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1.2 第三教时

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1.2 第三教时


1.2 第三教时(精选12篇)

1.2 第三教时 篇1

  例1.如图(1) u是全集,a,b是u的两个子集,图中有四个用数字标出的区域,试填下表:      区域号  相应的集合    1cua∩cub2   a∩cub3   a∩b4cua∩b集合   相应的区域号    a   2,3b     3,4u  1,2,3,4a∩b     3               a   23b 411u8 c6 7b 4532 a1                     u

  图(1)                          图(2)例2.如图(2) u是全集,a,b,c是u的三个子集,图中有8个用数字标出的区域,试填下表:(见右半版)区域号相应的集合 1cua∩cub∩cuc2a∩cub∩cuc3a∩b∩cuc4cua∩b∩cuc5a∩cub∩c6a∩b∩c  7cua∩b∩c8cua∩cub∩c集合相应的区域号 a2,3,5,6b3,4,6,7c5,6,7,8∪1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8a∪b2,3,4,5,6,7a∪c 2,3,5,6,7,8b∪c 3,4,5,6,7,8例3.已知:a={(x,y)|y=x2+1,xîr}  b={(x,y)| y=x+1,xîr }求a∩b。例4.  设集合 .

  例5.  已知集合 (1)判断b,c,d间的关系;     (2)求a∩b.

  例6. 已知集合

  若 .作业: 《精析精练》p15 智能达标训练

1.2 第三教时 篇2

  教材:  子集目的:  让学生初步了解子集的概念及其表示法,同时了解等集与真子集的有关概念.过程:   一 提出问题:现在开始研究集合与集合之间的关系.存在着两种关系:“包含”与“相等”两种关系.    二 “包含”关系—子集1. 实例: a={1,2,3}  b={1,2,3,4,5}   引导观察.   结论: 对于两个集合a和b,如果集合a的任何一个元素都是集合b的元素,则说:集合a包含于集合b,或集合b包含集合a,记作aíb (或bêa)也说: 集合a是集合b的子集.2. 反之: 集合a不包含于集合b,或集合b不包含集合a,记作aëb (或bëa)   注意: í也可写成ì;ê也可写成é;í 也可写成ì;ê也可写成é。3. 规定: 空集是任何集合的子集 .  φía 三  “相等”关系1.    实例:设  a={x|x2-1=0}     b={-1,1}      “元素相同”结论:对于两个集合a与b,如果集合a的任何一个元素都是集合b的元素,同时,集合b的任何一个元素都是集合a的元素,我们就说集合a等于集合b,                即:   a=b2.   ① 任何一个集合是它本身的子集。   aíaì¹② 真子集:如果aíb ,且a¹ b那就说集合a是集合b的真子集,记作a  b③ 空集是任何非空集合的真子集。④ 如果 aíb, bíc ,那么 aíc   证明:设x是a的任一元素,则 xîa    aíb, xîb   又 bíc   xîc    从而  aíc     同样;如果 aíb, bíc ,那么 aíc⑤ 如果aíb  同时 bía 那么a=b 四  例题: p8 例一,例二  (略)  练习 p9    补充例题 《课课练》 课时2 p3五  小结:子集、真子集的概念,等集的概念及其符号         几个性质:  aíaaíb, bíc þaícaíb  bíaþ a=b     作业:p10 习题1.2  1,2,3   《课课练》课时中选择

1.2 第三教时 篇3

  一、复习:子集、补集与全集的概念,符号二、讨论:1.补集必定是全集的子集,是否必是真子集?什么时候是真子集?2.aíb 如果把b看成全集,则cba是b的真子集吗?什么时候(什么条件下)cba是b的真子集?      3. 研究 三、例题例一 设集合 cua={5},求实数a的值.

  例二 设集合 例三 已知集合 且a中至多只有一个奇数,写出所有满足条件的集合.例四  设全集u={2,3, },a={b,2}, ={b,2},求实数a和b的值.(a=2、-4,b=3)一、       作业    《精析精练》p9 智能达标训练

1.2 第三教时 篇4

  unit 1   may i have…?   (第三教时) 

  一 教学内容

  work in pairs; read and act

  二 教学目标

  1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语good morning. here’s a… for you. happy teachers’ day!

  2. 通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学单词和句型。

  3. 进一步掌握句型this…is for…及其回答thank you./all right.

  三 教学重点和难点

  1.     通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学单词和句型。

  2.     进一步掌握句型this…is for…及其回答thank you./all right.

  四 课前准备


  五 教学过程





  free  talk

  good morning, boys and girls.

  how are you?

  good morning, miss wang.

  fine, thank you./not bad, thank you./not so good.



  1.     say a rhyme: a little book.

  2. 复习单词和句子。

  t: may i have a bookmark?

  t: thank you. may i have a bookmark for su yang?

  t: thank you.



  yes. this bookmark is for you.

  sure. here you are.



  work in pairs

  1.     t(手拿两本抄写本)this copybook is for you.引导学生甲边接本子边说thank you.然后把学生乙的本子给学生甲,说this copybook is for…,引导他说all right,并把本子给学生乙。

  2.     让学生自己创设情景进行表演对话。

  3.     完成书上练习。

  s1:thank you.

  s1:all right.

  s1:this copy is for you.

  s2:thank you.




  read and act

  1.     t在黑板上书写九月十日teachers’ day,让学生了解教师节的英语表达方式。

  2.     t:happy teachers’ day!教师节快乐!

  3.     t: here’s a book for you.

  让学生说here’s…for…,了解与this…is for…意思是一样的。

  4.     放录音。

  5.     放录音,让学生跟读。

  6.     指导朗读和表演。

  7.用this card is for miss gao. all right.来扩充对话。

  了解teachers’ day的写法。

  学说happy teachers’ day!

  thank you.

  练习here’s …for…





  六 板书设计

  unit 1   may i have…? 

  this …is for you.        thank you.

  this…is for…          all right.

  here’s a card for you.

  happy teachers’ day!

  七 作业设计

  1.     默写本单元的单词。

  2.     看图写对话。

  3.     背诵并表演read and act。

  unit 1 may i have…? (第三教时) 来自第一范文网。

1.2 第三教时 篇5

  一、 教学说明:

  1.学生在第一、二教时中已经能听、说、读下列单词slide, doll, bicycle, balloon, ball, swing,并能用what have you got? i have got… he/ she has got …句型进行操练。

  2.这节课的句型是what has he/ she got? he/ she has got… 而老师在上节课的回家作业中已经布置了采访老师和父母的作业。为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

  3. 这节课教的绕口令中的2个难点在unit 2: show me your book. &unit 3: let’s enjoy的歌曲中:i can read a little book. i can draw a little tree. i can sing a little song. 中已经出现过了,为本节课的学习打下了埋伏。

  二、 教学内容:

  1) 认知内容:

  a. 能听懂会说并会用句型:what has he /she got? he / she has got…

  b. 能听懂会说绕口令:the boy shows the ball to the doll. the little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

  2) 能力要求:


  3) 情感态度:


  三、 教学过程:





  pre-task preparation


  1.     enjoy the song. p16


  2.     quick response.

  eg.  show me your book. show four.  etc.

  t→s   s→s


  while-task procedure

  tongue twister.

  1.     quick response:

  show a ball to me. show the ball to the doll. to elicit the sentence: the boy shows the ball to the doll. the little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

  2.     encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

  the boy shows the ball to the doll. the little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

  3.     listen and read after the tape.

  4.     say the tongue twister together while doing the actions..

  从quick response用旧句型引出新句型,难度不大,学生很容易上口。


  2. a new pattern:

  what has he/she got? he/ she has got …

  1.     teacher shows the survey  and asks the questions.

  e.g.: what has your father got?

  p1: he has got …

  to elicit the sentences: what has he/she got?

  2.     encourage the pupils to say the sentences.

  what has he/she got? he/ she has got …

  3.     ask and answer in small groups.

  e.g.: what has got?

  he/ she has got …



  post-task activity

  1. p40

  1.     listen and read after the tape. p40

  2.     look and say. p38 p40

  3.     read.


  guessing game.

  4.     teacher asks the students to play a guessing game what he/she has got.

  e.g.: ------has he got…?

  ------yes, he has got… /no.

  ------what has he got?

  ------he has got…



  read page 40 after the tape

  play a guessing game with your parents.




  1) 关注课堂中学生的小组活动,有针对性地进行个别辅导。

  2)  关注绕口令时音近字的读音。同时注意学生在绕口令时的语音语调。

  3) 学会调查报告后的一个口头汇报。


  在while-task activity的环节,可以让学生通过口头汇报调查报告的形式操练,he has got…  然后通过你想了解某人拥有的形式,自由发问:“what has got? ”并请同学来回答。在post-task activity这个环节,采用让学生猜猜好朋友书包里有什么,来巩固句型:------has he got…? ------yes, he has got… /no.  -------what has he got? he has got…,利用学生的好奇心里,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。

1.2 第三教时 篇6

  一、            教学目标:1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i want to … do you want to …2.了解字母组合ar在单词中的发音。3.能诵读歌谣a clock二、            教学重难点:能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i want to … do you want to …三、            教学准备:ppt, things cards, exercise paper四、            教学过程:step1  warming up1.    free talk:t: what day is it today?/how many lessons do you have today on…?/what subject do you like?2.    show teacher’s timetable[ppt]t: this is my timetable. which day is a busy day for me?/what day am i busy?  answer questions.   find the busy day from the timetable.step2  presentation1.    t: friday is a busy day for me./i’m busy on friday.how about you?how about david?2.    review the text [ppt](1)t: what’s the time?/ what time is it?(2)t: what does david do at…?/what is david doing at…?3.    write by memory: 值日,在晚上,准备好做某事,真的很忙,带些面包,六点半4.    check the answer [ppt]answer questions.   look at the clock and say the time.say the things david does according to the text. read the textwrite by memory, then checkstep 3  practice1.    part e [ppt](1)t: what time does david get up?what time do you get up?how about sam?(2)six questions about six pictures.t: what time does sam get up?how does sam go to school at eight?what time do classes begin?(板书begin的同义词start和 -ing形式)do sam and you have lunch at the same time?does sam come home at ten to six or ten past six?what does do at nine?(3) talk about sam’s timetable(4) ask a boy and a girl to talk about their own timetable.  2.    part f (play cards)(1)  t: we do different things at different time. there are many things on your cards. look at your card and think what time do you do it? write the time on the back of the card in english.(2)  play a game:(教师画钟)t(拿一卡have lunch): what time does he/she have lunch? guess!(教师注意记住两三个学生的事情及时间,为d部分做准备) 3.    part d(1)t: look, it’s …(点钟),what is he/she doing?(指着刚才游戏中做该事的同学)(2)直接问该生:what are you doing?(3)t: i want to …do you want to join me?(4)p56(5)play games with cards.教师拿一卡用卡上事情问某同学:i want to …do you want to join me?(6)[ppt]地震图 4.    exercise and check [ppt] 5.    part g(1)[ppt] t: look, liu tao and his friends. let’s play a riddle.t: where are they? ( [ppt] show car)where are they going? ( [ppt] show park )do you know the name of the park? it’s a kind of shape. ( [ppt] show star)why are they going to the star park?(2)[ppt] show 4 words and the phonetic symble(3)read, find other words(记录学生所说单词,最后与quarter区别) 6.    part h(1)[ppt] t: they’re having a good time, but “tick, tock, tick, tock”, time goes fast.(2)[ppt]t: look at the clock. what’s the time?is it late or early?they should go home before dinner students read part e by themselves.  answer the questions         talk about sam’s timetable [ppt]talk about their own timetableeg: i get up at…i go to school at …     write the time in english.   s: …has lunch at…ss read the correct answer together.    s: he/she is …  s: i’m … s: no, i’m … talk about these pictures. 学生看着自己卡上写的事说:no, i’m …   do exercise and check the answer.           try to find 4 words  try to find other words which “ar” pronounced /a:/       ss: it’s ten to eight. ss: it’s very late.ss: read: before dinnerstep 4 consolidation[ppt] finish a passage about time step 5 homework[ppt] blackboard showunit 7 a busy dayi want to…                                   简笔画: 钟面do you want to join me?yes, …/ no, i’m…的单词  设计意图:step1从ppt表格中可以很直观地看到周五最忙,起到承上启下的作用。 step2以ppt“钟面+david做的事”的简单形式复现课文并复习,既复习了时间的表达,又在事件描述中复习强化了句型,同时又给到了学生关于课文的清晰线索,再穿插重点词汇的默写,多方位地帮助学生复习了a、b、c版块内容。 step3 e部分以sam在几点钟做什么事为线索复习单数第三人称陈述句的表达,提问设计富有新意,即以各图片为基点,设计包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句等在内的各类句型,并涉及单、复数及好几个不同疑问词,多方位地帮助学生开拓思维、巩固知识点,水到渠成地完成新授。最后学生通过谈论自己的时刻安排,又很自然地帮助学生从书本过渡到了实践运用。 f部分及d部分都有效地运用了卡片帮助教师达到教学目标。卡片上是各种事情,如play football,do homework等,学生为其配上时间成为完整句子,如:i do homework at seven. 教师再通过提问转而成为第三人称的练习,在转到d部分,顺理成章地完成新句型的新授与操练。 g部分是音标,多数教师会选择读一下一带而过,但这里巧妙地运用ppt,将学生带入了一个猜谜的情景,在快乐的活动中掌握发音与规则,极具新意。

1.2 第三教时 篇7


  1、使学生能听懂、会读、会说、会拼写:holiday early meet before。

  2、使学生能听懂、会读、会说:national day, a farm, a film。


  4、能较熟练地运用句型:what did you do …? what else did you do?





  1、课件。 2、图片。





  unit 5   on the farm

  a: what did you do last national day holiday?

  b: i watched a film.                         

  i visited a farm.                         

  a: what did you do on the farm?               

  b: on monday we watered trees and pulled up carrots.    

  on tuesday  we milked cows.

  a: what else did you do?

  b: we collected eggs.

  we picked oranges and tasted them.


  step1: free talk

  good morning.

  how are you?

  do you have any hobbies?


  what did you do on sunday?

  what else did you do?

  step3: new lesson

  1、what did you do last national day holiday?

  ①出示词组:national day 及 last national day holiday(出现画面,帮      助理解)并朗读拼读有关单词

  ②引导学生思考:what did you do last national day holiday?

  ③出示句型并朗读:what did you do last national day holiday?

  ④师生问答(加上句型:what else did you do? 并出示句型)


  2、课文上半部分 what did nancy/helen do last national day holiday?

  ①出示人物nancy。讲述:“nancy also had the national day holiday. what   did nancy do last national day holiday?”

  ②学生齐问,播放回答:“i watched a film with my family on wednesday.   it was a funny cartoon. we all like it very much.”。

  ③引导学生讲述所听内容并出示句型:“i watched a film.”。

  ④出示图片问:what did helen do last national day holiday? 播放回答:i   visited a farm with my family on monday and tuesday.

  ⑤引导学生讲述所听内容出示句型:i visited a farm.



  3、课文下半部分 what did you do on the farm?

  ①讲述helen did a lot of things on the farm. guess: what did she do on   the farm?

  ②讲述:listen! nancy is asking her for us now? let′s listen “what   did she do on the farm?”.(声音画面同时出现)

  ③讨论helen 所做事情,借以判断学生猜想正确与否。

  on monday?  on tuesday? what else?





  ①出示:10月8日,讲述:it is the first day of school after the national   day holiday.


  ③教授单词:early meet before

  ④讲述:let′s listen what they are talking about.






  ①do a survey

  name what did you do last national day holiday? what else did you do?


  step 4: consolidation



  step 5: work

  it was the _______  _______ _______ last week. nancy _______ a film with her parents. helen _______ a farm. on the farm, she _______trees, _______ _______ carrots, _______cows, _______ eggs, _______ a lot of _______ and _______ them. they were very happy!

1.2 第三教时 篇8

  二  教学目标:

  1 能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词。

  2 能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。

  3 能唱歌曲colour song。

  三  教学重点:

  1 单词:a shirt,a blouse,a jacket,a sweater,a t-shirt,a dress,a skirt,a coat,new和nice。

  2 日常交际用语:look at his/her…  how nice!  look , this is/that’s…

  四  教学难点:

  1 能熟练听说本单元所学的单词。

  2 能在情景中灵活运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。

  五  课前准备:

  1 教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片。

  2 教学准备:课前请每位学生带好彩笔。

  3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题unit 7 it’s nice

  六  教学过程:

  step 1  everyday english

  以good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.  how are you?和学生打招呼,学生依照实际情形回答。

  step 2  revision

  1.复习look at…

  教师指自己的衣服或图片,说look at my…全班学生表示赞叹: it’s pretty/nice/smart./  how nice!

  教师示范几次后请一位学生指自己的衣服,说look at my…同桌学生表示赞叹。

  2.  复习his/her

  教师举起学生的物品说look at his/her…全班学生应答: it’s pretty/nice/smart./ how nice!

  教师取出一大叠图片,一名学生上来任意抽出一张,半班学生说look at his/her… 另半班应答it’s pretty/nice/smart./ how nice!

  3.复习look, this is/that’s…

  出示一系列图片,分别放在近处及远处,从个别到集体操练look,this is/that’s…个别学生上来自己取图片操练句型。

  step 3  presentation and practice


  例:t:(出示dress的图片)what’s this?

  s: it’s a dress.

  t: what colour is the dress?

  s: it’s blue.

  t: yes. this is a blue dress.

  (出示skirt的图片)this is a white skirt.

  ss:(看书上fun house第一部分,模仿t进行练习)

  step 4  listen and number


  the key: (a.6  b.7  c.4  d.2  e.1  f.8  g.3  h.5)

  step 5  draw and guess

  1. t在纸上画件衣服(以本单元所学服装为主),并涂上色。

  2. 先让学生猜画的是什么,学生a coat?a shirt?…

  3. 猜中后,再让学生猜是什么颜色what colour?

  4. 数次示范后,让学生分组练习。可评出猜谜优胜者。

  step 6  sing a song

  1. 学生听录音,跟唱colour song。

  2. 学生唱。

  step 7  practice

  do ex.b,c in wb。

  step 8  homework


  七  板书设计:

1.2 第三教时 篇9


  1. 通过前两课时的学习,学生已经了解了有关人体部位的一些单词,并会进行简单的介绍。

  2. 本课在学习有关指令的同时可以进一步巩固辨别已学单词。


  1. 认知内容:

  a.能听懂指令‘touch your toes.  touch your arms.  wave your hand. ’并能做出反应。

  b.学会用祈使句‘touch your.  wave your. ’结合相关内容发出指令。

  2. 能力要求:


  3. 情感态度:







  pre-task preparation

  play a match.

  ‘ who is the quickest to respond?’


  while-task procedure


  ‘touch your       .’

  1) t: (say the commands and do the actions to elicit the new sentence.)

  have the class listen and follow the teacher.

  2) teach a rhyme about body parts:

  ‘ touch your eyes,

  and touch you toes.

  touch your ears,

  and touch your nose.’



  ‘ wave your       .’


  compare the commands:

  ‘ raise your hand.

  wave your hand.’


  2) ask students to listen to the teacher’s commands and do the actions.

  3) quick response.

  听令快速反应,在实践中进一步区别raise 和wave 的不同含义。

  3. ‘ who is the best little teacher?’

  ask some more able students to order the commands.  the others try to follow and act.


  post-task activity

  play a game.

  ‘simon says’


  assignmentplay the game (simon says) with their friends or parents.

  1a unit4 oxford english book 1a unit 4 第三教时 来自第一范文网。

1.2 第三教时 篇10

  教学过程 :



















  板书设计 :

1.2 第三教时 篇11

  unit 6  doing housework section ⅲ常州市浦前中心小学  邱优芬 一、教学内容:《九年义务教育六年制教科书·牛津小学英语》5a第六单元第三教时(ask and answer&look and say)二、教学目标:   1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇wash, clothes, sleep,jump2、进一步掌握句型what are you doing? im / were……3、进一步掌握句型what are they doing?  theyre……4、熟练运用现在进行时态进行日常交际。三、教学重点及难点:能正确地运用现在进行时态进行日常交际。四、教学难点:单词clothes的发音五、教学准备:教学挂图及习题纸六、教学过程:(通过师生交流,创设英语学习的氛围)step1:free talk:a.t:hello, how are you?   s:fine, thank you.   t:are you free now?   s:no, im not.t:what are you doing?

  s:im having an english lesson. t:how about your mother?what is she doing? s:shes doing housework.b.t:whos your friend?   s:hes .   t:what is he doing?s:hes listening.c.t:hello, do you like swimming?   s1:yes, i do.   t:lets swim.   t:(指着s1)what is she doing?   s:shes swimming.step2.read the book(请2组学生分角色朗读)step3. say a chant(通过chant,使学生能熟练地表达动名词)   t:singing, singing. what are you doing?   s: singing, singing. we are singing.(边说边做动作)(依次说dancing , listening, skiing,standing, reading, watching,sweeping,drawing,swimming)(由chant引出 jumping, 新授jump)step 4.play a game(老师悄声命令s1做动作,然后让学生猜一猜,激发学生学习的兴趣。)t:(悄声告诉s1)draw a picture.s1(学生做动作)t: what is she / he doing guess?s:guess, shes /hes drawing a picture.t:what are you doing?s1:im drawing a picturre.t:yes, youre right / no,youre wrong.分别让学生read the book, sweep the floor, clean the desk……step5.通过play a game  (让学生wash clothes)自然引入新授wash clothes(注意 clothes 的发音)step6. ask and answer(利用多媒体出示c部分的图片)1.通过师生对话,示范图1。t:what are you doing?s:im reading the book.2.看图2 学生合作work in pairs.3.利用图3中的两个人物,师生对话,然后再加入两个人物,创设复数情景。t:what are you doing?

  s:were drawing picture.step7. look and say1.通过师生对话,示范图1t:wheres liu tao?s:hes in the play ground.t:what is he doing?s:hes sleeping.新授sleep2.同桌合作讨论图3、图4 work in pairs编小对话。step8.do exercise and check.(运用c部分图4,  d部分图2)培养学生写的能力。(1)a:hello, is          ben?     b:yes,          is ben.     a:are you free now?     b:no.     a:what are you     ?     b:     are      the toys.     a:see you.(2)a:hi, is        nancy?     b:yes.     a:     david?     b:hes        the                .     a:what                 doing?     b:he                 the book.     a:lets go and find.step9. homework. 1、完成c、d两部分。 2、创设情景用what are you doing? 和what is she/he doing?自编对话。 教后记:针对五年级教材知识面广,信息量大,词汇多的特征,我校英语教研组在本学期特意安排了三节五年级的研讨课,并邀请了区教研室马老师、张老师前来指导。在实际备课和授课的过程中,三位老师通过讨论,合理地组织教材,把a部分的内容分两教时学习,把b部分的单词分解到每一教时中,使学生在真实的语言情境中不知不觉地学会新单词;对于现在进行时态的初次出现,我们从学生实际能力出发,本着接触(sectionⅰ)练习(section ⅱ)—较为熟练(sectionⅲ)—灵活运用(sectionⅳ)的原则,引导学生循序渐进地掌握,并运用chant来巩固现在分词,如: singing, singsing, what are you doing?  singing,  singsing, were singsing。类似的教研活动是我们教研组活动的常规,  在活动过程中加强了教师间的相互交流、沟通合作,促进了青年教师的成长。

  5a第六单元第三教时(ask and answer&look and say) 来自第一范文网。

1.2 第三教时 篇12


  《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》3a第三单元第三教时

  b look and learn 和d 2 play a game


  1.能听懂、会说以下八个水果类单词apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes, pineapples, watermelons。



  能听懂、会说以下八个水果类单词apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes, pineapples, watermelons ;并能初步了解名词复数的读音。




  step 1 free talk

  t:i’m miss liu. nice to meet you.   s1:…

  can you introduce your classmate to me?(引导学生用this is…来介绍同学给老师认识。) you are an apple in my eyes.(遇到表现比较好的同学可以表扬一下,也正好引出水果的单词)(你是老师最喜欢的学生。)

  step 2 presentation

  1. do you know “apple”?

  this is an apple.(老师拿出一个苹果展示)

  an apple 老师领读,学生跟读,开火车读等形式操练。

  this is an apple. this is an apple,too.(左右两只手分别拿着一只苹果)

  they are apples.(引入单词复数)


  apples,apples, i like apples.

  2.what colour is my apple? yellow.

  and i think banana is yellow,too. yes?

  banana,( 出示实物) a banana(学生读,操练新单词)


  3.用颜色大多为黄色的水果再教授 pears, mangoes,pineapples等单词。( 单词操练)

  4.游戏学单词oranges, peaches。(单词操练)

  game:what’s in my bag?

  5.猜谜语学单词。it is a kind of fruit.

  look at it.it is green.

  eat it. it is red or yellow.

  and “啊,吐” it is black.

  guess,what is it?   watermelon.


  step 3 practice

  1.listen to a rhyme:they are all very good.

  2.game: touch and guess; smell and guess.等游戏。

  3.(利用学生手里的水果问)what can you see in his/her hand?

  i can see…

  step 4 d play a game

  1.先出示单独的水果图片或是只有一种的水果图片,鼓励学生用i can see…来描述图片。(课件展示)


  (示范) t: what can you see in the picture?

  i can see an apple.i can see some bananas…

  3. pair work. what can you see?句型问答谈论图片内容。

  step 5 consolidation


  t:hello, miss apple. i’m miss banana.

  this is mr watermelon.and this is my brother,mr pear.(引导学生用nice to meet you .来回答。)

  t: oh, i can see a peach on your desk…

  2.group work.(仿照编一组对话。)

  3.act it out.

  4.exercise: listen and draw.

  step 6 homework


  六、            板书设计

  unit 3 this is my father

  apples      bananas

  peaches     mangoes

  pears        watermelons

  oranges     pineapples

  i can see a…

  i can see some…

  七、            教学后记

1.2 第三教时相关文章:

1.2 第三教时

1.2 第二教时

1.2 氧气的性质和用途

1.2 孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验

1.2 第三教时

【步步高】2014届高考数学一轮复习 §1.2 余弦定理(一)备考练习

5.1.2 垂线

4.1.2 字处理软件

17.1.2 反比例函数的图象和性质学案

1.1-1.2 鸦片战争



1.2 第三教时
