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Unit 11 Vacations

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Unit 11 Vacations


Unit 11 Vacations(精选2篇)

Unit 11 Vacations 篇1

  unit 11 vacations

  一. 本周教学内容:    unit 11 vacations  二. 重点、难点:  1. 语言知识的讲解。  2. 一般过去时—行为动词的规则及不规则变化 三. 具体内容:(一)1. 规则动词的变化规则:       (1)一般动词直接加-ed       (2)以e结尾的动词直接加-d       (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加ed       (4)以重读闭音节结尾,词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后这个辅音字母,再加ed  2. 规则动词过去式的发音:       在清辅音后读/t/,在元音和浊辅音后读/d/,在辅音/t/,/d/后读/id/。  3. 不规则动词变化需参看不规则动词表逐一熟记。(一般和过去分词一起记忆)。       以下是本单元出现的行为动词:       规则动词:arrive    want    decide    dance    finish    look    live    need                       pack    play    plan    stay    ski    save    start    study talk                       travel    visit    work       不规则动词:buy    come    catch    do    drink    drive    eat    go                            have    meet    read    say    see    speak    spend    swim                            take    understand  4. 基本句式:                     一般疑问句:        (二)语言知识点。  1. wash v.   e.g. go and wash yourself.                            they had to wash in cold water.              n.   please give the car a wash.  2. decide v. e.g. i decide to leave my job.                            she decided not to go alone.                            a chance meeting decided my career.  3. enough adj.   e.g. have you made enough copies?                                   i’ve got enough money to pay for a taxi.                adv.    e.g. you don’t practice enough at the piano.  4. finish one’s work / doing sth.  5. plan for sth. / to do sth. 【典型例题】(一)用所给动词的适当形式填空。  1. he _____________ (spend)  all day on his hometown last saturday.  2. his mother _____________ (take) him to a hospital four days ago.  3. i _____________ (see) mary on my home last monday.  4. once upon a time there _____________ (live) an old fishman named li yu.  5. mr fang _____________ (teach) chinese when we _____________ (be) in primary school. (二)句型转换。  1. they had a wonderful time. (改为否定句)       ____________________________________________________  2. li ming went to dalian with his parents for his last holiday. (改为一般疑问句)       ____________________________________________________  3. my father did the cooking himself. (就划线部分提问)       ____________________________________________________  4. they visited the great wall yesterday. (就划线部分提问)       ____________________________________________________  5. i was born in 1997 in beijing. (改为一般疑问句)       ____________________________________________________  

Unit 11 Vacations 篇2

  一. 本周教学内容:

  unit 11 vacations

  二. 重点、难点:

  1. 一般过去时一般疑问句的结构和用法

  2. 一般过去时特殊疑问句的结构和用法

  三. 具体内容:



  1. 一般过去时陈述句结构:主语+动词的过去式+宾语+状语

  2. 一般过去时一般疑问句:did + 主语+动词原形+宾语+状语

  回答句:yes, 主语+did. / no, 主语+didn’t.

  3. 一般过去时特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般过去时一般疑问句除去提问的部分。

  举例:陈述句肯定式- i met him yesterday.

  陈述句否定式- i didn’t meet him yesterday.

  一般疑问句-   did you meet him yesterday?

  一般疑问句肯定式回答:yes, i did.

  否定式回答:no, i didn’t.

  特殊疑问句:who did you meet yesterday?

  when did you meet him?

  where did you meet him yesterday?




  1. research  n.研究

  scientific/medical research 科学/医学研究

  they are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.


  market research 市场研究

  market research shows that demand for small cars will continue to grow.


  2. dangerous  a. 危险的

  dangerous chemicals 危险化学品

  it's dangerous to take more than the recommended dose of tablets.


  dangerously  ad. 危险地

  he likes to live dangerously. 他喜欢置身于危险之中。

  3. catch vt. 捉住;赶上 ( catch caught caught )

  i managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground.


  two armed men were caught trying to cross the frontier at night.


  he caught her reading his letters.


  i ran after her and managed to catch up with her.


  4. speak vi. 说,说话 ( speak spoke spoken)

  “can i speak to(mainly us)/ with ian please?” “speaking (=this is ian)”


  she speaks very highly of (= says good things about) the new director.


  sue speaks with an american accent.


  5. understand  v. 懂得,明白,理解 ( understand understood understood)

  make oneself understood

  since they spoke only japanese, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.


  i understand (that) you are interested in borrowing some money from us.


  6. national  a. 国家的,民族的

  a national holiday 民族的节日

  the government's view is that raising taxes now would not be in the national interest (= would not be good for the country).


  7. dance  vi. 跳舞

  we went dancing at a nightclub.


  what sort of music do you like dancing to?


  who was she dancing with at the party last night?


  8. meet  vt. 遇;相见  ( meet met met )

  i met her in hawaii.


  come and meet (= be introduced to) my friend laura.


  9. believe  vt. 相信,认为

  he believes that all children are born with equal intelligence.


  i believe her to be the finest violinist in the world.


  10. island  n. 岛

  a desert island 荒岛

  they live on the large japanese island.


  11. carry  vt. 拿;搬;运

  she carried her tired child upstairs to bed.


  thieves broke the shop window and carried off (= removed) jewellery worth thousands of pounds.


  12. delicious  a. 可口的,美味的,美妙的

  a delicious cake 一个美味的蛋糕

  i've got some delicious gossip. 我得到一些非常好的消息。

  13. allow vt. 允许,准许

  you're not allowed to talk during the exam.


  he didn't allow us enough time to finish the test.


  smoking is not allowed in this restaurant.


  14. hide  vt. 把……隐藏起来;隐藏  ( hide hid hidden )

  she used to hide her diary under her pillow.


  i like wearing sunglasses——i feel i can hide behind them.


  15. show    vt. 给……看;出示;显示  ( show  showed  shown )

  i must show you this new book i've just bought.


  why won't you show me what you've got in your hand?


  n.        展示,展览,展出

  why don't we go to london on saturday and see a show?


  on show 在展出中

  her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month.


  16. leave  v. 离开;把……留下;剩下(leave left left )

  i'll be leaving at five o'clock tomorrow.


  the bus leaves in five minutes.


  can i leave a message for sue?


  why don't you leave the kids with me on friday?



  例1. 将下列句子改为过去式。

  (1)ma hua lives in this house.

  (2)we shall leave beijing next week.

  (3)he will see you to the station tomorrow morning.

  (4)it will rain hard tonight.

  (5)will your brother meet you?


  (1)ma hua lived in this house last year.

  (2)we left beijing last week.

  (3)he saw you to the station yesterday morning.

  (4)it rained hard last night.

  (5)did your brother meet you?

  例2. 用正确的时间状语完成下列句子。

  (1)they came here(五一前)and i met them(三天前).

  (2)we entered middle school(大约五年前).

  (3)it was rather cold(春节以前).

  (4)li dong lived in shanghai(一九四九年以前).

  (5)she made up her mind to retire only(几个小时以前).

  注:表示从现在算起的某一时间段落之前,用ago,如:a month ago(一个月前)。表示在某一时间点之前,用before,如:before 1976(一九七六年前)。


  (1)before may day, three days ago

  (2)about five years ago

  (3)before the spring festival

  (4)before 1949

  (5)a few hours ago

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