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Module 2 My neibourhood-

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Module 2 My neibourhood-


Module 2 My neibourhood-(精选3篇)

Module 2 My neibourhood- 篇1

  module 2 my neibourhood

  unit 4 signs and rules

  more practice


  agency  n.  代理,代理处

  our company has angencies all over the world.


  estate  n.  地产, 住宅区 

  he owns a large estate in scotland.



  pretend  v. 假装, 佯作

  she pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell.


  change  v. 变,改变

  you have changed a lot since i last saw you .


  role  n. 角色

  the key role of the teacher in the learning process


  sign  n. 标志

  she gave us a sign to leave the room.


  circle  v. 围绕,画圈

  the plane circled the airport before landing.



  at an estate agency  在房产代理处

  lily is looking for a flat sat an estate agency.


  sitting room  客厅

  we are watching tv in the sitting room.


  in different places  在不同的地方

  talk about the signs in different places.



  a.  how big is the flat ?


  类似的还有:how deep is the river ?  这条河又多深?

  how wide is the room ?   这个房间有多宽?

  b.  how many rooms are there in the flat ?


  c.  what do they mean ?   他们的意思是什么?


  step 1  revision

  translate the sentences:

  a. athough they are old, they still work every day.

  b. although they are very poor, they do not want any coins from me.

  c. athough they have not got many clothes, they do not want to buy any new clothes.

  d. if possible, help the students tell the story in their own words. the teacher can give some key words.

  step 2  look, think and say 

  look at the two pictures ,ask and answer about them.

  s1: how big is the flat?     

  s2: it’s…..

  s1: how many rooms are there in the flat?

  s2: there are..

  s1: does it have a….?    s2: ……

  s1: is there a…nearby?   s2:…..

  step 3  look and talk 

  talk about the signs.

  step 4  listen and read 

  help the students listen and read them


  module 2   more practice   lesson 2       p 48--49

  agency         how big is the flat ? 

  estate          how many rooms are there in the flat ?

  what do they mean ?


Module 2 My neibourhood- 篇2

  module 2 my neibourhood

  unit 1 jobs people do 



  motorcycle  n.  摩托车                 knock  v.  撞                      

  crash  v.  碰撞,撞击                   motorcyclist  n.  摩托车手    

  afraid  adj.   害怕                    scene  n.    现场    

  phone  n./v   (打)电话                 stop  v.  使停止    

  broken  adj.  伤残的,残缺的            arm  n.  手臂     

  leg  n.   腿


  add  v.  加,填入     missing  adj.  丢失的,过路的     telephone  n.  电话


  have an audient  发生一场交通事故     walk to spl.       走到某地

  knock sb. down   把某人撞倒           crash into         撞到…上

  go on fire       起火                 be afraid (of)     害怕

  run away         跑掉                 the scene of the accident 事故发生现场

  phone for a fire engine and an ambulance              打电话叫救火车和救护车

  telephone number      电话号码        stop the traffic    使交通停止

  drive to spl.         开车去某地      a broken arm/leg    摔断一条胳膊/腿

  stay in the hospital  住院            for two days    两天

  the lis               李一家


  1. ben had an accident when he was walking to the park with sam.

  2. a traffic warden stopped the traffic so the ambulance and fire engine could come quickly.

  3. what a lot of people helped them!


  pre-task procedure

  ss may talk about jobs they have known.

  while-task procedure

  1. ask a question to present the text.

  “who will come to help if there is a traffic accident?”

  help them to answer : traffic warden, police man, doctor and nurse.

  2. ss read the story and add the missing people.

  3. let the ss answer the questions according to the picture.

  paragraph 1: what’s ben doing?    teach “have an accident”

  “walk to spl”.

  paragraph 2: question 1:what happened in picture 2? teach “knock sb. down”

  “crash into”

  “go on fire”

  question 2: how about ben/motorcyclist/sam? teach “be hurt”

  “run away”

  paragraph 3: question 1: who went to the scene of the accident?

  question 2: what did they do?     teach “phone for…”.

  paragraph 4: question 1: who stopped the traffic? teach “… so ….”

  question 2: why?

  paragraph 5: who put ben and the motorcyclist into the ambulance? 

  paragraph 6: what did the doctor and nurse do?

  what was the matter with ben/motorcyclist? teach “a broken arm/leg”

  paragraph 7: who took sam home? why?

  teach “what a lot of people helped them!”

  4. train the ss to read the new language items. make sure they can use these language items to make up their own sentences.

  post-task activity:

  1. ss read the text loudly.

  2. ss may read the text sentence by sentence.

  3. ex. p 208

Module 2 My neibourhood- 篇3

  module 2 my neibourhood

  unit 1 jobs people do



  1.policeman  n. 警察  

  2.warden  n. 交通管理员 

  3.policewoman  n.  女警察

  4.ambulance  n.  救护车  

  5.dark-blue  n.   深蓝色   

  6.light-green   浅绿色

  7.caught  v. (catch  过去式,过去分词) 抓住


  leave   落下


  1.read sth. to sb  为某人朗读          

  2.leave sth. out   把…落下

  3.tell sb. about sth 告诉某人关于某事    

  4.walk around the street 在大街上巡逻

  5.catch a robber  抓住一个强盗         

  6.like helping people  乐于助人

  7.a safe place to live and work in   居住和工作的安全地

  8.a warm, dark-blue uniform   一套暖和的深蓝色的制服

  9.a cool, light-green uniform  一套凉爽的浅绿色的制服


  he walks around the streets in-- with another policeman.

  he likes his job because he likes helping people.


  pre-task procedure:

  ① make the ss talk about susan’s job in pairs.

  ② encourage the ss talk about their parent’s jobs individually.

  while-task procedure:

  ① using pictures of different uniforms to present the new lesson. for example,use a picture of a policeman’s uniform and ask:“what kind of people need to wear this kind of unform when they are working?”they may answer“policemen.” if they don’t know the answer, help them to recognize different uniforms of doctor/nurse/policewoman/fireman/traffic warden/ambulance man.” and at the same time teach the new words.

  ② sb p30. read the instructions to the ss. let them  match the uniforms and jobs. and then check their answers.

  ③ reading. ss read peter’s report,let them guess the meanings and try to fill in the blanks. they may discuss with  each other.

  ④ ask the ss to read the text again and ask some questions about the it , make sure the ss can find out the answers easily.at the same time write the key words on the bb.

  p1  q1: who did peter talk to?             

  q2: what did mr. chen tell him?

  q3: where does he work?

  q4: what does he do?

  q5: what happened one day?

  p2  q1: does he like his job?

  q2: why?

  p3  q1: what kind of clothes does he wear in summer/winter?

  q2: what job does he do?

  post-task procedure

  1.train the ss to repeat according to the key language items on the bb.

  2. e:p158  p207

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Module 2 My neibourhood-
