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Module 9 Unit 27 Behavior教案

module 9 unit 27 behavior教案
part1   speaking and vocabulary
   talk about different behavior in different situations by showing some pictures. word-learning: behave ----behavior
step2. words used to describe polite behavior & rude behavior
step3.learn the new words, make sure ss can read them correctly.
 ex.1 read a journalist’s view on manners. deal with the ss’ difficulties in reading.
step5.groupwork: discuss the behavior in ex.3 part b “is it the right thing to do?” then check the answers with the class.
step6. free talk  ex.5.
     if time is limited, ss can write down their opinions as the homework.

part2   reading and vocabulary
step1.revision: talk about ss’ good behavior in school.
step2. presentation: discuss the change of people’s concept of good manners.
step3.reading ex3. match the answers to the questions.
     then check the answers with the class.
step4ex.4 answer these questions
step5. ex.5 match the words and phrases1—10 to the definitions a)—j)
step6. language points in reading.

part3 grammar extension: modals and related verbs
step1. revision  modals: can, could, may ,might, must ,should /ought to, need
                     will, dare…
step2.ex1 underline the modal verbs in the sentences below…
    ss discuss in pairs then report their answers.
step3. group work: improve your communication skills ex.2 & 3
step4. listening ex 4& 5
step5. language points:
step6. additional exercises about abstract nouns and relative clauses.
                                       --------the end



