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A World of fun教案2

 unit22   a world of fun
the first period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the following: coaster roller coaster bungee  bungee jumping  free fall ride  racing car  amusement
2. train the ss’ listening ability.
3. train the ss’ speaking ability.
teaching important points:
1. the understanding of listening materials.
2. master the following expressions to make sure you can ask and direct the way freely.
excuse me. am i going in the right direction?       it’s in that direction.
excuse me. which…goes to…?                  go down/up this path/ street/road…
excuse me. does this road lead to …please?        it’s south/north of the…
where can i find a… please?                    turn left/right at…
teaching difficult points:
1. how to improve the ss’ listening ability.
2. how to make the ss talk freely.
teaching procedures:
step 1. greetings.
step2. warming up
ask the ss to look at the pictures given and answer:
1. have you ever been to an amusement park? what did you do and see there?
2. have you tried any of the things in the pictures? would you like to try them? why or why not?
3. why do people like or dislike the activities in the pictures?
1. various answers are possible.     2. various answers are possible.
3.sample answers:
activity reasons for liking it reasons for disliking  it
roller coasters rides very fast and thrilling too fast, scary and maybe dangerous
bungee jumping feels like flying and thrilling too high, scary and maybe dangerous
free-fall rides feeling of falling fast, thrilling feeling of losing control, scary, too high
scary films suspenseful, exciting too scary, have bad dreams late
step3. listening
t: let’s do our listening. we are going to hear something about two parks. it will tell us the theme of each park and the reasons why they choose the park. before listening, you should read the requirements by yourself.
answers to part 1: 1.b     2.c       3.b
answers to part 2: 1.a     2. b
answers to part 3: various answers are possible.
step4. speaking
1. ask the ss to look at the map of an amusement park given on the books ,talk about the attractions marked on the map and discuss the topic about how to get to these attractions.



