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Unit 7 At the Restaurant

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Unit 7 At the Restaurant


Unit 7 At the Restaurant(精选3篇)

Unit 7 At the Restaurant 篇1

  lesson 3(一)重点解析:过去进行时态概念:指过去某一时刻或过去某一段时间内正在发生或进行的动作。构成方式:助动词be(was, were)+ 现在分词。用法:1. 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作:例:moody was listening to the radio when i went into room.我走进房间时,穆迪正在听收音机。例:they were watching tv just now.他们刚才在看电视。2. 表示过去某段时间正在进行的动作:例:they were building the bridge this time last year.去年的这个时候,他们正在建桥。例:it was raining all day long yesterday.昨天一整天都在下雨。3. 表示移动的动词的过去进行时,可以表示过去将要发生的动作:come, start, stay, leave, fly等。例:i asked him whether he was coming back for supper.我问他是否回来吃晚饭。例:pat and linda were leaving the following day.帕特和琳达第二天将要离开。4. 过去进行时动词常与always, forever, continually, constantly, frequently等副词连用,代替一般过去时,强调过去经常性或习惯性的动作,表现出说话人的赞美、厌烦等情绪。例:he was forever complaining about something.他老是怨这怨那。 例:that man was constantly asking questions during the meeting.开会期间,那个男人老是没完没了地提问题。 【特别提示】(1)静态动词如be, have, seem, depend on(依靠)等一般不能用于进行时态。(2)表示知觉、认识或感情的动词如see, hear, believe, know, like, love, want, wish等一般也没有进行时态。 lesson 4(一)大声读单词1. steamed   adj. 蒸的 (二)重点词汇1. steamed   要点:adj. cooked or treated by steam 蒸的steamed bread 馒头 【典型例题】1. if i can’t believe you,          ?a. who else can i believeb. who else i can believec. else who can i believe2. my good friend always         my food when we go to a restaurant.    a. pays for          b. gives               c. pays of 3. someone knocked at the door         i was listening to music.     a. while              b. when                 c. during4. philip        his coat       a hook behind the door.    a. hung, in        b. hung, on        c. hanged, on 5. which word stress is different from the other two?    a. bottom         b. fiddle          c. excited 答案:1. a     2. a     3. a     4. b     5. c

Unit 7 At the Restaurant 篇2

  一. 教学内容:unit 7 at the restaurant 二. 重点、难点:    words, phrases & sentences 三. 详细内容lesson 1(一)大声读单词1. side order  配餐2. bacon    n. 咸肉,熏肉3. else     adv. 另外,其他4. toast    n. 烤面包(片),吐司面包;干杯5. pancake  n. 薄烤饼6. coke     n. 可乐,可口可乐 (二)重点词汇1. side order  配餐2. bacon    要点:n. the salted and smoked meat from the back and sides of a pig.    咸猪肉,熏猪肉: 猪后背和两侧腌过及熏过的肉    bring home the bacon 获得成功;维持家庭生计   save one’s bacon幸免3. else     要点:adv. 1) besides, other另外,其他    when else can we come again? 我们什么时候还能来呢?little else remains to be done today.今天没有什么事要做的了。2) otherwise, if not 否则,如果不    be careful, or else you will make a mistake. 小心,否则你会犯错的adj. 1)other; different: 其他的;不同的    ask somebody else. 问问别人吧。    somebody else’s cup 别人的杯子    who else’s? (= whose else ?) 另外什么人的呢?2) additional; more 附加的;更多的:would you like anything else? 还想再要些别的吗?4. toast    要点:n. 1)sliced bread heated and browned. 烤面包片:被加热并变成棕黄色的面包片chona has toast, fried egg and milk for her breakfast. 2)the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to the health of a person or thing. 干杯: 向一个人或物表示敬意或祝一个人健康而举杯饮酒的动作    exchange toasts相互敬酒3) a proposal to drink to someone or something or a speech given before the taking of such a drink. 祝酒: 为某人或某物而干杯的建议或喝这种酒以前的一个讲话v. 1) vt.to heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire.    烘、烤: 通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色   2) to warm thoroughly, as before a fire: 烘热使……完全温暖,如在一堆火前:toast one’s feet.烘脚vi. to become toasted: 被烘烤:this bread toasts well.这个面包烤得不错5. pancake  要点:n. 薄烤饼知识拓展:pan(n. 平锅) + cake(n. 蛋糕, 饼)6. coke     要点:n. a trademark used for a soft drink.可口可乐:一种用于软饮料上的商标

Unit 7 At the Restaurant 篇3

  lesson 2(一)大声读单词1. pay     v. 付钱2. restroom   n. 公共卫生间3. paper      n. 纸4. somewhere  adv. 某处,在某处5. sea        n. 海洋6. notice     v. 注意到7. while      conj. 在……的时候8. something  pron. 某事,某物9. woman      n. 女人10. part      n. 部分,零部件11. over      prep. 在……之上,越过12. friendly  adj. 友好的13. mostly    adv. 主要地,大部分14. hang      v. 悬挂15. thai      n. 泰国人,泰国语16. sign      n. 标记,符号,记号(二)重点词汇1. pay   paid, paid要点:v. 1)to give (money) in return for goods or services 支付,付钱:因所提供的服务或商品而付给钱:    pay the cashier. 向出纳员付款    he paid 5 yuan for the book. 他买这本书花了五元钱。    pay cash付现款  pay the taxi付出租汽车费 pay a bill for a room 付房租2)to give what is owed, to hand over the amount of (wages, a debt, ransom, etc.)偿付:例如:工资,债务,赎金等。—can you lend me some money? —i can pay you back  tomorrow. 你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。 have i paid you back the $20 you lent me? 你借给我的二十美元我还给你了吗?pay the penalty 交罚金  pay workers 给工人发工资3)to be profitable or worth while 生利;有……收益;值得(麻烦);合算it pays me to keep that stock.  持有那种股票对我有利。 it will pay to read a dictionary if you have time.如果你有时间,翻翻词典是值得的。it wouldn’t pay me to take that job. 做那个工作对我没好处。n.1)wages 薪水, 工资    in the pay of 被收买的;被豢养的;当狗腿子的this man is in the pay of the enemy. 此人是被敌人收买的。pay back1) 报复 (= pay off, pay out, serve out) i’ll certainly pay you back for what you did to me!你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!2) 偿还;偿付 how can i pay you back for all your kindness? 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢?pay one’s respects to 向……致敬   pay attention to 注意, 留心2. restroom   要点:n. 公共卫生间,公共厕所知识拓展:rest(n.休息) + room (n. 房间)3. paper  要点:n. 1)纸a sheet of paper 一张纸 all difficulties are also paper tigers.一切困难也都是纸老虎。2)纸制品a paper plate  纸盘子 3)报纸have you seen today’s paper? 你看到今天的报纸了吗?4)试卷;考卷a history paper 一份历史试卷“the history paper was really easy, so was the biology one.”“历史试题确实容易,生物试题也很容易。”5)文章;论文;文件read a paper 宣读一篇论文 your english paper is due. 你的英语课作业该交了。a white paper白皮书(指政府调查报告书)customs papers海关文件on paper理论上的;未经实践考验的this plan seems good on paper. 这个计划在理论上似乎很好。4. somewhere  要点:adv. 1) at, in, or to a place not specified or known:在某处: 在或到某个不确定或不知道的地方:at last he found somewhere to park the car. 最后他找到了某个地方来停车。go somewhere out of town 到城外某处去2) to a place or state of further development or progress:    到某种程度: 达到发展或进步的某个地方或某种状态:finally getting somewhere. 最终取得某些进展3) approximately; roughly: 大约;差不多:somewhere about halfway through. 刚好是全程的一半somewhere about five o’clock 大约五点钟n.an unknown or unspecified place: 某处: 一个未知或不特定的地方:    the troops have been sent to somewhere at the front.部队被派到前线某地去了。知识拓展:some某+ where处5. sea     要点:n. 1)大海,海洋north sea 北海 “at the beginning of the journey, the sea was asleep.”“刚起程时海上风平浪静。”2)(与of连用)似海的东西;广阔,无限,浩瀚a sea of flames  一片火海by sea乘船,经海路  go to sea当水手  at sea在海上航行;茫然,迷惑i am quite at sea in regard to his explanation. 他的解释使我如堕入雾中。6. notice  要点:v. to take notice of; observe: 注意……;发觉:i noticed a figure in the doorway. 我注意到门廊上的人影。    did you notice him leave the house? 你看到他离开房间了吗?and you didn’t notice anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有?n. 1)a written or printed announcement 公告:书面或印刷通告:a notice of sale. 拍卖的书面通知the notice on the door said that the library was closed. 门上的通知说图书馆关门了。can you be ready at short notice?  你能一接到通知马上就准备好吗?there were lots of notices on the notice-board. 布告栏上有许多布告。2)the act of noting or observing; perception or attention:注意: 注意或发现的行为;察觉:that detail escaped my notice. 我没注意到这项细节it attracts one’s notice. 它惹人注目。3) respectful attention or consideration: 关心: 尊敬的注意或考虑:grateful for the teacher’s notice. 感激老师的关心7. while   n.1)a period of time: 一段时间:stay for a while停留一会儿; she sang all the while. 她一直都在唱歌once in a while有时;偶而 2)the time, effort, or trouble taken in doing something:费时: 做一件事情花费的时间、努力或工夫:worth one’s while值得;有价值the project wasn’t worth my while. 这项方案不值得我花工夫。conj.1)as long as; during the time that: 只要;在……时间里: while in vienna he studied music. 他在维也纳时学习音乐。while he was eating, i asked him to lend me $2.当他正在吃饭时,我请他借给我二英镑。2)at the same time that; although: 在……同时;尽管,虽然:while i understand what you say, i can’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。you like tennis, while i’d rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。vt.(与away连用) 消磨;度过they while away many afternoons on the beach.  他们在海滩消磨了许多个下午。8. something  要点:pron. an undetermined or unspecified thing: 某事、物:没有决定或未特指的事物:there was something i wanted to show you. 我有一样东西要给你看。i want sth. to eat. 我要吃点东西。i want to tell you sth. 我想告诉你一件事。something of: to some extent: 在某种程度上:he is something of a scholar. 他略有学问。he is really something! 他真是个了不起的人物。there is something in what you say. 你所说的有些道理。theory is something, but practice is everything. 理论虽重要, 实践更重要。adv. a little; somewhat: 稍微;有点:it rained something awful last night.昨晚雨下得很大。she looks something like her mother. 她看上去有点像她妈妈知识拓展:some某一+thing事物9. woman  pl. women;要点:n. 1)an adult female human being.女人;女性成人    a single woman 未婚女子2) women considered as a group; womankind:女人(总称): 被看作为一个群体的女人;妇女:    woman lives longer than man in most countries.在多数国家妇女的寿命比男人的长。he is a woman in tenderness. 他温柔得像女人。adj. 妇女的, 女性的a woman doctor女医生  a woman teacher女教师10. part  要点:n.部分, 局部, 零件, 角色part of / a part of the meat was spoilt. 一部分肉已经坏了。parts of this town are beautiful. 这城镇的部分地区很美。 which part of the town do you live in? 你住在城里的哪一部分?do you sell motorcycle parts? 你们出售摩托车备件吗?which part do you play? 你演哪一个角色?v. 分开;使分开part gold from silver 分开金与银a huge rock parts the stream. 一块巨大的岩石使溪水分流。it’s not easy to part with one’s children. 同自己的子女分离是不容易的the policeman parted the crowd. 警察分散开众人。adv.部分地, 有几分11. over      要点:prep. 1)在……上方;在……上面the lamp hung over the table. 那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。they talked over our heads. 他们讲得我们莫名其妙。2)覆盖在……之上a blanket lying over a bed 一条盖在床上的毛毯with a newspaper over one’s face 用一张报纸盖着脸3)跳过;跳到;跳上to jump over the wall 跳过(上)墙4)横越,横跨a bridge over the river 横跨河流的桥the ball rolled over the grass. 球滚过草地。5)在……那边;在……对面over the street 街的对面6)从……(的边缘上)往下to fall over the cliff 从悬崖上掉下去7)遍及they travelled (all) over europe. 他们游遍了欧洲。8)高于……;在……之上(支配,命令)rule over 统治9)等级比……高;支配i don’t want anyone over me. 我不想受任何等级比我高的人支配。10)多于;超过over 20 books 20多本书11)在……期间over the years 在这些年12)直到……之后;直至……are you staying over christmas?  你打算留下过圣诞节吗?13)通过he spoke to me over the telephone. 他用电话跟我说话。14)关于;对于taking a long time over it 花长时间讨论它adv.1)越过;溢出the milk’s boiling over! 牛奶煮得溢出来了。 2) 翻;颠倒; 翻转turn the page over. 翻过这一页。 3) 完全地;从头到尾地i have read it over. 我曾读过一遍。you’d better think it over carefully. 你最好仔细考虑一下。 4) 横过;过来i asked her over. 我请她过来的。he’s coming over. 他正走过来。5) 再,重复地several times over 好几次,多次try it over. 再试试看。6) 剩余,多余was there any money over? 还有剩余的钱吗?7) 互换;对调change these two pictures over. 把这两张画对换一下。8) 从一个(人、团体)到另一个;交付hand over the money 交钱9) 太;过分地over anxious 过分焦虑be over careful 过分细心10) 全部地;覆盖全面paint it over. 全部油漆。 the wound healed over. 伤口全部愈合了。11) 结束,完毕when we arrived the film was over. 当我们到达时,电影结束了。12. friendly  要点:adj. 1)of, relating to, or befitting a friend:友好的,朋友的: 与朋友有关的或适合做朋友的:friendly advice. 友好的建议he is friendly to us all. 他对我们大家都很友好。a friendly dog came to meet us. 一条友好的狗出来迎接我们。a friendly shower及时雨   a friendly warning忠告he spoke in a friendly way. 他说话的态度很亲切。he’s a friendly sort of fellow. 他是和善的人。2) favorably disposed; not antagonistic:友善的,表示赞赏的;不反对的:a government friendly to our interests. 符合我们利益的政府this company has never been friendly to change. 这家公司从不支持改革。13. mostly    要点:adv. 1)for the greatest part; mainly. 多半地;主要地    the earth here is mostly clay. 这儿的土大部分是黏土。most of the americans use their cars mostly for their job.大多数美国人的汽车主要是用来上班的。2)generally; usually.普遍地;通常地    our weather has been mostly warm. 我们这里的天气多半是暖和的。知识拓展:(most + -ly)most adj. many, much 的最高级: 1) (常用 the most) 最多的, 最大的, 最高程度的2) 多数的, 多半的, 大部分的most effective range最有效的射程  the most votes最多的票数who has the most need of help? 谁最需要帮助?n.1) 最大量, 最高额, 最多数2) 大多数; 大部分; 大多数人 most of the people are aware of it. 多数人知道这个。 he has been ill most of the term. 这学期大部分时间他一直生病。adv.(much 的最高级)  最多, 最, 非常, 极a most beautiful woman 非常漂亮的妇女  most-favored-nation clause最惠国条款he worked (the) most. 他工作得最多。most everybody talks about it. 几乎每个人都在谈论这件事14. hang      要点:v. hung, hung , 1) vt. 悬挂,吊to hang a picture on the wall 把画挂在墙上i hung my coat (up) on a hook. 我把外套挂在挂钩上。hang your hat on the hook.把帽子挂在衣钩上。2) vi. 悬挂着the curtains hang well. 窗帘挂得挺合适。 their accounts do not hang together.他们的叙述不相符合。the decision is still hanging. 尚未作出决定。her hair was hanging down. 她的头发披散着。3) hanged,hanged 绞死,吊死15. thai  n. 泰国人,泰国语thailand n.泰国16. sign  要点:n. 1)标记,符号,记号    he made a sign on the wall. 他在墙上作了个记号。2)姿势; 手势, 表示    he made a sign for me to follow him. 他向我示意跟着他(走)。3)告示;标语; 牌示,牌子the sign by the road said ‘no parking’. 路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。4)迹象;征兆;征候there are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象。vt, vi1)在……签字,签名 the countries concerned all agreed to sign the convention.有关各国都同意签署这项协定。both parties have signed the contract! 双方已经在合同上签字了。2)打招呼;做手势he signed me to be quiet. 他做手势要我安静。 (三)重点解析1. as i was reading the menu, the man who owned the restaurant came to our table. 

Unit 7 At the Restaurant相关文章:


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Unit 7 At the Restaurant
