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Unit5 Canada—“The True North”— Vocabulary and Useful Expressions学案

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Unit5 Canada—“The True North”— Vocabulary and Useful Expressions学案


Unit5 Canada—“The True North”— Vocabulary and Useful Expressions学案

i.                   单词拼写1.         he was _________(轻微地 )injured in yesterday’s accident.2.         he was frightened by the ________(令人害怕) sound.3.         india’s _______(官方) language is french.4.         someone who is _____(富有的) has a large amount of money.5.         the temperature outside falls below ______(冰点)  point。6.         there are altogether seven _____(大洲) and four oceans in the world.7.         lucy sat at her desk, ______(围绕) by books and papers.  8.         you’re going to see great _____(景色) on your trip.9.         they can sit in the rocket mountains and sail in the _____(海港)10.     cowboys come from all over north america to compete in ____(骑) wild horses.11.     11. the cousins _____(做梦)of french restaurant and red maple leaves.ii. complete the sentences.1.         canada is a ___________________ like china. (多元文化国家)2.         li daiyu and her cousin liu qian __________________________(去加拿大旅行) to visit their cousins on the atlantic coast.  3.         we couldn’t decide ________________________________(是否是向东还是向西).4.         her grandfather ____________________________________________(手拿报纸坐在扶手椅上)5.         many of them _____________________________(与动物共 舞的才能) and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.6.         ______________________________________(而不是一路上坐飞机), they decided to fly from china to vancouver .7.         they went through ___________________(一个种植小麦的省) and saw farms that were thousands of square kilometers ________.(在面积)8.         _______________________________ the children come home.(直到天黑才回家)



Unit5 Canada—“The True North”— Vocabulary and Useful Expressions学案
