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starter Unit

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starter Unit


starter Unit(精选3篇)

starter Unit 篇1

  teaching topic:   starter  unit 8  our things

  teaching aims and requirements

  words:walkman   comic  watch  radio  computer scarf sticker  hair clip locker apple pear a pair of sunglasses beside snake can coke trainer pet  goldfish  duck chicken rabbit yours mine hers theirs  ours


  (1).do you have……?   yes,i do./no, i don’t have any.

  (2)whose ……is this/that?    is it yours, nick?

  no, it’s not mine. it’s _______.

  (3)whose……are  these/those?  are they yours, andy?

  yes, they are mine.

  3.to master and use 名词性物主代词  correctly.

  important and difficult points:

  to master the new words and drills

  to use the two kinds of pronouns correctly

















  teaching aids: wall picture /tape-recorder and electrical audio-visual devices

  teaching periods:6

  teaching procedures:




  the first period



  step1 revision:

  ask some students to come to the front and act out some dialogues.

  step2 present:  用实物或图画呈现: ball, scarf ,a pair of glasses, computer, sticker, cd, watch and hair clip 向学生介绍这些实物的英文单词,并将单词写在黑板上。

  step3 practice:

  1.listen to the tape

  2.let the students read after the tape

  3.ask the students to make dialogues with the things and pictures

  s1:what’s this?

  s2:it’s a……

  s1:what are these?

  s2:they  are ……

  s1:is this a…..

  s2:yes,it is./no,it isn’t.

  s1:are they……?

  s2:yes,they are./no,they aren’t

  s1:do you have a/any……?

  s2:yes, i do./no,i don’t.but …has…

  step4playing  games:

  make the students several groups in three or four,

  show the things and pictures, let students guess what it is. who can say it out quickly and correctly? who is the winner? in this way,let the students learn the words easily and quickly.

  step5 discussion:

  let the students discuss part b. using the pictures and then write down the owners of the things.

  step6 listening:

  1、先提出问题:who has a ball?然后播放录音,让学生带着问题听。第二遍播放录音,并让学生回答问题:who has many friends?让学生听第三遍录音,将其余的人物和物品配对,然后讨论并核对配对结果。

  2、请学生用自己的语言将part b的信息进行整合,并表达出来。给一到两分钟的时间准备,之后请几位学生上台陈述。

  homework:1.please memorize all the new words.

  2.write a short passage of no less than five sentences to describe things your friends have. try to use the new words in this lesson.





  the second period

  step1、revision1.go over the words

  2.ask some students to read their compositions

  step2 present:拿起自己的书对学生说it is my book .it’s mine.

  将这两个句子写在黑板上。再拿起一本学生的书,问这位同学 is it your book?帮助他回答yes, it’s mine 而对这位学生再次强调it is yours 将your book 和yours写在黑板上,仍旧拿那位同学的书问另一位学生。whose book is it?帮助学生回答:it’s his/her book. it’s his/hers 将his book ,his ,her book和 hers 写在黑板上,用同样的方法呈现ours ,yours,和 theirs

  2.let the students look at the blackboard .找出形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之间的关系。帮助学生找出关系后在my book和mine之间划“=” 、


  step3 look at  some pictures and talk about  who are they ? what’s it? what colour is it?

  step4 listen to the tape and answer the following questions

  whose ball is it?

  whose ball is black?

  what colour is peter’s ball?

  step5 open the books and  practise  the dialogues

  step6学生三人一组,用一只棕色球或一支黑钢笔或其他东西,make up some similar dialogues让几组学生到前面来表演。

  step7 play a game


  s1:is it yours ?

  s2:no it’s not mine .it’s his /hers/ theirs

  no , it’s not ours .it’s_____’s

  s3:yes, it’s mine

  step8 homework:listen to the tape and recite the dialogue





  the third period

  step1 revision

  go over the drills we learned in the last period .

  excuse me ,is this your pencil-box?

  yes, it’s mine      no, it’s not mine it’s hers/ his /_____’s

  step2 learn new words

  1.用实物或图片教授生词 thing  , locker , apple , pear , some snacks , sun glasses, teddy bear , basketball , a can of coke , trainers

  2.同时用问答的形式与学生交流。如:do we have lockers in our school?

  do you like apples. i like pears very much.

  i like pears very much.what about you?


  behind, beside ,on the right of

  4.read the new words and do more speaking

  step3 listen to the tape and answer questions

  1.what school are the students in?

  2.who has some apples in his locker?


  3.在黑板上画四个小朋友,分别写上lily, millie , nick 和peter 的名字,让学生默读后,试将文中提到的物品按人物归类

  step4 practice:   ask some students to come to the front, according to the pictures and things, try to retell the text. at the same time, fill in the blanks on the slide shows

  in beijing sunshine _____school, there are some _____for students. the students can put _____things in the lockers .in lily’s, there is an ____and some pears .behind the pears , there are some _____. she also has a pair of_____ in her locker. what about millie ?  what does she _____in her locker?  she has a bear in it. on the _____of the bear, there are some cd’s and hair clips. boys _____have many things in their lockers

  nick has a _____ in his locker .he also has some_____ books. peter has a tennis racket. there are cans of ______beside it. the boys also have their _____in their lockers

  step5 homework :read the text and recite it

  listen to the tape and do exs on page101


  the fourth period

  step1 greetings

  step2 revision  ask and answer

  what do you have in your desk?    i have __________

  what does andy have in his /her pencil-box?he/shehas __________

  whose walkman is this?      it’s mine (yours, hers, his)

  whose rackets are these?    they’re mine (yours, hers, his )提问与课文内容相关的问题,以复习课文

  如:1.are there any lockers for students in beijing sunshine secondary school?2.what’s in lily’s locker?

  step3 present.

  1.look at the pictures and talk about them

  what’s this? whose is it ?

  what are these ? whose are they ?

  2.fill in the blanks 用正确的物主代词完成对话 ,让学生说出答案,然后集体订正 ,归纳总结物主代词的用法。

  3.let the students read the dialogue together, one by one ,or in a group of three or four

  4.ask some students to come to the front and act out the dialogue vividly. some can make up similar dialogues

  step4 do some exercise on the slide shows.

  句型转换:1.i have a comic book in it. (用the girl 替换主语)

  the ____ ____a comic book in it.

  2.she has a pair of sunglasses in her locker (对画线部分提问)

  what ____ she ____in her locker ?

  3.nick has a computer in his room . (改为一般疑问句)

  ____nick ____ a computer in his room?

  4.whose watch is this?(改为复数形式)

  whose___ ___  ___?

  5.i have some stickers.(改为否定句)

  i ___ ___ ___stickers.

  6.whose flowers are these ?(同义句)

  whose ___ ___ ___ ?

  step5 homework :

  1.listen to the tape and read the dialogues.

  2.do exercise in the wb


  the  fifth  period

  step1 greeting

  step2 revision  revise the new words and drills

  step3 have a dictation .

  comic  watches    scarf  sticker snake can trainer   pet goldfish   chicken rabbit beside locker theirs a pair of sunglasses, an old watch, beside the apples ,behind your trainers,a duck pet,two goldfish pets




  4.我们的电脑在桌子 上面,你们的在哪呢?

  step4 pronunciation open the books and look at the picture.

  学习总结辅音音素    [z] [r] [s] [h] [θ] [w] [j]

  step5 practise the dialogues on page 61

  what do you often do at the weekend?  i often read books at home.

  do you often visit your friends?    yes,i do

  do you go fishing at the weekend?    no, i don’t.

  step6.homework   完成p61的调查表 my classmate’s weekend


starter Unit 篇2

  teaching topic:   starter  unit 7  colours

  teaching aims and requirements


  clothes:  shirt, coat, trousers, shoes, cap, t-shirt, jeans, blouse, sweater, skirt, dress

  colours:  white, black, green, orange, brown, blue, yellow, pink, grey, red

  possessive adjectives:   whose, our, their, her, his, your, my,

  others:   mum, dad, bike, basketball, kite, car, racket, teddy bear

  2. 学会句型:

  what colour is it / are they ?   it’s/ they’re …

  whose … is this/ are they?    it’s/ they’re my/ your/ his/ her/ our/…

  here it is./ here they are. / here is…



  difficults :

  1.colours, clothes and possessive adjectives

  2.adjective pronouns:   whose… is it ?   it’s my/ your/ his/ her/…

  3.looking for belongings before going to play



  1.回答颜色时,颜色前不加修饰词    what colour is it ?  it’s green.

  2.衣服中有些名词一般情况下用复数形式表示: e.g.   trousers   shoes    jeans



  task 1: looking at the pictures and reading the descriptions about them.

  task 2: describing one of your pictures

  teaching aids: wall picture /tape-recorder and electrical audio-visual devices

  teaching periods:6

  teaching procedures:



  i  iia

  the first period      welcome to the unit

  aims and demands:

  1.       learn the new words:

  clothes: shirt, coat, trousers, shoes  colours: white, orange, black, green

  others: mum, dad, these

  2. learn the drills:

  what’s in the box?  it’s a …

  3. learn to say the drills

  important focus:

  1. master the words

  2. learn the drills by heart

  difficult focus:

  1. drills: what colour are these?   are these my new shoes?

  2.       answer the questions:  what colour is it/ are they?     it’s/ they’re…


  step 1  presentation ( prepare four cards with the colours: black, white, orange and green and a box with a shirt in it)

  what’s in the box?      it’s a shirt.

  what colour is it?       it’s white.

  step 2  learn the new words: (using the clothes of the students)

  shirt, coat, trousers, shoes, white, orange, black, green, these

  (using these: what’s this? it’s a …what are these? they are …

  what colour is it? it’s …   what colour are they? they are…)

  step 3  practice in pairs:  practice the drills in step 2

  step 4  listen to the tape and read after the tape:

  step 5  read again and do exercises

  shirt green coat white trousers black shoes orange

  step 6  ask questions according to the dialogue:

  e.g. what’s in the box?    what colour is the shirt?

  what is this in picture 2?

  what colour is the coat/ are the trousers/ shoes?

  step 7  act it out

  step 8  play a game (guessing game)

  e.g. give a student a card with a phrase: an orange shirt

  let others guess: what’s this/ are these?

  what colour is it/ are they?

  using the drills: is this a shirt? / are these trousers?

  is it green?/ are they black?

  step 9  workbook p98  welcome to the unit

  class work:  copy and translate the sentences in the dialogue

  homework:  1. listen to the tape and read after it and try to recite it

  2.  write out five phrases with the new words:

  3. make up a dialogue with the drills learned today.

  prepare work: 1. copy the words of part listening

  3.       recite the new words

  the second period   listening

  aim and demand:

  1.to learn the words:

  clothes:  cap, t-shirt, jeans, blouse, sweater, skirt

  colours:  brown, red, blue, yellow, pink,grey

  2. to learn the phrases by heart:

  e.g.    his brown cap     her yellow blouse

  3. to learn the drills:

  what colour is/ are her skirt/ his jeans?

  her skirt is brown. / his jeans are blue.

  4. listen and colour

  5. describe a person

  important focus:

  1. master the words and expressions

  2. listening

  3. learn to describe sb’s clothes

  difficult focus:

  1. 词组中形容词性物主代词与颜色形容词的前后顺序

  2. description of a person


  step 1  revision

  make dialogues:(using the clothes of the students)

  what’s this? / what’re these?

  what colour is it / are they?

  complete the sentences:(using a picture of a boy or a girl)

  hi, i’m nick/ lily.     shirt is      and my      are  ___. what colour is the     ? it’s     . look at my dog/ cat. it’s     .

  step 2  learn the new words( using some pictures )

  step 3  presentation: ( ask a boy and a girl to go to the blackboard )

  teacher says: look at him/ her. 

  what colour is his shirt?      it’s brown.

  what colour are her trousers?  they’re black.

  step 4  practice in pairs: ( part a )what colour is his cap? it’s brown.

  what colour are her shoes? they’re black.

  step 5  guessing game:

  describe a boy or a girl in the class, and let other ss guess who he/ she is.

  e.g. this is a boy. he is tall/ small. his t-shirt is…his jeans are …

  step 6  listen to the tape ( listening part b )

  step 7  written work:   ( describe a friend of you )

  class work  copy the expressions and translate

  homework  1) make expressions with possessive adjectives and colours

  2) describe a friend of you

  prepare work  1) copy the words of speaking


  the  third  period   speaking

  aims and demands:

  1. learn the new words:

  whose, bike, basketball, his, our, kite, their, car

  2.learn the drills:

  whose bike/basketball/kite/car is it ?

  it’s my/his/our/their….

  is it your …?

  3.learn to say the drills

  important focus:

  1.master the words

  2.learn the drills by heart

  difficult focus:

  1. whose …is it ?

  2. my/his/our/their/your


  step1: dictation

  step2: learn the new words

  showing some pictures: bike/basketball/kite/car

  using the possessive adjectives: your/his/our/their/whose

  using the drills: what’s this?

  step3: practice

  whose bike/basketball/kite/car is it?

  it’s my/your/his/our/their…

  step4: match ,make phrases and sentences as many as possible

  my     bike        basketball

  his     kite

  our     car


  step5: listen to the tape and read after the tape

  step6: act it out

  step7: play a game

  complete in groups( if right, give a star)

  e.g. show a picture of a bike .the answers are written down on the back .guess (using the drills)

  t or s :whose bike is it?   it’s … bike.

  s: is this tom’s bike?

  classwork: copy the words and sentences in the dialogue.

  homework: 1.write out five phrases with new words

  2.try to recite the dialogues

  prepare work: preview and copy the new words







  the fourth period


  aims and demands.

  learn the new words

  cold  thanks  take  racket  her  bed

  learn the useful expressions and drills

  it’s cold .       where’s my hat?       here it is.      thanks .

  take your rackets. his racket is green. her racket is blue.  under the bed . here they are.

  important focus:

  master the words and the expressions and drills.

  difficult focus:

  1.where is …?

  2.his racket is green.


  step1: revision     whose bike/basketball/kite/car is it ?

  it’s my/his/our/their….

  is it your …?

  step2: learn the new words   cold thanks take racket her bed

  step3: act and presentation

  it’s cold.    take your rackets.  his racket is green.        her racket is blue. under the bed    here they are.

  step4: practice in pairs

  ---where’s my hat?        ---here it is.

  ---thanks .

  step5: practice

  step6: listen to the tape and read after the tape

  step7: act it out

  class work: copy the words and sentences in the dialogue.

  homework: follow the tape and try to recite the dialogues

  prepare work: preview and copy the new words

  step4: post-task

  ss read the conversation in pairs, checking the correct use of the verb forms.

  step5 check

  step 6: homework

  1 finish <<同步导学>>

  2.preview grammar c

  the fifth period  grammar

  aim and demand:

  1.       review the sentences:  here’s your coat.  his racket is green.

  her hat is yellow.

  2.       learn the new words: dress , teddy bear

  3.       pronunciation : learn the vowels

  4. do some exercises

  important focus :

  review:  my  your  his   her     whose … is it ?

  fill in the blanks


  step 1 : review the sentences:

  it’s cold today , nick.  here’s your coat .

  where’s my hat ?     here it is .

  take your rackets , lily and nick!

  his racket is green.     and her racket is blue .

  where are their rackets ? oh , they are under the bed .

  step 2 : learn the new words   :dress    teddy bear

  step 3 : look and write        whose … is it ?

  step 4 : fill in the blanks

  step 5 : pronunciation   learn the vowels

  step 6 : listen , choose and write

  step 7 : workbook  p99 grammar

  class work : (1) copy the vowels

  (2) copy the sentences in this part

  homework : (1) review the phrases

  (2) try to make new dialogues using the drills

  prepare work: (1) prepare a picture and stick it on p37

  (2) read the passage in task

  the sixth period  ask

  aims and demands :

  1.       review the words and expressions

  2.       review the phrases

  3.       review the sentences

  4.       look and talk

  important focus :

  1.       reviewing

  2.       look and talk

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 : review the colours

  white orange  black  green  blue  grey  yellow  pink  brown

  step 2 : review the words :

  shirt coat colour white orange these dad black trousers shoe  green

  step 3 : review the sentences :

  what’s in the box ? it’s a shirt .

  what colour are they? they are green .

  what colour is it ? it’s white .

  is this your coat ? yes , it is .

  are these my new shoes ? yes , they are .

  whose bike is it ? it’s my bike .

  here’s your coat , nick .

  where are their rackets ?     they are under the bed .

  her cat is blue .

  step 4 : review the pronunciation   arn the vowels :

  step 5 : read the passage

  step 6 : look at the photo and talk with the parterner

  step 7 : exercises

  step 8 :homework (1) read the passage and recite

  (2) prepare for a quiz

starter Unit 篇3

  unit 1 是初一上的第一单元。它是为了使那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为 26 个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。


  1.学习aa — hh八个字母。

  2.学习八个人名。alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen

  3.学习打招呼的用语:hello!/ good morning!/ good afternoon!/ good evening!


  —how are you?

  —i'm fine, thanks. how are you?

  —i'm ok.


  unit 1 是该教材的第一单元,又是为初学者准备的入门单元,总体内容不多,也不是很难,关键是做好一个衔接工作,根据学生的认知特点和心理特点,通过多样化的、趣味性的学习活动,让没基础的同学克服心里的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。


  aa — hh 的字母教学。

  hello! good morning. good afternoon. good evening.

  —how are you? —i'm fine, thanks. how are you? —i'm ok.


  第一课时:完成 section a 1a, 1b

  第二课时;完成section a 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a

  第三课时:完成 section a 4b, 4c, section b 1, 2a, 2b

  第四课时:完成 section b 3a, 3b, 4, 5

  第五课时:完成 self check and just for fun


  a. 语言知识目标

  1.词汇: letters aa — hh

  八个人名 alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen

  2.句型:good morning. good afternoon. good evening.

  —how are you? —i'm fine, thanks. how are you? —i'm ok.

  b. 情感目标

  1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。











  4.调控策略:通过课堂反馈和 self-check,明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略。

starter Unit相关文章:

姚明-我喜欢的明星(Yaoming-My Favorite Sports Star)

英文儿歌歌词-《Twinkle twinkle little star》【优秀4篇】


初一英语上册Starter Unit1-8 月考试题(附答案)



小学英语作文我喜欢的明星(My favorite superstar)

《Unit 8 Sports Stars》的教学实录及反思


论明星应该得到高的报酬吗(Do Pop Stars DeserveHigh Rewards)



starter Unit
