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Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 2A Unit 8

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Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 2A Unit 8


Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 2A Unit 8

topic:    clothesaims:     1. structures:  i don’t like … i like …             2. function:  using formulaic expressions to express preference. language focus:  using formulaic expressions to express preference.aids:     pictures, cassette, a cassette player, multi media  procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-task  preparation1. warmerstory: fruitsps: say and act通过背诵故事来活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣。2.words revision  tie/belt/shirt  dress/coat  socks (screen)t: this is a clothes shop.  what do you see?  what do you need?pn: answer.通过媒体所展示的服装店作背景,把学生带入了一个身临其境的环境,让学生在情景中复习学过的句型。ii. while-task  procedure1. i don’t like…(show a picture of a red dress)1)      t: sorry, i don’t like red. so i don’t like the dress.     (show some ugly things)2)t: i don’t like___.ask pupils to follow.    t- ps-pa-pb-pn从表示对某种颜色的喜好来引出句型,让学生先听,并观察老师的表情来理解句子的意思。 出示图片,学生操练新授句型。用灵活多变的语调操练句型,使原来有些枯燥乏味的机械性操练变得生动,富有情趣。2. i don’t like…  i like… (show some colours) 1)t: i don’ like___.   i like ___. how about you?   pn: to express theirpreference.  (show some pictures of seasons, animals, food, etc)2)pa-pb: i don’t like ___.        i like ___.   t: who likes/doesn’t like...   pn: stand and say as fast asyou can.i don’t like ____.i like ____.让学生表达自己喜欢的颜色与不喜欢的颜色。  扩大操练句型的范围,激发学生的发散性思维,结合学生生活中的实际情况,能正确表达自己的喜好,体会运用知识的喜悦。 3.a new story on  p41 (cassette)1) ps: listen to the story.2) t: ask some questions  pn: answer3) follow the sentences.4) tell the story. 聆听整个故事,锻炼学生的听力能力,并对故事内容提出一些相关问题,通过学生的回答来了解他们的理解情况,从而又再次巩固了所学的知识。iv. post-task   activitya new dialogue1) ( divide pupils into groups.)  t-pa: make a short dialogue.  pa-pb: practice on the         dialogue.2) ask some pupils to act the   dialogue.在所学知识的基础上,给学生作一个完整的新的对话,以开拓他们的思维,让学生能结合新旧知识,更好地在日常生活中加以运用。


Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 2A Unit 8
