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unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands.
1. 重点词汇(单词和短语)-听说读写译用:
2. 重点句型:
1)掌握be supposed to, be expected to, be important to, be polite to do sth, be impolite to do sth的句型
2)掌握 you should/shouldn’t…  表达礼貌、礼节或习俗和地域文化。
4)make plans to do, drop by, invite sb. to do sth, pick up等词组的用法。
5)find / think + it/them +形容词 to do sth.
2. 写作:
一、  重点词汇(单词)
1.  custom, bow, kiss, greet
2.  relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort,
3.  passport,  chalk, blackboard, northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, take off, worth, manner
4.  empty,basic, exchange, teenage, granddaughter, behave, except, elbow, gradually
5.  suggestion
二、  固定搭配(词组)
1. be supposed to do . 应该 如:
  we are supposed to stop smoking. 我们应该停止吸烟。
【知识拓展】 表示应该的词有:should, ought to ,be supposed to
2. shake hands 握手  shake 本意是“摇动、震动”
3. you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.
【解析】“should have asked”是 “情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做
eg:she should have gone to beijing. 她本应该去了北京。(没有去)
4. be relaxed about sth. 对某事随意、不严格
eg:they are relaxed about the time. 他们对时间很随意。
5. pretty  adv. 相当,很=very
eg: she is pretty friendly. 她相当友好。         
adj. 美丽的  she is a pretty girl.她是一个美丽的女孩。
6. make plans to do == plan to do. 打算\计划做某事 eg:
 she has made plans to go to beijing.==she has planed to go to beijing.
7. drop by 访问 看望 拜访 串门
  we just dropped by our friends’ homes.
8. on time 按时
9. after all 毕竟 终究
eg: you see i was right after all.你看,毕竟还是我对了。
10. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 
(sb be invited to do sth. 某人被邀请去做某事)
eg: lily invited me to have dinner. 莉莉请我吃晚饭。
i was invited to take part in her birthday party.
11. without 没有
i can’t pass this examination without your help.
12. around the world == all over the world 全世界
13. pick up 捡起 挑选 ;停下来把...带走, (用车)接...
eg:he picked up his hat and went out. 他捡起他的帽子。
the hat is on the ground. he picked it up and put it on the desk.



