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Unit 1  Making a difference

unit 1  making a difference
section i  课前准备、听力、口语
1. genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per- cent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。(p.1 warming up 右图上)
(1) genius天才,天资 [u];有天才的人[c] 如: ① genius is needed to solve the problem. 解决这个问题需要天才。② wuthering heights is one of the most extraordinary books that human genius has ever produced.《呼啸山庄》是人的天赋所创造出的是非凡的作品之一。③ shakespeare was a genius. 莎士比亚是个天才。
【短语】have a genius for... 在……方面有天赋。如: ① she has a genius for mathematics. 她有数学天赋。② your mother has a genius for managing such things. 你母亲在管理这些事情上很有天赋。
(2) percent = per cent百分之…… 如: ① ten percent of the pupils are absent today. 今天有10%的学生缺席。② fifty percent of the work has been finished. 50%的工作已经完成。③ i think it's ninety percent probable. 我想有90%的可能。
【拓展】per 意为“每……”。如: per day 每天 / per week 每周 / per pound 每镑 / per person 每人
2. it takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analy- sis of the obvious. 分析明显存在的事物要非凡的头脑。(p.1 warming up 左图下) 教育博客
(1) mind表示“脑子,心(思);有某类头脑的人”时是可数名词。教育博客如: ① he doesn't have a particularly complex mind. 他的头脑并不特别复杂。教育博客② he is the greatest mind of our time. 他是我们这个时代最有头脑的人。③ great minds generally look at life in a way peculiar to themselves. 智者通常以他们独特的方式看待生活。教育博客
(2) undertake着手做,从事,承担(undertook, under- taken) ① we can undertake the work for the time being. 教育博客暂时我们可以着手做这项工作。教育博客② she herself undertook the preparation of the room. 她亲自布置房间。教育博客 ③ he undertook the leadership of the team. 他担负起领导全队的责任。教育博客
【拓展】undertake后接动词时需用to do形式。如: ① next he undertook to pay off godwin's debts. 接下来他着手偿清戈德温的债务。② he undertook to finish the job by friday. 他答应在周五前完成这份工作。教育博客
【提示】undertake也可接宾语从句,意为“保证”。如: 教育博客 i'll undertake that all the cattle shall grow well. 我保证所有的牲畜都能长得好。教育博客
(3) it takes (sb.) sth. to do为固定句式,take意为“花费、需要”。如: ① that night it took him a long while to sleep. 那天晚上他很久没睡着。② it takes two to make a quarrel. (prov.) 一个巴掌拍不响。(谚) ③ it took unusual courage and determination to break away from his family. 与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气与决心。教育博客



