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Unit 2 A snack bar

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Unit 2  A snack bar


Unit 2 A snack bar

first  period
new contents
let’s learn — pizza,biscuit,hot dog
let’s talk—may i have a hot dog?
2、结合“我居住的地方”这一主线,引出本课的主题----小吃店。在谈论食物的过程中,鼓励学生用正确的语音语调认读单词pizza, biscuit, hot dog。
3、鼓励学生运用所学语言介绍pizza, biscuit, hot dog,培养学生最基本的阅读能力。
4、听懂may i have a hot dog?并用yes, here you are.来进行购物对话,培养学生将英语运用到实际生活中的能力。
5、在练习三个新单词时适当拓展词汇yummy, delicious, nice ,情景的创设帮助学生更好地理解和运用所学语言。
teaching steps
step 1 : pre-task preparation section
1. song and free talk
a. song “peanut butter”
教师告诉学生要去小吃店,(we’re going to a snack bar.),请学生一起唱一首歌(let’s sing a song.),播放歌曲的音带,让学生轻松愉快地唱歌
1.t: what food do you like to eat?  改为:what would you like to eat? 这个句子是学生在一年级所学过的句子,学生能很快的运用。
questions & answers
(教师展示小吃店的图片场景,柜台上放着一些学生已经学过的食品图片,如sandwich, hamburger, jelly, ice-cream等。)
2. t: guess: what food do i like to eat?改为:what would you like to eat?
t: i like to eat pizzas.
a.memory game: look, what do you see?
b. say a rhyme
a sweet, a pizza,
i can see.
a sweet, a pizza,
for you and me. 在这段当中,注意到知识的迁移,学生能很好的把以前的学习知识复习,还能学到新的内容。
2.guessing game
a.draw a circle on the blackboard.
(教师告诉学生一起来做游戏,先在黑板上画一个圈,用what is it?的问题引起学生的注意,学生用it is a ball/balloon.等回答。)
b. draw some shapes.
t: we can eat it. what is it?
3.draw a circle and three lines.
t: now what is it?
step 2 : while-task procedure section
4.new word:
在感知pizza这个单词的正确发音后,请学生模仿吃匹萨的动作,边吃边说:pizza, pizza, yummy, yummy
5.pizza, pizza, i like pizzas. yummy, yummy, yummy
可以用类似的方法练习biscuit, hot dog,同时可用delicious, nice来替代yummy
6.listening and speaking
here are a pizza, a biscuit and a hot dog. do you want a pizza?
step 3 : post-task activity section
1. t: look, what is it?
s: a pizza.
2. this is a pizza.
this is ….
3. i have a pizza?
---- yes, here you are.
----- i’m hungry, too. may i have a hot dog?

second  periodnew contents
let’s learn-- juice, water
let’s talk-- may i have _________?
1、继续学习小吃店里的饮料名称, 结合本课的主题――小吃店,创设语言使用环境,学会用正确的语音语调认读单词juice, water。



Unit 2  A snack bar
