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The way we look教案

the way we look教案
  module 4 the way we look
    unit 1 i really like these shoes.
lingling: i’m really looking forward to the shakespeare play.
look forward to + doing
betty: me too! and the school trip to the great wall.
lingling: yes, but i need a thick jacket, and some warm gloves and socks.
need 情态动词 + do
need 实意动词 + to do/ n.
betty: in may?
lingling: i get really cold.
betty: ok. let’s go shopping!
lingling: how about that new shopping centre in wangfujing? you know, turn left and go along wangfujing, and it’s on the right.
go along…street/ road
then go into …street/ road
turn left/ right at…
turn right/ left into…street/ road
you can take bus no. 9 to…
get off the bus at…
betty: sure. we’ll go by bus, ok? and have you decided what to wear to the school leavers’ party?
疑问词+不定式(what, who, how, where, when),在句中充当不同的成分,该结构作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。
when to start is not known.
i don’t know what to say.
the problem is where to go.
lingling: i’ve got a really nice long dress. what about you?
betty: i’ll probably wear a dress, too, but i need some shoes. ok, i’ll meet you in front of school at two o’clock this afternoon.
betty: how about this jacket?
lingling: it’s the right size but it’s a bit bright.
a bit/ a little+ adj./ adv.
i’m a bit/ a little tired.
a bit of/ a little+ 不可数名词
could you lend me a bit of / a little money?
not a bit / not a little
i’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累  
i’m not a little tired. 我非常累
betty: let’s see if they have one in blue. where’s the shop assistant?
宾语从句:whether/ if 是否
one/ it
lingling: it’s that girl with long hair, over there. excuse me!
shop assistant: can i help you?
betty: yes, do you have this jacket in blue?
in blue  
be +颜色+in colour
shop assistant: no, i don’t think so. but we’ve got some overcoats over here. come this way.
betty: no, she doesn’t want an overcoat.
lingling: hey, i really like these shoes!
betty: oh, take a look at that amazing skirt!
amazing/ amazed
exciting/ excited
interesting/ interested
surprising/ surprised
pleasing/ pleased
tiring/ tired
lingling: i think we’re going to be here for some time.
unit 2 what helps you choose the clothes you like?
looking cool
what do you look for when you go shopping for clothes? do you choose something fashionable … or comfortable? do you like to look different? or do you wear the same clothes as your friend? do you go for this year’s colors? is it the logo – the company symbol – that catches your attention? or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes? what helps you choose the clothes you like?


