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冀教八年上Unit 4 My Neighborhood教案

冀教八年上unit 4 my neighborhood教案
unit 4 my neighbourhood
lesson 25: no stopping

teaching content:
mastery words and expressions: corner, turn, cross, pass, on one’s /the way to, go/walk past/by
known words and expressions: neighbourhood, bakery, bookstore
teaching aims:
learn to ask the way and cultivate the communication ability.
teaching important points:
1. ask the way.
2. point to the way.
teaching difficult points;
show the way to the others.
teaching preparation: flashcards
teaching aids: audiotape, flashcards
type of lesson: new lesson
teaching procedure:
step1. greeting the students. ask the student on duty to report the situation in the class.
step2. discuss your town
ask the students to talk about the town. such as : it’s changes and circumstances. tell them that in canada, people live in community. talk about the neighbourhood.
step3. answer the questions:
1. what places do you pass on your way to school?
2. look at the pictures. what places do jenny and briain pass on their way to school?
discuss the two questions and change their ideas with their partners.
step4.play the audiotape with the following questions:
1. where are they going?
2. how do they usually go to school?
3. where do they pass on their way to school?
4. do they have time to stop?
step5. read the text silently by the students. then check the answers. read it loudly in class in roles. the teacher walks around to see if they need some help.
sep6. ask the students to work in groups and draw a map on which show the favourite places jenny and brian pass on their way to school. then ask them to retell the story with the aid of the map.
step7. come to “ let’s do it!”
have students brainstorm what they know want to say about the subject.
ask some volunteers to speak in front of the class.
step8.1. finish off the activity book.
3. go on the next reading in the student book.
1. it’s easy and interesting talking about the subjects around us. let’s all take care the changes and circumstances.
before class, you can ask students to search some information about the neighbour and community in western countries.

lesson 26: the best neighbourhood
teaching content:
mastery words and expressions: football, place, over there
new words and expressions: soccer, coffee, coffee shop, video, video tore,
teaching aims:
it encourages students to think about the similarities and differences between canadian neighbourhoods and their own neighbourhoods.
teaching important points:
1. design the neighbourhood of one’s own.



