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s1b1 unit 1 good friends
1  the boy was b____________ enough to go into the dark street alone at midnight.
2   if you lose your way in the forest, you can use a c____________ to tell the directions.
3  ---- what is your mother t_________?
---- my n________ language is chinese.
4  how many students s_________ a dormitory in your school?
5  the people stay _______(忠诚) to their country and they will never turn against their country.
6  i think the young people today prefer light music to c_______ music.
7  all the children listened to his _______________(冒险经历) with eager attention.
8  when we got the news that the great leader had passed away, we were all in deep s________.
9  the boy was so s__________(恐惧) that he couldn’t move a bit
10  the plane crashed and only one s__________, who is a little girl.
11  if you were alone on a deserted island, you would have to learn to collect water and ______ ______ food.
12  the accident was caused by human _______(错误).
13  they are using h__________ to knock the nails into the chairs so that they can repair them.
14  the boy l________ to his mother that he had flown from the roof.
15  although father and i often ______ with each other, we are good friends.
16  the young man is very _____  _____ history. he reads books about it almost every day.
17  there will be many people at the theatre, so we will go there early ____ ____  _____ get good seats.
18  did you find the _____(解决办法) to the problem?
19  chuck survives the crash and lands on a _____ (荒凉的) island.
20  on the deserted island, he learns that he should have _____ _____ (关心) his friends.
honest   brave   loyal   wise   handsome   smart  argue   solution   classical   fond(be fond of)   match(火柴)   mirror   fry   gun   hammer(锤子)saw(锯)   rope   compass   movie   cast(vt&vi投掷:抛)   survive(vt幸免于:从……中生还;vi幸存)   deserted   hunt(hunt for)   in order to   share(vi&vt,n)   sorrow   care about   feeling   such as   airplane   parachute   lie   speech   adventure   notebook   scared   e-pal   drop sb a line   formal(正式)   error



