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Module 1 Food and drinks

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Module 1 Food and drinks


Module 1 Food and drinks(通用3篇)

Module 1 Food and drinks 篇1

  module 3 food and drinks

  unit 1 shopping at the supermarket

  shop商店  drink饮料;喝  need需要  fridge冰箱  list清单;列表;名单  coffee咖啡  butter黄油;牛油  cheese奶酪;芝士  chocolate巧克力  vegetable蔬菜 juice(水果)汁,液  pineapple菠萝;凤梨 sausage香肠  frozen冷冻的,冰冻的  dairy奶制品;乳品店  product产品  tomato番茄,西红柿  cabbage卷心菜;甘蓝  potato马铃薯,土豆  special特别的;特殊的  offer出价;提供  can罐头;铁罐  bottle瓶子  packet小包;包裹;小盒  bar条;棒  section部门;部分  spend花费  noodles面条  sweet糖果;甜的  flour面粉  steak牛排  crab蟹 prawn对虾,明虾,大虾  squid鱿鱼(复数squid或squids)  lemonade柠檬水;柠檬汽水  carrot胡萝卜 onion洋葱  lettuce生菜;莴苣  7-up七喜(饮料名)  snack零食;点心;小吃  crisps(常用复数)薯片  carton硬纸盒;纸板箱 

  at the supermarket在超市   in the fridge在冰箱里    come on!来吧!快点! 

  a shopping list购物清单     frozen food冷冻食品    dairy products乳制品 

  fish balls鱼丸;(美语)炸鱼丸  here you are.给你  special offer! 特价优惠

  a carton of一纸盒     a can of 一罐     a bottle of一瓶   a packet of一包 

  a bar of 一条;一根   a bag of一袋

  unit 2 favourite food and drinks

  favourite最喜爱的(事物)  sandwich三明治  soup汤  wing翅膀;翼;机翼  fried油炸的 salad色拉 choose选择,选定  ever曾经  eaten吃(过去分词) strawberry草莓  pancake薄煎饼,烙饼 soya黄豆;大豆  sunshine阳光  coffee咖啡馆;小餐馆  cereal谷类;燕麦片

  a.m.上午(也作a.m.) p.m.下午(也作p.m.) menu菜单 cereal谷类;燕麦片 toast烤面包(片) sundae圣代 hot-dog热狗

  best of all(所有当中)最好的      soya milk豆奶       chicken wings鸡翅 

  a cup of一杯  write a list of food写一张食品清单a chocolate sundae巧克力圣代

  unit 3 good food, bad food

  hard硬的;努力的  healthy健康的  unhealthy不健康的 plenty大量;丰富 soft软的  page页  diet饮食;食谱 every每一个的 enough充足的  pizza匹萨饼  shelf架子  inside里面的  finger手指  slice薄片  bowl碗  plate盘子  another另一个的  cut切 yoghurt酸奶 ham 火腿french fries炸薯条

  work hard努力工作      at school在学校     plenty of 大量的;许多

  a little少量,少许too many太多的  soft drinks软性饮料 on page 3在第三页

  be good for对……有益  a bad diet有害健康的饮食  too much太多的  

  too little太少的  not enough不足  every day每一天  fish finger鱼条;鱼柳

  strawberry yoghurt草莓酸奶  a slice of一片  a piece of一张;一片;一块

  a big bowl of一大碗 put sth on …把……放在……上  put sth on top把……放在顶上  cut …in two pieces把……一切为二

  unit 4 food from other countries

  county国家;乡村 canada加拿大 australia澳大利亚  mix混合;搅拌  spoon勺子  mixture混合物  oven烤箱;烤炉 dear昂贵的;亲爱的  cheap便宜的  lay放置;摆放  japan 日本 thailand泰国  the usa美国  new zealand新西兰 tin罐子  rainbow彩虹 peel 剥;削

  food from other countries来自其他国家的食物      come from来自…… 

  make sth with… 用….来制作         mix … with a spoon用勺子搅拌 

  put sth in…把……放入……中  ¥3 each每个三元  like doing sth喜欢做……  peel the carrots削胡萝卜     lay the table摆放桌子  shop for food去买食物

Module 1 Food and drinks 篇2

  module 1 food and drinks

  unit 4 how is food made?


  i. words

  1. freeze  v.(使)冷冻     frozen   adj. 冷冻的

  freeze the fish 使鱼冷冻     frozen fish 冷冻的鱼

  2. hear from sb (通常指通过信件)得到某人的消息

  i heard from him last week. 上星期我接到他的信。

  ii. language structure


  1) 对句子主语部分提问:疑问词+陈述句语序

  a: who is going to help us? b: mary is going to help us.


  a: who do you need to interview for your project?

  b: i need to interview someone at a frozen fish factory.

  2) 对其他部分提问:疑问词+一般疑问句

  a: what are they going to do?

  b: they’re going to have an international food festival.

  a: what’s your project going to be about?

  b: my project’s going to be about frozen fish.

  a: why are they going to do it?

  b: it is because they want to raise money for the spca.

  a: where are they going to do it?

  b: they’re going to do it at their school.

  a: when are they going to do it?

  b: they’re going to do it on saturday, i march.

  a: how are they going to do it?

  b: they’re going to make different kinds of food.

  a: which food are you going to investigate in your project?

  b: i think i’m going to investigate frozen fish.

  iii. notes

  1. what do you do to the fish before you freeze it?

  你们在冷冻鱼之前怎么处理它?(before 在……之前。连接两个句子。)

  2. we take the skin and bones out of the fish.


  3. we freeze the fish so that it will be fresh for a long time.

  我们冷冻鱼是为了使它能长时间保鲜。(so that 为了,表示目的。)

  4. which day will be convenient for me to visit the dairy?


  5. 英文地址的书写与中文相反,应从小到大。

  155 jiangsu road     中国上海江苏路155号

  shanghai XX50   XX50


Module 1 Food and drinks 篇3

  module 1 food and drinks

  unit 1 a surprise birthday party


  (注:所有单词可参照目录中的vocabulary及后面的 word list.)


  be free, on saturday , at the party, watch cartoons, dress up, look forward to sth/ doing sth, have chicken wings/ fish fingers/ orange juice…, make him a chocolate cake,


  1.a: may i speak to …, please :?    b: this is …speaking.

  2.shall we have some…?

  3. let’s have some…

  4.that’s a good idea.

  5.i’d like to…


  1.i’d rather have more snacks.

  2.i’d like to take some photos at ben’s birthday party.

  这两个句型中的”’d”都是would, 区别在于would rather后面是do的形式,而would like 后面是to do形式,学生经常会混淆。


  1.掌握tommy target所列内容。



  unit 2 growing smart, growing strong


  (注:所有单词可参照目录中的vocabulary及后面的 word list.)


  go to a concert, be on, go cycling, enjoy swimming, have a barbecue, fall asleep, have toothache, bad habits, used to run/ smoke/ eat…, not…any longer,


  1.so/ neither do i.

  2. let’s ( not ) go to a concert.

  3. why don’t we go to see a film instead ?

  4. i used to….now i…

  iii .语言难点:

  1.too much/ many , more, less, 注意提醒学生后面带可数名词与不可数名词。

  2.used to后面必须跟动词原型。


  iv. 教学建议:

  1.掌握tommy target所列内容。



  unit 3 the international food festival


  (注:所有单词可参照目录中的vocabulary及后面的 word list.)


  take care of homeless animals, raise money for…, different kinds of, get ready for, have an international food festival, tea with milk and sugar,


  1.would you like to buy some food ?

  2. i’m selling…food. i’ve got some…

  3. how much do they cost ?

  4. may i have…, please ?

  iii .语言难点:

  1. wh-questions and how-question.

  2. 区别with的不同含义, 如:tea with milk and sugar(含有) 与 sprinkle the shapes with flour(用).

  iv. 教学建议:

  1.掌握tommy target所列内容。



  unit 4 how is food made ?


  (注:所有单词可参照目录中的vocabulary及后面的 word list.)


  do a project, frozen fish/ vegetables, at a factory/ bakery/ dairy, interview sb, be made, investigate sth, look forward to hearing from you,


  1. i think i’m going to investigate…

  2. my project’s going to be about…

  3. what do you do first/ secondly/ next/ then/ after that. finally ?

  iii .语言难点:

  1. 区别dairy 与 diary 的拼写, 学生很容易混淆.

  2. we freeze the fish so that it will be fresh for a long time. 注意理解sothat含义.

  3. wh-questions and how question.

  iv. 教学建议:

  1.掌握tommy target所列内容。

  2.多用实物, 将枯燥的东西直观化.

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Module 1 Food and drinks
