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Unit 2 Can you write in English教学设计

unit 2   can you  write in english?
contents periods
 part a、b、c. exercise a、b   one period
 part d、e、f. exercise c、d   one period
  language function:
    getting to know “can you …?” 
  language structure:
        can you …?
        yes, i can .
understanding sentences: for my students: he can read.  he can climb.
she can write.            jimmy can eat a lot.   it can fly. it can’t swim.
know the oo-’s sound in the words.
  tongue twisters.
period ⅰ
   basic aims of this lesson:
1. can listen and say the new words in the text.
2.finish the task the teacher given in the lessons.
3.can understand the conversation the text given.
4.can speak and say part b.
5.can act with others with part c.
teaching difficulties:
        can dongdong do it for me ?  
   teaching points:
 can you write in english?
  teaching aids:
       type-recorder, picture, computer
step 1 warming up:
     task 1: action as “read, climb, write, eat, fly, swim”
     task 2: a game: listen and do.
step 2 presentation and drill
• task 3:
teacher let the children make the pictures as “read, climb, write, eat, fly, swim.”
• task 4:
    guess: what do they do? (with the given picture on the text.)
         cultivate their openness thinking. the more sentences they can speak,
     the higher points the teacher give the group.
step 3 practice
• listen to the tape.
• retell the text a、b according to what they hear.
• read after the tape
• read in different role.
• read in different group.
step 4. consolidation
• do the act according to part c.
• teacher give the assessments.
• do the part a、b in the exercise.
•task 5: finish the picture.
      say it aloud.
• homework: 1. listening to the tape, recite the text.
           2. act the story with the partents.
blackboard drawings:
can you read and write?
can you write in english?  yes, i can.              grandmother



