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3A Unit 9 On and off

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3A  Unit 9 On and off


3A Unit 9 On and off(精选2篇)

3A Unit 9 On and off 篇1


  《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》3a unit 9 on and off第一教时


  1、能听懂、会说close/open…及其应答语all right./ok等。、

  2、能听懂、会说常见物品a door, a window, a box, a basket。




  1、单词:a door, a window, a box, a basket。

  2、日常交际用语:close/open…及其应答语all right./ok等


  1、单词a basket 的读音,box 、book、books的区别。




  2、教学准备:在课前让学生学会may i come in? come in, please.这两句话。

  3、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off



  1t: good morning,s1.

  s1:good morning, miss lin.

  t: how are you?

  s1: fine, thank you. and you?

  t: i’m fine, too.



  1、show a box to the students.

  t: this is a box.教师打开盒子

  2 、show a basket to the students.

  t: look, this is a basket.


  3、show a pencil-box and ask the students to guess

  t: what’s in the pencil-box?

  s1: a pen?

  s2: a rubber?


  t: let’s open the pencil-box and have a look. ok?

  teach the word “open”


  t: let’s open the pencil-box.

  ss: all right.

  t: open the pencil-box


  show a picture of a fridge.

  教师引导学生说:“open the fridge, please.”

  s: open the fridge, please.

  t: all right./ok.

  教师做翻开书的动作,引导学生说:“open the book.”随后学生操练open the book,please.

  work in pairs like this:

  sa: open the book, please, .

  sb: ok./all right.

  make up a dialogue like step 2


  open the book/box/pencil-box


  t:open the door, please.(教师指指门,引导学生去开门)


  5、 t: open the door, please. sa.

  s: all right.

  t: thank you.

  teach the word “door”.

  ask students to make up a dialogue .

  6、teach the word “window” in the same way.


  t: boys and girls i'm so cold. who can close the door.

  teach the word “close”.

  学生跟读close、close the door. close the door, please.

  学生跟读close、close the window. close the window, please.

  make up a dialogue like this.(work in pairs.)

  sa: hi, sb. how are you?

  sb: not so good.

  sa: i’m sorry.

  sb: close the door, please.

  sa: all right.

  sb: close the window, please.

  sa: ok.



  1、play a game.(听口令做动作)

  open/close the book./box/pencil-box./door./window/fridge/basket.

  2、say a rhyme “open and close”

  box ,box, open the box , please .

  basket, basket , open the basket, please .

  door,door, close the door ,please .

  window, window , close the window , please ..

  3、听录音跟读53页课文   4、出示同学到家里做客的照片,让学生根据图片编一段新对话。

  例如:s1:(knock at the door.)may i come in?

  s2: (act brother)xiao yu, open the door ,please.

  s3 : all right.

  s3: hi, how are you?

  s1: fine, thank you .and you?

  s3 : i’m fine ,too .this is my father.

  s1: nice to meet you.     s2: nice to meet you ,too. open the fridge , please

  s3: ok.an orange?

  s1:yes,thank you.

  s2:close the fridge, please.

  s3:i’m sorry.

  5、show a picture of unit 8

  s1: good morning,s1.

  s2:good morning,

  s1: how are you?

  s2: fine, thank you. and you?

  s1: i’m fine, too. let’s go to the park.

  s2: good/great, but how?

  s1: by bus.

  s2:ok. close the window, please.

  s2: ok. let’s go.




  教学反思:课堂教学是教与学的双边活动,教学过程中如果只有教师的表演,而没有作为教学的主体—学生的积极参与,教学是不会有成效的,这就要求教师要发努力调动每一位学生学习的积极性,吸引他们参与英语知识学习的过程主动练习。如在本课教学中,师生共演第四幅图的对话:oh ,my jacket .open the door,please./i’m sorry .这一环节,我就特意安排平时不敢开口的一位学生与我配合,出乎同学们的意料,他演得非常投入,尤其是表现

3A Unit 9 On and off 篇2


  1、能听懂、会说turn on/off …及其应答语all right./ok等。

  2、能听懂、会说常见物品a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman.




  1、单词:a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman, turn on, turn off.

  2、日常交际用语:turn on/off…及其回答all right./ok等。


  1、walkman的发音,turn on/off 的连读.




  2、课前准备:发给学生写有on 和off 的小卡片。


  step 1. greetings

  t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you. how are you?

  step 2. revision

  t: good morning,s1.

  s1:good morning, miss sun.

  t: let’s go to beijing. (课件出示几幅地点的图片,指图上的北京天an门)

  s1: good/great, but how?

  t: by plane.

  work in pairs

  step 3. presentation

  1) t:(课前把教室的灯开好)

  t: turn off the light,please.(指指灯,帮助学生完成其任务)

  t:all right.

  teach the word“light”(学生跟读,两两读)

  t: (作关灯的动作) turn off the light.

  let’s turn off the light.

  ss: all right.

  teach the phrase“turn off”(学生跟读,边读边做关灯的动作。)

  教师引导学生说:“turn off the light,please.”

  ss: turn off the light,please.

  t: ok/ all right.


  work in pairs like this:

  s1:turn off the light, please.

  s2:ok/all right.

  2) t show a tap to the students. what’s this?

  t: it’s a tap.

  teach the word: tap

  work in chains like this:

  s1: turn off the tap, please.

  s2: all right. turn off the tap, please.

  s3: ok. ……

  3) point to the tv in the classroom..

  t: look, this is a tv.turn off the tv,please.

  s1: ok/all right.

  学生跟读tv,turn off the tv.

  ask the students to make up the dialogues.

  4) show a walkman to the students.

  t: look, this is a walkman.

  t: who can turn on the walkman? (教师手指随身听)

  s1:all right.(教师引导学生上台打开随身听,播放出英文歌曲,让学生跟着音乐拍手)

  t: oh, let’s go on our class. who can turn off the walkman please?


  t: teach the word “walkman” ,“turn on”

  学生跟读turn on, turn on the light. turn on the walkman。

  make the dialogues like this:

  s1:hello,s2. nice to meet you.

  s2:nice to meet you too.

  s1:turn on the walkman ,please.

  s2: all right.

  step4. consolidation

  1) 跟读课文录音第一、二幅图

  2) t: let’s learn a new rhyme <turn on and turn off>.

  ss: all right.


  turn on the tv. let’s watch tv.

  turn on the light. let’s read books.

  turn off the tv. let’s clean the room.

  turn off the light. let’s go to sleep.


  3) work in pairs like this

  s1: good evening.

  s2:good evening.

  s1: how are you?

  s2: fine, thank you. and you?

  s1: i’m fine, too. let’s go to bed.

  s2: ok.

  s1:turn off the light, please.

  s2: ok.

  step 5. homework



  unit 9 on and off

  turn on /off the light.(图1)     all right/ok.




  3a unit 9 on and off 来自第一范文网。

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3A  Unit 9 On and off
