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Unit 3 Finding your way

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Unit 3 Finding your way


Unit 3 Finding your way(通用2篇)

Unit 3 Finding your way 篇1

  unit 3 finding your way


  unit 3 finding your way

  二、教学目标:掌握unit 3的词汇及词性的变化


  ⅰ. 基础词汇

  名词 (n.): way n. 路;路线 north n. 北;北方;北部  north-west n. 西北;西北方

  south-west n. 西南;西南方 east n. 东;东方  south n. 南;南方  

  north-east n. 东北;东北方  south-east n. 东南;东南方  △character n. 人物

  police n. (常和the连用)警察;警方 *uniform n. 制服  robber n. 抢劫者,盗贼,强盗 △van n. 厢式货车  station n. 局;所;站;台  route n. 路线,路径

  left n. 左边  road n. 路;道路  light n. 灯  traffic n. 红绿灯,交通信号灯

  report n. 报告;报道  note n. 笔记;短信,便条;注释  laugh n. 笑

  set n. 一套;一副;一组  crossroads n. 十字路口  zebra crossing n. 斑马线

  *entrance n. 入口  museum n. 博物馆  corner n. 拐角;角落  hotel n. 旅馆

  pool n. 水池;水塘  △tunnel n. 隧道  stair n. (常用复数stairs)楼梯

  railway n. 火车站  step n. (一级)台阶  side n. 侧,边 bridge n. 桥

  gate n. 大门  paper n. 纸,纸张  *campfire n. 篝火  turning n. 转弯处

  path n. 小路,小径 field n. 地,田 ground n. 地面 market n. 市场

  △farewell n. 告别  *barbecue n. 烧烤  picnic n. 野餐  fast food n. 快餐

  monitor n. 班长  exit n. 出口  bank n. 银行  *footbridge n. 人行天桥

  动词 (v.) follow vt. 跟随  ring vi. (钟、铃等)响 vt. 使响起铃声 

  drive vi.&vt. 驾驶  push vt. 推 fail vi. 失败  work vi. 起作用,奏效

  stop vi. & vt. 停止  jump vi. 跳,蹦  report vi. & vt. 报告;报道

  smile vi. 微笑  mean vt. 意思是,意指  laugh vi. 笑  move vi. & vt. 移动

  cross vt. 穿过  join vt. 加入,参加 win vt. & vi. 赢得;赢,获胜 

  bring vt. 带来;拿来  

  形容词(adj.) afraid adj. 害怕,担心;恐怕  *twin adj. 双胞胎的  left adj. 左边的

  right adj. 右边的  another adj. 另一个,别的  surprised adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的

  open adj. 开着的,敞开的  straight adj. 直的,笔直的  correct adj. 正确的

  cloudy adj. 多云的

  介词(prep.) down prep. 沿……而下  along prep. 沿着  across prep. 穿过

  through prep. 穿过,通过  round prep. 围绕,环绕  towards prep. 向,朝

  代词(pron.) everybody pron. 每人,人人

  副词(adv.) down adv. 向下  quickly adv. 迅速地,飞快地  again adv. 再,又

  left adv. 向左 right adv. 向右 suddenly adv. 突然  happily adv. 愉快地;幸福地

  forward adv. 向前  straight adv. 径直  right adv. 恰恰,正好



  1. you can take different ______________( 路线 ) to the library .

  2. help! there are some ______________( 强盗 ) in the building .

  3. the man drives his car to the town __________(很快地 )

  4. the boy tries to open the door but ____________( 失败了 ) .

  5. the zoo is __________(东南) of the city .

  6. he runs out of the classroom _____________(突然地 ) .

  7. the man in yellow _________( 制服 ) is mr li.

  8. these __________(小刀 ) are made of wood .

  9. there are two _________ ( 旅馆)near our school.

  10. our ________( 班长 ) is li ming .

  11. where is the    (出口 ) to the new supermarket?

  12. excuse me. how can i get to the food    (市场)?

  13. walk down the    (台阶), and you can find the park.

  14. my computer doesn’t    (工作). can i use yours, millie?

  15. i can see three    (桥) in the picture on the wall.

  16. sunshine park is    (正好) opposite the cinema.

  17.     (人人) will be very happy at tom's birthday party.

  18. please    (带来) me a piece of paper this afternoon.

  19. all of you should go down the    (楼梯) carefully

  ⅱ. 重点词组

  7b unit 3 词组

  1. follow sb 跟随某人  follow me 跟着我

  2. let’s go down / up here 让我们从这儿下/上

  3. don’t be afraid. 别害怕。

  4. come with me 跟我来

  5. go on an outing 出去玩

  6. north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北

  south-east of 在……的东南

  7. get a call 接到一个电话

  8. live nearby 住在附近

  9. drive to the zoo quickly 快速驾车到动物园

  10. get out of / ( into) the car 下 / 上小汽车

  11. at once / right now 立刻 ;马上

  12. three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人

  13. run out of the building 跑出大楼

  14. ask sb about sth 问某人关于某方面的事

  15. push…into… 把……推进……

  16. drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑

  17. try to do sth  尽力做某事

  18. fail to do sth 做某事失败

  19. take different routes 走不同的路线 take a route 走……的路线

  take another route 走另一条路线

  20. go along 6th street 沿着第六大街走

  21. turn left into park road 左转进入公园路

  22. run to the police station 跑向警察局

  23. stop at the traffic lights 在交通灯处停下

  24. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来做某事 

  25. jump out of the van 跳出货车 jump into the river 跳进河里

  26. be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到吃惊 be surprised at sth 对某事感到吃惊

  27. close the back /front door 关后/前门

  28. in the end / at last 最后

  29. at the end of the road 在路的尽头

  30. be far (away) from 远离

  31. at a crossroads 在十字路口

  32. tell sb about a story of  告诉某人关于……的故事

  33. call sb for help 打电话给某人请求帮助

  34. road signs 路标

  35. zebra crossing 斑马线

  36. teach sb how to read a map 教某人怎样识地图

  37. at the entrance of the zoo 在动物园的入口处

  38. at the corner of the road 在马路的拐角处

  39. cross the road 过马路

  40. swim across the swimming pool 游过游泳池

  41. go through a tunnel 穿过隧道

  42. walk along the road 沿着马路走

  43. climb up the hill 爬上山

  44. walk around the table 围着桌子走

  45. jump over the chair 跳过椅子

  46. walk down the stairs 走下楼梯

  47. tell me the way to the railway station 告诉我去火车站的路

  48. walk up / down the steps 走上/下台阶

  49. at the other side of the park 在公园的另一边

  50. come out of the park 走出公园

  51. walk over the bridge 走过桥

  52. take them to the summer palace 带他们去颐和园

  53. join sb 加入某人  join us 加入我们

  54. meet at the school gate 在校门口集合

  55. take an umbrella 带一把雨伞

  56. all day 整日 all night  整夜

  57. start a campfire 生起升篝火

  58. walk /go on 继续走

  59. walk straight on 一直走

  60. walk along /down the street 沿着街走

  61. turn right / left (into …) 向右/左转(进入……)

  62. take the second turning /(crossing / crossroads) on the right / left


  63. turn right / left at the second turning / (crossing / crossroads)

  64. walk across / (cross) the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路

  65. walk past the supermarket 走过超市

  66. walk towards the bridge 朝桥走过去

  67. have a farewell party 举行告别会

  68. have a picnic 举行野餐

  69. have a barbecue 举行烧烤

  70. half of the students 一半学生

  71. look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事

  72. take the underground 乘地铁

  73. join the farewell party 参加告别会

  74. walk past the bank of china building 走过中国银行大楼

  75. send some postcards to his friends 给他的朋友们寄些明信片

  76. all over the world 全世界

Unit 3 Finding your way 篇2

  unit 3 finding your way


  unit 3 finding your way

  二、教学目标:掌握unit 3的重点句型和知识点


  牛津 7b unit 3重点句子

  1. i know the way. are you sure, hobo?


  2.paul tries to open the door but fails. 保罗想把门打开,可没成功。

  try to do sth. 意为努力想把事做成,如果try后跟v-ing情况就不同了,try opening the door意为试试看,能不能把门打开,主观上努力程度大不一样。…but failed中间省了主语he, fail失败。tom fails in his maths examination. 汤姆数学考试不及格。

  3. justin and paul drive to hill building quickly. justin和paul很快把车开到希尔大厦。

  这里的drives是不及物动词,介词短语to hill building和副词quickly都是修饰动词drives的状语。drive也能作及物动词用。a young man drives us to the countryside. 一位年轻人把我们送到了农村。英文里像drive这样的既能作不及物动词,也能作及物动词的情况很多,如study, play, sing, write, read, draw, eat等等。quickly和fast都有快的意思。quickly一般表示迅速、敏捷、修饰瞬间的动作。she quickly opens the back door and runs out. 她迅速地打开后门,冲了出去。fast可作副词用也可作形容词用。作副词用表示速度快,i run faster than you. 我比你跑得快。作形容词用a fast horse一匹快马,a fast highway 一条高速公路。

  4. there are some robbers in the building. 大楼里有强盗。

  robber强盗是由动词rob(掠夺、抢劫)加后缀-er构成的名词,像这样的名词有很多。writer作者,reader读者,singer歌手,dancer 舞蹈演员,visitor来访者等等。但也不能以此推见到加-er的就当成是人,那样会出错。如typewrite为打字,typewriter不能当成打字员。typewriter意为“打字机”。又如cook为“煮饭、烧菜”,cooker不能认为就是厨师,而为“炉灶”,厨师就是cook。因此学习英语的过程中,很多知识是有规律可循的,但其中也有不少特例。要特别注意,否则有时会犯大错。

  5. shall we take different routes? 我们走另外的路线好吗?

  表示建议、征求意见。类似表示建议的句式还有what (how) about taking different routes? why not take different routes? 等等。route 是表示“路线”、“途径”。way既能表示去某地的走法,也能表示具体的途径。shall we take another way? i met a friend of mine on my way home yesterday. 昨天在回家的路上我遇见我的一个朋友。

  6.he uses a knife and tries again. it works. 他用刀再试一下成功了。

  work 在这里是不及物动词,“奏效”、“起作用”的意思。there is something wrong with my alarm clock. it doesn’t work. 我的闹钟坏了,不走了。the medicine works. 药起作用了。

  7.he is surprised to see the three men in the police station. 他看到那三个人在警察局十分惊奇。

  he is surprised. 为主系表结构,这种用过去分词(已作为形容词用)作表语的句子。都表示主语感到……, i am pleased with your work. 我对你的工作感到满意。i am interested in sports. 我对运动很感兴趣。he is excited at the news. 听到那个消息他很激动。he is frightened to see the wild animal. 看到那个野兽他害怕极了。如果变为现在分词则表示“令人……”, the story is exciting. 故事令人激动。the film is very interesting. 影片非常有趣。(令人感到有趣)。he got a surprising success. 他获得了令人震惊的成功。

  8.cross the road and you’ll see the museum. 穿过马路你就会看到博物馆。

  cross“穿过”是动词作谓语。road是cross的宾语。across也是“穿过”的意思,但它是介词,不能作谓语,只能构成介词短语在句中作状语、宾语、表语等。the old lady walks slowly across the road. 那位老太太慢慢地过马路。又如,they open the door with a knife. 和they use a knife to open the door. 第一句中“with”是介词,构成介词短语,with a knife作状语修饰谓语,open不能作谓语用。第二句中uses为动词作谓语“用”。

  …you’ll see the museum. 中的’ll see 为助动词will+see, 表示一般将来时,一般将来时是表示未来某时将发生的动作或存在的状态。

  由shall, will+动词原形构成一般将来时常常与时间状语tomorrow明天,next week下周,next sunday下星期天,in three days三天后连用:

  where shall we meet tomorrow? 明天我们在哪里集合?

  he will be back in three days. 他三天后回来。


  i will study hard to catch up with my classmates. 我一定好好读书赶上同学们。


  he won’t do it. 他不愿做这件事。


  if you will read the book, i will lend it to you. 如果你愿意看这本书的话,我就把它借给你。

  if 从句里的will并非是表示时态的助动词而是表示“意愿”的情态动词,这里不能用一般现在时read来替代。if you can swim in winter, you will get stronger. 如果你能在冬天游泳,你身体会更棒。主句里的will则为助动词,表示时态。

  9. the van stopped at the traffic lights. 货车停在交通灯处。

  10. they tried to run away but we caught them in the end. 我们最终抓住了他们。

  11. turn left when you come to the crossroads 当你到达十字路口的时候向左拐。

  12. can you tell me the way to …?   can you tell me how to get to …?

  which is the way to …? 你能告诉我去……的路么?

  13. will you join us ?你会加入我们么?

  14. i hope it won’t rain tomorrow . 我希望明天不要下雨。

  15. she is going to visit her grandpa next friday.

  16. it is so cloudy. i think it’s going to rain. 天气阴了。我想要下雨了。

  17. the other team is not strong at all. 另一队根本不强壮。

  18. are you going to see the doctor tomorrow? 你明天准备看医生吗?

  19. it’s easy to do 做……很简单      it’s easy to do the homework.

  20. who shall we invite ?我们邀请谁啊?

  21. a picnic will be better 野餐会更好。

  22. we would like everyone to bring their own food and drinks. 我们想每人自带食品和饮料。

  23. the map shows you how to get to …  这张地图把去……展示给你看。

  24. they met (meet) at the police station. 他们在警察局会面。


  一 翻译

  1. 你们打算下周五去参观长城吗?

  ______ you _____ ______ ______ the great wall next friday?

  2. --请问,我怎样才能到达花园大厦?


  -- excuse me, could you tell me _____ ______ get to garden building?

  -- walk _____ the park and _____ the first turning _____ the left.

  3. 我们将于什么时候举行晚会呢?

  ______ ______ we ______ the party?

  4. paul试着用小刀打开后门,成功了!

  paul _____ ______ open the back door _____ his knife and it _______.

  5. 那两个抢劫犯跳出货车,很快逃跑了。

  the two robbers jumped _____ _____ the van and ______ ______ quickly.

  二 句型转换

  1. turn left at the second crossing. (否定句)

  2. cross the road . you see the museum. (连接并列句)

  3. i think we’ll have to go up again. (否定句)

  4. he can read a map. (改为一般疑问句)

  5. he wants to learn the road signs. (一般疑问)

  6. we will have a party this evening. (一般疑问)

  7. will he go fishing tomorrow?(肯定句)

  8. i’ll tell her the news. (否定句)

  9. we shall work hard at english. (一般疑问句)

  10. which is the way to the cinema?(同义句)

  11. we can go to the summer palace by car. (对划线部分提问)

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