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Revision教案 篇1


  5b  期中revision


  知识与技能:module 1  unit 1& 2 中的知识点




  module 1  unit1& 2 中的单词,词组,课文以及重点句型。



  1.      read the texts.

  2.      review & recite the words.

  rise, shadow, go down, inside, mouse, mice, cherry, hide, durian, block, flat, strawberry, bell, careful, asleep, awake, both, screwdriver, musical, instrument, shake, shaker, string, wheel, say, quiet, loud, hammer.

  3.      review some phrases.

  在早上,在空中,在大楼旁边,我的影子, 张开你的眼睛,红的一些,一些樱桃,对不起,太安静了,小心,骑自行车,给某人某物,不用谢,一个乐器,剪下,摇动摇动器。

  4.      answer the questions.

  t: what does the sun do in the morning?

  t: how is the shadow in the morning?

  t: where is your shadow in the evening?

  t: does the sun go down in the evening?

  t: where is your book?

  t: what have you got? etc.

  5.      exercises


  sour,  in front of ,  behind,  do not,  stand,  smoke,  glass,  one

  1. danny ____ like limes. they’re too _______.

  2. peter is tall. ben is short. ben _____ __________ peter.

  3. my father likes ______. it’s bad for him.

  4. miss fang can’t see her ______. they’re on her head.

  5. the block’s shadow is long in the morning. it’s _____ the block.

  6. do you want any strawberries? yes, i want sweet ___________.


  1. there are some green plums inside the box. (一问, 否回)


  2. grandma has got some durians in her handbag.   __________________________

  3. he comes home at 4:00 in the afternoon.(when)  ___________________________

  4. mr. chen eats a lot of fruit every day.(否定句) ___________________________

  5. jim, please cut out the shadow. (现在进行时)____________________________


  a: look at _____ _______. it’s short in the afternoon.

  b: yes, the sun _______ _______ now.

  a: when ______ the sun _______ ________.

  b: at about 6:00 in the evening.

  a: _______ ______ the shadow at that time?

  b: it’s ________.

  6. check.   



  1.    这节课中主要复习module 1 unit 1,2中的内容,句型较简单,学生掌握较好。

  2.    课堂中主要通过练习来复习巩固知识。

  3.       作业中,部分学生对第三人称单数还不够熟练,jim, please cut out the shadow.(现在进行时)中有些学生没有把please去掉,平时要加强对这部分学生的针对性练习。


  5b  期中revision


  知识与技能: module 1 unit 3 & 4中的知识点




  module 1 unit 3 & 4 中的单词,词组,课文以及重点地句型。



  1.      read the texts.

  2.      review & recite the words.

  fluffy, shiny, warm, parcel, thing, lunch box, mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its, cushion, move, touch, with, tongue, adventure, lost, find, save, different, help, beanstalk, same, giant, goose, grow, poor, rich, castle, golden.

  3.      review some phrases


  4.      answer the questions.

  t: how are you today?

  t: how does the desk feel?

  t: how is the apple?

  t: how do the pineapples feel?

  t: how are these cats?

  t: whose book is this?

  t: is this book yours?

  t: are these books theirs?

  t: what do you do with your eyes?

  t: what does he do with his eyes?

  t: are they the same or different?

  t: can you see a giant in the castle?

  5.      exercises


  1. his birthday is on the _________(three) of february.

  2. alice ________(go) to the park in the morning.

  3. how many ________(man) are there? there is one.

  4. look, they __________(ride) bicycles there.

  5. these ________(one) are cheap. i like _______. (they)

  6. ben can ________(wash) his clothes. he often _______(wash) on sundays.

  7. don’t _______(jump), kally. this sign means ”no _________”. (jump)

  8. they are from different ____________. (family)


  taste /       /       touch /        /      

  help /      /      where /      /


  1. mike, please walk in the park. (否定句)   

  2. my father is reading the newspaper in the chair. 

  3. betty has some desserts at break. (一问, 肯回)

  4. they like the purple and yellow insect.

  5. the dog can smell with its nose.

  6. the birds are flying above the mountain. (what)


  a: mum, i’m _____. can i ________ ________ juice, please?

  b: yes, please.

  a: oh, mum. ________ _______ any juice in the bottle.

  b: _______ some milk.                  a: ok!

  b: it’s _______ time. what do you want for dinner?

  a:  a bowl of _______ and some _________.    

  b: all right.

  6. check.



  1.    这些内容学生掌握较好,能快速完成教学任务。

  2.    课堂中通过练习来复习巩固知识。

  3.       作业中,学生基本能完成练习,质量较好,部分学生对语法知识不能灵活运用,如:they are from different _______(family).学生没能写出复数。


  5b  期中revision


  知识与技能: module 2 unit 1& 2 中的知识点




  module 2  unit 1& 2  中的单词,词组,课文以及重点句型。



  1.      read the texts.

  2.      review & recite the words.

  favourite, feed, kilo, hay, corn, cage, gate, branch, breakfast, along, left, right, up, down, step, rainbow, hotel, holiday, plant houses, dinosaur, soldier, puppet, visit, skateboard, computer, gameboy.

  3.  review some phrases


  4.  answer the questions.

  t: what time do you get up?

  t: what do the tigers eat?

  t: how much meat do they eat?

  t: what does a monkey eat?

  t: how much fruit does a monkey eat?

  t: excuse me, where is moon park?

  t: which doll do you like?

  t: what colour is the small dinosaur?

  t: who has a computer?

  t: how many girls in our class have a bicycle?

  5.  exercises


  live,  want,  visit,  have,  be,  tooth,  dinosaur,  what,  whose,  which 

  1. on sunday, ben and kitty ________ grandma.

  2. my friend ______ some glue and some paper for the art class.

  3. peter and danny have two big apples. but kitty _________ a small one.

  4. there ______ some tape and some keys on the desk.

  5. our teacher _______ in pudong.

  6. both ________ are green and brown.

  7. ______ doll do you like, kitty? this one.

  8. _______ is in the box? some toys.

  9. _______ robots are these? sorry, i don’t know.

  10. the tiger is big. its _______ are sharp.


  1. a: which fruit ____you like?

  b: i _______ strawberries.

  a: do you like the big ______ or the _____ ones best?

  b: i like the ______ _______ best.

  2. a: ________ me. where’s moon park?

  b: walk ______ yanan road. ______ a small road. ______ up the steps. it’s moon park.


  1. is that long rope in your bag?(肯定句) 

  2. we can see some trees on the hill. (what) 

  3. ________________? she likes all the soldiers.

  4. it’s monday today.

  5. there is an old doll in the box. (how many)

  6. check.



  1.    本课复习学生基本能够完成,教学效果较好。

  2.    课堂中通过练习来复习巩固知识。

  3.       作业中,学生基本知识掌握较好,少数学生在选词填空中有单词选错的现象,应加强这部分学生薄弱环节的训练;有些学生在写作中,对英语语法和句型掌握不够,需加强针对性练习的训练。

Revision教案 篇2

  科目  英语

  年级  高二

  文件 high2 unit4.doc

  标题  mainly  revision

  章节  第四单元

  关键词  高二英语第四单元




  rose check magazine                                                                                  l.13四会

  fix face to face take a photograph (of) hand (vt.)                                        l.14

  deliver rail

  as well                                                                                                       l.15

  care for                                                                                                      l.16

  daily                                                                                                           l.13三会

  chief event immediately develop add lorry                                                    l.14


  be popular with somebody suitable weekly rewrite                                       l.15

  business weekly

  journalist editor advertisement headline interview                                          l.13二会

  get down to photographer                                                                            l.14

  latest publish edition section besides                                                              l.15


  are you /will you be free then? yes, i'll be free. i'd like to go.

  let's go together then i'll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty.

  good! see you then.

  what time shall we meet? where is the best place to meet?

  what about meeting outside? i suggest….





  1. i want to have a look at what's on this weekend. 我想看看本周周末上演的什么。

  句中的what's on this weekend是名词性从句,在句中作短语动词look at的宾语。what's on…?是一个固定的表达方式,后跟时间或地点状语,表示“……(时间/地点)上演什么?”on在此是作为副词用的,应重读。on是一个十分活跃的词,作为介词用时,它也可以表示类似的形容词所表示的意思,表示“在……进行之中”例如:what's on at the new star cinema tonight? 今晚新星电影院上演什么?

  is there a new film on lately? 最近上演什么新电影了吗?

  my parents are on their holidays. 我父母亲正在度假。

  they are on a friendly visit to our country. 他们正在对我国进行友好访问。

  2. is there anything good on? 有什么好节目在上演吗?

  句中的good是不定代词anything的定语。当形容词作定语修饰象something, anything, nothing这类不定代词时,要把形容词放在这类不定代词之后。例如:

  there is nothing important in today's newspaper. 今天报上没有什么重要消息。

  do you have anything interesting to tell us?你有什么有趣的事要告诉我的吗?

  3. they are said to be very good. 据说他们很棒。

  a. 句中的they指的是前一句中的a pop group(流行音乐演唱团)。

  b. 不定式短语to be very good在句中作主语补足语,说明主语(they)的情况。全句相当于:people say they are very good.或it is said that they are very good.在此,句型sb. is said to do和it's said (或they / people say )+that从句所表示的意思是相同的,可以相互替换。作“据说……”,“听说……”解。例如:it's said he works for china daily (=he is said to work for china daily.)据说他在《中国日报》社工作。

  it's said the bridge is now over 700 years old. (=the bridge is said to be over 700 years old.)据说这座桥已有七百多年历史了。


  1. reporters are then sent to cover the events.然后记者就被派去采访这些事件。


  the experienced reporters were sent to cover the confrence. 有经验的记者被派去报导大会的消息。

  all important events in this area are covered in the local newspapers.




  the magazine had a picture of a horse on the cover. 这本杂志封面上画着一匹马。

  our desks and chairs are fitted with loose covers. 我们的桌椅均配有桌套和椅套。


  she covered her knees with a blanket. 她把毯子盖在膝盖上。

  i was covered in/with mud by a passing car. 一辆过路的汽车溅了我一身泥。

  his lecture covered the subject thoroughly. 他的演讲对这个问题阐述得很透彻。

  the soldiers can cover the distance on foot in an hour. 士兵们可以在一小时内走完这段路程。

  is that word covered in the dictionary? 这部词典里有那个单词吗?

  2. as soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. 新闻记者一旦得知他们所要写的新闻,就着手干起来。

  句中的短语动词get down to sth, 作“开始干某事”解,(相当于to begin to do /doing sth.)其中的to是介词,后接名词,代词或~ing形式。例如:

  it's time i got down to some serious work. 我该认真干点正事了。

  when you get down to something, you should work hard. 当你着手做些事的时候,你应该努力地去做。

  while the weather was fine, my father got down to repairing the house. 趁着天气好,我父亲开始修理房屋了。

  3.they telephone people and fix a time for a face-to -face interview with them. 他们同有关人士打电话,约定时间同他们进行面对面的采访。

  a.句中的face-to -face是一个固定词组,意思是“面对面”,在句中作定语,修饰名词interview.例如:

  it's hard for them to have a face-to -face argument. 进行面对面的争论对他们来说不容易。

  需要注意的是,如果face to face不连写时,作状语用,意思是“面对面地”,“面对着”,“碰面”。例如:

  the hospital and the food store stand face to face. 那家医院正对着食品店。

  i've heard of the famous professor, but i never met him face to face. 我听说过那位著名的教授,但是从没和他见过面。

  除了这一词组外,类似还有一些,如:heart to hear心连心,贴心的,hand in hand手拉手,arm in arm臂挽臂shoulder to shoulder肩并肩。

  b.句中的fix是动词,作“确定”,“约定”解。fix a time for…是“约定时间干某事”的意思。例如:

  have you fixed a date for the wedding?你们举行婚礼的日子确定了吗?

  the lecture was fixed for eight o'clock in the morning. 报告会定于早八点举行。


  my watch has stopped. i'll have it fixed. 我的手表停了,我要去修理了。

Revision教案 篇3

  period i  vocabulary partaim:to revise the words that we have learned part i step 1:greetings      good morning, everyone. today , let’s revise the new words we have learned in the last six modules. now, let’s look at three sentences.       we study at­­­ ________.( school ).     if you are sick, you’ll go to the______. (hospital).     if you want to see a film, you’ll go to a­­­­­_______.( cinema)    now, try to think of what’s the places. ok ,let’s try to revise the places’names in the six modules.step 2: now ,work in pairs. try to think together about the names of places for special use. (teachers walk around to help students)now, let’s have a match between boys and girls, to see which group can give more placesread the words together ,four times for each wordthen try to recite the words(three minutes).step 3: now ,work in pairs. one say a word, the other explain its usage as quickly as you can.and then change the partsthen choose some pairs to show in class. ( three minutes)step4: let students play a game together.                                one explain some place; the other speak out the place name.     for example :  a: it’s a place where boats come in and go out.                   b: harbour. (three minutes)   now,choose some pairs to show in class. part ii  (10 minutes)step 1: now, read the words together and explain the meaning of each word one by one. ( two minutes)step 2: now ,students, work in a group of four, each makes a sentence.    differently.choose some groups to show in class.  ( five minutes)step 3: then chooses ten sentences to write them down on their exercisebooks. ( three minutes)part iii  ( 10 minutes )step 1:now, students, read the words and know the meaning of each word .( two minutes)step 2: group work. ok, now ,take turns to explain the words to each other. ( five minutes)step 3: now ,let’s have a game together. one says english explanation of one word, another speaks out the word. ( three minutes)part iv: (five minutes)       now ,read and recite the words.part v: dictation:  ( three minutes )       dictate the new words.part vi: summary . ( one minutes )       in this lesson ,we have revised words in the last six modules, such as the names of places.  part vii. homework  now, homework, recite the words we have learned.

  period ii  reading and speaking                 aim: 1. learn to express some nouns about careers. 2. read two passages to get some information and learn how to do self-report.step 1. brainstorm     tell the students there are many different kinds of jobs. for example, i’m a teacher , and you are students. what other careers do you know? try to discuss in groups of four and think of as many nouns as you can. allow students two minutes to brainstorm then collect some answers to write on the blackboard.step 2. activity 1here we have so many careers. do you know all of them? we know a librarian works in a library. how about the others? can you explain these nouns just like this. let’s come to activity one on page 64.finish exercise 4 on page 64 and then you can ask the students to explain more words on the blackboard. which job would you like to do when you leave school. firstly i’d like you to think of the sentence patterns that we have learned to express preference:prefer… to …prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do would do rather than do then use the words and sentence patterns to finish the exercise on the book.step 3. readingthere are two students shen xiang and lu wen. they are senior school students. here we have got some information about them. read the two passages carefully and choose one job for each of them then you should tell me the reason. allow the students several minutes to finish the reading and then collect the answers from the students.you have chosen a job for each of them because our text gives you some information about them. lets review these information. read the progress reports again. answer these questions.1.       who did a lot of work for the exam?2.       who is good at translation?3.       who wants to work with computers?4.       which student has more friends?5.       who enjoys studying science?6.       whose work has got better this term?7.       which student works harder?step 4. homework     write a short passage to introduce yourself just like the passages in our textbook and say what kind of job you’d like to do and the reason.

  period iii grammaraim: by doing all the exercises in module 7, revise all the grammars we learned in volumn i.i. activity 1.  module 1  revision of the present tenses          module 4   present perfect tense1.       do activity 12.       check the answers.3.       students’time  no. 2  b3 ----- 一般现在时和现在进行时                 no. 5  b1------现在完成时大观4.do the exercises on student times (no.1 b3, no.5 b1)ii. activity 2 module 3 past tense time expressions1.       do activity 2.2.       check the answers3.       text book page 26------past tense time expressions4.       do exercises.iii. activity 3   module 1  adjective ending in –ing and –ed           module 3  the –ed form1.       do activity 32.       check the answers3.       student times   no.1 b3-----v-ing 和 v-ed 形容词用法大不同                  no.3 b1----解读过去分词作定语4.do exercises on student times  ( no.1 b3,  no.3 b1 )iv. activity 4  module 6 definite and zero articles1.       do activity 42.       check the answers3.       student times no.7 b1 -----简单又复杂的“冠词”(一)定冠词                                            (二)零冠词                                            (三)特殊情况4.do exercises on student times  no.7 b1  -----冠词练兵v. activity 5   module 5 degrees of comparison           module 2 verbs followed by –ing                   function—expressing preference1.       do activity 52.       check the answers3.       student times no.6 b 1 ----比较“比较”结构                      ----倍数表达一览               no.2 b1  v-ing 形式作宾语                        “更喜欢“句型4.       do exercisesvi.activity 6 module 6 compound words2.       do activity 63.       check the answers4.       student times   no.7 b1 “合成”名词vii. activity 71.       do activity 72.       check the answers3.       text book page 25  function---being polite      would you mind doing sth.                    if sb. did sth.      do you mind if sb. doperiod iii  reading and speakingaim: 1. learn to express some nouns about careers. 2. read two passages to get some information and learn how to do self-report.step 1. brainstorm    there are many different kinds of jobs. for example, i’m a teacher , and you are students. what other career do you know? try to discuss in groups of four and think of as many nouns as you can. ( allow students two minutes to brainstorm then collect some answers to write on the blackbord.)step 2. activity 1here we have so many careers. do you know all of them? we know a librarian works in a library. how about the others? next you need to explain these nouns just like this. come to activity one on page 64.which job would you like to do when you leave school. firstly i’d like you to think of the sentence patterns that we have learned to express preference:prefer… to …prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do would do rather than do then use the words and sentence patterns to exercise.step 3. readingthere are two students shen xiang and lu wen. they are senior school students. here we have got some information about them. read the two passages carefully and choose one job for each of them then you should tell me the reason. read the progress reports again. answer these questions.1.       who did a lot of work for the exam?2.       who is good at translation?3.       who wants to work with computers?4.       which student has more friends?5.       who enjoys studying science?6.       whose work has got better this term?7.       which student works harder?step 4. homework     write a short passage to introduce yourself just like the passages in our textbook and say what kind of job you’d like to do and the reason.period iv    writingaim: learn to write a true report of the interest, grades, ideal of oneselfstep 1 reading ask the students to read the two reports again and find out from which points a report should include, for example grades, favourite subjects, interest, speciality and so on. the teacher can give some words for help like make rapid progress, be good at, do well in, have a gift for, show great interest in, my great wish is…step 2work in groups of four.1. each of them write a report about the things he is interested in and what he wants to do when he leaves school on himself. don’t put the name on.2. put the reports together. take one of the reports and read it to the group. it must not be your own report. try and guess who the report is about. say why you think this.also the teacher can ask one or two students to read to the class, and get others to guess.step 3 work in groups of four.1. each one chooses a topic, and thinks about at least eight questions about the topic.2. take turns to ask each person in the group your questions. encourage people to talk, and ask more questions if you want. note down the answers. write a report giving people’s answers.3. present the report to the group. ask others to check it .step 4 homeworkwrite a report about a teacher according to the questions

Revision教案 篇4

  高一英语学案:m3u2reading words(牛津译林版必修3)

  learning content: learn words and expressions about reading in m3u2  

  learning aims: 1.learn words and expressions.

  2.increase their vocabulary by learning rules of word formations.

  learning difficulties and important points: grasp the related usages about words.

  period one:self-study

  1. be made up of 由……组成,可与consist of 互换

  the class is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students.

  = the class consists of 15 girl students and 20 boy students.

  【拓展】: be made of  /  be made from  /   be made out of 由……制成

  be made into 被制成             make up 组成,编制,弥补,化妆,和解

  make for 走向……;有助于……  make out 理解,辨认出

  2.occupy  vt. 1. 占领; 占有,侵占,占据2. 使从事; 使忙于

  the enemy soon occupied the town.

  in doing sth                           

  occupy sb./oneself                使某人/自己忙于做某事

  with sth

  in doing sth

  be occupied                   忙于(做)某事

  with sth 

  she occupied herself with routine office tasks.

  i have been occupied in reading books.

  【拓展】under occupation 在占领之下,在占领中     lose one’s occupation失业

  fixed/regular occupation固定职业           by occupation职业上

  【单词累积】occupation占用,职业       occupied没空闲的,忙碌的

  3.aside from  1. 除…之外还有2. 既…又…

  in addition                              apart from

  what ‘s more                            besides

  moreover            而且,加之,另外   in addition to       除…之外

  further more                            as well as

  besides                                 besides


  aside from cars,the factory turns out bicycles.


  贡献[c][u][(+to/towards)] 捐献,捐助[u]     make contribution to

  the invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization.

  【单词累积】contribute  v. 捐献,贡献          contributor  n.捐助人;作出贡献者


  及物动词 vt. 1. 战胜,击败the french defeated the english troops.

  2. 使失败,挫败our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望落空了。

  名词 n. [c][u]

  战胜,失败,战败,挫折the aggressors were doomed to defeat. 侵略者注定要失败。

  6.take control of 控制,取得对……的控制

  it's no easy task to take control of a class of young children.

  【拓展】 have/hold control of/over 控制着  in control (of) 控制着,出于统治地位

  in the control of被控制            lose control of 失去对……的控制

  out of control 失去控制,无法控制  under control (被)控制住

  7.replace替换,代替,取代 相当于词组take the place of。

  常构成词组replace a with b, 意为用b代替a。

  tourism has replaced heavy industry as the city’s main source of income.

  = tourism has taken the place of heavy industry as the city’s main source of income.


  【单词累积】place  v.放                    replacement替换,更换,替代品

  replaceable 可替换的,可代替的,irreplaceable不可替换的

  【链接】rebuild重建,   rewrite重写,     recycle再循环,

  renew使恢复,翻新,   reuse再利用,     重复再使用


  形容词 a.全部的,整个的[b]     it took us an entire week to finish painting the home.

  名词 n. 全部,整体



  及物动词 vt.

  1. 举起,抬起he raised his glass and said: "your health, carl."


  2. 增加;提高;提升[(+to)]the landlord raised my rent. 房东提高了我的租金。

  3. 筹(款);招(兵);集结  they are going to raise funds for the school buildings.


  4. 养育;种植;饲养the baby was raised on soya-bean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的。

  【链接】rise不及物动词 vi.

  1. 上升;升起;上涨;升高;增加

  the sun has not yet risen. 太阳还没升起。

  the population of the city has risen to five million. 该市人口已增加到五百万。

  10.therefore  副词 因此;因而;所以

  he was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party.


  【辨析】“therefor e “因此,所以”,为正式用语,常用于数字、逻辑和其他精密的推论中,特用来表示严密的推理  he was the only candidate ; therefore ,he was elected.


  he was ill , so he didn’t come.

  11.high-class  形容词 a. 高级的;一流的

  he is admitted to a high-class university.


  [1] 复合形容词最常见的结构有:

  1) 形容词 + (名词后缀ed):good natured 好脾气的

  2) 副词 + 过去分词:low-paid 低成本的

  3) 形容词 + 现在分词:fine sounding 嗓子好的

  4) 副词 + 现在分词:hard-working 努力工作的

  5) 形容词 + 名词:present-day (life) 当今现代的(生活)

  6) 名词 + 现在分词:   a time-consuming (job) 一份消耗时间的(工作)

  [2] 还有一些其他结构的合成词:

  1) 名词 + 过去分词:a tree-lined (avenue) 林荫(大道)

  2) 过去分词 + 形容词:cost-off shoes 丢弃的鞋

  3) 名词 + 形容词:duty-free goods 免税商品

  4) 数词 + 名词:two-piece suit 两件套的西装

  [3] 有少数合成形容词由两个以上的词构成:

  a twenty-year-old man 二十岁的男人

  a life-and-death struggle 生死攸关的斗争


  名词 n. [c]

  1. 过程,进程

  i will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process.


  2. 步骤;程序;工序;制作法

  they are using a new process to make glass. 他们正在用一种新方法制造玻璃。

  及物动词 vt.

  1. 加工

  supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed.


  2. 处理,办理;用电脑处理

  the information is being processed. 信息正在处理中。

  【拓展】in the process 在行进中      in ( the ) process of 在….的过程中

  【单词累积】process  v.加工,处理;列队行进   processor   n.加工机械,处理机

  procession   n.行列,队伍


  名词 n.

  1. 区别,分清[u][c][(+between)]

  employers should hire men and women without distinction.

  2. 差别;对比[u][c][(+between)]

  what is the distinction between butterflies and moths? 蝴蝶与飞蛾有什么不同之处?

  3. 不同点;特征,特性[u]

  jupiter has the distinction of being the largest planet.


  4. 殊勋;荣誉;著名[c][u]   a writer of distinction 享有很高声誉的作家

  5. 优秀;卓越[u  ]this is a refrigerator of distinction. 这是一台优质电冰箱。

  【单词累积】distinguish vt.& vi区分,辨别,把…区别分类,使杰出,

  distinct adj,独特的,明显的,清楚的,显著的,


  distinguished  adj.以…著名的,卓越的,杰出的,高贵的

  【拓展】distinctions between a and b  a 与 b之间的区别

  distinguish between a and b= distinguish a from b 把a和 b区别开来

  what is it that distinguishes her from her classmates?___________________________________

Revision教案 篇5

  高一英语学案:m3u2 reading 课文(牛津译林版必修3)

  centent:learn about “welcome to the unit and reading” in m3u2

  learning difficult and important points:grasp the route of the passage

  step 1 课前预习

  1. 从广义上说_________________________  2.对….感到困惑 ________________________________

  3.代表,象征,意味着 ______________________ 4.自始至终 _____________________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

  5.控制 _______________________________   6.由…组成______________________________


  9.导致_________________________________  10.上层社会____________________________________

  step 2  let’s skim the passage and try to find answers to these questions:

  1) what are the factors that contributed to the development of middle english?

  2) when did modern english appear?

  3) what new factors are included in modern english?

  step3  detailed reading for important information

  development  times events/effects

  old english(5th-11th centuries) before the middle of

  the 5th century  

  after the middle of

  the 5th century  

  at the end of

  the 9th century  

  by the 10th century  

  middle english(12th-15th centuries) in 1066  

  by the latter half

  of the 14th century  

  in 1399  

  modern english (16th-  ) during the renaissance  


  step 4  key structures:

  1. old english is very different from the english we speak nowadays.

  we speak nowadays.作定语从句,对前面的名词english进行修饰,意为我们现在说的英语,这里用定冠词the对 english进行限定,表示特指

  the english people use online is different from that in daily life .


  she can speak both english and french.

  2. they brought with them their languages,which also mixed with old english.

  ※这里their languages作动词brought的宾语,动词和宾语间被介词短语with them隔开了,该介词短语起伴随状语的作用,也可以放在句末

  tom brought with him his little sister everywhere.= tom brought his little sister with him everywhere.

  ※mixed with短语在本句中意为“与…混合”

  oil doesn’t mix with water.

  3. this is because english has many words and phrases from different languages ,but with similar meanings.

  this is because 是一个常用的句型,意为“这是因为…”其中because引导的从句作表语,说明原因。

  this is because two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up of vast oceans.

  【知识拓展】this is because意为“这是因为…”指原因或理由。

  he did not see the film last night .that is because he had to help his little sister with her homework.

  this is why意为“这就是为什么…”指由于某种原因所造成的后果

  he had seen the film before. this is why he did not see it last night .

  4. the most important contribution was from the normans ,a french-speaking people who defeated england and took control of the country in 1066.

  a french-speaking people作为 the normans的同位语,对the normans的身份特征进行说明。其中people意为“民族”,表示整体,为可数名词,可以用不定冠词修饰,也可以使用复数形式。

  the chinese is a hard-working people.

  【知识拓展】名词+v-ing 形容词

  time-wasting 浪费时间的        time-saving节约时间的

  peace-loving热爱和平的         job-hunting找工作的

  5.after the normans took control ,they began using the french ways of making plurals,

  begin doing sth意为“开始做某事” 与begin to do sth在含义上无区别

  she began to pack up = she began packing up

  【知识拓展】start doing sth 意为“开始做某事” 与start to do sth在含义上无区别

  she started crying as she heard the bad news.= she started to cry as she heard the bad news.

  6.it is certain that this process will continue,and people will keep inventing new words and ways of saying things.

  it is certain that…,意为“…是确定无疑的”其中it 为形式主语,真正的主语为that从句

  it is certain that things will change.

  【知识拓展】certain 意为“确定的的,一定的”除接用that从句作宾语外, be certain后也可接动词不定式或 whether 从句,此时可也sure换用

  ※be sure/ certain to意为“一定会发生某事”

  he is sure/ certain to come tomorrow

  ※be not sure/ certain + whether从句

  i ‘m not sure/ certain whether i ‘ll be able to come.

Revision教案 篇6

  book 4    module1-3   revision

  module 1

  1. 谁也说不准,并且猜测也是件冒险的事情。

  2. 在未来,爱护环境将会很重要,因为地球的资源将濒临枯竭。

  3. 我们也将不得不更多得依赖其他能源。例如,太阳能和风能。

  4. 为解决垃圾问题,城市里的人将会把废物装进巨大的宇宙飞船,把这些废物送往太阳。

  5. 警察逮捕罪犯时,将会向罪犯射出网状物而不是用枪。

  6. 未来的城市市内将不允许吸烟。

  7. 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。

  8. 所有的娱乐形式都将由该市免费提供。

  9. 所有的汽车都将采用电能,太阳能或风能。只要轻轻一拨开关,汽车就会改变颜色。

  10. 医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术的远程治疗成为常事,因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。

  11. 通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人就能周游世界。

  12. 普通市民遨游太空将会变得很平常。

  13. 不是所有的预言都能成为现实。

  14. 从现在起30年后,人们会穿着纸制的衣服,这些衣服在穿过两三次后会被扔掉。

  15. 我们不喜欢他们的声音,并且吉他音乐即将过时。

  16. 订购             在进行中            由…制成

  module  2

  1. 只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。

  2. 你得确保出租车有营业执照,并且一定要索取发票。

  3. 公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。

  4. 避免在高峰期乘坐公共交通是个好主意。

  5. 公交线1到100路都是仅限于市中心内的。

  6. 你可以好好地看一看变化迅猛的城市。

  7. 不过,也有夜班车,编号在200到300之间。

  8. 如果嫌出租车贵,公交车拥挤的话,在有些地方,你可以乘坐有12个座位的小公共汽车。

  9. 北京有四条地铁线,还有几条地铁线在建设中。

  10. 地铁快捷方便,但是,交通高峰时段情况就可能非常糟糕。

  11. 如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车是值得一坐的。

  12. 在世界的任何地方你都有可能被困于交通阻塞中。


  14. it’s enough to drive you mad.

  keep cool!             no way.

  module 3

  1. 尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。

  2. 和别的动物一样,除非我们感觉到很安全才会放松,否则将一直处于戒备状态。

  3. 如果我们的右手忙着和别人打招呼,就不可能握有武器了。

  4. 亚洲人打招呼是不接触他人身体的,但他们要握手。

  5. 在所有例子中,手都在忙于打招呼,不可能拿武器。

  6. 现在,它是一种很常见的打招呼方式。

  7. 人们通过姿势送出的钱比通过话送出的钱多。

  8. 看看你的朋友和家人,试试你能否读懂他们的心事。

  9. 戏剧之间经常互相竞争。

  10. 你不要经常独自鼓掌或大笑。

  11. 我到底该说什么呢?

  12. 偶然地                                  向……问好              

  打开(灯,无线电等)                    达成协议

Revision教案 篇7

  科目  英语

  年级  高一

  文件 hihg1 unit8.doc

  标题  mainly revision

  章节  第八单元

  关键词  高一英语第八单元


  一、 目的与要求



  运用所学的食物名称及有关“就餐”的日常交际用语,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文“food around the world”,深刻理解,完成有关课文内容的练习,并进一步练习定语从句,被动语态及各种动词时态的用法。




  ①hello/hi. nice to meet you.

  ②i’ll introduce you.

  ③give one’s regards/best wishes/love to sb.

  ④i must go/be leaving now.


  ①here are some do’s and don’ts.


  ③what about…?

  ④make sure that…

  ⑤do what he/she tells you to do.


  ①would you please say that again more slowly?

  ②pardon? i’m sorry i know only a little english.

  ③i don’t quite fllow you.

  ④how do you pronounce/spell…?

  ⑤i have some difficulty in doing…

  ⑥what does…mean?


  ①have a good time.

  ②good luck. have a good tip.

  ③the same to you.


  ①would you like another piece of beancurd?

  ②how about some more…?

  ③just a little, please…

  ④no, thanks. i’ve had enough.

  ⑤help yourself to…

  ⑥let me give you…


  1.——would you like another piece of beancurd? ——要不要再吃一块豆腐?

  ——yes, please. ——好的,谢谢。

  在口语中yes常与please连用,“yes, please”意为“好吧”,与此相反的是“no, thinks”,如:

  ①——would you like another glass of juice?   ——还要一杯果汗吗?

  ——no, thanks.              ——不用了,谢谢。

  ②——have some more cake, please. ——请再吃点蛋糕。

  ——no, thanks. i’m full/i’ve had enough. ——不用了,我已经饱了。

  2.what a delicious supper! 多么美味的晚餐啊!

  一般情况下三餐前不用冠词,have breakfast, have lunch, have supper吃早、中、晚饭。但当三餐前有定语修饰时,要带冠词,如:

  ①after a quick breakfast, mary hurried to school. 匆匆吃过早饭后,mary赶去上学。

  ②what a nice dinner we had at your house! 你家的晚饭太可口了!

  3.take turns to offer each other the foods in part 2 in pairs.


  △take turns to do表示轮流做某事。it’s one’s turn to do…表示轮到某人做某事,如:

  ①they took turns to keep watch. 他们轮流站岗。

  ②it’s your turn to recite the passage. 轮到你背这篇短文了。

  △offer 提供 r.n.提供之物

  ①he offered 10,000 dollars to help the poor. 他拿出1万美元帮助穷人。

  ②could you offer me a cup of coffee, please? 请给我一杯咖啡好吗?

  ③my sister was offered a good chance to go abroad for further study of english.


  ④would you like to accept the offer? 你愿意接受这个帮助吗?

  ⑤thank you for your kind offer of help. 感谢你所提供的帮助。

  4.when christopher columbus and his friend…, they discovered the plant “corn” there.discover vt. 发现,看出,指揭示久已存在但从未被人知晓的客观事实,如:

  ①many years ago, electricity was discovered. the discovery made people’s life changed a lot. 许多年前人们发现了电,电的发现使人们的生活发生了巨大的变化。

  ②we have discovered that he is a quite careful in his word. 我们发现他工作很仔细。


  ①the computer was invented after electricity was discovered. it is one of the most

  important inventions in the world.


  ②electricity was not discovered by edison, but he invented the electric light.


  5.…there was not enough room for the population.



  ①there is no room left for the newcomer. 新到的人已经没地儿了。

  ②he took up too much room in our room. 他在我们的房间占了很大的地儿。

  6.they needed a plant which didn’t need as much water as rice.


  7.it is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways.


  1) prepare调制

  how do you prepare the fish? 你怎么做这鱼?

  2) prepare sth. prepare to do sth. 准备……

  ①he is preparing his speech for tomorrow’s meeting. 他正在准备明天大会的演讲稿。

  ②i was about to prepare supper when the bell rang. 我正要做晚饭时门铃响了。

  ③what are you preparing to offer me? 你准备为我提供点什么?

  ④he is preparing to go abroad. 他正准备出国。

  3) prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事有思想准备。

  ①the teacher is preparing the students for the coming examination.


  ②we must be prepared for failure again. 我们必须做好再次失败的心理准备。

  4) be prepared to do sth. 乐于做某事。

  ①he’s not prepared to listen to your excuse. 他不乐意听你的解释。

  ②i’m prepared to help others. 我乐于助人。

  8.sometimes they cook it whole over an open fire.



  ①they cooked a duck whole over the fire and soon a delicious smell came out.


  ②the man ate an egg whole at a time. 那人一次吞下一整个鸡蛋。


  the whole class(整个班)       my whole life(我整个生命)

  three whole days(三整天)      all my books(我所有的书)

  all the students(所有的考生) all three days(三整天)

  9.in many parts of the world corn is made into powder.


  1) be made into意为“原料被加工成了……”

  ①we can make glass into different kinds of things. 我们可以把玻璃制成各种东西。

  2) be made of指“成品是由什么原料制成的”能看出原材料。be made from则看不出原材料。

  ①gas is made from coal. 煤气是由煤产生的。

  ②this kind of wine is made from grape. 这种酒是葡萄制成的。

  ③the desks are made of wood. 桌子是木头做的。

  ④the cloth is made of cotton. 这种布是用棉花制成的。

  3) be made up of“由…组成”

  ①the novel is made up of ten parts. 这部小说有十部分组成。

  ②the sports team is made up of eleven members. 这支队由11人组成。

  10.a number of other plants were found in america. 在美洲还发现了许多其他的作物。

  a number of表示“很多”,与a lot of用法相同,后面接复数名词,如:

  ①a number of birds come to kunming for the winter eveay year.


  ②a number of students are playing on the playground. but i don’t know what the number is.


  the number of表示“…的数目”,谓语动词用单数,如:

  ③the number of the students in our school has risen this year.




  说 明 例 句

  限制性定语从句 限定了先行词的范围和意思,这类从句不能省去。 i’ve found a man who can help you.


  autumn in beijing is the season which is neither hot not cold.


  the factory where he worked was built in 1940.


  is this school the one you visited yesterday?


  非限制性定语从句 只是对附加词进行补充说明,在意思上相当于一个并列的分句,如果省略,剩下的主句意思仍然清楚。书写时,从句和主句之间要用逗号分开,不能用that引导。 i knocked at the door of the chemist’s, which immediately opened.


  she has a sister, who is a musician.


  they set up a school, where there were lots of students studying.



  关系代词 用 法 例 句

  that 做从句的主语或宾语,先行词可以是人也可以是物。 the table that stands over there is made of wood.


  the book i gave you is well worth reading.


  the man that is talking to my father is my english teacher.


  which 做从句的主语或宾语,先行词是表示物的名词或代词。 the school (which) we visited is a famous one in beijing.


  she hasn’t got enough money with which to buy the ring. 他没带够买戒指的钱。


  whom 做从句的主语、宾语,其先行语为表示人的名词或代词。 do you know the man who often makes speeches here?


  who’s the woman (whom) you just referred to?


  whose 做从句的定语,先行词可以是人也可以是物。 limin is the boy whose father is an engineer.


  i live in the house whose windows face north.




  关系副词 基本用法 例 句

  when 在从句中做时间状语,其先行词为表示时间的名词或代词。 i still remember the day when i joined the youth league. 我仍然记着入团的那一天。

  i’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.


  when 在从句中做地点状语,先行词为表示地点的名词和代词。 this is the bridge where you took photos.


  why 在从句中做原因状语常与reason连用。 i know the reason why she was angry.



  ▲被修饰的先行词为不定代词,all, much, something, everything, nothing, anything, none, the one等时,如:

  we should do all that is useful to the people. 我们应该做一切有益于人民的事。

  do you mean the one that i bought yesterday? 你指的是我昨天买的吗?

  ▲先行词被only, any, few, little, no, one of, just, very等修饰时,如:

  the only thing that we could do was to wait. 我们唯一能做的是等待。

  the is the right person that i’m waiting for. 他就是我等的人。


  when we talk about wuxi, the first that comes to mind is tai lake.


  this is the third film that has been shown in our school this term. 这是我校本学期放映的第三部片子。


  the must important thing that should be done is how to stop him from going on.


  this book is the best one that i’ve read. 这本书是我看过的最好一本。


  edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.




  a zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.


  is this the room in which mr white lives?



  the street hasn’t been cleaned for weeks, which makes it very dirty.


  he takes exercises everyday, which has done a lot of good to his health.



  1.——who do you know the electricity?

  ——i don’t know who did it. but i know that thomas edison the electric lamp.

  a. invented; invented b. discovered; invented c. found; found d. discovered; found

  2.—— beancurd you’ve cooked!

  ——it’s very kind of you to say so.

  a. how a nice b. what a nice c. how nice d. what nice

  3.wood can be made a great number of things. look, this kind of paper is madewood.

  a. into; of b. into; from c. from; into d. of; from

  4.——would you like another piece of cake?

  ——    .

  a. yes, please b. yes, thanks c. no, please d. yes, if you like

  5.——    .

  ——thank you.

  a. make yourself at home, eat some fish b. you can eat some more fish by yourself

  c. you’re free to eat some fish d. help yourself to some fish

  6.the farmers do their best to the market with enough vegetables.

  a. supply b. feed c. prepare d. offer

  7. students is more than two thousand in this school.

  a. the number of b. a good many c. a number of d. plenty of

  8.the car was too 6 people.

  a. crowded with b. full of c. filled with d. small to

  9.after the new technique introduced, the factory produced tractors in 1988 as the year before.

  a. as twice many b. as many twice c. twice as many d. twice many as

  10.——do you think i could borrow your dictionary?

  ——    .

  a. yes, you may borrow b. yes, you could c. yes, go on d. yes, help youself

  答案:1——5.b、d、b、a、d 6——10.a、a、a、c、d

  8.这辆车坐6个人太挤了,be crowded with意为“拥挤”


  10.“help yourself ” 除了有“自用食物”的意思外还有“自己动手做”的意思


  1.finally came the     day he had to begin his study for the next term.

  a. till b. when c. since d. which

  2.the train    she was travelling was late.

  a. by which b. on that c. on which d. /

  3.is    some german friends visited last week.

  a. this school where b. this school one c. this the school d. this school

  4.is there anyone in your class     home is in the country?

  a. who’s b. his c. whose d. that

  5.he talked about the people and things     interested him greatly during his stay here.

  a. which b. that c. who d. they

  6.this is the only verb    can be used in this sentence.

  a. that b. which c. it d. /

  7.this is just the place     i’m longing to visit these days.

  a. where b. to which c. / d. to where

  8.the house    he visited yesterday was the one the great writer lived many years ago.

  a. where; where b. which; which c. where; which d. which; where

  9.the taxi    a truck had knocked last night was destroyed.

  a. which b. where c. at which d. into which

  10.all    is needed is a supply of oil.

  a. the thing b. that c. what d. which

  答案: 1——5.b、a、c、c、b    6——10.a、c、d、c、b

  2.she was travelling by brain. 所以此题应选a。

  3.此题考查对先行词的判断能力。“this is the school,” “school ”是先行词。如果没有“the”, “this school ”后面要加“the one ”代替先行词“school”, this school is the one that…



  8.“the house ”在从句中做“visited ”的宾语,“the one ”在从句中做地点状语。


  9.介词后用which. “knock at ”表示碰撞,昨天晚上一辆出租车被卡车撞坏了。

  10.先行词是“all ”,关系代词只能用that。

Revision教案 篇8

  高一英语学案:m3u2 project(牛津译林版必修3)

  learning content: project   m3u 2 

  learning aims:1.train the students’ writing, reading and speaking abilities.

  2. get the students to talk about writing a booklet about chinese characters.

  3. get the students to cooperate with others.

  learning difficulties and important points: how to help the students finish the tasks of writing and speaking.

  period one:   课前预习:

  ⅰ。translate chinese into english

  1.与……不同 _________________________    2.代表_________________________

  3.组成_______________________________     4.根据 ________________________      

  5.总体来说________________                6.由……构成_________________________   

  7.失明____________________                8.在战争时期_________________________

  9.实用用途___________________________     10.致力于______________________ 


  ⅱ。read the article at p38 and answer questions.

  1. how old is the chinese writing?

  2. who invented chinese characters?

  3. how was chinese writing invented?

  4. when did the chinese government simplified characters?

  iii. read the passage again and divide the passage into several parts, then give the main idea of each part

  para. 1. __________________________________________________-

  para. 2. _____________________________________________________

  para.3-6  _______________________________________________________

  para. 7-8 _________________________________________________________


  1.the chinese language differs from western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it use characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.

  【句法分析】 which引导的定语从句修饰先行词characters.

  differ from 和……不同  ,不同于

  e.g. french differs from english in this respect.

  【拓展】a differs from b= a and b differ=a is different from b     a和b不同

  differ in在……方面不同

  differ with sb about /on /over sth 在某事上与某人意见不同

  in that  在于,因为, 引导原因状语从句

  e.g. she was fortunate in that she had friends to help her.

  stand for 代表,容忍,支持,主张

  e.g. the “po” stand for post office.

  i’m not standing for it any longer.

  i hated the organization and all it stood for.


  stand by 袖手旁观    stand down 退出比赛    stand out 显眼    stand up for 支持,维护

  stand up to 勇敢面对,经得起

  deed  行为,行动

  a brave/charitable/evil deed

  2.chinese words are formed by putting together different character.

  form 形成,构成,组织 ,养成,培养(v)形状,外形,形式,表格(n)

  e.g. i can’t form any idea or opinion about it.

  one should form a good habit of reading when young.

  please fill this form in ink.


  a matter of form 例行公事,礼节问题   in the form of  以……的形式

  after the form of 照……的格式      in form  表现正常,情况良好

  take the form of  采取……的形式    be out of the form处于不良 的竞技状态

  3.one winter day while he was hunting……

  hunt  打猎,追寻

  e.g. a hunting dog       go hunting

  【拓展】be on the hunt for正在寻找,在寻求……中   the hunt for sb/sth 寻找某人、某物

  hunt for /after 追逐,寻找,搜索    a hunter for fame 一个追求名誉的人

  4.some characters have been simplified and others have been made more difficult over time.

  simplify 使简明,使简易,简化

  e.g. try to simplify your explanation for the children.

  【单词积累】simplification 简化  simplified 简化的

  over time 久而久之,随着时间的推移,over强调一种动态的时间

  e.g. the colour of the carpet will not fade over time.

  5.sometimes to express ideas,some character were made by combining two or more characters together.

  combine 使结合,使联合

  combine sth with/and sth 把……和……联合起来

  e.g. can iron combine with water and oxygen to form rust?

  6.it’s easy to distinguish their meaning by looking at them.…………“up”and “down”,which are opposites of each other.

  distinguish ① 区分,分辨,分清   distinguish between ……and……=distinguish …..from…..

  e.g. at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?


  e.g.what was it that distinguished her from her classmates?


  e.g. i could not distinguish her words,but she sounded excited.

  ④ 使出众,使著名 distinguish oneself as 作为……而使某人杰出

  e.g. she has already distinguished herself as an athlete.

  【单词积累】distinct 有区别 的,不同的    distinction 差别,不同,区分,分辨

  distinguishable  可辨别的      distinguished 杰出的,著名的,高贵的,有尊严的

  opposite  ①对立面,反面(n)

  e.g. hot and cold are opposites


  e.g. she tried calming him down,but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.

  the shop is on the opposite side of the street.


  e.g. the people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.

  【拓展】the complete opposite 恰恰相反    quite the opposite 正好相反

  (be) opposite to 与……相对,和……相反

  7.though these kinds of characters indicate meaning,one of their shortcomings is that……….

  indicate ①指示,标示

  there is a sigh indicating the right to follow.


  the red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day.

  【搭配】indicate sth to sb 向某人暗示,表明某事

  indicate that ……..   显示,象征

  shortcoming  缺点,短处,

  everyone has his own shortcoming.

  8.in those days,books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters.

  press 按,压,榨,挤(v) 记者,新闻界(n)

  【搭配】press …against /on…..把……按在……上

  press sth into sth 把某物压入某物中

  press sb to do sth 督促某人做某事

  i had to press myself against the wall to let them pass.

  she pressed the money into his hand.

  she pressed her guests to stay a little longer.

  the story was reported in the press and on television.

  9.the whole system was not convenient for use.

  convenient  便利的,方便的,附近的,容易到达的

  【拓展】be convenient for sb/sth  对某人、某物来说很便利

  if it is convenient for sb 如果某人方便的话

  at your convenience 在你方便的时候

  e.g. i’m afraid this isn’t  a convenient moment for you to see him.

  10…………….during times of battle.

  battle  斗争,战役,奋斗,较量

  e.g. know the enemy and know yourself ,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

  【拓展】accept the battle 应战       gain a battle 战胜

  battle against 与……战斗      battle for 为……而战

  11.each letter of the alphabet was represented by a different pattern which consisted of twelve dots.

  pattern 方式,形式,图案,榜样,样板

  e.g.  the disease is not following its usual pattern.

  the cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.

  the success of the course set a pattern for the training of the new employees.

  step 2   exercises

  fill in the blanks with the phrases from the box below.

  over time       according to     differ from       in that      this way       turn…into    

  as a whole     develop …into

  1.old english _______ greatly _____ the modern english we use today.

  2. life on the island has changed __________ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.

  3. ______________ the tickets, the train will leave at 8:30. we’d better hurry to get to the station on time!  

  4. she said it was the teacher’s praise and encouragement that ______ her ______ a good student.

  5. install this spell check software on your computer. you will avoid making spelling mistakes__________.

  6. considering your idea ____________, i think it will contribute significantly to the development of the company. however, it may cause some problems as well.

  7.i was lucky _________ i was able to find what i wanted.

  step 3 homework:

  1. do parts b1 and b2 on page 93 in workbook.

  2.do parts d1 and d2 on page 95 in workbook.

  3.review words and phrases in this unit.



