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七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案

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七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案


七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案(通用2篇)

七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案 篇1

  unit 2  you can buy everything on the internet. (第1课时)



  1、学习新词汇。  2、能看懂文章,掌握大意并获取细节信息。3、能熟读课文。

  ii、课前预习: 根据音标自学新单词。


  一、词汇学习: 群学 + 展示:

  1. 小组三分钟时间,学习新单词。  2. 让小组展示,齐读新单词。


  1. 回答问题。(对学 – 你问我答)

  1). do you often buy things on the internet?       2). what can you buy?

  3). how do you pay for it?                     4). is it good or bad?

  2. do you know how to buy something on the internet? please put the phrases in correct order. (群学 – 排序:网购流程的正确顺序)

  ① compare the price,        ② search for the product,       ③ pay for the product,

  ④ receive the product,      ⑤ talk with the seller,          ⑥ choose the right product, ⑦ (seller) post the product

  _______ →_______ →_______ →_______ →_______ →_______ →_______



  a. the advantages of online shopping        (       )      

  b. a new way of shopping--- online shopping  (       )

  c. the effect(影响) of online shopping    (       )  

  d. the disadvantages of online shopping      (       )




  1. there are many new ways of shopping and online shopping is one of them.

  有很多购物的新方式, 网上购物是其中一种。

  2. first, you can shop at any time. second, shopping usually takes a lot of time.


  3. they don’t like shopping on the internet because they can’t see the product or try the clothes on. 他们不喜欢网上购物因为他们不能看见商品或试衣服。

  4. online shopping is changing our way of life.     网上购物正在改变我们的生活方式。

  5. you will be able to buy anything on the internet.  你将能够在网上买任何东西

  6. you will be able to receive the products by post anywhere in the world at any time.


  unit 2  you can buy everything on the internet. (第2课时)展示+反馈


  1、 朗读文章,背诵重点句子。 2、巩固单词、短语、重点句型。3、 课堂检测巩固。

  ⅱ、课堂活动: 一、短语:(独学)

  1)…之一__________________________         2)在网络上______________________________

  3)为某物付钱_____________________________  4)通过邮寄______________________________

  5)在任何时间_____________________________  6)几天_______________________________

  7) 不再________________________________     8)试穿______________________________

  9)能、会做某事____________________________   10) 在世界上___________________________

  * 即学即练: 运用上面短语完成句子。

  1)曲婉婷是我最喜欢的歌手之一。  qu wanting is _________________ my favourite singers.

  2)你打坏了瓶子,你必须赔钱。 you broke the glass. you must ____________________________.

  3)他现在会骑单车了。he _________________________ ride a bike now.

  4)她再也不会去那里了。she __________________go there___________________________ .

  5)人们喜欢在买衣服前先试穿。people like ___________________________ before they buy them.

  二、词汇学习: 花费: take & spend

  1、理解: 把下列划线的单词翻译成中文。

  1)shopping usually takes a lot of time. (       )     2) we take a bus to work every day. (       )

  3) please take the rubbish (垃圾) away.  (       ) 4) i spend the summer holiday at home. (      )

  5) he spends a lot of money on the new house. (       )


  1) it ________ me two hours to do my homework every day.   2) shopping __________ a lot of time.

  3) he ____________ too much time on the computer.

  * 归纳: take的主语是____________________, spend的主语是____________________

  3. 句型:spend 做“花费”讲的固定句型

  某人 spend 时间/金钱on sth.          某人花费时间/金钱在某物上

  某人 spend 时间/金钱 (in) doing sth.    某人花费时间/金钱做某事

  例:i spent two hours on this maths problem./   they spent two years (in) building this bridge.


  1) 我花两个小时打扫房间。i _________ two hours ____________________ the room.

  2) 他每天花很多时间玩游戏。he ________ a lot of time _________________computer games.

  he _________ a lot of time _________________computer games.


  (   )1. please send the clothes to her _______.    a. by email    b. by post     c. by posts

  (    ) 2. he spends a lot of time___________ to music.  a.listen    b. listening   c. listens

  (    ) 3. you can go online shopping ________ any time.  a. at       b. in        c. on.

  4. 我花了两百块钱买这件t恤。i ________200 yuan _____________________the t-shirt.

  5. 你将能够在网络上买到任何东西。you ______________________buy anything on the internet.

七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案 篇2

  unit 3  language in use(第1课时)



  1、 复习、运用重点句型。        2、学习特殊疑问句的用法。

  3、 课堂检测巩固。


  一、 语法:特殊疑问句:   

  1. 朗读重点句型。(language practice)

  2. 引入:根据上下文,用正确的特殊疑问词填空: (独学+对学)

  1) -- _________ will you go to beijing?     -- next week.

  2) -- _________ are your parents?           – they are fine.

  3) -- _________ is your monitor?          -- betty.

  4) -- _________ book is this?             – it is jack’s.    

  5) -- _________milk do you want?         – a bottle.

  6) -- _________ are the birds singing?       – in the tree. 

  7) -- _________ is your shirt?             – twenty yuan.

  8) -- _________ bag is yours?             – the blue one.  

  9) -- _________ will you come back?       – in a week.

  10) -- _________ are you so happy?         – because i will have a long holiday.

  11) -- _________ can you see in the picture?  – i can see a lovely panda.

  12) -- _________ does she go to school?      – on foot.

  13) -- _________ do you do exercise?        – twice a week.

  14) -- _________ is your sister?            – she is 14 years old.

  15) -- __________ people are there in your family?     – five.

  3. 看例句,总结句型。(独学+群学)

  1.  what class are you in?   

  how old is your brother?    

  句型1: _________ + __________ + _________ + _________

  2.  what does your father do?

  why do you like english?

  when will you go shopping?

  句型2: _________ + __________ + _________ + _________

  4. 即学即练:对划线部分提问,每空限填一词。

  * 方法提示:首先判断是句型1还是句型2,然后选择正确的疑问词,最后按句型写句子。

  1) they have lunch at half past eleven.

  →  ________  _______  ________ have lunch?

  2) he is tidying the room because it is dirty.

  →  _________ ________ ________tidying the room?

  3) he does his homework at home.

  → ____________ _________ ________ ________ his homework? 

  4) i send ten emails to my friends every year.

  → ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ send every year?

  5) john’s bike is under the tree.

  → ___________ _________ __________ under the tree?

  6) lucy will watch a football match this evening.

  → _________ _________ ________ ________ this evening?

  5. 辨析:how many    &   how much

  1. __________________ lemons would you like?

  2. __________________ kilos of sausages do you want?

  3. __________________ coffee do you want?

  4. __________________ boxes of strawberries do you want?

  5. __________________ meat shall i buy?

  6. __________________ milk have you got?

  * 总结区别:how many后跟_______________名词,how much后跟_______________名词。



  (    ) 1. a. size              b. price             c. biscuit

  (    ) 2. a. supermarket       b. certainly          c. strawberry

  (    ) 3. a. post              b. product              c. over


  1) 在母亲节_________________________ 2)给某人买\制作某物____________________________

  3)想\愿意做某事________________________ 4)试穿______________________________

  5)太多______________________________   6)等一下_______________________________

  7)多少,多少钱_________________________ 8)半斤________________________________

  9)别的什么____________________________   10) 看起来新鲜____________________________


  13)为某物付钱___________________________  14)通过邮寄______________________________

  15)在任何时间_____________________________  16)几天_______________________________

  17) 不再______________________________ 、__________________________________________

  18)能、会做某事___________________________   19) 在世界上___________________________

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七年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2导学案
