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Unit 3   Let`s Go Further

unit 3   let`s go further

i.  objectives
1. project
2. did you know:
      introduce some more important dates in some counties.
3. additional words

ii.  procedures
1. leading-in
 greetings.   what day is it today?
     what date is it today?
             it`s ____ (the) _____
    it`s the ______ of ______
2.  pre - task
(1) song: months of the year

(2) game.  who is faster?
     ps count form first to thirtieth on groups one by one.

3.  while - task
    (1) did you know?  (电脑呈现)
          to introduce some more important dates in some countries
              chinese day
              thanksgiving day
              christmas day
              mother`s day
      a. let the students to introduce the dates in the table.
      b. make dialogue and fill in the table in pairs.
          -----  what holiday is it in chinese?
          -----  new year`s day?  it`s 元旦in chinese.
          -----  is jan. 1st  new years day?
          -----  yes, it is.
      c. check their answers.

4.  post – task
(1)  activity book. page 7 ex. 5
(2)  write the time in english
     8月12日,  6月3日, 12月1日, 1月20日….
1. activity book. unit 2. ex 1-4
2. listen, read and recite unit 2.
3. do you know more important date in the world?


1st.       first        one
2nd       second      two
3rd       third        three
4th       fourth       four



