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Robots Grammar教案

unit 2 robots
第一部分 简要提示

二、教学内容:9b unit 2 robots


1. 知识目标
1) 掌握特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。
2) 掌握in order to和as a result的用法。
3) 掌握need to的用法。
2. 能力目标
1) 能够运用特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句转述信息。
2) 能够运用in order to和as a result描述适当情境。
3) 能够运用need to描述适当情境。

1. 重点:四种句型结构。
2. 难点:特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。

第二部分   教学流程
step 1  lead-in 
t: hello, everyone! nice to see you again. today we are going to learn the grammar part together.
as we know, millie is also thinking about buying a robot. but she hasn’t decided yet. she’s asking daniel a few questions. look at the questions. 
l  can the robot cook?
l  will the robot bring any bad changes to your life?
l  can you stay in bed for a bit longer?
l  do robots sometimes go wrong?
l  can you return it to the shop?
t: can you make sentences with “if” or “whether”? for example, no. 1, “can the robot cook?”
        millie asked daniel if/whether the robot could cook.
        now, it’s your time to have a try.
        millie asked daniel if/whether the robot would bring any bad changes to his life.
        millie asked daniel if/whether he could stay in bed for a bit longer.
        millie asked daniel if/whether robots sometimes went wrong.
        millie asked daniel if/whether he could return it to the shop.
t:(用if/whether引导的宾语从句是我们在9b第一单元中学习的内容,大家可以看到这些句子在变为宾语从句前都是一般疑问句。在这里我给大家提一个问题,如果这些句子变为特殊疑问句,我们应该如何使用宾语从句呢?今天我们就来学习用特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。)let’s look at the following sentences.
step 2 presentation and practice
t: 1. the robot no longer knew …. when should it cook breakfast?
  2. mr jiang did not know …. what should he do with the robot?
        (如果用宾语从句来连成一句呢?)please open your books at page 29.
        the robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast.
        mr jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.



