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人教版高二Unit 11 Scientific Achievement

人教版高二unit 11 scientific achievement

i. teaching goal
1. talk about science and scientific achievement.
2. practise expressing intentions and wishes.
3. learn about word formation (1).
4. write a persuasion essay.

the first period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the following.
(1)new words
engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution
(2) everyday english s
if i got the money,i would……
my plan is to……
i hope that……
i want/wish/hope/intend/plan to……
i\'d like to……\"
i\'m thinking of……
2. train the students\' listening abilities.
3. talk about science and scientific achieve¬ment, urging the students to further under¬stand the significance of science and scien¬tific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.
teaching important points;
1. finish the task of listening to train the students\' listening ability.
2. practise expressing intentions and wishes to train the students\' speaking ability.
teaching difficult points;
1. how to help the students talk in english about science and scientific achievement freely.
2. how to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking smoothly.
teaching methods;
1. listening and speaking to train the students\' ability to use english.
2. individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.
teaching aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
teaching procedures;
step i greetings and lead-in
greet the ss. then teacher turns on the multimedia. first, show the students a recorded programme in which the students can see the hard life people lived in the past. then show them a programme in which people live a happy and modern life. after that, teacher asks some ss up to describe what they saw in the programmes. last, write the following on the boackboard.
(bb: unit 11 scientific achievement)
first, let\'s learn some new words. please look at the screen. (teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)
engineering n.工程,工程学,设计,建造
solar adj.太阳的,日光的
significant adj.意义重大的,重要的;有意义的
mankind n.人类
neil armstrong尼尔 •阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员)
alexander g bell  亚历山大•贝尔(美国发明家)
ray tomlinson  雷• 汤姆林森(美国计算机工程师)
constitution   n.宪法
:aeureka  interj. 我找到了!
step ii warming up
ask some ss to tell us what scientific achievements they think have changed the world?
(teacher writes all the scientific achievements mentioned above on the blackboard and says the following. )



