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Unit 1 Where I live

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Unit 1 Where I live


Unit 1 Where I live

first  period
new contents :
let’s act---clean the desk, please.
   ---sweep the floor, please.
objectives :
2.能认读并理解clean the desk/sweep the floor 句子。
teaching steps :
step 1 : pre-task preparation section : 
1. song
“read read, i can read”
(教师通过类似“look, i can do many things. i can draw.  i can dance. ……can you do these things. let’s sing asong together.”等让学生一边唱歌一边和老师共同表演)
2. chant
a. words:
read draw sing write dance jump
b. questions & answers:
what can you do? i can ……
c. read, read, i can read. i can read a little book.
draw, draw, i can draw. i can draw a little tree.
3. game
a.i can read.  i can sing.  i can dance.  ……
b. chant:
read, read, ican read. i can read a little book ……
(read, read, ican read. i can read a little book ……)
step 2 : while-task procedure section
1. guessing game
a. question
(老师在黑板上画一长方形后问生oh, look, i can draw. please guess what can i draw ?rubber? cake?---maybe---让学生自由地猜测几次)
b. new words:
2. listening and speaking
 clean the desk, please.
sweep the floor, please.
在讲授这一部分内容时,学生还是感觉到“clean the desk.” 和“sweep the floor.”有些不顺口。在这一部分要加强训练。
step 3 : post-task activity section
a. -look at the desk.
-oh, how dirty.
-clean the desk, please.
(师先与一生进行对话操练,再与全体、男女,最后 2人一组讨论交流)

second  period
new contents :
let’s learn ---shanghai
let’s talk ---i live in shanghai. i love shanghai.
learning objectives :
3.能熟练运用i live in …和i love …的简单语句对自己居住地进行简单介绍。
do you live in shanghai? is shanghai your home?……
teaching steps :
step 1 : pre-task preparation section
1. song



Unit 1 Where I live
