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高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

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高一英语Unit 1   同步测试


高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

高一英语unit 1   同步测试

i. 单项选择:
1. he enjoys ______ around the campus.
   a. walk          b. to walk       c. walking       d. of walking
2. most traffic lights work ______.
   a. at a time     b. all the time c. at one time   d. every time
3. i like sea ______ in summer.
   a. special       b. specially     c. especial      d. especially
4. no one can be sure _______ in a million year.
   a. what man will look like        b. what will man look like
   c. man will look like what        d. what look will man like
5. ----what is your new teacher like?
  ---- _______.
   a. he likes playing the guitar    b. he is quite well
   c. he just graduated              d. he is tall and handsome
6. after that we never saw her again, nor ______ from her.

a. did we hear   b. we heard      c. had we heard d. we have heard7. have you ______ your new neighbour, mr. smith?
a. made a friend with              b. made friends of
c. made friends to                                  d. made friends with8. --- i missed the first part of the film. it was really a pity.
--- you ______ home half an hour earlier.
a. should have left                b. must have left c. should leave     d. must leave9. after graduation from college, he began to wander from city to city, _____ a suitable job.
   a. hunting for    b. taking on     c. looking after d. bringing up
10. i’m sorry to say only two men ______ the shipwreck(沉船).
   a. died           b. survived      c. lived         d. escaped
11. ______ meet him at the airport, he had to get up early.
   a. so as to       b. in order to   c. so that       d. in order that



高一英语Unit 1   同步测试
