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1.accuse / charge
accuse 和charge都有“指责,控告”之意,有时可通用,但结构不一样。accuse不一定针对重大过失或罪行,其结构为accuse sb of sth。而charge一般用于重大过失或罪行,其结构为charge sb with sth,此结构还有“使某人负有……责任”之意。例如:
例1:my father accused me of my being too careless. (父亲责备我太粗心。)
例2:he accused me of neglecting my duty. (他指控我玩忽职守。)
例3:he charged me with neglecting my duty. (同上)
例4:jimmy was charged with murder. (吉米被控谋杀。)
例5:he was charged with an important task. (他担负有一项重要任务。)
2.add / add to / add up / add up to
例6:at the end of the party, we added another program.
例7:you needn’t add any water to the medicine.
add to:增添。指增添喜悦、悲伤、麻烦等。例如:
例8:his coming added to our trouble. (他的到来给我们添了麻烦。)
add up:加起来。例如:
例9:have you added up all the numbers?
add up to:总计。表示加起来的结果,无被动结构。例如:
例10:all the numbers added up to 100.
3.advise / suggest
例11:i advised (his) trying again.  (= suggest)
例12:i advised that we (should) try again.  (= suggest,虚拟语气。)
例13:i advised him to give up smoking.
例14:i advised him not to smoke.
例15:could you advise us on how to learn english?
例16:could you give us some advice on how to learn english?
例17:we suggest having a meeting at once. (= advise) 
例18:we suggest that a meeting (should) be held at once. (= advise,虚拟语气。)
例19:his pale face suggests that he is in poor health. (他那苍白的脸色表明他身体欠佳。) 
4.agree with / agree to / agree on 
agree with:同意,赞成(后接“人”或what从句作宾语);适合,适应;一致。例如:
例20:i don’t quite agree with you.
例21:nobody agreed with what he had said at the meeting.
例22:the weather here doesn’t agree with most of us. (这里的天气我们多数人不适应。)
例23:your words do not agree with your actions. (你的言行不一。)
agree to:同意,赞成。指一方同意另一方的意见、建议、观点、想法等。例如:
例24:john can’t agree to joe’s idea.
agree on:对……达成共识。指双方或多方对某事取得一致意见。例如:
例25:finally john and joe agreed on the plan.
5.allow / permit / let / promise
例26:who allowed you to leave the camp?
例27:smoking is not allowed here.
例28:please allow me to introduce myself to you.



