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6A Unit 5 On the farm

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6A Unit 5  On the farm


6A Unit 5 On the farm(精选6篇)

6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇1

  step1. greetings and warming up:

  1. t: hello, boys and girls!

  s: hello, miss guo!

  t: how are you today?

  s: fine, thank you. and you?

  t: i’m fine, too.

  2. t: today, there are so many teachers in our classroom. i’m very excited. how about you, boys and girls?

  s: me, too!

  t: so let’s enjoy a funny song《old macdonald》.

  s: ok!.


  3. daily report.

  a student gives a daily report.

  t: do you want to know more about her weekends? you can ask her.

  ( 其他同学可以使用已经学过的句型问她周末通常去哪里,干什么等等。生生之间的问答,既仅巩固了旧知,又便于下面新课教学的自然过渡。)

  step2. presentation

  1. t: on sundays, i usually stay at home and have a good rest. but this sunday, i was very busy. i did many things.(板书:did many things)

  can you say some phrases with “did”?

  s: yes!(学生用did 说词组:did housework, did my homework, did some sports, did exercise等)

  t: good! i did many things on sunday. i cleaned the house.(板书cleaned)

  s: say some phrases.(学生用cleaned说词组:cleaned the bedroom/ cleaned the windows/ cleaned the door等)

  t: i played computer games.(板书played)

  s: say some phrases.( 学生用played说词组:played basketball/ played the violin/ played the guitar等)

  t: i washed clothes.(板书washed)

  s: say some phrases.( 学生用washed说词组:washed my face/ washed the socks等)

  t: i listened to music.(板书listened)

  s: say some phrases(学生用listened说词组:listened to the radio/ listened to me等)

  2. t: boys and girls, i did many things on sunday. what did you do on sunday?(板书:what did you do…?)

  s: i played football/ danced/ watched tv…

  学生分组操练新句型( what did you do…? i…)

  t: anything else? what else did you do?

  s: i…

  再次操练(what did you do…? i… what else did you do? i…)

  3. (多媒体课件呈现mike头像)

  t: who’s that boy ?

  s: he’s mike.

  t: say something to mike, ok?


  t: hi, mike!

  m: hi, miss guo! (课件里声音)

  t: children,what did mike do last week? do you want to know? ask him together!

  s: mike, what did you do last week? ( 学生问屏幕上的mike)

  m: i visited a farm. i did many things on the farm.

  t: oh, wonderful! he visited a farm last week. let’s go to the farm and have a look what we can do on the farm.


  t: what can we do?

  s: we can cook food/ water flowers/ collect eggs.(板书新授词组:cook food/water trees/ collect eggs)

  t: look! what’s the name of this animal? (指向图中奶牛)

  s: cow.

  t: what can we get from the cow?

  s: we can get milk from the cow.

  t: yes, but first we should milk the cow. this word has two meanings. do you understand?(板书milk cows)


  t: what are these? (指向图中胡萝卜)

  s: they are carrots.

  t: which animal likes eating carrots?

  s: rabbits.

  t: good! do you like them?

  s: yes.

  t: we must pull up carrots first.(板书pull up carrots)

  t: what else can we do on the farm?

  s: we can pick oranges. (板书pick oranges)

  t: then we can taste oranges.(板书taste oranges)

  would you like to taste oranges?

  s: yes!


  t: is it nice?

  s: yes!

  t: do you like it? do you like me?

  s: yes.

  (学生taste oranges 快乐体验中,牢记了这个词组。)

  t: now let’s read the phrases together.

  listen and do the actions.(教师说词组,学生做相应的动作。然后个别学生说词组,其余学生做动作)

  t: mike visited the farm last week. what did he do? do you know?

  s: no, we don’t.

  t: but we can guess. maybe he…

  4. (多媒体课件呈现分成三类的词组)

  1) watered trees,  pulled up carrots

  2) milked cows, picked oranges, cooked food

  3) collected eggs, tasted oranges

  (学生听老师读并辨清发音区别, 再跟读)

  step3. consolidation

  t: now mike is telling gao shan about what he did last week. we know the result now. look at the pictures. practise with a partner.(多媒体课件呈现c部分图,学生分组操练并展示)

  step4. an assignment

  t: we know what mike did last week. but what did your friends do? please do a survey and finish the table. you may ask three of your friends or the teachers in our classroom.1. what did you do last week?

  2. what else did you do?

  (调查表格这一具体任务,让学生使用新学句型去交际。调查结果的反馈可以采用不同的形式。既可以直接让调查人汇报他的几位朋友上周做了什么,教师也可以问: what did … do last week? who knows? 那么调查这位同学的就可以回答了。)

  step5. homework

  i. listen to the tape of part b.

  ii. copy the new words four times and recite them

6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇2



  ①使学生能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词last,did,taste,pull up,milk,cook,water,pick,collect和听说、认读由这些单词引出的词组。


  ③能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:“what did you do yesterday/last sunday? what else did you do?”及能作出相应的回答。




  1、cook food,collect eggs,milk cows,pick apples,water flowers,taste oranges,pull up carrots等词组的熟练表达。

  2、熟练运用句型what (else) did you/she/he/they do?及其回答。




  step1. warming up

  1. sing a song “where’s my diary?”

  2. make phrases

  play  watch  clean visit  study  do

  3. free talk

  what do you usually do on sundays ?

  step2 presentation

  1. t:i usually …,too.but i watched tv and washed clothes yesterday.同学们,今天我们学习过去式,像watched and washed 这样的单词我们把它们叫做过去式。

  2.写出下列单词的过去式play---played ,can you?

  3.教学what did you do yesterday?

  what did you do last sunday?

  teach: “last.”

  can you use last to make some phrases: last week / weekend / month/ year / monday.

  (罗列学生所说,教师引导)i …ed …

  what else did you do ?

  4.work in pairs

  now talk to your partner what did you do yesterday? what else did you do ?

  i want to know something about you .

  what did you do yesterday?

  what else did you do ?

  let’s look at the other pictures.

  what did he/she do last…?

  guess:what did i do yesterday?

  5.t: now you know what i did yesterday. do you know what did they do last sunday?

  let’s ask them:what did you do last sunday?

  机:we visited a farm.

  look ,this is a farm.

  学习单词“farm”(park car star garden )

  the farm is so beautiful.

  6. teach: 六个词组

  what can you see on the farm?(解决生字cow carrot )

  we can see some apples,some oranges,a cow,some carrots,some flowers and some eggs.

  the farm is very big.and we can do a lot of things on the farm.

  what can we do on the farm?

  we can pick oranges,milk cows, pull up carrots, water flowers,collect eggs,cook nice food and taste apples.

  you are this boy.what did you do last sunday?

  1. pick apples

  jim: i picked oranges.

  t:i like picking oranges from the tree. these are some fruit. it’s decilious. taste it ,please.

  2. taste

  what did you do just now?

  s:i tasted oranges.

  t:jim tasted oranges,too.

  c.pull up carrots

  what else did jim do ?

  d.what are these? jim collected eggs.

  e.you know we can pick apples, collect eggs, taste oranges, pull up carrots on the farm.

  what else can we do  ?

  we can cook nice food. water flowers. milk cows.

  7.say a chant: (配上动作与节奏)

  cook, cooked, cooked food

  milk, milked, milked cows

  pick, picked, picked apples

  pull up, pulled up, pulled up carrots

  water, watered, watered flowers

  taste, tasted, tasted apples

  collect, collected, collected eggs

  11.多媒体呈现part c 六幅图。

  ①t与s make a model.

  mike is telling gao shan about what he did last week .look at the pictures.what are they saying ? let’s talk about it .i will be gao shan  . you will be mike .who wants to my partner.

  ②work in pairs. you can choose two pictures to practice your partner.

  1. 检查情况(说得好的用苹果奖励)

  step3. consolidation

  1. 由小组讨论得出规则动词过去式的变化规律。







  1. 在浊辅音和元音后读/d/,如lived,listened.

  2. 在清辅音后读/t/,如liked,helped,watched.

  3. 在/t/,/d/音后读/id/,如planted.

  3.make a survey:

  what did you do yesterday / last …?

  what else did you do?

  name   monday   tuesday   wednesday   thursday   friday   step5. homework

  copy the phrasesact out the dialogue

6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇3


  教学目标:1、四会单词:taste, milk, pull up, did, last及其动词的过去式。

  2、三会单词:farm, carrot, cow, pick.

  3、四会句型:what did you do?  what else did you do?  i/we….





  1.free talk:is everyone here?

  what day is it today?

  what date is it today?

  what do you usually do on sundays?

  2.复习unit 3中的was/were的用法:what day was it yesterday?

  what date was it yesterday?

  where were you a moment ago?等

  3.快速组词,老师说动词(watch, play, collect, cook等)学生组词,因为这些词和词组下面要用到。

  二、presentation and practice

  1.老师说many people were on a farm last week.(引出farm, last并教授,farm可以归纳一下ar组合的发音,farm和faemer作一下比较,last总结a#a:#的读音;并用last组词。比如 last year, last sunday等). they did a lot of interesting things (教did)。now let’s ask them。

  2.课前已经剪下各种动作并标有人名,因此老师示范:what did you do last week, mrs black? i cooked nice food.并把cook这幅图贴在黑板上,板书what did you do last week, i cooked nice food.领读并操练。

  3.接下来请同学试着回答,比如:what did you do, li ming? i collected eggs,并贴图片。同法引出其他的图片及现答词和词组,最后就出现了a beautiful farm.注意在教millked cows, watered flowers.其中的milk, water作动词。类似的以前也学过。教picked orangers, tasted oranges, pull up carrots,注意taste, carrot的发音,并可以用pick, taste组词,比如pick apples, taste juice等,并板书(有意识地把ed发相同音的写在一起),water-watered, pull-pulled, pick-picked, milk-milked, collect-collected, taste-tasted直接加d,领读并归纳ed的发音,再请学生列举其他动词及过去式。


  5.打开书,用开火车的形式回答。what did you do last week? i/we…

  6.同桌操练,比如:what did you do yesterday? iwatched cartoons.再问what else did you do? i played basketball.



  1.师生,生生操练句型what did you do last week? i/we….

  what else did you do ? i/we…


  3.调查3位好朋友what did you do last sunday?并作好记录。



  2.熟练运用what did you do ? i/we…句型。


  6a   unit5   on the farm  第二课时

  教学内容:unit5 (a部分)

  教学目标:1.四会单词:holiday, last, early, meet, before, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook以及其中动词的过去式。

  2.三会单词:a farm, a carrot, fun, national day, a film ,a cow, pick, wonderful。

  3.四会句型:what (else) did you do……?  we/i ……。

  4.日常交际用语:did you like the film?  it was a funny cartoon.  we all like it very much.  were there any fruit trees on the farm?   there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.





  1.老师说动词原形,学生说过去式,比如cook-cooked, collect-collected等。

  2.grow sentences.(老师引导)比如:collected → collected  eggs →su hai collected eggs on a farm. → su hai collected eggs on a farm last sunday.

  老师再问:how about you?  what did you do last sunday?  what else did you do?接着替换词yesterday等,进行师生操练,生生操练。

  3.老师问:did you visit a farm last national day? 引出national day,并解释,接下来问when’s national day?  ss: it’s on the first of october.老师再说we have seven days’ holiday.引出holiday并教读,再引出the national day holiday,强调holiday的读音,并操练on holiday, after the holiday, before the holiday,引出before,操练before class等。



  what did nancy do? she watched a film with her parents.

  what did helen do? she went to the farm.

  紧接着上面的问题问:what did helen do on the farm? let’s guess.(板书)让学生猜,任意说,老师记录书上提到的,同时也出示一张事先画好的表格。






  在老师引导下,学生说词组pull up carrots, milk cows, collect eggs等,边说边填以上表格。

  6. 再次听录音,完全完成以上表格。

  7. 老师总结,返回事先准备在小黑板上写好的根据课文内容完成缺词填空。学生说,老师写。

  last week was the national day holiday. nancy ______  ______  ______with her parents. helen ______ ______  ______ with her family. on monday, they ______ ______ and ______ ______ ______.on tuesday, they ______ cows______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ and  ______ ______. that was fun!

  8.齐读以上短文并引出that was fun!

  t: i think helen was very happy on the farm. that was fun! it’s wonderful.引出wonderful。

  t: do you want to go to the farm?

  s: yes, we want to go to the farm.





  6au5p3 牛津小学英语6a第5单元 第3课时 unit 5 on the farm

  教学内容:d e


  1 复习巩固四会单词和四会句型。

  2 三会单词 camp mountain.

  3 能熟练在情景中运用本单元所学句型和是常交际用语。

  教学准备:录音机 照片 挂图


  a:free talk.

  1 what’s the date today?

  2 what day is it today?

  3 what did you do yesterday?

  4 what else did you do?

  5 did you …?

  先师生示范,接着生生交流:who can ask your friend?

  b: revision

  1 出示几组过去式。


  water-watered  pull-pulled

  tast-tasted collect-collected  visit visited

  is/am-was  are-weredo-did


  2 grow my sentences.

  for example: pick – picked – picked apples – i picked apples – i picked apples on the farm -  i picked apples on the farm yesterday.

  出示几个单词:milk collect water cook visit

  c: consolidation

  1 listen and write d

  what did tang ling do on sunday? let’s listen.


  (2)listen and finish it.

  (3)listen again .check out the answers.

  (4)read together.


  2 read and judge.

  (1)now we know ,yang ling and her friends visited liu tao’s grandparents on sunday. they were very happy that day. but on sunday. i was very tired .do you know why?

  guess:ss: did you  …?

  t: i went to er bi zui park and took many photos. do you want to have a look?(show photos)

  引出词组 at a camp ,walk in the mountains

  t: wang bing and his friends were at the camp,too.what did they do at the camp?

6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇4


  four-skilled words: holiday, early, meet, before, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook.

  three-skilled words and phrases:

  a farm, a carrot, fun, national day, a film, a cow, pick, wonderful.

  3.four-skilled sentences:

  a:what(else)did you do…?

  b:we/ i…/

  4.three-skilled sentences:

  did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all liked it very much.

  were there any fruit trees on the farm?  there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.

  5 能根据课文的大意,复述课文.


  four-skilled words,phrases and sentences.




  a  revision and troduction.

  a:what did you do …?


  chain drills and pair work.(注意引导学生运用动词的过去式)

  b  presentation and practice


  t: last week was the national day holiday. (出示国庆节假期的课件.)

  学习:the national day holiday

  look at the picture.this is helen.this is nancy.they are on the school playground.they are talking about the national day holiday.now let’s listen to the tape and find out what they are talking about. (播放课文前言两遍)

  t:is it the first day after the holiday?


  t:who goes to school early?

  s: helen.

  t:who does helen meet before class?

  ss: nancy.

  教授新单词early, before ,before class.

  t:let’s read after the tape.


  t:what did helen and nancy do during the national day holiday?please don’t look at the vedio and listen then finish the form.(播放课件的声音)

  t:what did nancy do?

  s:she watched a film with her parents.


  s: on wednesday.

  t: did nancy like the film?(帮助学生回答)

  s:…. (边问答边完成表格) let’s listen again.

  t:what did helen do?



  t:open your books at page38.pick up your books. read after the tape. 对照表格,复述课文.


  t: helen visited a farm with her family on monday and tuesday. what did helen do on the farm? read the dialogue and match.

  t: what did helen do on monday?


  t:what did helen do on tuesday?


  t:were there any fruit trees on the farm?


  学生试着答题,教师教授词汇句型。now read after the tape.师生完成课文后判断题。


  c  consolidation




  d  homework

  1. 订正听写本。

  3. 背诵parta。


  a: what did you do…?

  b: i….

  a: what else did you do?


6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇5


  6a第五单元第二教时(listen,read and say)。


  1.能正确的听、说、读、写词汇holiday,last,early,meet,before 能正确的听,说, 读词汇 fun,national day,a film,wonderful

  2.能正确的听、说、读句型what (else) did you do…?we/i…


  did you like the film?

  it was a funny cartoon.

  we all liked it very much.

  were there any fruit trees on the farm?

  there were apple trees,orange trees and pear trees.











  2.板书准备:预先写好课题unit 5 on the farm


  step 1   free talk

  1. a :what do you usually do at the weekends?

  b: … …

  a: what did you do on monday/…?

  b: i…

  a: what else did you do?

  b: i…

  step 2 presentation

  1.a.出示日历 学习lask week ,the nationalholiday

  t:what day is it today?   thursday

  t:what date is it today?  november 08, 2007

  t:what day was it yesterday? wednesday

  t:what date was it yesterday? november 07, 2007

  t:what day was it ? wednesday

  t:what date was it? 2007-10-31

  t:oh,it was wednesday of last week.

  teach: last week

  b.t:what date was it? 2007-10-1

  t:oh,it was the national day.

  teach: the national day

  t:i liked the national day very much .we have a long holiday.i didn’t work from 1st to 7th .

  teach: the nationalholiday


  c.ask and answer

  a: what did you do last week?

  b: i…

  a: what else did you do?

  b: i…

  2.t: can you ask me? what did you do last week?

  s: yes, i can. what did you do last week?

  t: i watched a film . did you watch the film before?

  ss: yes, i did./no, i didn’t .

  t:did you like the film ?

  ss: yes, i did./no, i didn’t .


  呈现句型板书did you...? yes,i did./no, i didn’t.

  t: did you do your homework yesterday?

  did you play the computer yesterday?

  did you get “a” yesterday?

  s: yes, i did./no, i didn’t.

  t: can you ask your partner like this?


  (1)t: hi, children. look at this picture. where is it?

  s: it’s in/ on a farm. (教师纠正介词用on)

  出示词组:on a farm ,学生朗读理解。

  t:did you visit the farm before?

  s: yes, i did./no, i didn’t.

  t: i visited a farm last week.

  (2) t: do you remember the things on the farm? now tell me what was onthe farm? you can say like this?

  was/were there…?

  yes, there was/were.

  no, there wasn’t/weren’t.(呈现相关句型的板书,示范引导)

  s: was there a dog?

  ss:yes, there was./ no, there wasn’t.

  s: were there any fruit trees?

  ss: yes, there were./ no, there weren’t.

  4. t: what can you do on the farm?


  s: i can

  1.water   trees/flowers

  pull   up carrots

  milk   cows                      

  collect   eggs

  pick   oranges

  taste   oranges

  cook   nice food

  2.watered trees/flowers

  pulled up carrots

  milked cows

  collected eggs

  picked oranges

  tasted oranges

  cooked nice food

  step 3 text

  1.t:ok. i visited the farm last week. i was so happy. my friend helen visited a farm on the national day holiday too. helen and nancy are talking about their national day holiday now. let’s listen.


  1). it   is    the national day today.  (    )

  2). today is the first day of school after the holiday.  (    )

  3). nancy goes to school early.  (    )

  4). helen and nancy meet in the school playground.  (    )

  5). they meet    after   class.  (    )

  2. 听helen和nancy的对话录音,思考并回答:

  1).what did nancy do last week?

  2).what did helen do last week?

6A Unit 5 On the farm 篇6


  b look read and learn /c ask and answer


  1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last 、did、 taste、 pull up、milk 、cook、及其中动词的过去式。



  4、掌握句型what ( else) did you do ….?和日常交际用语did you ……?

  三、 教学重点

  1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组 last 、did、 taste、 pull up、milk 、cook、及其中动词的过去式。


  3、四会掌握句型what ( else) did you do ….?和日常交际用语did you ……?








  3) 本课时的多媒体课件。

  4) 调查表和学生的大头贴

  5)板书:写好课题、日期和句型 what do you usually do on sundays?

  what else do you do?


  step 1 free talk

  1.ask some questions about part a.

  2.ask some students to retell the text.

  3.greetings: what did you do last sunday?

  did you … yesterday/last weekend?

  step 2 presentation

  1.t: last weekend i was very busy

  what did i do on sunday? guess, please. (cleaned the house, watched a film, cooked food)

  if the students guess correctly, show the pictures and write the phrases on the

  blackboard. read the phrases.

  2. summary:


  5.t: then what did i do? please guess. there were some flowers here. i put some water on the flowers.

  s: you watered flowers.

  t: you’re right.

  出示照片: water flowers. 出示卡片read: water—watered.

  1.t: i did them on saturday.(指黑板) what did you do on saturday?

  板书on saturday

  read the question.

  t: what did you do on saturday?

  s1: i …

  t: what did you do on saturday?

  s2: i …

  t: what else did you do?  板书

  s: i …

  read ‘ what else did you do?’

  t: what did you do on saturday? what else did you do?

  s3: …

  4.t: next day was sunday. on sunday, i visited a farm.

  出示图, read ‘ visited a farm’

  t: on the farm(指课题), there were some children. what did they do?

  出示图 ’collect eggs’,让学生自己说出过去式。

  5.teach ‘milk cows, pull up carrots, pick oranges,taste oranges’ in the same way.

  6.read part c.

  a. read after the tape.

  b. read the phrases.  边说边做动作

  c.. read the past form on the blackboard.


  6.t: we talked about what we did last weekend. what did mike do last week? look, he is telling gao shan about it.

  show picture 1 of part c.




  7.show picture 2. show the phrases. ask two students to make a dialogue.

  show the other pictures of part c. choose one to practice.

  8.now, let’s play a game.

  name    activity         time     a         d          g     b         e          h     c         f          i

  方法:一生上前点击三个字母,被点到名字的学生根据表格中的内容做动作,然后全班学生齐声问:what did you do …? s: i …ed … what else did you do

  9.t: mike did lots of things last week. how about you? what did you do on sunday/monday/tuesday?  what else did you do?

  ask and answer in pairs.

  step 3 consolidation

  do a survey

  key sentences:  where were you on monday?

  what did you do?

  what else did you do?

  did you …?。





  3.make a model:

  t: hello, where were you on monday?         s:

  what did you do?   s:

  what else did you do?           s:

  practice in groups.


  step 4 homework

  1.copy the words and phrases of part b.

  2.read the words of part b four times.

  3.practice the dialogues of part c and write them down.

  八 板书设计

  unit 5 on the farm (b&c)

  a: what did you do on saturday? 

  b: i …

  a: what else did you do?

  b: i …

  cleaned the house  watched a film   visited the farm

  watered flowers   cooked food      collected eggs

  pulled up carrots   picked oranges   tasted oranges

  milked cows



6A Unit 5  On the farm
