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《牛津小学英语》教案 篇一


教学目标:part d、f.


能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?

教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



step 1 pre-task preparation:

1. daily report.

what’s the weather like today?


revise the following words: season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

3.say a chant:

spring, summer, autumn and winter,

which season do you like best?

spring, spring, i like spring best.

summer, summer, they like summer best.

autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

winter, winter, we all like winter.

summer is hot, winter is cold,

autumn is cool and spring is warm

spring is sunny, summer is rainy,

autumn is cloudy and winter is windy.

step 2 while-task procedures:

look and say:

show a picture to the ss, then say something about ma li. she is from guangzhou. ma li is now telling su yang about the four seasons in guangzhou.


what does ma li often do in the park?

what’s the weather like in summer in guangzhou?

what’s the weather like in winter in guangzhou?

where does ma li often go walking?

2.look and think:


3.listen and write:

it is _______ in spring. the trees turn _______. ma li often goes _______ in the park. it is very ______ in summer. it often ________. ma li often goes _______. the days get ________ and the nights get ________ in autumn. it is often sunny. ma li often goes _______ in the countryside. it is not _______ in winter. it is sometimes _________. ma li often goes jogging after school.

step 3 post-task activity:

1.a guessing game.

using the word cards, play a game “what’s missing?”

2.make and play.


step 4 homework:

1. listen to the tape.

2. surf the internet about the weather in new york.


warm, green, rowing, hot, rains, swimming, shorter, longer, walking, cold, windy.


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇二

教学内容:a部分 listen, read and say.


1. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组jog, do well in, need help with ,do more exercise。

2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语that’s true. well done. mike runs as fast as ben.

3. 当堂掌握四会单词strong,四会句型ben runs faster than me.

4. 能正确朗读课文,读懂课文。



教具准备:幻灯片、录音机、小星星(well done评价)、红线、小蛋糕图片(用于玩游戏)。


step1 warm up

1. sing after the tape‘i wish i was taller’.

2. play a game:bingo 游戏、猜单词。

s t r o n g ,  l a t e,  s l o w ,  h i g h

3. choose one word and make a sentence.选择其中一词造句。

step2 presentation

1. 学习do well in, jog, do more exercise.

①free talk:are you good at english? do you like english? are you good at pe? do you do exercise after school? what do you usually do?(引出jog to school并板书)。

i do well in pe(板书do well in)。

i hope you do more exercise. you’ll get stronger.(板书do more exercise)。

②what do they mean? ( jog, do well in , do more exercise ).

③read after the teacher.


2. judge:判断句子中哪些句子是谈论有关运动或体育课上的话题(幻灯片出示)。

①he is good at chinese.

②she has an english book.

③a pe teacher is showing their students how to jump, run and pass balls.

④she likes having sports, so she does well in pe, too.

⑤the old man likes fishing very much, but he is not good at sports.

⑥all the students in our school have sports at half past four every afternoon.

⑦ben runs faster than me in a pe lesson.

⑧he goes home later than me.

⑨she gets up earlier than her mother.

⑩mike runs as fast as ben.

在判断的过程中强调be good at 和do(does) well in 的用法及四会句型ben runs faster than me.

3. 学习mike runs as fast as be n.渗透jim is not as strong as the other boys.

①由上一题的第10句引出mike runs as fast as ben.这一三会句型。

②what does it mean?(it指 mike runs as fast as ben.)

③who can make a sentence like this?

④who can read it?


⑤talking:mike runs as fast as ben. so mike runs fast. ben runs fast, too. can you run fast? can i run fast? yes, i can run fast. because i’m strong(教师做有力量、很强壮的动作)。

i’m strong. are you strong? you are (not) as strong as me.(板书as strong as)

⑥saying.学生以as strong as 为话题谈论本班同学们的身体状况。

引出××is not as strong as the other boys.

⑦拓展:the other boys/ childen/ students/ …

4. listening exercise.

①listen to the tape.注意关键词(key words)。

②what have you heard?(汇报所听到的句子,能说多少说多少)

③read the sentences then listen again(浏览课后的判断题,带着问题再听对话录音)。

④group work.小组合作完成判断。

⑤group work.小组内合作朗读课文,找出不懂的句子和词语。

5. learning:need help with. that’s true.


补充学习:a good football /… player

step3 consolidation.

1. reporting:what have you learnt?


2. play a game:help jerry get the cakes.《帮杰瑞取蛋糕》



①教师在盒子里放上很多语言卡片(内容为课文中的主要句型,比如:jim is good at english and maths. jim is not as strong as the other boys.句子多少自定)。周边放上警戒线(比如染成红色的线)。



3. read the text together

step4 布置作业

1. group work. 小组合作,制作纸袋偶,并分角色表演课文。(具体要求见第四课时),下一节课检查并表演。

2. writing work.你知道这些短语的意思吗?

a. get stronger        b. after school         c. be good at

d. do well in         e. the other children   f. a good football player

g. play ball games

g. some of the boys     h. jog to school           i. do more exercise



词组:jog to school, do well in, do more exercise

句子:mike runs as fast as ben. jim is not as strong as the other boys.

ben runs faster than me.


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇三

《牛津小学英语》4b unit6 let’s go by taxi教学设计与评析

一、 教学内容

《牛津小学英语》4b unit6let’s go by taxi  b look, read and learn和 c work in pairs


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a station, a hospital,by taxi。

2. 能听懂、会说和会读单词a theatre, a minibus

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型shall we go to……by……?及应答语 all right/ok.


1.能听说读写单词a station, a hospital,by taxi。

2.能听说读写句型shall we go to……by……?及应答语 all right/ok。




step 1.greetings

t:good morning,boys and girls.

ss: good morning, miss mu.

t: how are you?

s: fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m very well .thank you. let’s sing a song, ok?

ss: ok.

学生跟着录音唱《go to school》并做动作。

[设计意图:在课一开始,通过warm up让学生在与老师的口语交际中复习旧知识,又逐步培养交际能力。而且歌曲内容与新知联系密切,在唱的过程中不知不觉地为学习新知作好了准备。]

step 2 .free  talk

1. t: (出示公园图片)look at this picture. what’s this in english?

s: it’s a park.

t: let’s go to the park.

s: ( 通过看教师手势回答)ok/all right/good /great.

[设计意图:通过tpr教学法,用点头表示all right ,用竖起一个拇指表示good; 用竖起两个大拇指表示great;;用竖起后三个手指,拇指和食指圈成一个圈表示ok,让学生全身心地投入到教学活动中,有利于提高学习效果。]

2. t:(出示超市图片)what’s this in english?

s:  it’s a supermarket.

t: (指名编对话) let’s go to the supermarket. but  how?

s: (做动作)by bike/bus/ car

3. 教师出示长城图片(the great wall), 指名编对话。

s1: let’s go to the great wall.

s2: great. but  how?

s1:by  plane.(做动作)

[设计意图:教师让学生编对话可以培养学生的交际能力,教师再多激励,可以激发学生的学习兴趣。教师让学生通过free talk,复习了3a中所学的地点类和工具类单词,并结合句型let’s go to…but how?及其答语,一方面从旧知中引出新知的教学,另一方面为新知的学习作了很好的铺垫。

step 3 . presentation and practice

1. t: today we will learn: unit 6 let’s go by taxi。领读课题并拼读 a taxi

t: let’s go to …… by taxi.(用不同的地点类单词替换)

s:ok/ all right./ good ./ great.(并做动作 )

2.  learn:  a theatre

①教师出示电影院图片,问what’s this?

s:   a cinema

t:  (出示a theatre图片) is it a cinema, too?

s : no, it isn’t.

t:  a theatre领读,开火车读, 教师指导发音。

[设计意图:利用电影院图片引出剧院图片,让学生自己说 no,既让学生避免了两者混淆,又牢牢地记住了新单词 a theatre。]

②chant: theatre↑↓→go to the theatre→let’s go to the theatre.

t: boys and girls, let’s go to the theatre.

s: ok. (手势)

t: shall we go to the theatre?

s:(看老师手势)ok./all right./good./great.

[设计意图:老师通过学生熟悉的句型let’s go to……引出新句型shall we go to……,学生自然地知道了句意并会在教师的指导下说出应答语。]

③guess: (师出示) it’s a big room . there are many books in it. what is it? (允许学生说汉语)

师在学生猜出后出示图片:a library 领读,开火车读。

t:shall we go to the library?

s: (动作)ok/all right.

t: but how?

s: by bike/bus/ car/taxi. (用动作表示出来)

[设计意图:通过学生喜爱的猜一猜的形式,制造了“信息差”,给了学生一个训练的空间 ,给了学生一个练说的理由。]

t:shall we go to the library by……?(用交通工具类单词进行替换操练)

s:ok/all right/…

[设计意图:通过简短的句型问答后,出示本节课的教学重点句型shall we go to…by……? ok/all right.既减轻了学生的学习压力,降低了学习难度,又顺其自然,水到渠成。]

④learn: a minibus

t:(出示公共汽车图片)what’s this in english?

s: a bus.

t:(出示小型公共汽车图片)what’s this in english?

s:a bus?

t:a minibus .领读,指导发音。

chant: minibus↑↓by minibus

t: shall we go to……by minibus? (用不同的地点类图片进行替换操练)

[设计意图:利用a bus引出a minibus,起到了以旧带新的作用,而且让学生明白了bus与minibus的联系和区别,并及时利用不同地点类图片操练,达到巩固的目的。]

s:ok/all right/….



出示图片:picture1剧院  出租车

picture2超市  小型公共汽车


picture2 work in pairs.

⑥learn: a hospital

出示 mrs black的图片

t:who’s she ?     s: she’s mrs black

t:  what’s her job?  s: she’s a nurse

t: where does she work?


t:出示图片a hospital并指导发音 ho—s—pi—tal



t: who’s the girl?

s:she’s nancy.

t who’s the boy?

s:he’s david.

t: now i’m nancy. you’re david.(老师扮nancy,学生扮david)

t:what’s the matter?

s:  i’m ill .

t: shall we go to the hospital by taxi?

s: ok.



step 4 : play games

1、what’s missing?

① 师将地点类图片贴在黑板上(a hospital   a supermarket  a theatre   a library等)

让学生齐读两遍,然后学生闭上眼睛,教师随意抽去一张图片, 问what’s   missing? 指名回答。

② 将图片换成交通工具类图片,同法操练。


2、look and read

① 教师读单词,但只张嘴不出声。 让学生猜。


② 鹦鹉学舌:教师读单词,如果读对了,学生跟读。如果读错了,学生站起来并读出正确的单词。



1. 指名说说图1和图2,教师出示正确答案并让学生齐读。

2. 分组练写图3和图4,教师在黑板上画四线格,指名板演,集体评议。


step 6. homework

1. 抄写a hospital ,a taxi各四遍。

2. 用所学句型 shall we go to……by……?ok/ all right./造两个句子。

3. 预习a read and say.



一。 英语课堂应注重体现由浅入深、循序渐进的层次性教学过程,要通过层层深入的学习掌握知识点。因此在教学句型shall we go to……by……?时,利用旧知识let’s go to……by……引出新内容,采用看、猜、说等多种手段,是本节课的主要线索。

二。 在教学中千方百计为学生营造一个宽松愉悦民主和谐的英语氛围,适时采用chant巩固新单词,并用tpr教学法使学生全身心地投入到学习活动中,降低了对话教学难度,使学生轻松的掌握了对话

三。 在教学中,对学生多进行鼓励、表扬,让各个学习层次的学生都得到进步,使他们能够展现自己,激发他们的学习热情。

牛津小学英语教学计划 篇四


本册书共九单元,每单元的话题为:Unit1 Farm animal ; Unit2 In the circus ; Unit 3 My room ; Unit 4 In the park ; Unit5 wash with water ; Unit 6 Eating and drinking ; Unit 7 Hot summer ; Unit 8 Time.

最后一单元是复习单元,每一单元分Let’s act. Let’s talk. Let’s learn 。 Letters. Let’s play. Let’s enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“动物,房间,运动,水,饮食,夏天,时间表达”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。



2能听懂、理解Let’s act.中的句子,并能根据指令作出动作反应。

3能说Let’s talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流。

4能认读Let’s learn中的单词。

5 能做一些英语小游戏。

6 能唱Let’s enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。

7 26个字母的大小写认读。



1、每一单元中的Let’s talk. Let’s learn 。 Letters单词,句子。

2、 通过真实、自然地情景教学9组会话,并进行简单的交流。


1 。能将所学的知识点运用到实际情景中去。



1、 Unit1 Farm animal 能认读Let’s learn中的六个动物的单词;会说、认读let’s talk部分 和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play 中的句子并作出反应;理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母: N n, O o的认读;Let’s learn六个动物单词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话;单词的读音和认识;对话在实际情景中的应用。

2、 Unit2 In the circus 继续学习动物名称, 能认读Let’s learn中的六个动物的单词;会说、认读let’s talk部分 和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play 中的句子并作出反应;理解并会唱let’s enjoy部分的歌曲;字母Pp,Qq的认读;Let’s learn六个动物单词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话: a、Elephant的发音, b、在实际情境中运用对话。

3、 课时 Unit 3 My room 能认读Let’s learn中的七个房间设施的单词window,door,bed,room,sofa,table,lamp;会说、认读let’s talk部分句子:用There is/are …描述自己的房间;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;理解并朗读Let’s play ,let’s enjoy部分的故事和小诗;字母:Rr,Ss的认读;Let’s learn单词音和形;用所学的单词:描述自己的房间;单词的读音和认识;在实际情景中的应用所学的单词。

4、 课时 Unit 4 In the park 能认读Let’s learn中的六个表示运动的单词;能听懂Let’s act中表示警告,禁止的句子并作出反应;用所学的动词会表达I can…。.; 理解并朗读let’s enjoy部分的小诗;字母:Tt,Uu的认读; Let’s learn中的六个单词;用所学的动词会表达I can…。.;懂得在公园里爱护花草; Let’s learn中的单词认读;在实际情景中的应用所学的单词。

5、 课时Unit5 wash with water 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示洗漱的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会表达I wash …with water;会说Let’s play中的句子并作动作, 理解并学唱let’s enjoy部分的歌曲;字母:Vv,W w的认读; 七个表示洗漱的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;懂得节约用水;Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。

6、 课时 Unit 6 Eating and drinking 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示餐具的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会表达自己的需求。I’m thirsty/ hungry, I want some water…。;会说Let’s play中的句子,理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母:Xx的认读;认读Let’s learn中的七个表示餐具的单词;Let’s talk会表达自己的需求 ;Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。

7、 课时 Unit7 Hot summer 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示有关夏天的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会描述夏天;会说Let’s play中的句子,理解并诵读let’s enjoy部分的小诗;字母:Y y的认读;七个表示有关夏天的单词;会描述夏天; Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。

8、 课时 Unit8 Time 能认读Let’s learn中的七个单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会问时间并简单回答;What time is it? It’s… o’clock;会说Let’s play中的句子,表达时间。理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母:Y y的认读;七个表示有关时间的单词;会问时间并简单回答。What time is it? It’s… o’clock ;Let’s learn中的单词认读;到实际情景中问答,时间表达。

9、 课时 Revision 复习全册内容并作出终结性评价。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇五

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6  a listen,read and say



2、听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes,speaking. by the way,what are you going to do…?等。






step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. free talk


step2 revision

1. words (b look,read and learn)



③listen and write.


2. sentences(c look and say)

①group work 或 pair work.


③listen and write.


step3 presentation

1. free talk渗透is that……? yes,speaking. do you like……? can you……? what do you do on……?

2. listen to the tape of“a listen, read and say”。

3. 学习引言部分

①教师出示david和gao shan打电话的多媒体课件,上有日历显示为周六,天气暖和,阳光灿烂。

②学生自由描述或交谈,讲清短语on saturday morning,have school, talk about, plans for the weekend.



what day is it today?

what time is it?

what is david doing?

what are they talking about?

4. 学习第一段(46页)


what are they going to do today?

where will they meet?

②听录音回答问题,讲清打电话的专用语is that……? speaking与短语a beijing opera show, this afternoon,last year,at one thirty,in front of……


whowhen activities where

④讲清乐器类前加the,如play the piano;球类前不加the,如play football。

step4 consolidation

1. listen to the tape and repeat.

2. 分角色朗读对话。

3. 在理解课文的基础上,完成对话后面的练习。

4. ask and answer


5. a task

planning for the weekend:学生在小组中交流,创设情景对话。

6. 总结一般将来时


+v. 原形

②构成:be going to



step5 homework

1. listen to the tape and repeat of“a listen, read and say”。

2. action.

3. little reporter(小记者采访)

用what are you going to do…,? i’m going to…采访同学的周末活动计划并写下来。(至少3位)

4. 预习d listen and write。



句型:①is that……? yes,speaking.

②by the way,what are you going to do…? i’m going to…


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇六

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6 f play a game g listen and repeat h sing a song.



2、能唱歌曲will you join me?






step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. free talk


step2 revision

1. 齐读e read and number。

2. 学生小组内准备朗读并表演对话。

3. 教师抽查,全班评议。

step3 presentation and consolidation

1. play a game





2. listen and repeat








row       rowing

show     know


blow     low



lower     slow


3. sing a song





step4 homework


2、背诵g listen and repeat并试着归纳其它例词。

3、预习《补充习题》unit 6。







row       rowing      show

blow      know       low

lower      slow        slower


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇七

《牛津小学英语》5a unit 9 shapes教学设计

丹阳市蒋墅中心小学   张亚琴


1、知识目标:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …




教学内容:5a unit 9 shapes

教学重难点:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …


1、warm up ---- free talk

t: boys and girls, i like drawing pictures. do you like drawing?



(1)引出课题 t:i have some cards. do you have a card?(教师呈现自己做的贺卡) s: ……(教师选一张圆形,长方形的贺卡贴在黑板上)

t: there are two cards on the blackboard. let’s have a look. what’s in the card? s:……

t: there are some shapes.

teach: a shape  shapes

(2) t:(指着黑板) this is a circle card.

teach:  a circle

t: the football is a circle. can you see something like “the …is a circle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

t:(指着黑板)what shape is it?  it’s a rectangle. it’s a rectangle card.

teach: a rectangle .

t: the book is a rectangle. can you see something like “the …is a rectangle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

t: i have a rectangle paper. look at me. is it a rectangle? (将长方形纸折成正方形) s: no.

t: it’s a square.

teach : a square

can you see something like “the …is a square.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

t: (正方形纸折成三角形)what shape is it? is it a square?

s: no. t: it’s a triangle.

teach: a triangle

(3) teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

t: we are talking about shapes.( cai ) what shape is the …?

s:it’s a ..(课件展示两幅图片)

t:can you ask me ?

teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

s—t: what shape is the …?it’s a …(组织小组竞赛对话,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

s—s:what shape is the …?it’s a …

(4) say a rhyme: (拍手)

card, card, i like cards.

circle, circle, it’s a circle football.

rectangle, rectangle, it’s a rectangle door.

square, square, it’s a square clock.

triangle, trangle, it’s a triangle kite.

(5)t: look at my card. there’s a tree in the card. what’s in the tree? s:…  t: some stars.

teach: a star

( cai ) guess: what shape is it? is it a star?(遮住)

teach: a diamond


(1) ( cai ) t: do you know them?( look and say)

(2) guess game: (露一小半图)t: what shape is it?

(3)look and say:( cai ) how many …are there? there are ….

(4)公布竞赛结果:用句型 how many … are there? 汇总。

(5) exercise:

t:look, i can make a picture.  there’s a triangle ,

a rectangle and two squares. can you say?


unit 9 shapes

(贺卡1)   what shape is the …?

it’s a ….             (小组竞赛贴图)


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇八



能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold

教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



step 1 pre-task preparation:

1.warming up.

sing an english song “seasons”。

2.free talk. “what’s the weather like today?”

t: what’s the weather like today? ss: it’s cold.

t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

step 2 while-task procedures:

1. a guessing game: which season?

show some pictures and let the ss guess: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

2.say a chant:

spring, summer, autumn and winter,

which season do you like best?

spring, spring, i like spring best.

summer, summer, they like summer best.

autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

winter, winter, we all like winter

summer is hot, winter is cold,

autumn is cool and spring is warm

t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

step 2 while-task procedures:

1. a guessing game: which season?

show many cards to the ss, then ask “what’s missing?”

step 4 homework:

make some cards of part b.


weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.


《牛津小学英语》6b unit 5 第一课时 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇九

利用多种资源  搞活课堂教学---《牛津小学英语》3b unit3案例

一 教学目标


①三会掌握句型:who’s he? he is …

who’s she? she is…




二 教学重难点:掌握并在现实生活中灵活运用句型who’s he/she? he’s/she’s…

三 教具准备:多媒体 照片 图片

四 教学过程:

step1 warming up:

1  greetings and introductions

t: hello,boys and girls .    ss:hello.

t: my name is han lili. what’s your name?

s1:hello, miss han. my name is…i’m… (2or3 students)

t: please introduce your friend to me.


2  sing a song

t:let’s sing a song “hello” ,ok?

step2 presentation and practice

1 introduce gogo.

t: today i will introduce a new friend to you. its name is gogo. (拿出玩具gogo) what colour is it?

s:it’s red.

t:do you like it?

s: yes.

t: let’s say hello to gogo. (学gogo的声音)hello, boys and girls.

s: hello, gogo.

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

t: i’d like to tell you gogo’s story. now,look!

2 watch the media of gogo’s story.(让学生看整个故事)

3 learn the name of the characters: tony and jenny

t: it’s a lovely story, isn’t it? again,ok?(播放剪辑)who is this?

s: gogo . t: and this is jenny. this is tony(把图贴上黑板,并读)  t:now,listen carefully and repeat!

4 learn to say: who’s she? she’s my mother.

t: (继续播放剪辑)repeat, please.

s: (repeat)who’s she?

t: a good job! (教学句子who’s she?板书。先领读who’s,学生two by two 同样教she & who’s she?)

t: i will ask you a question(教师手画一个问号形状)who’s she?(手指班级的一女生)

s: χχχ(老师在旁提示she’s)she’sχχχ

t: (板书she’s…读,告诉生she refers to girls画上简笔画,再问两组这个对话,然后指向班级其他四个女生让学生齐答。然后pair work,再指向大屏幕问who’s she?)

s: she’s gogo’s mother.

t: yes or no? let’s see.(继续播放故事,gogo 说:she’s my mother.)(教师领读两遍gogo 的话)

5 learn to say: who’s he? he’s my father.

t: let’s go on.(继续播放多媒体,让学生复述who’s he? 然后教学此句)

t: (指向大屏幕,大屏幕出现名人的画像)who’s he?

s: he’s yao ming…(板书he’s…)

t: (问gogo)who’s he?  (老师用gogo 的声音回答)he’s my father. (教师领读两遍此句)

6 pratise “who’s he/she?” " he’s/she’s…”

t:now tell me he refers to boys or girls.


t: (画简笔画)he he he,she she she

now, look at the family tree.(出现helen一家的全家福) who’s she/he?

t: (出现nancy 一家的全家福)who’d like to be a little teacher?

7 read after the media.(对话录音)

8 show 扩展资料。

step 3 production

1talk about family photos

a.t: i have some photos here.

t: hello, χχχ who’s he? s: he’s my father.

t: who’s she? s: she’s my mother.

t: thank you.

b.t: please look at the media.(老师介绍自己的一家人)

t: (指着自己的照片)who’s she?

s:miss han!

t: (指向较年老的男士)who’s he?

s: …     t: ask me questions?  for example:who’s he/she?

s: (指向照片中的人问)who’s he/she? t: he’s/she’s my…


1 t gives an example

2 act by themselves

3 sing a song  with gogo.

t: let’s relax ourselves, ok? sing a song with gogo.

step 4 asign homework

blackboard design

family members

who’s she?   she’s…

who’s he?    he’s…




