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Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.-

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Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.-


Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.-(通用3篇)

Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.- 篇1

  teaching plan

  unit 9   my favorite subject is science一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握下列词汇: free, cool, tuesday, wednesday, a.m., p.m., useful, from…to, mrs. finish, lesson, hour, have art lesson… 2) 学习表示星期的名词,并理解星期与日期的区别。3)  继续复习“谈论偏爱”和“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构;4) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。5) 阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 情感态度价值观目标:本课时的学习内容贴近学生的学习生活,谈论的话题是喜欢的学科和一周的课程安排。通过互相询问和谈论彼此所喜欢的学科以及彼此理想的课程安排,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,培养学生热爱学习和良好的学习、生活习惯。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)能谈论他人所喜欢的科目,及原因,询问课程的时间安排。2)谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。3)阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 教学难点:1) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。2) 阅读有关课程安排的短文,并能获得相关信息。 三、教学过程step 1. warming- up and revision1. greet the ss as usual. 2. review the sentence structures learned yesterday. t asks a student as a model. then let ss work in pairs to make their own conversations.  t: what's your favorite subject, s1?  s1: my favorite subject is music?  t: why do you like music?  s1: because it's interesting.  t: who is your music teacher?  s1: ms. hu.3. ss work in pairs to make their own conversations. let some pairs act out their conversations. step 2.  presentation 1: brain storm   according to the topic, think up the basic contents about the topic-----school subjects. 2: show how to talk about the school subjects such as “what”, “who”, “where”, “when”, and “why”. 3: explain each aspects 4. pair worksfirst, ask students to make up a conversation according to what they learn.pair work: make conversations.step 3.  reading 1. jenny is yu mei's pen friend from the u.s.a. yu mei writes a letter to jenny to tell her about her classes on friday. now read the letter quickly and find the answer to this question: what's yu mei's favorite subject?2. ss read the letter quickly and find the answer to the question.3. check the answers. 4. read the letter again. underline the subjects that yu mei likes. circle the subjects she doesn't like.  指导:找到于梅周所上的学科较为简单。而确定此学科于梅是喜欢还是不喜欢,则应根据她对本学科的评价所用形容词。比如是interesting, fun, relaxing等词,应表明她喜欢此学科。而如果是boring, difficult等词则表明她不喜欢此学科。5. ss read the letter and underline the subjects that yu mei likes. circle the subjects she doesn't like.  6. check the answers. step 4.  reading  1. t: read the letter again and complete yu mei's schedule with the information in 2b.  2. 指导:短文按时间顺序介绍了于梅周五这天繁忙的课程活动。扑捉学科名称及上课时间是填写此表格的关键。寻找短文中“at …, i have ….或i have …at ….”之类的关键句,便可写出。注意该句“lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have chinese.”中午12点是于梅吃午饭(have lunch)的时间,1点是她上语文课的时间。3. ss read the letter again and complete the chart. then check the answers. 4. grammar explanation: fun, finish, for+一段时间5. according a timetable, let ss retell the letter.step 5. writing write  back  to yu mei and tell her about the classes on monday and what subjects you like. (假如你是jenny,写一封回信给yu mei) t: what subjects do you like? write a letter for yu mei. how to write a letter? dear yu mei, thank you for your letter! ``````````````````````````````your friends,jennytimetable:mondaytimesubjects7:25 to 7:45morning reading7:45 to 8:30chinese9:00 to 9:45chinese9:55 to 10:40english 10:50 to 11:35math11:40 to 2:00lunch 2:00 to 2:45biology2:55 to 3:40e.p.3:50 to 4:35politicsaccording to the timetable, and use the words: in the morning, in the afternoon, at noon, firstly, then, after that, finally, from…to…step 6: exercisesstep 7: summarystep 8: homework design(设计)your ideal(理想)school day, then tell us why. write a report.

Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.- 篇2

  unit 5 my favorite subject is science.


  unit 5 my favorite subject is science.  (section b)

  (一)课标词汇、重点短语 、句型结构   

  (二)语法知识:adjectives of quality  表示品质的形容词

  (三)语言运用:talk about schedule   谈论时间表



  1. --- when do you have math?

  --- i have math on monday, wednesday and friday.

  * have

  * sunday  monday  tuesday  wednesday  thursday  friday  saturday

  what day is it today?

  it’s sunday.

  * on

  2. i’m really busy.


  be busy with

  be busy doing

  3. next, at 10:00, i have art.


  4. after class i have volleyball for two hours.

  *after class


  5. our teacher is very strict and i’m usually very tired after class.


  be strict with

  be strict in


  6. miss wang asks me.



  7. i don’t like any subject.


  8. i like to play with my dog.

  *play with


  9. but his “subject” is only running around with me.



  adjectives of quality  表示品质的形容词

  (三)语言运用:talk about schedule   谈论时间表

  curriculum  schedule

  monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

  1 chinese math english math chinese

  2 history english biology english modern teenagers

  3 math chinese p.e. geography math

  4 english chinese math biology music

  5 psychology & gymnastics p.e. geography history art

  6 design & technology moral chinese oral english english

  7 class-meeting self-study chinese computer p.e.



  (    ) 1. do you like physical education? __________.

  a. yes, but it’s difficult.        b. no, it’s boring.  

  c. around 2:00 p.m.      d. yes, it’s great.

  (    ) 2. what’s your favorite subject? __________.

  a. i like math.        b. take a shower.   

  c. science is fun.    d. art is exciting.

  (    ) 3. when do you eat breakfast? __________.

  a. around seven        b. usually at 8:00   

  c. at eight o’clock.  d. i watch tv.

  (    ) 4. what’s your favorite day? __________.

  a. it isn’t monday        b. i’m fine, thanks. 

  c. tuesdays are fun.      d. i like sunday.

  (    )5. what’s your favorite color? __________.

  a. i don’t know.          b. that’s great.    

  c. red, i think.           d. blue or green.


  1. our math teacher is very s__________ and he makes us very tired.

  2. —what’s your f___________ sport?   —soccer.

  3. linda likes art and music because they are r______________.

  4. my favorite s___________ is science.

  5. i like english because it is i______________.


  1  ! my name    2   dona. i’m fourteen     3  . i like meeting my friends   4__   going to movies. my favorite    5   is brad pitt.

  i am mark. i’m sixteen. i    6   like sports. i    7   french very well and i like biology. i want    8   everything about it.

  this is liz. she is thirteen.   9   favorite thing is swimming and she can swim very    __10  . she likes music. she says it’s exciting.

  (    )1. a. hi         b. thanks        c. sorry        d. yes

  (    )2. a. am         b. is             c. be           d. are

  (    )3. a. years       b. year old        c. years old     d. old

  (    )4. a. but         b. and           c. or            d. so

  (    )5. a. subject     b. sport          c. day          d. actor

  (    )6. a. doesn’t      b. am not       c. don’t         d. not

  (    )7. a. tell         b. talk           c. say          d. speak

  (    )8. a. to learn      b. learn        c. learns        d. learning

  (    )9. a. she        b. her           c. she’s         d. hers

  (    )10. a. good       b. nice           c. fine         d. well


  subject amy’s comments

  english this class is ok. i like the teacher, mrs. robert.

  math i don’t like math. math is difficult for me.

  history this class is great! mr. brown is a very good teacher. history is an interesting subject and it’s my favorite.

  p.e. this class is fun. i like to play basketball and soccer.

  biology this class is a little boring. my teacher, mrs jones, is very strict.

  music this class is exciting but a little difficult. it’s my last class, so i’m usually tired.

  1. does amy like math?

  2. what class is fun for amy?

  3. how does amy feel in music class?

  4. who is her english teacher?

  5. what does amy think of her biology teacher, mrs jones?

  6. why does amy like history?

  五、书面表达: 谈谈你对各门功课及任课老师的看法。



  1. c    2. b    3. d    4. b     5. b


  1. strict  2. favorite  3. relaxing  4. subject  5. interesting


  1-5  a b c b d  6-10  c d a b d


  1. no, she doesn’t.     2. p.e.     3. she’s usually tired.

  4. mrs. robert      5. she thinks mrs jones is very strict.

  6. because mr. brown is a very good teacher and history is an interesting subject.


  answers will vary.

Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.- 篇3

  unit 5 my favorite subject is science.


  unit 5 my favorite subject is science.  (section a)


  (二)语法知识:what / why/ who questions  特殊疑问句

  (三)语言运用:talk about preferences   谈论喜好;

  give reasons    表述理由



  1. —what’s your favorite subject?

  —my favorite subject is science.



  chinese  math   english   social   history   geography   biology  

  music   p.e.   art   it


  2. —why do you like p.e.?

  —because it’s fun.


  3. —who is your science teacher?

  —my science teacher is mrs. jones.




  4. description word

  5. partner

  6. city

  7. dad


  what / why/ who questions  特殊疑问句




  (三)语言运用:talk about preferences   谈论喜好;

  give reasons    表述理由

  a. 根据学校某一天的课程表,在下表中填写具体的时间、课程以及喜欢或不喜欢的理由:

  time things to do like dislike reasons(理由)

  in the morning 8: 00 — 8: 45 have english class √   interesting

  in the afternoon 2: 30 — 3: 15 history   √ boring

  b. 为自己设计在校学习生活中最理想的一天的课程表及作息时间表。在表格中填写出具体的时间、活动和理由。

  c. 参考表格信息写一篇短文,谈谈你在学校生活中最喜欢的一天。



  (   )1. —_______ is your favorite subject?   —it’s math.    

  a. why       b. what       c. how

  (   )2. —what’s your mother’s favorite _______?  —it’s blue.

  a. food         b. subject       c. color

  (   )3. the girl likes music, but she _______ like p.e.   

  a. is          b. isn’t       c. doesn’t

  (   )4. mrs. zhang teaches ________ chinese. we like ________ class very much.

  a. me; her     b. us; his      c. us; her


  (   )1. what is your favorite subject?          a. she has music at 10 o’ clock.

  (   )2. why does he like p.e?                 b. mrs. green.

  (   )3. who is her history teacher?           c. it is science.

  (   )4. does maria like p.e?                 d. because it’s relaxing.

  (   )5. what time does she have music?        e. she doesn’t like mr. wall.

  f. yes, she does.


  because   at   don’t   favorite   get   go   have   lunch   on   teacher

  i _______ up at 7:00 and i _______ to school at 8:00. i _________ science at 9:00 and then i have math class at 10:00. math is my ___________ subject. i like math ___________ it’s interesting. mr li is my math ___________. i eat ___________ at 12:00 and then i have music at 1:00. i have history class _______ 2:00. i _________ like history. but i really like my art class. i have art class _________ wednesday at 2:00.


  my name is peter. i’m eleven years__1__. i have__2__ classes in the morning.__3__ are english, math, history and p.e. i have english__4__ 8:00. it’s the first class.__5__ english, i have math. and__6__ i have history. the__7__ class is p.e. it’s my favorite subject. all my classes__8__  at 12:00. then i__9___  lunch. in the afternoon i usually__10___ to a movie.

  (   )1. a. small       b. short      c. new       d. old

  (   )2. a. three       b. five       c. four       d. no

  (   )3. a. they       b. you       c. we        d. these

  (   )4. a. in         b. at         c. for        d. around

  (   )5. a. before     b. at         c. after       d. under

  (   )6. a. because     b. then        c. so         d. really

  (   )7. a. first        b. third       c. fourth      d. fifth

  (   )8. a. have       b. leave       c. finish      d. start

  (   )9. a. eat         b. has        c. like        d. open

  (   )10. a. want      b. have       c. listen       d. go

  五、阅读短文, 填日程表并判断正(t)误(f)

  david and his brother don’t go to school in the morning. they go to school after lunch. they have math at one o’clock. david likes math because it’s interesting, but greg doesn’t. david and greg have music at two-fifteen. it’s greg’s favorite subject because it’s relaxing. he plays the piano and sings. david doesn’t play the piano, but he plays the violin. at three-fifteen, they have science. they don’t like the teacher, mr jones, because he is very strict. at four-thirty, they have p.e. they like the p.e. teacher, mr wright, and they like p.e. because it’s fun.

  class time

  1. math 

  2. music 

  3. science 

  4. p.e. 

  5. david and greg go to school in the afternoon.

  6. greg thinks music is boring

  7. greg likes math because it’s interesting

  8. david plays the violin

  9. science is greg’s favorite subject.

  10. david and greg like the science teacher.

  11. mr wright is the p.e. teacher.  

  12. they think p.e. is difficult.



  1. b    2. c    3. c    4. c


  1. c    2. d    3. b    4. f    5. a


  get,  go,  have,  favorite,  because,  teacher,  lunch,  at,  don’t,  on


  1~5  d c a b c   6~10  b c c a d


  class time

  1. math 1:00 p.m.

  2. music 2:15 p.m.

  3. science 3:15 p.m.

  4. p.e. 4:30 p.m.

  5~12  t f f t f f t f

Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.-相关文章:

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Unit 5 My favorite subject is science.-
