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牛津英语1B unit 1 New Year(oxford 1B)教案

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牛津英语1B unit 1 New Year(oxford 1B)教案


牛津英语1B unit 1 New Year(oxford 1B)教案

unit 1 new year


let’s act
language focus: using imperatives to give simple in structions.
eg: show me your present.
   try your new shoes.
language skills:
listening:  locate specific in formation in response to simple instructions.
speaking:  use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:  a beautifully wrapped preset picture of a new pair of shoes.
          pictures cut out from newspapers or magazines that are related to the new year.
          a large sheet of card which has the actline of a lantern on it.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
《good morning》 song
2. rhyme
t:let’s have a cutest.
each group read a rhyme
eg: one, two, three
   read, sing, draw
   my father is coming
   this is my nose.
ⅱ. teaching new lesson
(一) pre-task preparation  (中英文对应)
1. t:the new year is near.
                 whether your parents are going to buy you new clothes or shoes?
t:whether you will re cavies’ presets from your relatives.
2. t:(point to the shoes)
look, my shoes are old.
i need new shoes for the new year.
(still pointing)
t:(point to a student’s shoes)
         encourage the class to point to their own shoes.
      t:read: shoes
3. t:(show a beautifully wrapped present)
                 what is it?
t:present. it is a presart.
t:present  /present/  (slowly)
   follow me.
4. t:(open the present & take out a picture of a new pair of shoes)
         new shoes.
      编儿歌  shoes         .  new shoes.
ⅲ.  while—task procedure
1. play the cassette tape.
listen to the instructions:
“show me your present”
“try your new shoes”
2. open the book to page 2
(1) play the tape, ask the strdats to act out the scere.
(2) read the commands for the class to follow.
3. give comments
t:each group repents & acts them.
ⅳ.  post—task activity



牛津英语1B unit 1 New Year(oxford 1B)教案
