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Unit 1Star signs教案

unit 1star signs教案
target lesson: checkout
teaching objectives:
 to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
 to give students the opportunity to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary items learnt in this unit, and to give confidence through doing so.
 to allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.
teaching method: group work
teaching aids:
 a computer
 a slide
 colored chalk
blackboard design:
teaching procedure:
step 1 review the adjectives describing characteristics in this unit.
1. teacher can divide the students into 2 groups—a girl group and a boy group.
2. the two groups have a competition. the rules are below: teacher shows the students some adjectives, the students who know their negatives can stand up quickly and give the answer. the group which gets more negatives wins the competition.
positives           negatives
polite              impolite
successful          unsuccessful
wise               foolish/silly
powerful           powerless
proud              modest
lazy               hard-working
strong             weak
patient             impatient
fair               unfair
generous           selfish
active             inactive
3. ask the students to read each word twice to help them memorize the words better.
4. play a game to consolidate the uses of the adjectives they have learned in this unit. teacher divides the students into groups of 4 people. teacher gives each group a piece of paper on which there is a student’s name. then the students of the group talk about the student’s characteristics and guess what the student’s star sign is. finally one reporter from each group reports to the whole class their comments and then the student who they are talking about stand up tell the class what his/her star sign is.


