be used to doing sth

  3 be afraid of doing sth = be afraid to do sth

  4 obey / follow the traffic rules            break the traffic rules

  5 avoid air pollution          avoid doing sth

  6 it’s easy to park bikes.

  7 adj 比较级 +_than any other +n = the +adj 最高级 +of all the +n复

  8 slow down

  9 run into = knock into           run to

  10 warn sb to do sth   warn sb not to do sth =warn sb against doing sth

  11 in danger

  12 around the world = all over the world = through out the world

  13 …times as…as…

  14 millions of            hundreds of millions of

  15 be born

  16 make a comeback

  17 lead to

  18 win the race             beat sb

  19 it seems impossible to beat him.

  20 it’s certain that…

  21 break the record          hold the record         set a record

  22 instead of 

  23 decide not to do sth

  24 go through

  25 the roads are very difficult to ride on.

  26 the world championship   the world champion

  27 keep one’s mind on doing sth

  28 in the middle of

  29 it is a mistake not to do sth            

  30 at least = at the least        at most = at the most

  section  a

  1. how are you doing ?你过的好吗?主要用于见面打招呼。

  how are you ?你好吗?

  hello/hi !喂! /你好!

  how do you do ?你好!

  2. you look so excited . 你看起来很兴奋。

  这个句子是连系动词(look)+ 形容词(excited)的结构。这种结构我们通常称为“系表结构”,即连系动词用于连接主语和表语的性质、状态或身份等。

  (1) 表示状态的连系动词有:

  be 是  ,look 看起来,  sound 听起来, taste 尝,品尝, smell 闻起来, feel 感觉,摸起来,seem 似乎, lie 处于…状态,  keep 保持,  stay 仍然等.如:

  ----- how are you ? 你好吗?

  ----- i’m fine . 我很好。

  she felt a bit tired . 她感到有点累。

  you are not looking very well . 你气色不到好。

  he seemed quite normal . 他看上去很正常。

  jennie, alone, kept silent. 只有珍妮保持沉默。

  (2) 表示状态变化的连系动词有:

  get  变得,  turn  转变,  go  变, fall 变成,  become  变成,  grow  渐渐变得。如:

  when she saw this ,she turned red . 看到这她脸红了。

  the weather is getting quite warm . 天气变得非常暖和。

  after a game they often become very friendly to each other . 比赛结束后,他们之间往往变得很友好。

  the sea is growing calm . 大海变得平静起来。

  3. oh ,it is one of my favorite movies . 它是我最喜欢的电影之一。

  (1) one of …意为“…中的一些”。后面常跟名词的复数形式或是表示复数的名词。其谓语动词用单数。如:

  jim is one of the lively boys in our class . 吉姆是我们班上活跃的男生之一。

  one of them is from england . 他们中有一个人来自英格兰。

  some of … 意为“… 中的一些”。其谓语动词单复数由of 后面的宾语确定。

  some of us are young pioneers . 我们中有些是少先队员。

  some of food goes bad . 一些食物变质了。

  (2) favorite adj. 意为“最喜欢的”。如:

  who is your favorite writer ?谁是你最喜欢的作家?

  favorite 相当于 like …best .

  上句可以改成:which writer do you like best ?

  favorite 可以作名词,表示“最喜欢的人(或事物)”。如:these cakes are great favorites with the children . 孩子们最喜欢这种蛋糕。

  4. and we can spend the evening at my house . 我们可以在我家度过那个夜晚。

  (1) spend 在这里表示“度过”。如:

  we spend the weekend in paris. 我们在巴黎度过周末。

  (2)spend 可以表示“花费(时间、金钱)”,其用法有两个:

  spend …on sth. 在…上花费(时间、金钱)

  spend …(in)doing sth. 花费(时间、金钱)做…。如:

八年级英语下册Unit2教案 篇3

  牛津初中英语8b unit2单元知识点复习

  1. i’m going on a trip.

  “ go on + 表示活动的名词” 表示 “去参加” “ 去进行” 某种活动

  she decided to ______  ______ (去) a trip to that poor area.

  it’s so fine a day. we all feel like ______ ______ (进行) a picnic with our teacher.

  2. it must be fun.

  must be 表示推测 “一定是……”, 否定形式为  can’t be “不可能是……”

  you don’t do well in your english. your father ________ (一定) be angry and unhappy.

  i think he must be a maths teacher, __________ he?

  3. can i join you?

  1) join + 组织 ;take part in + 活动; attend + 会议;

  2) join sb. ; join sb. in sth./ doing sth.;

  his dream is to j___________ the party.

  he is a top student. he always ____  ____  ____ (参加)school activities.

  he is a good teacher. he has _____ _ (加入) in the party for twenty years.

  won’t you ________ (参加) us in the football match?

  4.many people like visiting different places.

  like : v. 喜欢  ;prep. 像

  would like(want) sth./to do sth. ;feel like doing; look like ;like doing/to do

  (   ) tom ___ the other children _________ listening to mp3.

  a. likes, likes   b. like, like   c. like, likes   d. likes, like

  5.my parents and i are having a fantastic time here.

  have a fantastic time => enjoy oneself

  联想记忆 have a meal; have a lesson; have a cold;

  have a dream; have a try; have a look;

  have a seat; have a meeting;

  6. today, we spend a whole day in hong kong disneyland.

  spend 渡过;花费

  he s_________ (give money to) all his money on good books.

  we are lucky enough to go to beijing ________ (渡过) our summer holiday.

  7. 后缀 –ful 与-less 分别表示“有/充满……的”和“没有……的”。

  useful/ useless; helpful/ helpless; hopeful/ hopeless; colourful/ colourless; painful/ painless; thoughtful/ thoughtless; harmful/ harmless

  类似的: valuable; golden; sunny 等。


  delight ____________    wonder ____________ rain __________   love _________               

  success ___________  fog ___________ cheer _____________/ _______________

  noise _____________/ ___________ end ______________  


  1) 掌握现在完成时have/ has been to与have/ has gone to的区别:

  have gone 表示“去了……”(在路上或到了某地,但不在讲话的现场)

  have been 表示“去过……”(到过某地,从那里回来了或到了另一地方)

  ① a: where is your mother?

  b: she ________ the supermarket. he wants to buy some food for me.

  ② a: where _____ you ______? i am looking for you.

  b: i _________ the library. i have returned the borrowed books.

  (   ) ③ a: do you know the great wall?

  b: no. i ____ there, but i _____ _ the summer palace several times.

  a. haven’t gone; have gone to            b. haven’t been; have been to

  c. haven’t gone; have been to            d. haven’t been; have gone to

  (   )④ simon _______ hong kong for two years, so he knows it very well.

  a. has gone to      b. has been to     c. has been in    d. has gone in

  2) 掌握非延续性动词在现在完成时中与一段时间连用时的转化.

  ①  buy----- have                 borrow---- keep

  ②       arrive/ come/ go------ be in/ at               leave------ be away

  join------ be in/ a member of             begin/ start------ be on

  stop/ finish------ be over

  ③       die------ be dead    open------ be open    close------be closed

  he ________ (离开) his home for a month.

  her granny ________ (死亡) since she was born.

  the film _______ (结束) for half an hour before they got to the cinema.

  i ________ (买) the book for two years.

  she _______ (借) the dictionary since two weeks ago.

  who ________ the light? it ________ for a day. (开)

  it’s ten years since he ________ (结婚) mary.


  the old man _____________ for three years.

  it _______ three years since the old man _________.

  three years _______ since the old man ________.

八年级英语下册Unit2教案 篇4

  牛津初中英语8b unit5单元知识点复习

  1. remember to do sth.  记得要做某事    remember doing sth.  记得做过某事

  remember______ (turn) off the lights before you leave the classroom.

  don’t worry , i remember ________(buy) the book for you yesterday.

  2.forget /left

  a: i’m sorry i______ my homework at home.

  b: never mind ,but don’t _______to bring it tomorrow.

  3. a)  be / get used to sth/doing sth.习惯于做某事     be not used to doing sth/ sth

  eg: (1) 你将很快习惯这儿的生活方式.

  you will soon ____ ____ ____ ____ _____here.

  (2) 我不习惯喝酒.       i ___  ____ ____ ____ _____the wine.

  b) used to do sth 过去经常做某事(现在不做了)  否定形式: didn’t use ,或 usedn’t    


  1. i was a student in this school in the past.

  =i ____ ___ ___a student in this school.

  2. he used to smoke a lot,_____ ______?

  c) be used to do sth被动语态,被用于做某事, =be used for doing sth

  (1) metal is used to make machines.=metal __ ___ ___ ___machines

  (2) knives are used to cut things.=knives ____ ___ ____ ___things.


  (1). my friend gets used to ____(come) to school at 7 in the morning every day.

  (2). tom said he used to _____(do) some cooking when he lived alone last year.

  (3). are you used to _____ (eat) vegetables or meat?

  (4). used he to ______(finish) his task on time? 

  (5). is the cup used to __¬¬_______(drink) water?

  4.too…to  &   so…that    & …enough to do …


  the box is _____heavy ____i can’t carry _____.

  the box is ______heavy _____ _____to carry.

  the box  _____ _____ _____for me to carry.

  5.carry on with sth. & carry on doing sth. =continue to do sth

  eg; all we need is enough money to carry on  with (doing)our work .

  6.be proud of sth /doing sth     be proud to do sth .     be proud +that 从句


  i’m proud   ____ _____a chinese./  ____ _____a chinese.  /_____ ____ a chinese.

  7. teach  sb sth. & teach sb. to do sth. & teach oneself sth.==learn sth. by oneself

  刘老师教我英语。  mr liu _______ _______english.

  去年,他自学法语。last year ,he ________ _______ french.

  last year ,he ______ french ______ _______.

  你能教我游泳吗?  can you teach me ______ _______?

  8.so  &  such 

  so:  a. so +adj. +a/an +可数n 单数  b. so + adj./adv.  c. so many/much/few/little + n.

  such :    a. such+ a/an +adj. +可数n 单数        b. such +adj. +可数n复数

  c. such +adj. + 不可数n

  (1)this film is so interesting that i like it very much.

  this is ____ _____ ______film that i like it very much.

  (2) these flowers are so beautiful that i want to buy them.

  these are _____ ______flowers that i want to buy them.

  9. v-----n.   a. +ment    b.+ion       c.去e+ion        d.改e为a+tion

  adj.---n.   a.+ness           b.改y为i+ness

  (1)move_________(2)treat__________ (3)develop______(4)improve_______

  (5)agree ________(6)advertise___________(7)ill _________ (8) busy __________

  (9)useful________(10)gentle_________(11)kind_________(12)sad ________________

  (13) sick _______________( 14) glad ______________(15)prevent ______________ 

  (16)collect___________ (17)educate_____________ (18)donate ________________

  (19) organize____________ (20)examine _____________

  10. prevent sb (from )doing sth    stop sb (from )doing sth   keep sb from doing sth

  (   )today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. we must ___down too many trees.

  a. keep people from cutting           b. prevent people from cutting

  c. stop people cutting                d. all the above

  11.treat ---- 强调动作----treatment           cure -----强调结果

  (1)the doctor is______ his toothache. i think he will be well after the ______. (治疗)

  (2)sick people can ____________(治愈)by the voluntary doctors..

  (3)the students in our school are often_______(对待) with kindness.

  12.operate (v.)--- operation(n.) operate on  sb.  perform / do an operation on sb.

  (1).__________ on patients with eye problem is very difficult.

  (2).the doctors must prepare a lot before the _________.   (手术)


  ____________________________ ___ _______________


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