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Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案

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Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案


Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案

news writingteaching aims:1.       get students to learn how to write news;2.       train students the ability to cooperate with each other and to search for information;3.       learn more about tangshan earthquake and honor the people of tangshan.teaching difficulties:1.       how to make students learn writing in a more practical and effective way;2.       how to help students understand the tips for writing.teaching procedure:step 1: lead-in----the 30th anniversary of tangshan earthquake (news)t: we have learnt the tangshan earthquake. when did it happen? how many people died during the earthquake?step 2: presentation of students’ news writing (homework of last class)  ----point out the mistakes in news writing according to three aspectst: you have finished the news writing of tangshan earthquake, and now it’s time for you to show your project. others have to point out the mistakes in his or her writing according to three aspects.   ----three aspects: headline; content and languaget: what do you think of his or her writing? is it a proper news writing? what have you done before your writing?step 3: tips for writing1.       preparation ---- an outlinepreparation: choose a topic; decide what you want to say about the topic; organize your ideas and write clearly.   outline: a headline; a list of main ideas; a list of important details2.       headline⑴ appreciation of headlinesnew business regulations;    new tax on housing sales a night the earth didn’t sleep;cyclists ready to go on the road for blind kids;china marks 30th anniversary of tangshan earthquake;does beijing snack change its flavor?memories of quake die hard for tangshan survivors;chao chien-ming released.⑵ characteristics of headlinesq: what’s the characteristic of headlines? ⑶ practice ---- write headlines for the following news according to the picture and information given   flood relief efforts----the death toll on the chinese mainland from typhoon kaemi has risen to 32, with at least 65 still missing. local governments are sparing no efforts to carry out relief work.   pla celebrates 79th birthday----the chinese people's liberation army is 79 years old, and the defense ministry has held a reception to celebrate.



Unit4 Earthquakes-writing教案
