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Unit 10 Do you play …?

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Unit 10  Do you  play …?


Unit 10 Do you play …?(精选4篇)

Unit 10 Do you play …? 篇1

  教学内容  unit 10  do you play…?(2) 

  教学目标  1、 1、听懂会说日常交际用语do you play…? what do you play?作出回答。

  2、 2、会用let’s go and play… new.对同学做出邀请

  3、 3、会四种乐器类单词piano, guitar, violin, accordion 及其词组play the piano/ guitar/violin/ accordion.

  教学重点  能用日常用语do you play…? what do you play? 交际,能区分球类和乐器的表述方法。

  教学难点  能用日常用语do you play…? what do you play? 交际,能区分球类和乐器的表述方法。

  教学准备  1、 1、乐器类单词的图片和球类实物。

  2、 2、录音机及磁带。

  3、 3、在小黑板上写好自编的chant。

  教学过程  课堂设计


  step1 review

  1、 1、free talk:

  t: hello,. look at these balls. i like football. do you like football?

  s: no,i don’t.

  t: what do you like?

  s: i like basketball.


  ask 2 pairs of pupils to act their dialogue.

  step2 presentation

  1、 1、teach “do you play …?”

  t:, do  you like football? ..


  t: me too.let’s play football.

  s: great!(师生踢足球)

  t:(叫另一个学生),do you play football?

  s: yes,i do.

  t: let’s play football.

  s: ok. (师生踢足球)

  chant: do you,do you,do you play football?

  yes, yes, yes, i do.

  do you,do you,do you play baseball?

  no, no, no, i don’t.


  2、 2、teach “what do you play?”

  t: you are all very good. now please look at me. guess what do i play?

  s: play football/…

  t: yes, you’re right. i play football. what do you play?

  s1: i play basketball. 

  teacher asks 3/4 students “what do you play?”

  ask and answer in pairs.

  do you play…

  what do you play?


  3.teach “piano”---“play the piano”

  t: (point at the picture) look,it’s a piano.is this piano nice?

  : yes, it is.

  t: now look, what do i play?


  t: piano, piano, i play the piano.

  出示词组: play the piano

  make a dialogue.

  model: t: do you play the piano?

  s: yes, i do.

  t: let’s go and play the piano.

  s: good, let’s go.

  work in pairs and then act

  t: what’s this in my hand? (a picture of a violin)

  s: i don’t know. what’s this,miss zhang?

  t: it’s a violin.

  teach “violin”---“play the violin”

  同法教学“play the guiter / accordion.”, 注意“ an accordion”的连读。

  3、 3、make a dialogue

  t: do you play the piano?

  s: no, i don’t .

  t:what do you play?

  s: i play the violin.

  work in pairs and act.

  5. chant: do you, do you, do you play the violin?

  no, no ,no , i don’t .

  what do you, what do you, what do you play?

  guitar, guitar, i play the guitar.



  step3 consolidation

  1、 1、follow the tape of unit 10 (a and b)

  2、 2、play games:

  (1) (1)   让学生下座位去找与自己爱好相同的人: do you play…

  what do you play?

  (2) do as i say: t: can you play the piano? s: yes,i can play the piano. (让学生边做动作边说)

  step4 homework:

  1、read the text

  2、act the dialogue 

  教学板书 unit 10  do you play…?

  what do you play?

  piano                          football      

  i play the  violin                 i  play   volleyball

  guitar                          baseball  

  accordion                       basketball

Unit 10 Do you play …? 篇2

  unit 10  do you  play …?


  本单元的日常交际用语主要用于“询问爱好”。do you play …?do you like …? what do you play ?都是一般现在时的疑问句,在现阶段教师并不需要把有关一般现在时的语法知识传授给学生,只要求学生能听懂意思,会表达就可以了。




  1.能正确地听、说、读、写字母uu, vv和ww

  2. 能听懂、会说球类和乐器类单词 ,basketball, football,volleyball, baseball, a piano ,a violin ,a guitar ,an accordion.

  能听懂、会说日常交际用语do you like …? do you play …?yes ,i do/ no ,i don’t .what do you play ? i play …great! 并能熟练运用。

  会唱歌曲we study and play .












  the first period

  teaching contents:

  a.vocabulary : a piano ,a violin ,a guitar ,an accordion .

  b. patterns : do you play …? yes ,i do /no ,i don’t . what do you play ? i play …

  teaching aims :

  1.能听懂、会说乐器类单词a piano, a violin ,a guitar ,an accordion.

  2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语do you play …? yes ,i do./ no, i don’t .what do you play ? i play …

  teaching steps:

  step1 free talk and motivation .

  a. sing a song: hot cross buns .

  b. free talk.

  step2 presentation and practice .

  a. learn to say : a piano ,i play the piano.


  t:look ,this is a piano .read after me ,please .a piano (升调),a piano (降调), i play the piano.(同时作出弹琴的动作)



  t:i can’t find my piano ,where is it ?

  s1: it’s in the desk .

  t: do you play the piano ? yes or no ? (教师引导学生回答yes ,i do ./no ,i don’t .)

  read after the t: do you play the piano? yes ,i do ./no ,i don’t .

  b. practice in pairs .

  e.g s1: do you play the piano ?

  s2: yes ,i do /no ,i don’t .

  c同法学习其余乐器类单词:a violin ,a guitar ,an accordion .(学习不同乐器类单词时注意让学生通过不同的动作区分各种乐器)

  d.learn to say : what do you play ? i play …


  t:hi ,kitty .

  kitty : hi ,miss yao .

  t: do you play the violin ?

  kitty: no ,i don’t .

  t: what do you play ?(教师出示四种乐器的模型)

  kitty: i play the guitar (边说边拿起吉他做出演奏的动作)

  the ss read after the t: what do you play ? i play the guitar /violin /accordion /piano .

  practice :

  t&s   s&s

  step3  consolidation .

  listen to the tape and repeat .( a learn to say前半部分)

  step 4 homework .

  listen to the tape four times .( a learn to say )

  design :

  unit 10 do you play…

  yes ,i do .

  no, i don’t .

  what do you play ?        i play the …

  the second period

  teaching contents:

  a.vocabulary : football ,volleyball, baseball ,basketball .

  b.patterns:do you like …?yes ,i do /no ,i don’t .

  teaching aims:


  能听懂、会说日常交际用语do you like…? yes ,i do /no ,i don/t .

  会唱歌曲we study and play .

  teaching steps:

  step1 warm up

  say a rhyme:jack has a clock .

  sing a song: hot cross buns .

  step2 free talk and presentation .

  free talk .

  e.g t: do you play the piano ?

  s1: yes ,i do ./no ,i don’t .

  t: what do you play ?

  s1: i play the violin .do you play the violin ?

  s2: yes ,i do …

  s3: …

  presentation .

  教师出示一个足球,t:i like football.(边说边踢球,当球滚到一学生跟前时,师提问)

  t:do you like football? yes or no ? (教师引导学生回答)

  s:yes ,i do /no ,i don’t .


  借助小猫kitty学习对话:let’s go and play football now .great! let’s go .


  step3 consolidation .

  passing game: 听音乐传球,当音乐停止的时候,手中持球的学生与其同位到台前用手中的球编对话。

  do and guess :一位学生到讲台前作出打球的动作,其余学生猜猜是哪一种球。

  step 4 have a rest .

  sing a song: we study and play .

  step5 ending

  the third period

  teaching contents :

  c look and say : d look read and write .

  teaching aims:

  复习巩固do you play /like …? what do you play ? 及其应答         答语。


  学习字母uu ,vv ,ww .

  teaching steps

  step1 warm up

  sing a song : we study and play .

  revision .


  step2 presentation .

  look and say .

  the t shows the wall picture and asks : what can you see on the picture ?

  the ss  discuss .

  check ,

  e.g picture 1  a: do you play baseball?

  b: yes ,i do .

  picture 2  a: do you play basketball?

  b: no ,i don’t .

  a: what do you play?

  b: i play volleyball .


  look ,read and write .

  read the letters after the t.

  write the letters .




  step3  have a rest .

  sing a song:  a b c song (只能唱到w,多唱的同学必须表演节目)

  step 4 good bye .

  the fourth period

  teaching contents:

  d fun house :workbook .

  teaching aims:



  teaching steps:

  step1 warm up


  sing a song: we study and play .

  listen and do : let’s fly .let’s jump.let’s read and write .let’s have a drink .

  step 2 presentation .

  draw and guess :

  a .教师在黑板上画出乐器类和球类物品的简笔画,学生猜出相应的单词。

  b. 学生几人一组,一人画,其余人猜。

  2.read the words four times .

  3.listen and number .

  听录音前可以让学生将图片看一遍,用句型look ,__can play __练习说话。

  4.do a survey .

  step 3 do the workbook .

  1. listen and judge .


  2.listen and check .

  3.listen ,find and match .


  4.listen and draw .

  step 4 ending .

  phonetic symbol:

  piano  /pi5an[u/    guitar/gi:5tb:/    violin/5vai[5lin/ accordion/[5kr:di[n/  football/5futbr:l/  volleyball /5vrlibr:l/

  baseball  /5beisbr:l/       basketball/5bb:skitbr:l/

Unit 10 Do you play …? 篇3

  教学内容  unit 10  do you play…?(1) 

  教学目标  1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:do you like football? what do you like?

  以及相应的回答yes, i do./no, i don’t.

  2、能听懂、会说球类的单词:football, volleyball, baseball, basketball. 渗透: ping pong.





  单词的朗读及能在情景中运用句型:do you like …. what do you like?

  教学难点  what do you like?以及相应的回答yes, i do./no, i don’t.

  教学准备  1、磁带及录音机。


  教学过程  课堂设计 修改案

  step1, revision:

  1.warming up:say the chant of 3b(市教研室编写): //:what would you like?://

  2.free talk:

  --look at my blouse.

  --it’s nice.

  --thank you.

  step2, presentation:

  1. 1.      准备一些带有颜色的物品.

  t: look, here are many color circles. i like red. do you like red? yes or no?

  s: yes/ no. (help the pupils answer: yes, i do. /no, i don’t..)

  *do you like red?

  *yes, i do.

  * no, i don’t.


  2. 2.      t: i like red. what do you like? do you like animals ? do you like tigers?(出示颜色、动物等图片。)

  s: no, i don’t.

  t: oh, you don’t like tiger. what do you like? do you like panda/bird/monkey?

  s: yes, i do.

  * what do you like?

  s: do you like yellow/apples/cats… ?

  t: yes, i do. i also like many things. for example, i like football.

  * football---football, football, it’s a football.

  do you, do you, do you like football?

  yes, yes, yes, i do.

  3.t: do you like football?

  s1: yes, i do. do you like football?

  t: no, i don’t. i like basketball.


  * basketball---basketball, basketball, it’s a basketball.

  do you, do you, do you like basketball?

  no, no, no, i don’t.

  what do you, what do you, what do you like?

  football, football, i like football.


  5. t: hello, s2. do you like football?

  s2: no, i don’t.

  t: what do you like?

  s2: i like basketball. do you like basketball:

  s3: …


  t: yes, i do. (利用实物,学生依次练说,最后回到老师。) look. what’s that on the desk? is that a football? is that a basketball? oh, it’s not a football, it’s not a basketball. it’s a volleyball.

  * volleyball--- volleyball, volleyball, i like volleyball.

  do you, do you, do you like volleyball?

  no, no, no, i don’t.

  what do you, what do you, what do you like?

  basketball, basketball, i like basketball.


  6.look, the football is big. the volleyball is big, too. the basketball is big, too. what’s this? a very small ball. it’s a baseball. what color is it? it’s green/ white…

  t: yes, i do. (利用实物,学生依次练说,最后回到老师。) look. what’s that on the desk? is that a football? is that a basketball? oh, it’s not a football, it’s not a basketball. it’s a volleyball.

  * volleyball--- volleyball, volleyball, i like volleyball.

  do you, do you, do you like volleyball?

  no, no, no, i don’t.

  what do you, what do you, what do you like?

  basketball, basketball, i like basketball.


  6.look, the football is big. the volleyball is big, too. the basketball is big, too. what’s this? a very small ball. it’s a baseball. what color is it? it’s green/ white…

  step 3, practice:

  1. t: hello, boys and girls, look at my hand. what’s in it? guess?

  s: …

  t: oh, look, it’s a small ball. it’s orange. it’s a ping pong. do you like ping pong?


  2. make the dialogues using their own words. group working.

  step 4, consolidation:

  1. listen to the tape, and answer the questions.

  2. make the dialogues in groups in their seats, then come to the front.

  step 5, homework:

  1. listen to the tape after school.

  2. write down the chant using the other words.

  unit 10  do you play…?

  basketball, basketball, it’s a basketball.       football

  do you, do you, do you like basketball?      basketball

  no, no, no i don’t.                       volleyball

  what do you ,what do you, what do you like?  baseball

  volleyball, volleyball, i like volleyball.       ping pong

Unit 10 Do you play …? 篇4

  教学内容  unit 10 do you play…?(3) 

  教学目标  1 能熟练地综合运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示球类和乐器的单词。

  2 学会日常交际用语let’s go and play…together.

  3 欣赏歌曲 “we study and play”

  教学重点  能熟练地综合运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。

  教学难点  1 能熟练地综合运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示球类和乐器的单词。

  2 学会日常交际用语let’s go and play…together.

  3 欣赏歌曲 “we study and play”

  教学准备  1 本课b、c部分的图片和球类实物。

  2 磁带及录音机。

  教学过程  课堂设计 集备研讨

  step1 revision

  1、listen and act (师生互动)

  t: play football/… .play the piano/…

  s: (act).

  2、ask and answer  (出示b部分的图片)

  t: hello,do you play (the) …?

  s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  t: what do you play?

  s: i play (the) … .

  step2 make a dialouge

  model:  t: hello. do you play the piano?

  s: no, i don’t.

  t: what do you play?

  s: i play the violin.

  t: let’s go and play the violin now.

  s: great! let’s go.

  after 2 models then ask the students work in pairs and act.

  step3  consolidation

  1、talk about the pictures on page 61.


  2、listen and number on page 62.

  3、do a survey.



  1、听录音学唱易捷儿童韵律英语3b“what do you play?”

  2、歌曲欣赏“we study and play”,教师介绍歌曲大意。

  step5 homework

  1、read unit 10


  教板书 unit 10  do you play…?

  do you play (the)…?               yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  what do you play?                 i play (the)… .

  let’s go and play (the)… now.       great! let’s go.



Unit 10  Do you  play …?
