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Unit 5 A Food Festival

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Unit 5 A Food Festival


Unit 5 A Food Festival(精选3篇)

Unit 5 A Food Festival 篇1

  lesson two(一)大声读单词:1. menu   n. 菜单2. meal  n. 餐,饭 3. soy sauce  n. 酱油  cs[i]  ]s:cs[4. sauce  n. 调味汁,沙司5. cheese  n.  奶酪6. tomato   n.  西红柿7. meat   n.  肉8. taste   n.  味道  v. 品出味道9. sweet   adj.  甜的 10. spicy   adj. 辛辣的;有香料味的11. salty   adj.  咸的12. share   v. 分享13. cost   v. 价钱为,花费14. buy   v. 买  15. part of  部分的16. go well with   相处的好17. no way. 决不。 (二)重点词汇:meat 要点:不可数名词 例句:a slice of meat  一片肉don’t eat too much meat.  别吃太多的肉。 tomato 要点:tomato - tomatoes例句:i like eating tomatoes.  我喜欢吃西红柿。  cost 要点:cost (sb.) + 钱例句:the book cost him around ten yuan. 这本书花去他十元。how much/what does it cost?   这东西值多少钱?these chairs cost 40 yuan each.   这些椅子每把价钱为40元。salty 要点:salt  n. 食盐 –  salty adj. 有盐份的,咸味浓的例句:the vegetables need more salt.   这些蔬菜需要加些盐。the soup is too salty.    这汤太咸了。go well with要点:相配, 相处的好 例句:fish doesn't go well with mutton.    鱼和羊肉在一起不好吃。    garlic goes well with dumpling.     大蒜和饺子在一起很好吃。  (三)课文解析: 1. look at this menu, amy? 要点:look at sth.   例句:look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 要点:look for sth. 例句:she is looking for her lost book.   她正在寻找丢失的书。要点:look after sb. 例句:who will look after your sister when you are at school? 你在学校的时候谁照顾你妹妹?2. the food all look so delicious. 要点:all的用法 :实义动词前;be 动词后;名词前例句:we all like cartoon movies. 我们都喜欢卡通片。 they all come from china.  他们都来自中国。 we are all students from harbin.  我们都是来自哈尔滨的学生。they are all good teachers.  他们都是好老师。 all the books are english. 所有的书都是英语书。 all children should go to school when they are 6.  所有到六岁的孩子都应该去上学 。3. i’ll try the hot and sour soup.     我先喝酸辣汤。     i’ll try the dumplings.     我先尝尝饺子。     which food will you try?  你想尝试哪一种食品?要点:try sth. 尝试,试用,试吃例句:she tried a new computer. 她试用了一款新电脑。    i want to try some indian dishes.  我想尝尝印度菜。 要点:try to do   设法去做某事  例句:i will try to learn spanish. 我要设法学习西班牙语。 4. how about sharing them?  要点:how about doing sth. = what about doing sth.    做某事怎么样?例句:how about playing soccer? = what about playing soccer?  踢足球怎么样?要点:share – sharing    v. 分享;分担例句:sam and i share a room.  山姆和我合住一间房间。    we should learn to share our books.   我们应该学会分享我们的书籍。5. dumplings are good for a snack or as part of a meal. 要点:be good for  对……有好处 例句:reading is good for your mind.  读书对你的头脑有好处。    doing sports is good for your body.  做运动对你的身体有好处。 要点:be bad for  对……有坏处  例句:smoking is bad for your health.  吸烟有害健康。 要点:part of  一部分 例句:a part of my books are novels.    我的书一部分是小说。      reading is part of my life.         读书是我生命中的一部分。 6. chinese people often eat these with soy sauce. 要点:with  ①with表拥有某物i want a big house with a nice garden. 我想有一个带花园的大房子。the old man lived with a little dog on the island.  这个老人和一条小狗住在岛上。 ②with表用某种工具或手段tom drew the picture with a pencil.   汤姆用铅笔画画。③with表人与人之间的协同关系make friends with sb  和某人交朋友 talk with sb  和某人交谈play with sb  和某人玩耍  go well with  搭配,相处的好④with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在……身上,在……身边之意the girl with golden hair looks beautiful.那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。do you have money with you?   身上带着钱吗?  7. eat it and enjoy the hot taste. 译文:品尝它,享受辛辣的味道。要点:enjoy  v. 喜欢      enjoy sth./ doing sth. 例句:do you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗? i enjoy listening to light music.   我喜欢听轻音乐。do you enjoy reading?   你喜欢读书吗?he doesn't enjoy singing.   他不喜欢唱歌。many students enjoy asking questions in english.  许多学生喜欢用英语问问题。要点:enjoy  享受……的乐趣    enjoy oneself  过得愉快、玩得高兴例句:i enjoyed myself very much at the party.  我在聚会时玩得真开心。8. a traditional food from america, hamburgers can have cheese, tomatoes, and other things on top of the meat. 译文:来自美国的传统食品, 汉堡包里可以有奶酪,西红柿和其他的东西放在肉的上边。要点:traditional   adj. 传统的the traditional breakfast in this area includes milk and eggs.这个地区传统的早饭包括牛奶和鸡蛋。例句:on the top of  在……之上the tower is on the top of the hill. 塔位于山顶上。 9. what food can come with cheese? 译文:什么食物能和奶酪搭配食用?要点:come with 例句:please come with me. 请跟我来。 

Unit 5 A Food Festival 篇2


  一. 教学内容:unit 5 a food festival 二. 重点、难点:  words, phrases and sentences  三. 具体内容:

  lesson one(一)大声读单词:1. festival   n. 节日2. snack   n. 小吃,点心3. world   n. 世界4. sausage  n. 香肠,腊肠5. german   n. 德国人6. sour   adj.  酸的7. soup  n. 汤8. dumpling   n. 饺子 9. tailand    n. 泰国 10. so far  迄今为止  (二)重点词汇:1. festival 要点:festival 例句:christmas is one of the festivals in the united states of america. 圣诞节是美国的主要节日之一。要点:spring festival  春节  /   a food festival  美食节   例句:chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the spring festival.    中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。there will be a food festival on sunday.  周日将会有一个美食节。 2. snack 例句:i prefer to snack when i'm traveling rather than have a full meal.    我旅行时喜欢吃小吃而不吃正餐。we were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.    我们时间很紧, 只好胡乱吃了顿小吃。i'm not very hungry—a small snack is fine for me.     我不太饿——来点小吃就够了。3. world 例句:he is the richest man in the world.    他是世界上最富有的人。    i want to travel around the world.     我想环游世界。  4. german 要点:germany – german   a german scientist came to my school.   一位德国科学家来到了我的学校。germany is a european country.         德国是一个欧洲国家。 (三)重点句型:1. what a great food it is!   =  how great the food is! 2. would like to do sth. = want to do sth.     i would like to have some rice.  = i want to have some rice. 

Unit 5 A Food Festival 篇3

  lesson three (一)大声读单词: 1. germany   n.  德国 2. hot dog   n.  热狗     (二)语法提示: 特殊疑问词: when  / where  /  who  /  what  /  why  /  which how  /  how many  /  how much  /  how old  /  how long 其他: how often 几次?  /  what time 几点?  /  what color 什么颜色? what day 什么日子?  /   what else 其他什么? 特殊疑问句:     特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 when do you eat breakfast?                                       i have breakfast at six. where are you going?                                               i’m going to shanghai. who is he?                                                              he is my brother. what are they doing?                                             they are singing. why do you like english?                                        because english is interesting. which books do you like best?                                   i like little prince the best. how many bags do you have?                                   i have five bags.   

  lesson four (一)重点词组: study english  学习英语 like the most 最喜欢 clean your room  打扫你的房间 on the weekends   在周末 a lot of chocolate    很多巧克力  hot dogs  热狗  

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