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六年级英语下册Unit2 A Let's learn教案(新版PEP)

new pep book8 unit2 period2

by guan xiaoyu from changpu primary school

content: a let’s learn & do a survey and report

teaching aims: 1 ss can listen, say, read and write the following words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched tv.

2 ss can listen and understand “how was your weekend? what did you do?”, and make correct answers.

3 ss can do a survey and make a report.  

focus points: 1 ss can listen, say, read and write the following words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched tv.

2 ss can listen and understand “how was your weekend? what did you do?”, and make correct answers.

difficult points: 1 the spelling of the past tense of the verbs

              2 the pronunciation of the past tense of the verbs

teaching aids: pictures, ppt, tape-recorder

teaching procedures:

1 warm-up

 (1) ss learn to sing “last weekend”.

(2) free talk

2 presentation

(1) t shows the pictures of lily.

   t: do you remember my friend lily? let’s see what she did last weekend.

   t teaches “cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched tv”.

(2) game: i know what you did  

   t shows the verbs (clean my room, wash my

clothes, stay at home, watch tv) to s1. s1 does

the actions. other students say the simple past

tense of the verbs. e.g. t shows “watch tv” to

s1. s1 does the action. other students say

“watched tv”.

(2) pair-work

   a: how was your weekend?

b: it was ______. (good, fine, ok, great)

a: what did you do?

b: i _________.

(3) let’s chant

   last weekend i cleaned my room.

what did you do? what did you do?

last weekend i stayed at home.

what did you do? what did you do?

last weekend i watched tv.

what did you do? what did you do?

last weekend i washed my clothes.

what did you do? what did you do?

(4) group work

   t shows some pictures. ss make dialogues with their classmates.(5) let’s learn    ss listen and repeat let’s learn.(6) do a survey and report   ss do a survey and make a report.

(7) t teaches the simple past tense.

(8) ss write the past tense of the verbs.












