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二年级牛津英语(下)Unit 2 In the circus

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二年级牛津英语(下)Unit 2   In the circus


二年级牛津英语(下)Unit 2 In the circus

1.掌握词汇: horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda, pencil, quilt
2.熟读词汇: big, little, black, white, he, she, long, short, have, has, friend (circus)
3.认读句子: come here.    go there.   
come back.    look at the bear. it’s … and …    
who is my friend?   who is she/he?
二、人文教育:  教育学生爱惜动物, 做文明小观众。
1. 能听,说, 读, 写“掌握词汇”。
2.能听,说, 读“熟读词汇”。
3.能听懂并运用指令“ come here. go there. come back.”
4.能认读并运用 “ look at the …  it’s …and …”  描述看到的动物。( look at the …句型2a 中学过,可以先复习一下;it”s +  形容词的表达方式, 可以先分散, 再合起来,可以补充little, heavy, cute, smart, lovely, white, funny 等词。坚持情景中引出, 对话中运用的原则。)
5.  let’s play. 部分要补充 riddle一词, 由  i have a riddle.引出, 可以分层教学, 以分散难点。
6.let’s enjoy. 要求有节奏, 有感情地背诵。
 1. 参考词汇:parrot,  lion, snake,  giraffe,  kangaroo,  fur,  feather,  tail
 trunk,  ivory,  cute,   smart,   funny,   lovely
they eat plants.  they like to eat meat. 
 they live in the jungle.
 2. 小对话:
do you like animals?yes, i like animals.
let’s go to the circus.great!
get on the bus. let’s go!
 here we are.  wow, so big.  come here. look at the bear.
 oh, it’s big and brown…….


二年级牛津英语(下)Unit 2   In the circus
