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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!(精选2篇)

Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 篇1

  unit 3 let’s celebrate!

  period one comic strip and welcome to the unit


  ⅰ. new words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)

  1. festival                           2. celebrate                    

  3. halloween                       4. ghost                     

  5. interesting                       6. pumpkin                    

  7. mooncake                       8. turkey                    

  9. fireworks                       10. dumpling                    

  ⅱ. the usages of some words (生词的用法)

  1. dress: i’m dressing up as a ghost.  句意:                        

  词性_________   词义_________

  [拓展] you look beautiful in your new         ! 你穿上新连衣裙真漂亮!

  词性_________   词义_________

  [常用短语] dress up as + 形象  乔装打扮成……

  dress up in + 服装  穿……装扮起来

  (1) my uncle wants to                            father christmas this year.

  (2) he                            a strange costume today. he looks funny.

  [辨析] put on, wear 和dress

  ◆ put on+衣服/鞋帽, 表示穿上、戴上的动作,on为副词,宾语是it/ them时,须放在on中间,即put it/them on

  ◆ wear+衣服/鞋帽, 表示穿着、戴着的状态

  ◆ dress+人, 给某人穿衣服,dress 后不可接衣服/ 鞋帽。

  (1) our coat is here. please                            (穿上它). it’s cold.

  (2) millie likes          (戴) sunglasses in summer.

  (3) little mike          himself without mother’s help every morning.

  2. interesting: that’s not very interesting. 句意:                        

  词性_________   词义_________

  [辨析] interesting,interested

  ◆ interesting 令人感兴趣的, 有趣的(=funny),形容事物

  ◆ interested 感兴趣的,形容人的感觉

  常用短语:be interested in sth./doing sth. 对某物/做某事感兴趣 

  (1) mr chen often tells us          stories.

  (2) i’m          in english because it’s          (interest).

  ⅲ. new phrases (翻译下列短语)

  1. chinese new year         2. dress up as       

  3. dragon boat festival        4. let’s celebrate!      

  5. thanksgiving day        6. mid-autumn day     

  7. your favourite festival        8. an interesting story     

  ⅳ. new sentences (翻译句子)

  1. i’m dressing up as a ghost.             

  2. which is your favourite festival?           

  ⅴ. listen to comic strip and read after it twice.(听磁带并跟读两遍)

  learning activities

  learning aims

  1. to know about some important festivals and the ways people celebrate them.

  2. to learn to talk about festivals in english freely.

  activity one  preview-checking


  activity two  lead-in (free-talk about special days)

  t: do you like children’s day?

  s: …

  t: how many festivals do you know? what are they?

  s: …

  activity three  part a on page 39

  step one  name the festivals on page 39.


  step two  discuss what people do at festivals, then match and write the correct letters.


  1. halloween               a. eat turkey

  2. mid-autumn festival        b. get red packets

  3. thanksgiving day           c. eat mooncakes

  4. chinese new year           d. eat rice dumplings

  5. christmas                  e. make pumpkin lanterns

  6. dragon boat festival         f. buy christmas trees

  1.         2.         3.         4.         5.         6.        

  step three  make six sentences about what people do at festivals.


  at / on                 , people                .

  activity four  part b on page 39 (asking about festivals)

  step one  read the dialogue in pairs.

  step two  make up your own dialogue.

  a: which is your favourite festival? 

  b: it’s _______________________________________

  a: why do you like it?           

  b: because ___________________________________

  a: how do you celebrate it?       

  b: we _______________________________________

  activity five  comic strip on page 38

  step one  listen to the tape and follow.

  step two  listen and answer the following questions.

  1. what festival are eddie and hobo going to celebrate?

  2. what is hobo dressing up as?

  3. will he dress up as monkey king?

  step three  read and act it out in pairs.


  step four  complete the passage.(根据comic strip的内容,完成短文)

  today is _________. hobo wants to _________ it. look, he is _________ up as a _________. but eddie doesn’t think it’s _________. so hobo will _________ __________ _________ monkey king.

  exercises (检测反馈)


  1. what do you usually do at __________ (圣诞节)?

  2. in china, we c__________ chinese new year every year.

  3. which is your __________ (like ... best) football team?

  4. the boy wants to d__________ up as monkey king.


  (   )1. ---happy new year, tom!

  --- __________.

  a. thank you       b. happy new year 

  c. the same to you     d. you’re welcome

  (    ) 2. tomorrow is teachers’ day. shall we buy a present __________ her?

  a. to        b. for         c. from        d. of

  (    ) 3. sunday is the __________ day of the week.

  a. first       b. second      c. third         d. last

  (    ) 4. we often eat __________ at the mid-autumn festival.

  a. turkeys    b. mooncakes   c. candies     d. dumplings

  (    ) 5. i’m very __________ in the __________story.

  a. interesting; interested     b. interested; interested     

  c. interested; interesting      d. interesting; interesting

  exercises (巩固提升)


  (    ) 1. ---what are you doing?

  ---i’m dressing up __________ a tiger.

  a. in     b. at    c. as     d. like

  (    ) 2. --- __________ do you like christmas?

  ---because i can get beautiful presents.         

  a. how        b. what         c. when        d. why

  (    ) 3. ---__________ is your favourite festival?


  a. which    b. when    c. who      d. where

  (    ) 4. ---mum, today is thanksgiving day.

  --- __________! let’s __________.

  a. great; celebrating        b. yes; to celebrate      

  c. yes; celebrate          d. great; celebrate


  1. they are talking about an               (interest) film.

  2. we are so               (excite) to hear that we are no.1.

  3. the baby has four               (tooth). he looks lovely when he is smiling.

  4. these are my dogs, please look after               (they) well for me.


  every year people celebrate the spring festival in china. it is usually in january or february. it’s the most important festival in china. so before it comes, everyone buys many things. and they often make a special kind of food called dumplings. it means ‘come together’. parents always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents.

  on the spring festival eve (除夕), all the family members come back home to have a big dinner. when they enjoy the meal, they give the best wishes to each other for the coming year. after dinner, all the family stay up until midnight to welcome the new year. they sing, dance and play cards.

  on the first day of the new year, people put on new clothes and visit their friends. they say ‘happy new year!’ to each other. they all have a good time during the festival.

  1. when is the spring festival in china every year?

  2. what do people do before the spring festival comes?

  3. what do ‘dumplings’ mean?

  4. what do children get from their parents according to this passage?

  5. do people have fun at the spring festival?

Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 篇2

  初三英语组复习学案(7a unit3)

  unit 3 let’s celebrate


  1.chinese new year celebrations  2.dress up      3.get ready for

  4.tell sb. about sth.       5.have a special party  6.on october 31st

  7.knock on   8.play a trick on sb.    9.paint faces   10.tiger costume  11.our own special pumpkin lanterns      12.cut out    13.sharp teeth  14.on the evening of october 31st      15.get red packets

  16.be on holiday     17.some traditional food    18.in chinatown 

  19.on new york radio      20.lion dance


  1. i\'ll dress up as monkey king. 我将装扮成猴王。

  (1)i\'ll =i will或i shall,意为“我将”,后接动词原形。

  (2)dress up意为“装扮”,dress up as…意为“装扮成……”。例如:

  my friends and i always dress up at halloween.在万圣节,我和我的朋友总是装扮装扮。

  2. thank you for telling me about the mid-autumn festival.谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的情况。

  (1)thank sb. for doing sth. 意为“因…而感谢某人”,相当于thanks for doing sth. 原句=thanks for telling me about the mid-autumn festival.此句型中的for为介词,表示原因,后接名词、代词的宾格或动名词作宾语。例如:

  (2)tell sb. about sth. 意为“告诉某人关于某事的情况”

  3.we play a game called \'trick or treat.\' 我们玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。[来源:学,科,网z,x,x,k]

  play a game意为“做游戏”,called \'trick or treat.为过去 分词短语作game的定语。例如:

  the boy called pingping is from china.那个叫平平的男孩来自中国。

  i have a dog called eddie. 我有一只叫埃迪的狗。

  4.we knock on people\'s doors and shout \'trick or treat\'.我们敲击他人的家门并喊道“不招待就使坏”。

  knock意为“敲打,敲击”,后接名词时,常跟介词on或at,构成短语knock on或knock at,意为“敲打……,敲击……”。例如: don’t knock on / at the desk.别敲课桌。

  5.if they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them. 如果他们不招待我们,我们就玩恶作剧捉弄他们。

  (1)if意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句。注意:当主句是将来时,从句通常用一般现在时。例如: we’ll go to the zoo if it is fine tomorrow. 如果明天好天,我们将去动物园。

  (2)g ive us a treat意为“招待我们”,表示“给某人某物”时,可用句型give sb sth,也可用give sth to sb。例如:

  please give her the hair clips. = please give the hair clips to her.请把发夹给她。

  (3)play a trick on…意为“捉弄某人,跟某人开玩笑”。例如:

  he likes playing tricks on others.他喜欢跟别人开玩笑。

  6.we wear special costumes with masks. 我们穿着带有面具的特别服装。

  (1)wear意为“穿着,戴着”,强调“穿、戴”的状态。例如 :

  what size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号码的鞋?

  wear 还可以表示佩带饰物。例如:

  she wore a necklace at the party.她在聚会上戴了一条项链。

  put on,in也可表示“穿 ,戴”的意思,put on意为“穿上,戴上”,强调“穿、戴”的动作,in意为“穿着,戴着”,强调“穿、戴”的状态,后面接服饰或颜色一类的词。例如:

  he put on his coat and went  out.他穿上外套出去了。

  the young man in a black shirt is from london.穿黑色衬衫的小伙子来自伦敦。


  china is a country with a long history.中国是一个历史悠久的国家。

  7.my family always have a party on the evening of october 31st.


  i usually get up early in the morning我早晨通常起得很早。

  如 果指具体的“某一天的早晨、中午、晚上”,则用介词on。

  8.it is winter in the usa and it is very cold.


  it’s very cold here in the winter.这儿的冬天很冷。

  9.do i look like a tiger? 我看上去像只老虎吗?

  look like意为“看上去像……”,like是介词,意为“像……”。例如:

  she l ooks like her mother. 她看上去像她母亲。

  10.here is what i will do during the first week of november.这是我在11月份的第一个星期要做的事情。

  here be…意为“这儿有……,这里是……”。be动词的形式取决于后面的主语是单数还是复数。例如:here are some pictures  of my family.这儿有一些我家人的照片。

  11.i’ll take him for a long walk. 我将带他去散步。

  take sb. for a walk意为“带某人去散步”,walk为名词,类似的表达有:go for a walk(去散步),与take a walk,have a walk的意思基本相同。go out for a walk出去散步。例如:

  miss green often takes her mother for a walk after supper. 格林小姐常常带她妈妈在晚饭后散步。

  12.where are you going on holiday? 你去哪儿度假啊?

  o n holiday意为“度假”,on是介词,意为“从事……,在……中”。例如:

  i a m on holiday in new york. 我在中国度假。

  13.would you like some tea? 想喝些茶好吗?

  句中some是表示“建议 ”。英语中,当期待对方作出肯定的回答,或在表示“请求,建议”的疑问句中,用some而不用any。例如:

  can i have some stamps? 我可以买些邮票吗?

  will you have some juice?你要点果汁吗?


  1. 会用正确的介词表达时间、星期、月份和季节。

  2. 会用wh-疑问词提问并回答.

  3. 掌握some, any的用法,

  i. 词汇

  1. j________ is the first month of a year.

  2. a______ is the best season in beijing.

  3. please k_______ on the door before you enter the room.

  4. i like eating r_______ and noodles.

  5. in s_________, the days start to get warmer and flowers come out.

  6. there are many ________ (猴子)in the zoo.

  7. i can not sleep at all. someone is _______ (喊叫) outside my window.

  8. that book is really ________ (有趣的).  i would like to read it again.

  9. what is your ________ (最喜欢的) festival?

  10. we have a long _______ (假期) in august.

  11. people like to eat __________(月饼) at mid-autumn festival.

  12. tom ______ (speak) very good english.

  13. jimmy comes fr om america. he is an _______ (america)

  14. you can play tricks on your friends at april ________ (fool) day .

  15. it is _______ (wonder) to see you!

  16. thank you for ________ (help) me with my homework.

  ⅱ 语法运用:


  1. we have lunch at school ________ 12 o’clock.

  2. jack eats some bread and beef ________ breakfast.

  3. my friends give me some presents _______ christmas every year.

  4. kitty’s birthday is ________ 15th june.

  5. he will have his birthday party ________ the afternoon of may 12th.

  6. birds fly to the south _______ autumn.

  7. in hainan islan d, it is very warm ________ the evening.

  8. he was born ____ ___ 1995.


  1. a: ________ is your book?  b: it’s on the desk.

  2. a: ________ does she go to the reading club?  b: twice a week.

  3. a: _________ do they celebrate halloween?     b: october 31st.

  4. a: _________ do people in china go to work? b: by b ike.

  5. a: _________ students in your class?  b: there are twenty students in my class.

  6. a: _________ is he?     b: he is my cousin.

  7. a: _________ do you like mid-autumn festival? b: because i can eat mooncakes.

  8. a: _________ bike is it?    b: it ’s her bike.

  c)用some和any 填空

  1. there are _____ _ apples and oranges in my bag. what about you? no, there aren’t ______.

  2. can i borrow ______ paper? sorry, you can’t because there isn’t ______ paper.

  3. do you have __ ____ milk? yes, i have ______ now.

  4. would you like _______ candies? no, thank you.

  5. do you want to me to do ______ shopping with you?

  no, thank you.


  1) 你打算去哪里度假?

  where are you going ________  _________?

  2) 他想在这次晚会上扮演美猴王。

  he wants to ________  ________  _________ a monke y king at the party.

  3) 中国人用许多方式庆祝新年。

  chinese _________ the new year _______  ________  _________.

  4) 在万圣节孩们可以互相捉弄。

  on ________ children can ________  a  _______   ________ each other.

  5)  你 知道如何在南瓜上挖出眼睛,鼻子和尖利的牙齿?

  do you know how to ______  _______ the  eyes, nose and ______  ______ out of the pumpkin?

  ⅳ. 选择填空:

  (   )1. -hobo, what are you doing?   -i'm ________ as a tiger.

  a. celebrati ng   b. dressing up   c. looking   d. excited

  (   )2. they make ________ dragon boats every year.

  a. own their   b. own   c. them own    d. their own

  (   )3. can you make a lantern ________ a pumpkin?

  a. in         b. to      c. from       d. out of

  (   )4. people do not celebrate ________ in the usa.

  a. easter                b. the dragon boat festival

  c. halloween            d. christmas

  (   )5. the children are playing game _ _______ hide -and-seek.

  a. called         b. calling         c. to call         d. calls

  (   )6. his ________ are bad. he eats lots of sweets.

  a. tooth          b. tooths          c. toothes        d. teeth

  (   )7. -happy halloween, kitty. - ________

  a. yes, i'm very happy.                   b. thanks. the same to you.

  c. it's  halloween today. everyone is happy.   d. why do you say so?

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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!
