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1. is the grand canyon one of the greatest w__________(奇观)anywhere in the natural world?
2. i’ll do some r________(评论) about our favorite bands and movies for the school magazine.
3. i am reading about the a__________(古老的) pyramids in egypt.
4. i’m writing a composition c__________(被叫做)the wonder of the world.
5. we’ll write a diary of school e___________.(事件)
6. he speaks english n__________(自然地)as a native speaker.
7. i heard from kenna a week ago, but i haven’t r___________(答复) to it.
8. suddenly, the clouds c________ (散开)and the rain stopped.
9. the sun always r________(升起)in the east and sets in the west.
10. water turns into ice when the temperature is b_______(在•••下) zero.
11. on both sides, the canyon d_________(消失) into the distance. then.
12. the grand canyon is not just big. it’s h_________.(巨大的)
13. right, l_______(仔细听)up, everyone. here is a piece of good news for you.
14. i got out of the car, went t________ (穿过)a gate and walked along a path.
15.if you put three tallest buildings in the world at the b_________ (底部)of the canyon, they still won’t reach the top.
16. we’re still i___________(影响) by confucius’ thoughts.
17. lu xun is r__________ (尊重)by many readers.
18. mark twain is a great writer in american l____________.(文学)
19. shakespeare is k__________(了解) as a great writer.
20. i was looking for some old c_________ (版本)of the school magazine.

二、 重点词组和短语
!. start a magazine ________________        2. write down _________________
3. write a diary ________________          4. do some reviews about sth _________
5. do an interview with sb __________        6. get good grades __________________
7. write a composition _____________        8. a wonder of the world _____________
9. ancient pyramids _______________        10. get out of ______________________
11. go through ____________________       12. walk along the path _____________
13. go the right way ________________       14. look over _____________________
15. on the edge of __________________      16. at the bottom of _______________



